Chapter 415 Negotiation
  This time the human race and the demon race started a war, and the human race won a great victory. After Luo Yuan and others celebrated, they were about to separate. After all, there were still many things to deal with later. In addition to Luo Yuan, the other masters of the human race and the universe They started the teleportation from the Kingdom of God and returned to the original universe of the original tribe, and Luo Yuan controlled the tomb boat alone and wanted to negotiate with the two strongest men in the universe from the demon tribe to see if they could reach an oath not to attack the human race. This pair It's very important to humans.

Luo Yuan first separated a consciousness and entered the virtual universe to discuss the next response plan with the Chaos City Lord. He first reported the results of the battle with the monster clan to the Chaos City Lord. After hearing this, the Chaos City Lord was also overjoyed. The victory achieved by the sub-human race is much greater than the previously planned goal. This will also have a good deterrent effect on other forces in the original universe, and the crisis for the human race will be much smaller.

Luo Yuan looked at the Lord of Chaos City and said: "Teacher, this time the Monster Race still has five Lords of the Universe in our hands. I want to talk to the Monster Race to see if they will give in. If the Monster Race can withdraw from this war against the Human Race, If we fight, then our chances of winning will be greater, after all, it is the lives of the five masters of the universe."

The Lord of Chaos City also nodded when he heard this and said: "Well, yes, you can try it, but the demon clan has great ambitions for the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage that you have obtained this time, and you want them to retreat for this. Difficult, after all, there are twenty masters of the universe in the demon clan, and the three strongest ones are still alive."

After Luo Yuan obtained the permission from the Lord of Chaos City, his consciousness returned to his original body. At this time, the clone sitting in the control hall of the tomb boat opened his eyes, and the worries in his heart were alleviated. He hoped that the demon clan could recognize it. Given the situation, it wouldn't be rude of him to be greedy. Now both he and the human race need time. As long as the time is enough, the human race will be able to re-birth the strongest person in the universe. Then the human race will not need to worry about these forces.

Luo Yuan had discussed the entire response plan with the senior leaders of the human race at the beginning, and the effect achieved in the first step was far better than they thought. This way, the human race could have more time to develop. If the human race faced the monster race from the beginning, If it fails, then the various forces that are waiting and watching in the original universe will come to kill them like a tide. After all, in their eyes, the human race is a treasure trove that can be easily obtained. If that is the case, the human race will be completely finished.

Once the peak fighting power of the human race fails, then the human race will face catastrophe. At that time, the human race will lose the hard-earned territory and territory, and then all hide in the original universe to survive. This is very important for an ethnic group. Absolutely not. After all, if you want to become a strong person, you need to constantly train in the cosmic sea. If the human race becomes the enemy of all forces, it will be very difficult for the human race to stand up.

Luo Yuan looked at the empty hall and knew that it was time for him to make the next plan. Luo Yuan randomly put away the tomb boat, and his clone appeared directly in the vast starry sky, followed by the two demon clans. He was negotiating with the Demon Ancestor, and he didn’t know what the final result would be.

At this time, the two strongest men in the universe from the demon clan were extremely angry. They did not expect that the two demon ancestors would personally lead them and bring the ten most powerful masters of the universe to fight against the human race. In the end, this would be the result. , this time the Monster Race can be said to have suffered heavy losses. Of course, this is also because they do not understand the current situation of the Human Race, especially the strength of the Human Race, so they were led by the nose by the strong Human Race all the way, but this time the failure was very disastrous.

At this time, the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor were also communicating. The Dream Demon Ancestor said: "This time we fell into the hands of the human race Hunyuan. His tomb boat has no attack capabilities. How can it have such a hidden meaning?" Treasures with strong will impact. You must know that most of the treasures in the universe that can have this kind of will impact cannot even reach the level of immortality. Even if the black-patterned stone pillar space has this power, it is impossible for human Hunyuan to use this thing. Got it.”

Zhenyao Ancestor also said: "I don't know, but the tomb boat of human Hunyuan was originally invincible in defense in the universe sea. Now it still has the attack power against the Lord of the universe. It is very troublesome. This kind of back-up plan Maybe it was arranged by my predecessor Duan Donghe, just be more careful in the future."

"It's just that this time our demon tribe suffered heavy losses. Although our demon tribe is composed of different races, how can we explain to the other masters of the universe? I'm afraid that we will lose our cohesion and determination to continue fighting." Meng Yao Zu said worriedly, while the unwillingness and anger in his eyes were clear.

