Chapter 422 Mechanical Puppet Army

This is a desolate star field. At this time, the top experts of the Monster Race, the Zerg Race, and the Mechanical Race are confronting the powerhouses of the Human Race. They come from unknown regions and gather here to start a battle about ethnic groups. The battle of life and death was about to begin. The Queen of the Zerg and the two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Clan came to the starry sky at the same time. The terrifying aura of the three strongest men in the universe was unbridled, wanting to give the strong men on the human side a showdown.

The strongest man in the universe from the mechanical race remained motionless. He was in charge of the rear. Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness from the human camp came out of the tomb boat calmly, and then stood on top of the tomb boat. Luo Yuan Directly deploying his own Chaos Cage, a domain-like supreme treasure, and coupled with his supreme secret method Golden Kingdom, an invisible powerful domain suddenly covered the entire field, making the demon clan and other three clan alliances all. Startled.

Among all the powerful people here, only Luo Yuan possesses the most powerful treasure of the domain type. Together with the domain type secret method, the power of Luo Yuan's domain has been increased several times, thus exerting influence on all the powerful people of the three clan alliances. Even with a group attack damage, they can also suppress the strength of these hostile strong men, but the strong men of the three clan alliances such as the Monster Clan have no way. The Human Clan also gave them a disastrous attack as soon as they came, and their power is comparable to those of the strongest people in the universe. Even stronger.

Lord Peng Gong looked at the demon clan and other three tribes' coalition forces without any fear at all. Instead, he said like an old friend: "Hahaha, the two demon ancestors of the demon clan, we just had a fight, and now we are fighting again. , are the injuries you suffered before healed so quickly? And this Queen of the Zerg, this is the first time I see you, tsk tsk, tsk tsk, even though you are a Zerg, you look so beautiful. If it weren’t for the different ethnic groups, I wouldn’t Mind giving you a stick.

It is said that the Queen of the Zerg is very timid and only dares to hide in her lair and command her men to die. For this reason, she spent a huge price to obtain a palace-like supreme treasure. But today, we can see the Queen in her presence. It is really Lucky for you, it seems that the Queen of the Zerg is not so timid. "

After being blessed by Luo Yuan's domain power, the carefree voice of Lord Peng Gong can spread to the minds of all the powerful people present. They can't refuse even if they want to. This time, verbal ridicule is turned on, just to give these powerful people of hostile forces They all showed off their power and undermined their morale. Luo Yuan heard the words of Master Peng Gong and also said: "Master Peng Gong, you have misunderstood the Queen of Zerg. The Queen of Zerg can be said to be the most feared among the strongest people in the universe." It’s dead, but this war is in the original universe. Even if it can only exert its peak sixth-level strength, there is no danger of falling, so you understand.”

After hearing Luo Yuan's words, the Lord of Peng Gong nodded as if he suddenly understood and said: "Why did the Queen of the Zerg suddenly become bolder? It turns out that she bullies the weak and fears the strong. In this primitive universe, there is no danger to her life, so she feels that she can do whatever she wants. , it seems that you are still so timid.”

Lord Peng Gong and Luo Yuan seemed to be performing a double act, making the strong men in the human camp laugh. After all, the Queen of the Zerg was indeed very timid and did not dare to venture into the cosmic sea. She had been hiding in her piece of equipment. In the powerful treasure, he asked his subordinates to collect resources for him, and then showed off his power in the original universe, so that the strongest people in the universe were ashamed. The three-race coalition forces on the Zerg and Monster clan were also furious when they heard the laughter from the human race.

But the strong men of the three tribes alliance can't do anything about the ridicule of Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong. Now this star field has been shrouded by Luo Yuan's field. Luo Yuan can forcefully transmit the voices of the human race to any place, but The strong men on the three-community coalition did not have this. Even if they wanted to speak to refute, they could not reach such a long distance. They could only listen to the verbal taunts from the human race, which made the strong men on the three-community coalition very angry.

When Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong saw the enemy's strong men, they began to get angry. They couldn't help but smile. They wanted these strong men to be angry, so that they could lose their minds and expose their flaws in the battle. For people like them, For the top level experts, a small flaw is enough to make them fall. However, the strongest people in the universe of the three clans of the Monster Clan are the spiritual leaders and beliefs of each clan. At this time, they have become worthless in the eyes of Luo Yuan and others. One article.

