Chapter 399 Situation

Luo Yuan left directly after chatting with the Lord of Chaos City for a while. He came to the side hall next to the main hall and saw the four Lords of the Universe he was responsible for leading this time, namely the Lord of Ice Peak, the Lord of Youhou and The Lord of Huangjian and the Lord of Longxing will be responsible for cooperating with Luo Yuan to deal with the high-end combat attacks of the three peak groups. Luo Yuan also knows the information about these four masters of the universe.

The strongest among the four is the Lord of the Ice Peak, followed by the Lord of the Dragon Walk. These two people have heard the sermons of the original ancestors. They are very ancient Lords of the Universe. They have existed for an unknown number of epochs. There is an ancient being who is the Lord of Huangjian. He is the powerful person who created the Universe Mercenary Alliance. As the leader of a force, the momentum he exudes cannot be underestimated. As for the last Lord of Youhou, he is a person who was promoted later. The Master of the Universe is still quite different from the other three in terms of background, and he is a pretty average type.

Seeing Luo Yuan's arrival, the four people greeted Luo Yuan one after another. If compared with his age, Luo Yuan could only be regarded as a little guy in front of them, but Luo Yuan's strength was much stronger than them, although they were not as good as him. Although they know Luo Yuan's true combat power, they dare not underestimate it, especially with Luo Yuan's potential and the inheritance he has obtained from the Duandonghe lineage, his future achievements will definitely far exceed those of the strongest in the universe.

At this time, the four of them were arranged by the Lord of Chaos City to assist Luo Yuan in the clan war. The four of them had no objections. Now they have the opportunity to fight side by side with Luo Yuan. When Luo Yuan's strength increases, they will reach a place that is beyond their reach. The height he reached could be used as a way for them to brag to their younger generations, so they still admired Luo Yuan's strength.

As the founder of a force, the Lord of Huangjian directly expressed his position: "Luo Yuan, the four of us are very relieved to have you leading the team. In this ethnic battle, in addition to my own participation, three clones are also coming with me. To assist you, I only left one clone in the initial universe as a backup. This time everyone will look at you, and we all believe in your strength."

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this and said: "Well, if there are clones participating together, then our strength will be stronger."

Luo Yuan was also a little emotional about the behavior of the Lord of Huangjian, but he did not rule out that the Lord of Huangjian wanted to leave a good impression on Luo Yuan. After all, everyone could see that the future of the human race belonged to Luo Yuan. In the era of , based on Luo Yuan's understanding of the Lord of Huangjian, the Lord of the Universe often came forward to accumulate strength for his own power, and he also did many immoral things for this purpose.

But now that the human race is in a life-and-death situation, the Lord of Huangjian has actually revealed all his trump cards. This is something Luo Yuan did not expect. You must know that the Lord of the Universe can create several clones, even if he dies. Even if you have a clone, you can continue to survive by relying on clones, but the general master of the universe can only divide into two clones, unless it is the secret method of clones practiced like Luo Yuan.

However, the clones are much weaker than the original ones, but the clones of the Lords of the Universe are also the Lords of the Universe. Even if the combat power is further stretched, they are still the Lords of the Universe. In this way, one person can have several Lords of the Universe. The combat power and foundation are also stronger.

Luo Yuan said: "Everyone knows that this war of ethnic groups is of great significance to the human race, so this time I will drive the tomb boat to participate in the war. The four of you plus the clone of the Lord of Huangjian, then your battle The strength can compete with the strongest in the universe, but for the sake of safety, you should not leave the tomb boat too far, and when you encounter danger, you should come back quickly to replenish your strength."

Although Luo Yuan's tomb boat has invincible defense, it does not have the function of taking the initiative to attack. However, it is still okay as a cosmic-level strategic equipment. It can be used as a base for the strong men of the human race to rest and replenish their strength. This is extremely Powerful advantages. The four people including the Lord of Ice Peak and the Lord of Huangjian nodded solemnly when they heard this. They still knew about Luo Yuan's tomb boat. It was something that almost all the strongest people in the universe in the universe could not shake together. The invincible treasure, and although they are confident in their own strength, they also know how powerful the three peak groups are.

Monsters, Zergs, and Mechanics are known as the four peak ethnic groups like the human race. A single ethnic group can start a group war with the human race. Now these three tribes have joined forces to deal with the human race, and they also have four of the strongest people in the universe. Moreover, the total number of Lords of the Universe is almost fifty. If a fight really breaks out, it will be very difficult for the human race.

Therefore, in this case, no strong person in the human race can fight alone. This is too unwise. Therefore, after discussing with the Lord of Chaos City, it was decided to form a small team. Of course, the three peak groups must also adopt this approach. Use the form of a small team to conduct confrontation between ethnic groups. After all, if the strength is not to an extremely high level, it is more advantageous to fight together.

As a powerful being who controls a large force, the Lord of Huangjian thought for a while and said: "In this war of ethnic groups, the three peak ethnic groups closest to the human race territory will take action. I don't think it is strange, but I am worried. Other superpowers have also joined in. Although these groups are usually in a neutral position and their overall combat power is weaker, they are still very powerful at the high end.

It would be terrible if the strong men of these forces join forces, especially in addition to these big forces, there are also many lone strongest men and peak masters of the universe in the original universe. If these super strong men also take action, what will happen to the human race? It's too dangerous. After all, the human race is just a meal in their eyes, and any super strong person may take action to defeat Qiu Feng. "

Luo Yuan and others also showed solemn expressions when they heard this. The Lord of Huangjian was right. As the founder of a big force, he naturally knew the cruelty of the universe. In the original universe, apart from the Zerg, Monster and Machine races, In addition, there are five other peak groups, all of which have the strongest people in the universe. The other six super powers are the Prison Clan, the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the Crystal Clan, and the Ancestral God Sect, and these There is a certain hostile relationship between the ethnic group and the human race.

Moreover, most of these super forces possess the most powerful treasures. Only the Northern Alliance, the Prison Clan, and the Crystal Clan, three of them, are at the end of the nine super powers because they do not have the most powerful treasures. They can possess the strongest beings in the universe. Strength cannot be underestimated. In addition to these superpowers, there are many lone strongest people in the universe in the original universe, and almost all of them are special beings. Not only are they powerful, but their methods are even more elusive. These can survive in the universe sea. His strength when fighting alone is even more powerful.

Among the nine superpowers, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is actually quite spread out. It is a loose alliance. It was not qualified to become a superpower in the first place, but they found a powerful Lone Universe who also possesses the most powerful treasure. The strongest ones have achieved their current status as the nominal leaders of the alliance, which shows the power of those who are the strongest in the universe alone.

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(End of this chapter)

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