After hearing this, Zhenyao Ancestor snorted coldly: "Do they dare to resist our orders? In the universe, the law of the jungle is always the strongest, and the outcome is the winner and the loser. The fact that they were captured by that human race only shows that they are not strong enough. Even if So what if he falls, our demon clan still needs more than a dozen universe masters. The Duandonghe lineage inheritance obtained by the human race Hunyuan has the knowledge inheritance to transcend reincarnation and advance to the holy land universe, how can we give up."

Just when the Monster Shock Ancestor and the Dream Demon Ancestor of the Monster Clan were discussing, Luo Yuan suddenly appeared not far from them, and then walked very calmly, standing in the endless starry sky, looking at the two huge Demon Ancestors The real body said: "Two demon ancestors of the demon clan, you suffered heavy losses in this war with me, the human race, and there are five masters of the universe in my hands now. Don't you want to redeem them? I am I’m here to negotiate, and I hope you can sit down and talk.”

At this time, the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Demon Demon Ancestor Zhen of the Demon Clan saw that Luo Yuan dared to come to them alone. The anger and murderous intent in their eyes were about to solidify, but they did not take action immediately because they knew that they It is difficult to deal with Luo Yuan at this time. Luo Yuan originally possesses the combat power of the peak Lord of the Universe, and also possesses several powerful treasures, especially the tomb boat's invincible defense.

If Luo Yuan wants to leave, it will be useless for them, the powerful monster clan, to join forces, let alone to kill Luo Yuan. Moreover, what appears now is only a clone. They really can't imagine how strong Luo Yuan's true form is. Maybe he already has it. He has no strength to fight them head-on. However, judging from the information obtained, Luo Yuan has always been very careful and cautious. At this time, it is very likely that they will not be able to penetrate into the original universe of the original ancestor.

The two demon ancestors of the demon clan originally just wanted to threaten the human race by capturing other universe masters of the human race. Because the human race is very united, unlike the demon clan who rely purely on strength to maintain relations, they took these actions, but in fact It was their demon tribe that was defeated, and it was a complete mess.

Zhenyao Ancestor stared at Luo Yuan. He was actually very pleased. They already knew Luo Yuan's true identity. After all, there were many spies among the peak forces of the original universe, and there were only a few new peerless geniuses in the human race. position, they guessed Luo Yuan's identity after some analysis, but Luo Yuan has grown up now, and there is nothing they can do. And with Luo Yuan around, the human race will definitely surpass them as long as it is immortal. superior.

Therefore, the Monster Shock Ancestor and the Dream Demon Ancestor are somewhat envious of the human race. First, there was an original ancestor who suppressed all the peak powerhouses in the universe sea. Now there is another Luo Yuan. It seems that there is also a strong human race named Luo Feng. There is potential. After all, Luo Feng has now gained quite a reputation in the Mysterious Ancestral Realm and has strength comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe. However, Luo Yuan, the Lord of Chaos City and others discussed and secretly cultivated Luo Feng as a powerful person with potential. .

Luo Yuan, the powerful human race who have fully grown up, is now charging forward to pave the way for future human race geniuses. Only by passing on the inheritance can the human race go a long way. After all, the descendants of a clan are very important, and only if they continue to have Only when strong people appear can there be a future. Although Zhenyao Zu was in a complicated mood at this time, he still said: "Human Hunyuan, tell me, what do you want to let go of our strong men?"

Luo Yuan just smiled when he heard this: "We don't need anything from you this time. We only need an oath from you, which is to withdraw from this battle against our human race. The time is only one era. During this period, the world of your universe will What if the powerful ones above the Lord are not allowed to take action against my human race?"

In fact, Luo Yuan also knew that this war against the human race would not last that long. After all, in the universe, competition means peak combat power. The remaining strong ones would be vulnerable to the super strong ones. If the fight lasted for up to a hundred years, it would be over. , but Luo Yuan has set an era. In fact, in order to ensure that the human race has enough time to develop, as long as the human race gives birth to a new strongest person in the universe, then all problems will be solved.

Zhenyao Ancestor was a little surprised by the conditions Luo Yuan said, but he didn't think it would be that simple, so he asked: "As long as we agree, you will immediately release all the captured masters of the universe." Reply, if that’s the case, we can consider it.”

Luo Yuan just sneered in his heart when he heard this. The two demon ancestors of the demon clan thought well. He said: "Of course that's not the case. If you agree to my conditions, then I can guarantee that your five masters of the universe will After one era, I will hand them over to you."

