Chapter 411 Come on hard

At this time, the Demon Zhenzu frowned and stared at the six-winged treasure that covered the sky above Luo Yuan. He wondered: "Human Hunyuan, didn't you lose this winged treasure in the abyss before? Now Why have you used it? Don't tell me that you can get out of despair on your own."

Luo Yuan didn't know what the Demon Shocking Ancestor meant. He just said coldly: "Does this have anything to do with you? Isn't it okay to have a few of my Winged Treasures?"

Zhenyao Ancestor couldn't help grinning when he heard this. He was just observing the battle situation by asking, and he was also observing the details of these strong men in the human race. At this time, Luo Yuan was also silently recovering his divine power. The previous battle had given him his divine power. It took a lot, and he knew that the two strongest men in the universe from the demon clan were here at this time, and he didn't know what their plans were. They happened to be discussing countermeasures in the virtual universe, otherwise he would not chat with the demon-shaking ancestor.

At this time, Zhenyao Ancestor was also carefully observing the combat strength of the human race, and then he was surprised to find that the human race actually had several powerful treasures, and at this time, in addition to Luo Yuan, there was also the Lord of Darkness, Peng Gong. These two sixth-order peak combat powers, the strongest in the original universe, could only exert their sixth-order peak combat power, but now the human race only has three of them, which made Zhenyao Ancestor understand why the demon race failed. Here's why.

While Luo Yuan was transmitting the divine power of the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong, he sneered at Demon Zhenzu: "I heard that your demon tribe sent strong men to the abyss to look for my winged treasure, right?" , but I’m sorry, in fact, the treasure I have now is the same one from before. You missed it, no surprise, no surprise, hahaha, these treasures of mine are not something you guys can covet. "

The Lord of Peng Gong and the Lord of Darkness received Luo Yuan's message, and they immediately took action against the Demon Shocking Ancestor. The Lord of Darkness directly controlled the Black Prison Tower to rapidly grow in size, and then concentrated its power on the top of the tower to form the final A strong white beam of light struck hard at the Demon-Zhen Ancestor. At the same time, the other human universe masters used various magical powers and secret techniques to hit the Demon-Zhen Ancestor. All kinds of dazzling attacks suddenly illuminated the void. It's as bright as day.

This move had been effective against the Dream Demon Ancestor before. When the Demon Demon Ancestor saw that the strong man from the human race suddenly unleashed an overwhelming attack on him, he immediately became angry and didn't even say hello. He didn't talk about martial ethics. If Zhenyao Ancestor is naturally not afraid of these attacks in the cosmic sea, but in this primitive universe, the strongest combat power he exerts is only the sixth level of peak combat power, so it is naturally difficult to deal with such a strong attack.

After all, the current human race has three Luo Yuan with sixth-level peak combat power, plus the other twelve human race masters of the universe. Although they do not have the most powerful treasure, they still have peak or top-level treasures in their hands. Attack The power is naturally not weak. When the Dream Demon Ancestor, who had been blasted thousands of kilometers away by Luo Yuan with a knife in the distance, hurried towards the Shock Demon Ancestor, its speed increased to the extreme. Since it came in an instant Arriving in front of Luo Yuan.

These strongest people in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light in the original universe without being sucked into the dark universe, but the Lord of the Universe cannot do this. The fastest speed of the Lord of the Universe in the original universe cannot exceed the speed of light, otherwise he will be directly sucked into the dark universe. Forced to be sucked into the dark universe, Luo Yuan and others were naturally not as fast as the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor in the original universe, so the moment the Dream Demon Ancestor resisted Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan drew his sword.

Soon the endless sword light formed a field of swords and enveloped the Dream Demon Ancestor. However, because it was a sword wielded by Luo Yuan in an emergency, the power was less powerful, especially since the Dream Demon Ancestor was already familiar with Luo Yuan's sword. Fa, the most powerful and treasure-level defensive armor on its body emitted a bright light and rushed towards these sword lights. After receiving some injuries, the Dream Demon Ancestor actually rushed out from the field of swords, which made Luo Yuan Feeling a little surprised.

Just when the Dream Demon Ancestor wanted to attack Luo Yuan again, Luo Yuan reloaded the six-winged treasure on his back, and disappeared from the Dream Demon Ancestor with just a slight vibration, so fast that the Dream Demon Ancestor even wrinkled. Frowning, it saw that it could not capture Luo Yuan, so it had no choice but to fly towards the Demon Zhenzu, and the two Demon Ancestors immediately gathered together.

In this endless star field of annihilation, there are two behemoths entrenched at this time, a silver-white giant snake that is one light-year long, and a ferocious alien beast with a hard shell all over its body. These are the two cosmic monsters of the demon clan. The strongest one, the terrifying power spread out all around, making Luo Yuan and others feel pressure when they saw it, especially the demon-shaking ancestor's amazing defense. Although this guy didn't use the most powerful treasure, his hard shell It is also invincible. At this time in the virtual universe, Luo Yuan and others were discussing countermeasures. The main reason was that they underestimated the strength of the Demon Zhenzu, and this Demon Clan is the strongest among the three peak groups. There are two of the strongest in the universe. Strong man, these two guys are here this time, and they are attacking together, which is really difficult to deal with.

"How should we deal with it? The Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor are both existences at the strongest level in the universe. Although they were suppressed in the original universe, the strength exerted by any of them is stronger than the master of the universe at the peak of the sixth level. , especially their speed is too fast, and the defensive power of the Monster Shock Ancestor is also amazing, comparable to the peak defense treasure, we have been fighting for a long time and there is nothing we can do against them, you guys tell us what to do."

"Our main purpose here is to act as a deterrent, and it is also to test our strength against the strongest people in the universe. This time we have killed two of the strongest people in the universe in front of the monster clan. Lord, and also suppressed and sealed the two Lords of the Universe. It can be said that the goal has been exceeded, and it has also played a very good deterrent effect on other forces. There is no need to fight to the death. Moreover, now that the two Demon Ancestors have joined forces, it is difficult to deal with them.

No matter how much I attack, I can't kill the two strongest men in the universe from the Monster Clan, so there's no need to fight them any longer, so I think it's better to evacuate first and go back to replenish some strength. How can I deal with their forces again? I believe that the demon clan has suffered heavy losses in this battle and will not dare to fight again. "

The masters of the universe of the human race were all discussing and speaking out their suggestions. Leaders of various forces in the human race were present, so naturally what they said was very meaningful.

Luo Yuan just listened quietly. When the discussion between the human race and the masters of the universe was almost complete, he couldn't help but smile: "It's too cheap to end it like this. I don't think the demon race is ready to be injured." At the level of my bones, please don’t forget that I also have an invincible piece of equipment called the Tomb Boat.”

After Luo Yuan's words fell, all the universe masters of all races present were stunned. Lord Peng Gong on the side smiled and said: "Luo Yuan, you want to give that demon clan a final blow, but your tomb Although Ling Zhizhou is said to have invincible defense, won’t those strong men from the demon clan just wait to be hit by you?”

Luo Yuan heard the words and said with a smile: "Why should I bump into them? It's not up to me to lead them into my tomb boat. The environment of various agencies in it has been transformed by the predecessor Duan Donghe, but even the God Eye Clan's The strongest person in the universe can be killed, but it is still easy to kill a few more demon clan masters."

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(End of this chapter)

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