After Lord Peng Gong mocked the two demon ancestors of the demon clan and the queen of the Zerg clan, he continued to look at the father god of the mechanical clan and said with a smile: "By the way, I haven't passed the father god of the mechanical clan, and I have been staying in that big iron The ball doesn’t come out, why? Is it because I’m too ugly to see people, hahaha.”

Luo Yuan felt that Lord Peng Gong was very capable of acting. At this time, he seemed to be possessed by Emperor Yan, mocking the four strongest men in the universe who were members of the three tribes alliance, and making the three tribes powerful men extremely angry. If there are strong people from the three tribes who want to refute, they will be wiped out by Luo Yuan's domain, leaving the strong people from the three tribes coalition unable to refute and can only listen to all kinds of ridicule from the human race. This makes the three tribes coalition forces unable to refute. The strong men felt extremely frustrated.

Lord Peng Gong's various mocking words continued, completely irritating the strong men of the three tribes alliance, especially the strongest men in the universe of the three tribes who could not bear it any longer. They were all superior in their respective tribes. , no tribesman dares to be disrespectful to them, even the strong men from other tribes are polite when they see them, but now they have become like clowns in the mouth of Lord Peng Gong, how can they not be angry.

Especially the Father God of the Mechanical Clan. They have always admired strength and didn't care about conspiracies and tricks, so they went straight. Therefore, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan directly issued an order to launch an attack on the human race. He had really had enough of Peng. The Master of Gong has a bad mouth, but the Master of Peng Gong is speaking with great energy. Being able to mock the strongest man in the universe in front of all the top experts of the three tribes is something he can brag about for the rest of his life.

But streams of light flew directly from the black metal sphere of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe. Each stream of light was the Lord of the Universe of the Mechanical Tribe. Their huge metal-made god body came to surround and kill the human camp. These The Masters of the Universe of the Mechanical Tribe have different forms, but each of them is like a torrent of steel and looks unstoppable. Luo Yuan and Master Peng Gong know that these are the pinnacle mechanical puppet legions of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe.

These mechanical puppets are the pinnacle creations of the mechanical clan. Each one is comparable to a top-notch treasure. After all, the materials used are extraordinary, so these strong men of the mechanical clan actually have something in common with those refined treasures. It’s just that They have extremely high intelligence, and they have all the emotions of intelligent creatures, so they naturally have joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. It is not surprising that they are angered by the Lord Peng Gong at this time. This father god of the mechanical clan will use his big move as soon as he comes.

It seems that the father of the mechanical tribe is indeed angry. After all, these mechanical puppets, which are comparable to treasures, were refined by him at a huge cost. Losing one of them will make him feel distressed. But in this primitive universe, He was not worried that these treasure-level mechanical puppets would be damaged. After all, there were only a handful of strong people in the primitive universe who could do this. Luo Yuan felt very strange when he saw the densely packed mechanical puppets rushing towards him.

Luo Yuan understood from the classification of various schools related to the ancient civilization era in the Duandonghe lineage inheritance that he knew that the father god of the mechanical clan was obviously a branch of the mechanical stream of cultivation and a group attack type. However, in the ancient civilization era, this This genre is relatively low-end. Although this mechanical group attack looks powerful, each individual is not strong. It can crush the weak forces one-sidedly, but it cannot do it when facing the super strong. This made Luo Yuan understand that the father god of the mechanical clan did not have a complete inheritance and could not create a very powerful single mechanical puppet, so in the end he had to adopt the swarm tactic to create many mechanical puppets that were not very powerful. After all, mechanical puppets In this genre, mass production can be achieved as long as there are enough materials. This is very similar to the Zerg swarm tactics. Therefore, both the Machine Tribe and the Zerg Tribe are suitable for group attacks. They win with quantity and can produce powerful people.