Hearing this, Zhenyao Ancestor also snorted coldly: "I know you have no good intentions. What if your strength has increased after an era and you don't admit it? I know that you are short of time to develop now, and the Duandong you have obtained The inheritance of the He lineage can have the secret method of transcending reincarnation. If our demon clan gives up and your human race is divided up by other forces, then our demon clan will suffer a big loss. Do you think so? I feel like you are just kidding. I wait."

Luo Yuan shook his head and said: "No, no, Your Excellency Zhenyao Ancestor, you are thinking too much. In the previous battle between our human race and your demon race, you also saw our strength. Any force in the original universe wants to It is difficult to destroy our human race, and I don’t think that just a so-called promise from you monster race will be effective. After all, I don’t know your moral character. As long as you withdraw from the battle against our human race, everything will return."

The Monster Shock Ancestor and the Dream Demon Ancestor also know that things are not that simple. It would be strange if the Hunyuan Lord of the human race in front of them agrees to their request so easily. After all, the so-called face is an absolute benefit compared to moral character. No matter what, if the human race releases the five masters of the universe from their demon clan, they will immediately fall out. At this time, the two demon ancestors were communicating with their spiritual consciousness. Dream Demon Ancestor looked at Demon Zhen Ancestor and asked: "We have to agree. Is this a human requirement?”

Zhenyao Ancestor said coldly: "What are you promising? There are more than twenty universe masters in our demon clan, and the strongest banning master and others are still fine. They just lost six universe masters, and that human race The inheritance of the Duandonghe line that Hunyuan obtained is nothing compared to it. Our demon tribe can still afford it. It is a secret method that can transcend reincarnation. It is a priceless treasure for any ethnic group and is the future of an ethnic group. Otherwise, that The ancestors of the two holy places paid so much attention to it.

And as long as the Monster Clan has you and me, the two strongest men in the universe, do they still need to be afraid of other forces in the original universe? The Lord of the Universe can slowly cultivate them in the future. Our family still has many outstanding Universe Lords, but this competition for power There is only one chance to learn the secret method of transcending reincarnation and cannot be missed. I believe that the six lost masters of our universe can understand that they contributed to the future glory of the demon clan and they deserved their death. "

Dream Demon Ancestor also nodded when he heard the words of Monster Demon Ancestor Zhen. The lives of the five Lords of the Universe are nothing compared to the resources and secrets possessed by the human race. Their demon race is originally composed of various races. As long as their race does not Loss, it will be gone if the other masters of the universe are gone, they don’t want it anymore.

At this time, Luo Yuan stepped on the galaxy. He looked at the two demon ancestors of the demon clan and said impatiently: "You two should think about it. You also know that our human clan is not that easy to bully. We still have a back-up plan that we haven't used yet." Well, if you demon clan really wants to fight with our clan to the death, you demon clan will also end up destroyed in the end. You must know that the other forces in the original universe are staring at you. They are all waiting for the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind. .”

Not only did the Monster Zhenzu of the Monster Clan not waver at all when he heard this, he looked at Luo Yuan coldly and said, "Stop talking about human Hunyuan. We, the Monster Clan, will not agree. This time, your human race has become the original universe." How can we give up on the food of all forces? I don’t think you humans have any backup plan. Now that your original ancestor has been permanently suppressed and the giant ax has fallen, what else do you have without the protection of the strongest person in the universe?

No matter how strong your human race is, how can you be an enemy of all the forces in the original universe? Even if the giant ax is there, it will be useless. The human race is destined to reach the point of destruction. Even if you survive by chance and break through to the strongest in the universe, you will face all What can you do if you are besieged by the strongest person in the universe? "

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this and said: "Zhenyao Ancestor, you really have thought too much. Do you think that if I break through to the strongest person in the universe, that group will be the first to deal with? I tell you the truth, even now , no one in the entire universe can kill me. When I break through to the strongest position in the universe, I will liquidate all the forces that have dealt with my human race one by one. I don’t mind leaving only my human race in the original universe. .”

Zhenyao Ancestor was only slightly distracted by Luo Yuan's extremely confident words, but he soon solidified his thoughts. He didn't know what Luo Yuan's confidence was, but he always felt a little uneasy. After all, Luo Yuan showed it The potential and strength are indeed possible. If that is the case, then it will be the end of all forces except the human race. But he, the demon ancestor, is the strongest in the universe. How can he lose face in front of juniors? He just snorted coldly. After making a sound, he and the Dream Demon Ancestor left.

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(End of this chapter)

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