Chapter 400 The war begins

According to Luo Yuan's understanding, there are almost a dozen of the strongest people in the universe in the original universe, and these strongest people in the universe belong to various forces, and they also have various grievances. Among them is the strongest person in the universe called the ancestor of the monster beasts. , once protected the demon clan and the starry sky beast clan, claiming to be their ancestor and controller, but later these two clans directly got rid of his control after they became stronger.

Moreover, the Monster Clan has always believed that the Starry Sky Beast Clan is just a branch of them. Naturally, the always proud Starry Sky Beast Clan will not admit it. This leads to the two tribes often fighting, and the Monster Beast Clan has to start after being squeezed out. The strongest man in the universe who walks alone.

Those lone strongest beings in the original universe are not only powerful, but they are also basically special beings who are born eternal and immortal. They are not so easy to mess with. They also have weird personalities. No one knows what they are thinking. As ancient beings, They have been wandering in the cosmic sea for many years, and almost all of them have the most powerful treasures to protect them. If they attack the human race this time, they will be in trouble.

Luo Yuan thought for a while and said: "Now that I think about it, we still underestimated the forces and powerful people in the original universe. Although the number of powerful individuals in those independent forces is not as large as that of the nine super forces, they are not only powerful individually, but also have no one behind them. The so-called ethnic restraint makes them more careless in doing things. If they also attack the human race at this time, it will be terrible and they have to be on guard.

Ordinary treasures will not arouse the interest of those who are the strongest in the universe alone, but the inheritance of the Duandonghe line that I obtained is too attractive to them. After all, there is no strongest person in the universe who will not be obsessed with transcending reincarnation and transforming small The universe rises to the Holy Land and the universe is interested. "

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, several universe masters present felt invisible pressure, and they couldn't help but fell silent at this time.

Not long after, the always fiery-tempered Lord of Dragons snorted: "No matter who dares to deal with the human race, I will keep them, even if it costs me my life, and the human race has reached this point, and there is no more We have no choice but to fight."

The worry in the eyes of Luo Yuan and the other four people decreased a little after hearing this, and they also nodded. The human race has not yet reached the end of its rope, and it is not their style to admit defeat before fighting. No matter how powerful the enemy is, the current human race can only If you can choose to fight, even if you can't defeat them, those strong people will have to pay an unbearable price if they want to kill them.

At this time, in addition to Luo Yuan's five-person team, there are two other teams also in the side hall. They are all recharging their strength and preparing for the next ethnic war. They are angry that the alien races have joined forces to deal with the human race, and they are angry with the human race. The murderous intent of those alien races was about to solidify. While they were waiting, the voice of the Lord of Chaos City reached their minds at the same time, and they all immediately opened their eyes.

At this moment, everyone knew that the ethnic war was about to officially begin, and they all used teleportation to arrive at the hall of the Chaos City Lord's Mansion.

Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong each led a small team. Following the call of the Lord of Chaos City, they appeared in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion at the same time. They all looked at the Lord of Chaos City, waiting for the order of the Lord of Chaos City. There is no escaping the battle.

The Lord of Chaos City also looked at the fifteen human universe masters present with a solemn expression. He only saw the endless fighting spirit and determination in the eyes of Luo Yuan and others, so he said: "It seems that everyone is ready to fight for the human race." We are ready. We just received news from the original ancestor that the strongest people in the universe from the three peak groups of Zerg, Monster and Mechanical have already held a meeting.

After the meeting, these three tribes are carrying out large-scale mobilization. It is obvious that they are going to take action against our human race. The three tribes will dispatch one of the strongest people in the universe and some of the most powerful masters of the universe to start space teleportation. At that time, the original ancestors had detected it, but they all had the strongest people in the universe who had turned on the law shield, so we don’t know their specific situation now. It was obvious that the news of the death of the founder of the giant ax was deliberately spread by some force. It should be the force that discovered it first. It seemed that they wanted to do the same thing as the snipe and the clam compete for the fishermen's profit, so the news spread throughout the original universe. The time will be very fast, so other super forces, some sub-level forces, and even some lone strongest men in the universe may also take action.

So the first battle is of great significance to us. Now those forces don’t know how strong the human race is, so many forces and strong people are waiting and watching. Our first battle must be exciting and have the effect of knocking down the mountain and shaking the tiger. Let those forces not dare to take action casually. If we show weakness, then those forces will take action against our human race, which will be in trouble when we fall. "

The Lords of the Human Universe present listened to the words of the Lord of Chaos City, and all of them were thoughtful. Although the Human Race now has several most powerful treasures, without the protection of the strongest person in the universe, it is a big disadvantage, especially in the primitive world. When all forces in the universe attack the human race, they, the masters of the universe, cannot stop them.

Although they, the strong ones, cannot defeat these forces and can hide in Luo Yuan's tomb boat, but what about the weak ones who are in the human territory? Luo Yuan's tomb boat cannot defeat them. There was not enough space for them to take them all in, and there was not enough time. After all, there were too many humans in the 10081 cosmic kingdoms in the human race's territory, and they were widely distributed.

The Lord of Chaos City also knew what Luo Yuan and others were worried about. He continued: "I have discussed the battle plan with the original ancestor. The first battle is crucial for the human race, so we can let the three teams join forces to deal with those three races. one of them.

With our strength, if we join forces, we can still beat one of the three tribes to the point where they will not be able to attack again. Only by beating them out of fear will the various forces who are waiting and watching have some scruples. The human race has a lot of treasures. But they didn't dare to do it casually after considering the cost. "

The fifteen universe masters of the human race who were present all became excited when they heard this. With their current strength, it is indeed difficult to deal with three races at the same time. However, if they join forces to deal with only one race, they still have a chance of winning. They can only defeat the peak of their race. If their combat power has collapsed, then if other forces want to take action, they have to think about whether it is worth it.

We cannot let other forces attack the human race all at once, otherwise the current human race will not be able to support it. After all, the current human race cannot be enemies of all the forces in the entire original universe.

After announcing the battle plan, the Lord of Chaos City said: "Now that the decision has been made, let's go straight away. The places where these three tribes appear are different. We can go to the nearest place and then eliminate that tribe. This battle must be fought completely, showing our strongest combat power, no need to hold anything back, let them use the enemy's weapon."

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(End of this chapter)

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