I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 421 Everything is for the ethnic group

Chapter 421 Everything is for the ethnic group

After the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe conducted an impassioned pre-war mobilization, the strong men of the three tribes present roared excitedly. Their eyes were full of fighting spirit and desire for treasures. In their hearts, the human race It is impossible to defeat them. After all, the human race does not even have one of the strongest people in the universe, and they have four. In addition to them, there are countless forces waiting and watching, so they will definitely be able to defeat the human race in the second battle.

The masters of the universe of different races were very excited. The original universe had not had such a large-scale ethnic war for a long time. The father of the mechanical race was also very happy to see such a high fighting spirit among the strong men on his side, so He also yelled: "If we march towards the territory of the human race now, we will definitely win."

At this time, in the original secret realm, Luo Yuan is practicing. He wants to adjust his state to the peak. He is also trying to break through the level of the strongest person in the universe. He now feels that he has found an opportunity he needs. Although he is practicing It didn't take long. Compared with other masters of the universe, Luo Yuan's training time can be said to be negligible, but Luo Yuan's accumulation is much deeper than theirs. It's not easy to break through the strongest person in the universe.

Just when Luo Yuan was meditating on how to break through to the strongest person in the universe, he heard the voice of the Lord of Chaos City in his mind, asking him to come to the main hall. Luo Yuan was not surprised by this. The original secret realm at this time was all in the Lord of Chaos City. Under his supervision, his will can naturally be conveyed to any place in an instant. Luo Yuan also understood that the Lord of Chaos City would not disturb his cultivation if there was no big deal, and now he was suddenly notified that a war was about to begin.

Luo Yuan did not need to delay, but teleported away and disappeared. The next moment, he came to the main hall where the Lord of Chaos City was. At this time, the Lords of the Universe from the human camp also came. In addition to the Lord of the Universe from the human race, they were the subordinates. The alien universe masters of the human race are of different types, but each of them exudes a powerful aura. They also know that the war is about to begin. These alien universe masters are very aware of the position of their own race.

These alien universe masters all come from inferior forces or small ethnic groups. There is no strongest person in the universe, and there are only a few universe masters. Even if he joins the demon clan's camp, he will probably pay a huge amount of money in the end. They can't get much for a big price, and they don't have a share in the inheritance of secret techniques that transcend reincarnation. After weighing the pros and cons, these weaker forces choose to join the human camp to provide help in the snow.

Although it is very dangerous to join the human race at this time, if the human race once becomes the third holy land universe, then their tribe can also get a small space in the holy land universe and realize the eternal immortality of the race. They, the masters of the universe, can It can also be immortal, and the inheritance of the Duandonghe lineage that Luo Yuan masters also contains the secret method for the master of the universe to break through to the strongest person in the universe. If the human race is willing to share it with them, then they will make a lot of money.

Even if the human race is not so generous and only shares a little bit, it is still worth their risk. For these foreign masters of the universe, joining the human race this time is for the future of the race, and they also have confidence in Luo Yuan. Now Luo Yuan The information has been made public, and they are all amazed. They also understand that as long as Luo Yuan does not fall, the human race will rise, but it will only happen sooner or later. How can they do it if they don't work hard at this time.

As the Lord of the Universe from the human camp arrived, the voice of the Lord of Chaos City also came over. He was not sitting on the throne in the main hall. It was originally the throne of the original ancestor. Now everyone is fighting for the future of the race. , there is no need for this, at this time there are hundreds of masters of other universes standing below.

Standing at the front are Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Peng Gong. They are all the masters of the universe who possess the most powerful treasures. They are naturally the strongest and can compete with the strongest in the universe. The Lord of Chaos City looked solemnly at all the Lords of the Universe below, and said: "Everyone must have guessed it when they came here. The Monster Race, Zerg Race, and Mechanical Race are leading the army towards the human race territory, and this time they are united. together.

The three tribes were separated before, so the demon tribe suffered heavy losses in our hands, so this time they did not dare to be enemies of our human tribe alone, so they had to merge the three tribes to act together. Those three tribes are the strongest in the universe. So what, they were not frightened by us into joining forces,"

As soon as the Lord of Chaos City said this, the Lords of the Universe below also smiled. Their previous worries about the start of the war had dissipated a little, and they still had hope. Seeing that everyone's condition was much better, the Lord of Chaos City continued to say : "We have made detailed plans for this operation. Except for the Lord of Hunyuan, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Peng Gong who have the most powerful treasure and can act alone, the other Lords of the Universe must enter the Black Prison Tower. .”

