Chapter 414 Divine Blood ( words long chapter)

After Luo Yuan controlled the tomb boat to capture and suppress the five universe masters of the demon clan, he led the human universe masters to evacuate. After all, the demon clan has been completely crippled by them. If The Demon Clan is finished if it only has two Demon Ancestors to support it, but how could the two strongest men in the universe of the Demon Clan just watch Luo Yuan take away the Masters of the Universe from the Demon Clan, so the Demon Clan Shock Ancestor Put away the remaining three universe masters of the demon clan.

Then the demon-shaking ancestor used extreme speed to rush towards the tomb boat controlled by Luo Yuan. Seeing that his expression had reached a state of madness, he had forgotten that there were dozens of the strongest people in the universe joining forces in the universe sea before. All attempts to deal with Luo Yuan's tomb boat failed, so how could he possibly be able to shake it? At the same time, the Dream Demon Ancestor also noticed the situation here, so he also chased after the tomb boat frantically, and Luo Yuan The others looked at this scene with smiles.

After the Demon-Zhen Ancestor caught up with the tomb boat controlled by Luo Yuan, he continuously controlled his most powerful treasure, the Shattered Domain Cone, to attack the tomb boat. Even his own body also hit the tomb boat hard. , the powerful attack even shattered the surrounding space into light particles, but it was still difficult to cause any damage to the tomb boat, and the attack could not even stop the tomb boat from moving forward. This made the Demon Shock Ancestor angry again. Blame yourself, how could this happen if it wasn't his order.

Previously, the Masters of the Universe of the Monster Clan were hiding in the treasures of the Peak Palace. However, due to the wrong order from Demon Zhenzu, they were asked to attack Luo Yuan and others. As a result, they fell into Luo Yuan's plan. In the end, most of the Masters of the Universe of the Monster Clan were killed. The Lords were devoured and suppressed by Luo Yuan's tomb boat, so Zhenyao Ancestor rarely felt guilty about his previous orders, but no matter how he tried to stop them, it was of no avail. He was also very confused about everything that had just happened.

So Zhen Yao Ancestor directly talked with the three monster universe masters who had survived before. He asked with some urgency: "Do you know what just happened? Isn't the tomb boat only capable of defense but not attack? , how could it suddenly swallow up most of you? I remember that there seemed to be an extremely powerful willpower sweeping over at that time, and then you were unable to move and were swallowed up by the tomb boat controlled by the human Hunyuan."

At this time, the three masters of the universe including the Lord of Forbidden Extermination who survived were hiding in the palace treasure and shivering. They had not yet reacted to the horrific attack just now, and everything seemed like a dream. The performance was so terrible that they almost died. At this time, the voice of Zhen Yao Ancestor's question appeared in their minds, so the Lord of the Forbidden Destruction thought for a while, and he said: "Master Yao Ancestor, we didn't have any before. Talking about this.

At that time, we were crazily besieged by the human universe, so we could only resist desperately. We never expected that the human Hunyuan had such a hand. We were attacked without any precautions at all. I only remember the tomb at that time. When the boat flew by us, suddenly there was a strong will rushing towards us, and then a powerful devouring force swept towards us. Fortunately, the three of us were very strong in willpower, so we reacted. "

After hearing the words of the Forbidden Lord, Zhenyao Ancestor couldn't help but ponder what the powerful impact of will suddenly emitted from the tomb boat controlled by Luo Yuan was. They suspected that Luo Yuan might have removed the mysterious black-patterned stone pillar. They were all put into the tomb boat, otherwise it would be difficult to explain this phenomenon.

At this time, the Demon Shock Ancestor and the Dream Demon Ancestor were no longer attacking Luo Yuan's tomb boat, because they had just been unable to do anything with the tomb boat no matter what attack method they used. Why should they waste their divine power, so they could only Angrily watching the strong men of the human race leave,

The Dream Demon Ancestor was also very angry and said: "The Hunyuan Lord of the human race is really too cunning. Not only does he possess many powerful treasures, he also has an extremely detailed plan for this battle. We have been led by him. Look, our demon clan suffered heavy losses this time. Nine of the twelve most powerful universe masters we brought with us actually lost nine. Fortunately, three of the previously captured universe masters had clones. .

