Chapter 410 Demon Shocking Ancestor

In the original universe, no matter how high the realm is, the strongest combat power that can be exerted is only the sixth-level Lord of the Universe. This is still a level that can only be achieved by the Lord of the Universe with the most powerful treasure, but Luo Yuan's Kaitian One move sword technique is a secret technique that surpasses the strongest person in the universe. However, Luo Yuan's current divine power and understanding are the strongest and he can also exert the power of the strongest person in the universe. However, he is limited in this primitive universe and can only reach his peak. The power of the Lord of the Universe.

Therefore, Luo Yuan clearly felt the suppression of the rules of the universe when he performed this move, but it could also pose a threat to the strongest person in the universe. After all, the strongest person in the universe could only exert about the same strength in the original universe. Those Monster Universe Masters are even more relaxed. You must know that Luo Yuan directly killed two Monster Universe Masters with the first blow, so that the Monster Universe Masters could only hide in palace-type treasures. Don't dare to come out.

In the original universe, if you want to exert the strength of the sixth-level universe masters, except for those who are the strongest in the universe, the strongest masters of the universe are only at the fifth-level level, unless those masters of the universe also possess the most powerful treasure, but the fact is In the original universe, except for the current human race, there is no such force of the universe master who has the most powerful treasure. Such a treasure that can suppress the clan is only controlled by the strongest people in the universe, otherwise the giant ax would not be so risky.

Now Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong of the human race are all the masters of the peak universe. After possessing the most powerful treasure, they have reached the peak level of the sixth level. In the original universe, they can compete with the strongest people in the universe. This also made Luo Yuan and others understand the reason why it has been difficult to break through to the strongest person in the universe. In addition to their failure to fully understand the laws, there is also the fact that they are suppressed by the original universe.

No wonder those who have reached the level of Lord of the Universe will go to the Universe Sea to fight, especially the three Jedi, because they have the greatest chance of breakthrough there, and the suppression of the strongest people in the Universe is significantly reduced in the Universe Ocean, so The combat power he can exert is comparable to that of an eighth-level universe lord. However, due to the suppression of rules in the original universe, he can only exert himself to the highest level of the sixth level, but even so, the power he possesses is greater.

Dream Demon Ancestor also understands this truth. As the strongest person in the universe, it could originally crush Luo Yuan and others. However, because it was unable to exert its strongest combat power in the original universe, it was still defeated by Luo Yuan and others even with its extreme speed. The beating was very painful. It looked at Luo Yuan and the others and roared: "It's really hateful. You weak humans. If I weren't suppressed by this primitive universe, it would be ridiculous for you to want to defeat me."

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this and said: "Sorry, this is the original universe. We won't go to fight with you in the universe sea. And as long as you give me time to practice, let alone the Meng Demon Ancestor, even if you are the best of all the universes in the original universe, Even if the strong ones come, I can make it impossible for you to come back."

After the Dream Demon Ancestor finished speaking, he fought with Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong. As for the other human race Lords of the Universe, it was useless to take action because they did not have the most powerful treasure, so they could only provide support on the side. Just as they were fighting, suddenly there was a spatial distortion in the void, and then next to the palace treasure where the monsters of the universe were hiding, a huge alien beast with a hard shell appeared. It was the demon monster of the monster clan. Ancestor.

Among the three most powerful peak ethnic groups bordering the human race, the strongest is actually the demon race, because they have two of the strongest men in the universe who can act, one is the silver-white snake Meng Yaozu, and the other is the It was the Demon Shock Ancestor who appeared at this time. The masters of the universe of the monster clan were all excited when they saw the Demon Shock Ancestor dare to come. Now that they have two of the strongest men in the universe, their chances of winning have naturally increased.

The masters of the universe of these demon tribes shouted the name of Zhenyao Ancestor one after another. They basically did not exert any combat power in this battle. When they took action, they were crippled by Luo Yuan's sword, and they couldn't help but lose two masters of the universe. , were suppressed and imprisoned the two Masters of the Universe. Now each of them was seriously injured and hiding in the palace treasure, waiting for rescue. It can be said that they are in a very embarrassed state. They are the Masters of the Universe, and they have never been so aggrieved. When the Dream Demon Ancestor saw the Shock Demon Ancestor coming, it was overjoyed and thought it had a chance to make a comeback, so it directly burned its majestic divine power. After using its secret method, the huge amount of divine power transformed into countless alien beasts and attacked the powerful humans of the human race. Rushing here, the Dream Demon Ancestor also took out a peak domain treasure. Immediately endless waves collided with Luo Yuan's domain, but unfortunately it was directly dispersed as soon as it came into contact with Luo Yuan's domain.

Zhenyao Ancestor, who suddenly came here, was shocked when he saw this scene. This was a peak domain treasure but it didn't work. He couldn't help but suspect that the domain used by Luo Yuan was also a domain treasure of the supreme treasure level. If it was In that case, the human race would have too many powerful treasures.

At this time, Luo Yuan stepped into the void and looked at the Demon Shocking Ancestor with a sneer. His Chaos Cage was indeed the most powerful treasure level. This was upgraded by Mountain Guest. He now wears the most powerful treasure. It's just that he kept a low profile and didn't make it public, especially when the domain power exerted by the Chaos Cage was combined with the power of the secret golden kingdom and the six-winged time and space, the power was even more terrifying. In fact, a peak domain treasure can break of.

Luo Yuan glanced at the Demon Ancestor's Dream Demon Ancestor and Shock Demon Ancestor with disdain, and sneered: "The moment my domain expands, I have the final say in this starry sky. You don't even have the strongest domain treasures." You dare to come in front of me and try to break my domain power, even if the two of them join forces, it will be useless."

At this time, Demon Ancestor Zhen was extremely angry when he saw this scene. He was originally in the secret realm of Demon Ancestor and thought that it would not be a simple matter for Demon Ancestor Dream to lead Demon Ancestor’s strongest combat force to conquer the human race, but he never thought of what happened. It will develop into what it is now. He can feel that the Dream Demon Ancestor has also suffered a lot of injuries, and the masters of the universe of the demon clan have lost four others. The others can only hide in the peak palace treasure and dare not come out.

And even if the masters of the universe of the monster clan are hiding in the peak palace treasure, they dare not escape, let alone come out to fight, because as the most powerful treasure, the Black Prison Tower has the function of swallowing and suppressing this peak palace treasure. If they are swallowed by this black prison tower, then they, the masters of the universe of the demon clan, will be finished. Then the two strongest men in the universe of the demon clan will become bare commanders, which is something the demon clan cannot bear.

But now with the Demon Zhenzu, the two strongest men in the universe of the demon clan are enough to cope with the crisis at hand, so the masters of the universe of the demon clan can have time to recover the damaged divine body. You must know that for this battle, they are We brought a lot of resources from the demon clan's treasure house in order to be ready for battle at any time.

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(End of this chapter)

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