I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 420 Ancient God Eye, the decisive battle begins

Chapter 420 Ancient God Eye, the decisive battle begins

Luo Yuan didn't think there was anything wrong with what the mountain guest did. After all, whether he helped the human race or not was just his idea. It didn't matter if he didn't help the human race. Now it was very good to refine the most needed treasure for Luo Yuan. This little Luo Yuan recognized the spherical treasure directly after being enveloped by divine power. It was very simple to control. Because Luo Yuan wanted to be able to use it as he wished, the mountain guest only carved a secret pattern, which was simple and practical.

This small ball is only the size of a dragon's eye, and there is a pupil pattern on it. As long as Luo Yuan makes a thought, the will of the divine blood in it can be radiated from it, and all the will impact can be concentrated on one point, or it can follow him His mind was closed at will. If it weren't for the fact that the demon clan and other forces were about to start a war against the human race, resulting in lack of time, Luo Yuan actually wanted the mountain guest to refine it into the most powerful treasure, which would be difficult to be useful to the strongest person in the universe.

Luo Yuan decided to wait until the crisis of the human race was over, extract the remaining drops of divine blood from the white wings, and then let all the mountain guests refine them into the most powerful treasure. How much would that mean to Luo Yuan? With this trump card, there is no problem at all against the strongest people in the universe, unless the will of those strongest people in the universe has reached the peak level of the strongest person in the universe like Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan decided to name this small ball treasure the Ancient God. Eye.

The ancient divine eye itself uses simple materials, and there is only one secret pattern. If it is judged based on this level, it is an ordinary treasure, but its core is the divine blood of the superpowers of the ancient civilization. This makes this ancient divine eye The level of the divine eye was suddenly raised to the level of the pinnacle treasure. Although it can only be effective on those who have reached the level of the strongest person in the universe, if Luo Yuan uses it well and cooperates with the tomb boat, its power will be invincible.

After Luo Yuan obtained the Eyes of the Ancient God, he also returned to the original secret realm. He walked in the magnificent human palace. All humans who saw Luo Yuan said hello, including the cosmic venerables and immortal gods, and even those below the realm lord level. When all the powerful human beings see Luo Yuan, they will show expressions of admiration and respect and salute Luo Yuan. They have grown up listening to Luo Yuan's deeds, and now Luo Yuan is the spiritual leader of the younger generation of the human race.

The most powerful decisive battle of the ethnic war is about to come. The current geniuses of the human race have moved to this primitive secret realm. They gather near Chaos City to practice hard, and the masters of the universe who have taken refuge with the human race have also come to Chaos City. , preparing for the decisive battle, each with great momentum.

When Luo Yuan came to the City Lord's Mansion in Chaos City, he saw the figure of the Lord of Chaos. The Lord of Chaos was also here at this time. Luo Yuan also teleported directly, and then made a master-disciple salute to the Lord of Chaos. , the Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan, and said with a smile: "Now this battle can only be effective if the combat power is above the Lord of the Universe level. It is also a good thing for hundreds of Lords of the Universe to join our human camp at this time." Good thing.

Anyone who hasn't seen you these days has gone to do something important. Now everyone is preparing for war. Do you have anything to do with me? "

The current Chaos City Lord is very busy and has no time to rest at all, because he is responsible for regulating and directing the entire decisive battle. Regardless of personnel mobilization or logistical resource supply, the human race's future strong man training plan is already being implemented by the Chaos City Lord. , and Luo Yuan mainly wants to increase the combat power of the human race, so everyone will not trouble or disturb the Chaos City Lord unless there is something important. After all, there is not much time left for the human race.

Luo Yuan didn't waste any time and said directly: "Teacher, I have refined that drop of divine blood into a treasure. With the tomb boat and a peak palace treasure, then our combat power will be It will be greatly improved, and it will be able to compete with even the strongest people in the universe."

The Lord of Chaos City was shocked when he heard Luo Yuan's words. He also knew that the divine blood in Luo Yuan's hand had a strong will impact ability, but because he could not fully control it before, he could only set up a trap to use it. It was very troublesome to control, and Usually it can only be used once or twice, but it is different now. The tomb boat has invincible defense in the entire cosmic sea, but has no attack power. Now paired with the Ancient God Eye, it surpasses the strongest treasure.

Therefore, the Lord of Chaos City was also very happy. He looked at Luo Yuan and asked, "You were able to refine the divine blood into a treasure within these two days. Did you find any master?"

Luo Yuan didn't have to hide anything. Apart from the fact that his relationship with Zuo Shanke couldn't be revealed due to Zuo Shanke's request, he could also directly answer: "It's Zuo Shanke."