They can still survive after self-destruction, which means that this time our monster race has really lost six masters of the universe, fully half of the number of peak experts, and even the large amount of treasures they carry are cheaper than that of the human race, think about it It's all such a loss, but the human race didn't suffer any loss at all. "

At this time, the two demon ancestors of the demon clan were in a bad mood. They were really angry. They looked at the tomb boat and the black prison tower that were moving away, but they did not dare to attack because that would be impossible. It had no effect, and they didn't dare to take any action until they saw the Black Prison Tower flying into the Tomb Boat. It wasn't that they didn't want to take action, but that there was simply nothing they could do with the Tomb Boat, even if all the resources in the original universe were combined. The same goes for the strong ones added together.

At this time, in the control hall of the Tomb Ship, Luo Yuan and other human race masters of the universe were having a dinner. They were celebrating the human race's great victory and gained a lot.

"This battle between the human race and the demon race was so exciting. The demon race was completely led by our noses. They didn't know our trump cards, so they were restricted in every way, while we always maintained an advantage. How could the demon clan be undefeated? Luo Yuan deserves the most credit for this victory."

"That's right, the two demon ancestors of the demon clan came forward this time. They thought that our human race would be easy to bully because we lost the protection of the strongest man in the universe, so they brought the strongest combat power of the demon clan to deal with us. The result was direct Having lost half of the Lord of the Universe, the demon clan's vitality can be said to be severely damaged, and they must be going crazy now."

"Hahaha, of course. We crippled the two strongest men in the universe right under their noses. They hate us."

At this time, the fifteen universe masters of the human race were all talking excitedly. From ancient times to the present, they have never fought such an easy battle, and they still won a complete victory without any losses on their own side. How could they? Unhappy and excited, they saw the scene outside through the wall of the tomb boat. It was the two demon ancestors of the demon clan with gnashing teeth and resentment. This made Luo Yuan and others even happier, and they liked to see them helpless. .

Luo Yuan was also very satisfied with this battle. The results they achieved this time were even more perfect than planned before. This gave them full confidence in dealing with this human crisis. They originally thought that the death of the founder of the giant ax would be difficult. Now it seems that the human race still has enough resistance.

The Lord of Virtual Gold raised his glass and toasted to Luo Yuan, and then asked curiously: "Luo Yuan, let me tell you, this time we have captured several demon clan alive. We saw the two demon ancestors before." There are only three Masters of the Universe beside the most powerful man in the universe, so some of them must have avatars."

Luo Yuan sensed it, and then smiled: "Well, originally I captured the five universe masters of the demon clan through the tomb boat, but three of them actually had clones, and these guys were also decisive and were caught by me. He directly chose to self-destruct the moment he lived there, so now there are only two left, plus the two captured by the Lord of Darkness through the Black Prison Tower, there are a total of four Lords of the Universe of the Monster Race, and those two The leader of the demon clan was killed by me with one sword.

This time, half of the twelve universe masters of the demon clan were lost at once, and these captured demon clan masters of the universe also brought a lot of treasures and good things with them, including some peak treasures, We really made a lot of money this time, and the demon clan was really crippled this time. "Hahaha, that is to say, this time the monster clan has lost six masters of the universe. This is extremely rare even in the universe sea. Since the birth of the original universe, there has never been a peak group that was lost all at once. As the six masters of the universe, we have really created a miracle. "

"Of course, this time we did not simply destroy the six universe masters of the demon clan, but we also did it in front of the two strongest men in the universe, the Zhen Yao Ancestor and the Dream Demon Ancestor. With this Experience, we will have more plans to deal with other peak ethnic groups in the future, and if those forces that are weaker than the peak ethnic groups dare to take action against us after knowing the great achievements we have created, they will have to stay still. "

Luo Yuan also understood that inferior forces like the Nine Realms Alliance and the Thorny Ring Alliance would not fight to the death with the current human race, especially after learning that the human race had killed the six masters of the universe from the demon race. If you dare to take action, those alliance forces are originally a combination of interests. They are not as united as expected and are full of contradictions. Moreover, even if they have more than twenty universe masters, most of them are below the fifth level.

It can be said that the strength of these forces cannot be compared with that of the Demon Ancestor. In comparison, the Demon Clan has two of the strongest men in the universe. Any one of them can deal with these Lords of the Universe. When such a powerful Demon Clan besieges the human race, they are directly defeated. If they are disabled, then if those inferior forces take action, wouldn't it mean that the high-level combat power will be almost wiped out in one fell swoop, so those inferior forces will not dare to take action. Now the human race has the strength to destroy them.