The Lords of the Universe except Luo Yuan and the three present were relieved after hearing the words of the Lord of Chaos City. The Black Prison Tower is the most powerful palace-like treasure. Even the strongest person in the universe would find it difficult to deal with it. In the original universe, it was impossible to break the most powerful treasure, which meant that their safety could be greatly improved. However, they naturally could not hide in the Black Prison Tower all the time during the battle, and could launch attacks at the exit.

But even at the exit, there is still the danger of being attacked by the enemy, but they can hide back before the attack comes, which is equivalent to a protective barrier. The Lord of Chaos City winked at the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Darkness The Lord immediately understood. He flipped his hand and a palm-sized black tower immediately appeared. Although the Black Prison Tower looked small at this time, the terrifying aura it exuded made all the Lords of the Universe present tremble.

In particular, it was the first time for the foreign masters of the universe to see the most powerful palace-like treasure like the Black Prison Tower. Envy flashed in their eyes. Naturally, they, the weak tribes, were not qualified to obtain and possess such a powerful treasure. , you must know that in the entire cosmic sea, many of the strongest people in the universe do not have a single most powerful treasure. The founder of the giant ax also searched for countless epochs in the cosmic sea before he found such a divine axe-shaped supreme treasure.

The Lord of Darkness did not waste any time, and directly turned the Black Prison Tower into a giant tower covering the sky. At the same time, three side doors were opened. Under the order of the Lord of Chaos City, the Lords of the Universe present entered the Black Prison Tower one after another, and soon , only four people, Chaos and Luo Yuan, were left present. Luo Yuan and three people were the main fighting force this time. Except for the real Lord of the Universe, no other strong people were allowed to participate. After all, it was too dangerous.

The Lord of Chaos City said to the Lord of Darkness: "This time, these Lords of the Universe are entrusted to you and will be commanded by you. If the Lords of hundreds of Universes join forces to use secret techniques that are enough to deal with the strongest person in the universe, how can they be deployed to give full play to their abilities?" It depends on your ability to show your maximum power."

The Lord of Darkness also nodded when he heard this, and he also entered the Black Prison Tower. The reason why these foreign masters of the universe were handed over to the Lord of Darkness to command was not only because of their uneven strength, but also because of the darkness. The Black Prison Tower is around the Lord. If he discovers that the alien Lord of the Universe has different intentions, he can immediately suppress it. As the most powerful palace-like treasure, the Black Prison Tower is the most powerful palace. No Lord of the Universe can escape the suppression and imprisonment of the Black Prison Tower. .

Therefore, in this war, the Lord of Darkness is mainly to manage and deploy these Lords of the Universe to fight. There is no need to worry about the Lords of the Universe of the human race, but that is not necessarily the case for the Lords of the Universe of the alien races. They are originally for profit. Come on, in fact, in order to allow these foreign masters of the universe to fight well, they also asked them to send hostages to stay in the original universe to ensure safety. The demon clan also did the same. After all, only in this way can they fight with peace of mind. After the Lord of Chaos City arranged these, he looked at Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong and said: "This time you have a very important task. You have to face the strongest people in the universe, so you must be careful." Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong also nodded when he heard this. They all knew how important the second battle was to the human race.

So Luo Yuan took out the tomb boat. He and Lord Peng Gong entered the tomb boat directly. The Lord of Chaos City said: "In this war, our human race mainly has two important battlefields. One is the virtual universe. One of the base camps is the primitive secret realm. Enemy forces such as the demon clan are likely to launch attacks on these two places, so where do you go first and wait for the news I release? You should be ready to fight at any time."

Luo Yuan and others nodded, and then the tomb boat and the black prison tower started to operate at the same time, and they teleported and disappeared. The Virtual Universe Base Camp is the physical processing center of the Virtual Universe. It is equivalent to the customer service department. It mainly handles some basic things, which are mainly carried out by human race experts who are immortal to the realm lord level. Otherwise, how can such a large virtual universe operate? , and the original universe was the cradle for cultivating high-level human beings and their peak combat power.

These two places are extremely important to the human race, because they are the only passages to the original universe. If they are occupied by aliens, the human race will be in danger, especially now that all the resources and geniuses of the human race have been gathered. The original universe is the last hope of mankind.