Luo Yuan doesn't need to worry about being robbed by other strong people. There is no strong person in the entire universe who can take him down, so Luo Yuan has become bolder. In addition to worrying about being jointly attacked by the strongest people in the universe In addition, he is fearless, and the Lord of Chaos City does not feel surprised to hear Luo Yuan's words. After all, the earth is a treasure refined by a mountain guest, and this matter is no longer a secret among the upper echelons of the human race.

The mountain guest thought for a while, then he looked at Luo Yuan and asked: "That mountain guest is the strongest person in the universe from a very ancient time. Is he willing to help our human race?"

Luo Yuan just shook his head when he heard this. He knew the character of Mountain Guest. If it weren't for the relationship between Mountain Guest and him, it was terrifying that Mountain Guest would not pay attention to the human race at all, so Luo Yuan replied: "I have already found him." I passed him, and even offered the inheritance of the Duandong River line as reward, but Zuo Shanke still refused. He has no interest in the inheritance of the Duandong River line. Although he did not agree to my request, we can rest assured. He won’t deal with humans.”

The Lord of Chaos City also sighed after hearing Luo Yuan's words. Although the number of universe masters who have joined the human race so far has reached hundreds, there is no strongest person in the universe joining, so compared with the strength of the enemy forces, they are still weak. A lot. He also has some understanding of Zuo Shanke. He knows that Zuo Shanke is a strong man who is very good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. He never participates in the struggle for the original universe. He lives alone and is extremely aloof.

The Lord of Chaos City said: "Without the strongest person in the universe, there would be no strongest person in the universe. Our strength is no longer weak now. This battle can only succeed and not fail. Otherwise, those forces who are waiting and watching will take action against the human race. By that time Then the human race will be in danger. By the way, is your supreme treasure strong?"

Luo Yuan heard the words and said with a smile: "The drop of divine blood I possess was originally effective for the powerful below the limit of the Lord of the Universe. That was because the will impact ability of the divine blood was too scattered. Now after the mountain guest refines the treasure, , concentrating power in one place can have an effect on all strong people below the strongest person in the universe, unless the will of those strong people can reach the level of the strongest person in the universe, but the Lord of the Universe wants to have the willpower of the strongest person in the universe Harder than reaching the sky."

What Luo Yuan said is the true situation of the universe sea. It is very difficult for the master of the universe to transcend the level and possess the will of the strongest person in the universe, unless he is a genius like Luo Yuan, but Luo Yuan also knows that those strong people want to reach his own level. The degree is difficult. After all, Luo Yuan's talent is extremely high now. With the blessing of the Chaos Divine Body, it can be said that there is no creature in the entire universe with stronger qualifications than him. Even if he goes to the Origin Continent, he can be called a genius. The Lord of Chaos City was also very happy to hear Luo Yuan's words. He smiled and said: "This treasure of yours came in time. If used well, it can be effective against most of the enemy's universe masters. If it is combined with the tomb boat, it can also be used." The lords of the universe who have captured many enemies, this ancient god's eye is as powerful as the most powerful treasure. By the way, your willpower has now reached the level of the strongest person in the universe, then you can capture those Do you want to control the captured Master of the Universe?"

Luo Yuan thought for a while after hearing this. He had controlled several Masters of the Universe before, but they were all weak Masters of the Universe. They had been staying in his kingdom of God as an instructor, with the Master of the Universe as their instructor. Only Luo Yuan dared to do such an extravagant act, but Luo Yuan has never released these soul servants at the level of Lord of the Universe. The main reason is that they are too scarce and he is reluctant to part with them. If he releases them, he will take them. Become cannon fodder.

Originally Luo Yuan planned to use soul control to build himself a legion of the same level as the universe, but later he gave up this idea, mainly because in the entire universe sea, the Lord of the Universe is already at the peak of combat power, but the number is relatively small. It is said to be very rare, and there are various means of saving lives, especially for those Lords of the Universe who have clones. They can choose to self-destruct when Luo Yuan uses the soul secret method, and Luo Yuan will fall short.

In the previous battle with the demon clan, the human race captured five demon clan masters of the universe. Their strength was actually pretty good, they were all at the third or fourth level, and they had no use for clones. They were dark lords who were good at soul secrets. Others have already tried it, but it didn't work, and Luo Yuan didn't try it either. Mainly because he had no interest. He preferred the Master of the Universe he had cultivated, because the Master of the Universe he controlled had lost his growth potential.

However, Luo Yuan still wanted to listen to the suggestions from the Lord of Chaos City, so he said: "I will give it a try, but I can't guarantee success."