In fact, in the original universe, the total number of idle forces of the Lords of the Universe accounted for most of the total. However, it is impossible for these Lords of the Universe to unite, and their respective strengths are also uneven. Those who possess the most powerful treasures are even rarer. They It is simply unrealistic to deal with the current human race.

At this time, the human universe masters present came closer to Luo Yuan. He was also very interested in how Luo Yuan controlled the tomb boat to capture the five universe masters of the demon clan. Luo Yuan looked at them. He smiled and said: "You guys really want to know, it won't be easy. If you regret it, I won't be responsible, because it is very dangerous. If you want to know, you have to be prepared, especially in terms of willpower." , I said so."

In fact, Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Peng Gong had already known about this move of the Tomb Boat, but they did not tell the other Lords of the Universe. After all, it was indeed quite dangerous, and so did the Lord of Dragon Walk. With a hot temper, he said angrily: "Luo Yuan, don't hide it. We are all our own people. We are afraid that the information will not be leaked. Besides, there is any danger. How can we still fall on our own territory?" .”

Luo Yuan heard the words and looked at the other Lords of the Universe. They also looked at Luo Yuan with firm eyes, and the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong on the side looked like they were watching a good show. Luo Yuan said helplessly: "Okay Well, since you want to know, I’ll let you experience it a little bit, but don’t fall down.”

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he waved his hand. The hatch on the side of the control room suddenly opened, and then a strong will rushed towards everyone present. Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong could naturally They were completely immune to the impact of this cosmic force, but the other masters of the universe, except for the Lord of Ice Peak who could barely resist, fell to their knees on the ground, their bodies could not help but tremble, and their faces became pale.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan waved his hand and closed the hatch. The expressions of these human universe masters returned to normal. They never expected that the sudden impact of will would be so strong. They couldn't help but ask what kind of treasure was emitting the will. The impact was really too strong.

The Lord of Darkness smiled and said: "That thing is beyond our control. Your will has not reached the limit that the Lord of the Universe can bear, so in the end it is better to stay away from that thing. If you approach rashly, your will will be destroyed." If it collapses, then yours will be completely destroyed, you know."

Luo Yuan also said: "The Lord of Darkness is right. I placed that thing at the end of the tomb boat passage, almost hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from you, and also made a protective array. I just put the protective array You can sense the array closing, but if you want to get close to that thing, you need at least the ultimate Lord of the Universe level of will, otherwise your will will be directly washed away and you will faint before you get close, or you will lose consciousness completely."

When the Lord of the Ice Peak and other Universe Lords present heard Luo Yuan's words, they all showed shocked expressions. They never expected that there would be such a terrifying thing in this tomb boat, which required the ultimate Universe Lord level will. Doesn't that mean that the strongest person in the universe is invincible?

Luo Yuan just smiled and did not continue to answer. In fact, the mysterious thing was a drop of divine blood that was stripped from Wu Wu's wings before. I don't know what kind of powerful person left this divine blood. It is just a drop of divine blood that has passed through countless After the erosion of the years, it can still emit such a powerful impact of will, and this impact of will sweeps indiscriminately in all directions. If it can be condensed, even the strongest person in the universe will have to kneel down.

Luo Yuan originally didn't know how to use this drop of divine blood, but later he thought that it could have a miraculous effect in battle and increase the attack power of the tomb boat. The power contained in this divine blood is also very terrifying. Ordinary treasures cannot be used at all. It cannot carry it, and only divine objects that surpass the most powerful treasures, such as the Star Tower and the Tomb Boat, can block the impact of the will they emit. It is a perfect match to be placed in the Tomb Boat with the peak palace-type treasures. .

Previously, Luo Yuan relied on this drop of divine blood to emit a terrifying impact of will to make the monster universe masters suddenly lose their will to fight, and then used the devouring power formed by a peak palace-like treasure installed in the tomb boat. , devouring and suppressing the demon clan masters of the universe, and thus achieving the final goal. This can be said to be a very wonderful combination, which can lead to the current results.

In the end, the three masters of the universe who ran away from the demon clan were all existences with relatively strong wills, so they were able to resist the impact of the will of the drop of divine blood and escape to save their lives. The other masters of the universe from the demon clan had strong wills. In terms of strength, he was much inferior, and finally became Bei Feng's trophy. This shows the importance of willpower. Fortunately, Bei Feng had already raised his willpower to the level of the strongest person in the universe through the black-patterned stone pillar space. So he is fearless.

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(End of this chapter)

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