The monster race and other foreign races naturally know this, so they are very likely to take action on these two places, which are also the places where the top leaders of the human race must protect this time. At this time, the human race has established a magical transmission channel between these two places. , no matter where the place is attacked, it can be reached immediately, but compared to the original secret realm, the virtual universe base camp is much more dangerous. After all, there are not many strong people there, and they are all service personnel below the immortal level.

At this time, a huge gray battleship and a huge black tower suddenly appeared in the sky above the virtual universe base camp. These were the Tomb Ship controlled by Luo Yuan and the Black Prison Tower controlled by the Lord of Darkness. With their arrival, It means that this place will become a battlefield, so the humans on this continent are also very nervous. Those creatures below the immortal level will turn into ashes if they cannot bear even the thought of the Lord of the Universe.

Luo Yuan looked at the huge continent below, and could clearly see the frightened expressions of the people above. Fortunately, there was a defensive formation set up by the original ancestors before, and it was not vulnerable. It was just this ethnic war. They are all fought by the peak combat power of the Lord of the Universe and above. The strong ones below the Lord of the Universe have no role. If the peak combat power of a group fails, then these groups will face annihilation. This is theirs. responsibility.

Lord Peng Gong saw Luo Yuan's solemn expression, and he also wanted to ease the tense atmosphere, so he came to Luo Yuan's side and smiled: "How are you, facing such a large-scale ethnic war, are you very nervous? ?" Luo Yuan heard what Lord Peng Gong said, he looked away, and then said calmly: "I am still a little nervous. After all, I have never seen such a big battle in my life, and this time I have to face four people at the same time. The strongest man in the universe is not easy to deal with."

Luo Yuan knew very well that this war was different from the previous ones. Before, the human race only faced the demon clan, and it was because they did not know the specific combat power of the human race. The demon clan underestimated the enemy, which led to the final defeat. And this The sub-monster tribe joins forces with the three peak tribes of the Zerg tribe and the Machine tribe. Not only do they have the four strongest men in the universe, but there are also more universe masters than the human race. It can be said that they are enough to crush the current human race, but the human race cannot fail. .

Although the four strongest people in the universe from the three demon clans could only exert the strength of the sixth-level Lord of the Universe under the suppression of the original universe, they were still stronger than the Lord of the Peak Universe, and they also had powers that the Lord of the Universe was useless for. But in terms of speed, the Lord of the Universe is not as good as the strongest person in the universe. After all, the strongest person in the universe can reach extreme speeds exceeding the speed of light in the original universe without being sucked into the dark universe. Once the Lord of the Universe exceeds the speed of light, he will enter the universe. Dark universe.

Moreover, the four strongest people in the universe all have the most powerful treasures, which is even more troublesome to deal with. The strongest person in the universe is stronger than the Lord of the Universe in terms of will, spirit, and divine power, and can control different power attacks at the same time.

In the original universe, the strongest person in the universe could deal with two peak universe masters. This was also the reason why the Dream Demon Ancestor was able to deal with Luo Yuan and the other three undefeated. However, after the Monster Demon Ancestor joined, the human race seemed a little behind. Entering the bottom, if it weren't for the tomb boat, Luo Yuan and others would be in danger.

Luo Yuan solemnly said: "This battle will be difficult for the human race. The Father God of the Machine Race and the Queen of the Zerg Race are not easy to deal with. If they deal with any of us alone, it will not be so easy to win, so we need to be surprised. We cannot Let them take the initiative, they are all strong in group attacks, if we can prevent them from using this ability, then our chances of winning will be much higher."

Just when Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong were discussing, in the virtual universe, the Lord of Chaos City sent the specific locations of the three demon clans, which meant that they were about to set off. Instead of waiting for them to find them, it was better to take the initiative Attacking, catching them off guard, Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness controlled various treasures and teleported away to the coordinates provided by the Lord of Chaos City. The three demon clans were hundreds of light years away from here at this time. A good battlefield.

When the huge tomb boat and the black prison tower appeared here, the three races including the demon race also discovered the situation on the human race. This is a desolate star field and a super star that is about to die. It provides light here, and on the side of the demon clan is a huge purple star-shaped treasure, an ancient battleship, and a black metal ball. This is the team of the Zerg, demon clan, and machine clan.

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(End of this chapter)

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