The Lord of Chaos City also nodded. He also knew that it would be difficult for Luo Yuan to control the Lord of the Universe at the same level as the Lord of the Universe, so he said to Luo Yuan: "Your ancient divine eyes will be very important in the next battle." It works, I still have to plan the next battle plan, you go back and practice hard now, recharge your batteries, and when the war starts, you won’t have much rest time, and you don’t know how long it will take.”

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. He was in a hurry during this period and did not have time to get along well with Jiang Fang and others to discuss the meaning of life. Luo Yuan also thought about breaking through to the strongest person in the universe, but he always Before reaching that level, he felt the bottleneck and knew that it was not easy for the strongest in the universe to break through. Otherwise, the total number of strongest in the universe in the original universe would not be even ten. After all, this is another level of life. Metamorphosis.

At this time, in a star field of annihilation in the territory of the demon clan, there were no celestial bodies, only boundless darkness and silence. At this time, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared, followed by several more rays of light. It turned out to be the demon clan's The Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor appeared, as did the Queen of the Zerg Clan, and the Father God of the Mechanical Clan. These four strongest men in the universe appeared here at the same time and were discussing the decisive battle plan against the human race using divine power transmission.

In addition to these four strongest people in the universe, more than a hundred universe masters also appeared. In addition to the masters of the universe from the demon tribe, the insect tribe, and the machine tribe, there are also masters of the universe from their affiliated tribes. The combat power that came this time can be said to be the strongest among the three tribes. The purpose of this formation is to deal with the human race and snatch the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage from Luo Yuan. It can be said that it is menacing. This power is enough to sweep across the entire primitive universe.

The Monster Zhenzu of the Monster Clan said: "After our discussion, the main combat power this time is these universe masters. How can the three parties allocate manpower first? After all, we can only exert the sixth-level universe masters in the original universe. We, the four strongest men in the universe, are responsible for taking command and protecting the masters of the universe, giving them enough time to deal with the human race. However, among us, we only have the most powerful treasures like the Queen's Palace.

Therefore, most of the 112 Lords of the Universe we brought this time will enter the Queen's palace treasure, and let them join forces to attack. The power generated will be the strongest. As the main attack, we, the demon clan and The machine race is each responsible for protecting the sixteen masters of the universe, covering and interfering with the strong humans. "

The three demon tribes made such a battle plan because of the losses they suffered in the previous war with the human race. Without the protection of the most powerful treasures and the strongest men in the universe, these masters of the universe would be in trouble in front of the strong men of the human race. It's like a living target, so you have to be cautious. This war is the largest battle in the original universe, spanning the four peak groups. You must know that the original universe only has nine superpowers.

This war included almost half of the superpowers in the original universe. However, in this battle, those forces were more optimistic about the demon clan. Not only were there more masters of the universe than humans, but there were also four of the strongest people in the universe. The disadvantage of the human race is too obvious. In addition to these forces that take action, there are more forces waiting and watching. They are waiting for the result of this decisive battle. If the human race loses, then they will kill them like wolves.

In fact, this time there are nearly 200 Masters of the Universe of the three peak tribes, the Demon Tribe, the Zerg Tribe, and the Mechanical Tribe, and the Masters of the Universe of the vassal forces. However, these three tribes do not want their tribes to suffer heavy losses, so they The powerful Masters of the Universe from their own tribe have all stayed within the territory. That is to say, most of the Masters of the Universe who went to battle this time are affiliated forces. In the eyes of the four strongest men in the universe, they are just cannon fodder, used to consume the combat power of the human race. Tool of.

After all, the Demon Race and the Human Race lost six Masters of the Universe in just one encounter before. They could not bear greater losses, so this time the battle was mainly based on the Masters of the Universe from these affiliated forces, and finally gathered these one hundred and one. Although the twelve universe masters are more numerous than the human race, their strengths vary widely.

The Father God of the Machine Tribe also spoke at this time: "This decisive battle against the human race can be said to be very important. You cannot relax your vigilance, but you don't need to worry. The previous defeat of the demon race was only because of the lack of understanding of the strength of the human race. This time This time we are well prepared and led by the four strongest men in the universe. You just need to work together to take down the human race. The benefits will be yours by then, so the human race will only have three combat powers.

The Hunyuan clan of the human race, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong all have the most powerful treasures, so they are the strongest, and the others are not to be feared. I can deal with the darkness and Peng Gong alone, and the human Luo Yuan It's up to you, the queen, and the remaining two demon ancestors will lead the Lord of the Universe to deal with other powerful humans. "

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(End of this chapter)

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