Although the Father God of the Mechanical Clan is currently on the low-end branch of the Mechanical Flow, it is difficult to deal with in the current primitive universe. After all, the strongest person in the universe of the Mechanical Clan can mass-produce ordinary machines if there are sufficient materials. Although the Master of the Universe is not very powerful, when the number increases, it is still a force that cannot be underestimated. At this time, Luo Yuan can see that the manufacturing materials of these mechanical puppets are all peak treasure-level metal materials.

I don’t know where the father of the mechanical clan got so many peak treasure materials, just to refine ordinary treasure-level mechanical puppets. It’s really a waste of resources. But these puppets join forces to besiege. If they fight according to special secret methods, they can Those are the most powerful treasures in the attack category. No wonder the Father God of the Machine Clan does not have the most powerful treasures, but he can still allow the Demon Race to secure its position at the top of the clan. It seems to be very powerful.

Luo Yuan frowned when he saw the densely packed mechanical puppets. He found that even if he used the most powerful palace-type treasure, he could not collect all of these mechanical puppets. After all, they could disperse and unite at any time and were very flexible. If only a few mechanical puppets were collected, It cannot change the overall situation, and these mechanical puppets are also very fast. These mechanical puppets do not use soul will, so the ancient god's eyes are ineffective against them.

Not only Luo Yuan, but other human universe masters also realized the difficulty of the father god of the mechanical race, so after discussing in the virtual universe, they decided to enter the dark universe first, so that their speed could be increased to a limit. , so Luo Yuan controlled the tomb boat, and the Lord of Darkness controlled the black prison tower to turn on the super-light speed. They immediately entered the dark universe. Seeing this, the four strongest men in the universe from the three clan alliances also hurriedly entered the dark universe.

In the eyes of the strong men of the three tribes alliance, this is because the strong men of the human race were suppressed below, so they had to hide in the dark universe. In fact, it was Luo Yuan and others who found that fighting against these strongest men in the original universe was too disadvantageous. Yes, the strongest people in the universe can activate super-light speed in the original universe.

But Luo Yuan and other human race masters of the universe will be forced into the dark universe once they turn on super-light speed. Therefore, fighting in the original universe is very detrimental to the human race. Only by entering the dark universe can the advantages of the strong human race be brought to bear. , but the strong men of the three-race alliance would not think so. They would only think that the human race had no room to fight back under the attack of the father god of the mechanical race, and would only flee to the dark universe to hide.

So when Luo Yuan and other universe masters from the human camp came to the dark universe, the strong men from the three tribes alliance also came one after another, especially the mechanical puppets of the father god of the mechanical tribe, who were in hot pursuit. The mechanical puppets roared one by one under the seemingly endless supply of divine power from the Father God of the Mechanical Clan. This obviously meant that the Father God of the Mechanical Clan was using secret methods to remotely control these mechanical puppets. These mechanical puppets had no independent consciousness.

Therefore, these mechanical puppets completely obey the orders of the Mechanical Clan Father God, and have no fear at all. They are the most powerful combat weapons, and the Mechanical Clan Father God can control these mechanical puppets at the same time. This shows that the Mechanical Clan Father God God has reached an extremely high level in mechanical control.

Soon these mechanical puppets increased to tens of thousands, and under the control of the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, they were like living creatures and could be controlled freely. They divided into two parts and attacked Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong respectively. There were five of them. Thousands of mechanical puppets surrounded Luo Yuan. They just punched at random, and they all seemed to contain different punching secrets. They also shot at the same time. They seemed densely packed, and Luo Yuan was suddenly enveloped by countless punch shadows.

The speed of these mechanical puppets is very fast. They are indeed comparable to ordinary masters of the universe. Even if their strength is barely at the first level, it would be terrible to attack together at the same time. Luo Yuan has no time to return to the tomb ship. , he directly blocked the blood shadow knife in his hand in front of him, and a huge white sword shield suddenly appeared to block these fist shadows. The Lord of Peng Gong also waved the Yanjun stick in his hand and kept bombarding the mechanical puppets.

The terrifying battle fluctuations directly shattered the void, and countless space fragments flew everywhere. At this time, Luo Yuan quickly moved the Chaos Divine Armor on his body to resist attacks from all directions, and the Lord of Peng Gong also Yan Jungun changed into armor mode to cover himself, and then the two fought and retreated, constantly approaching the tomb boat. Both of their divine bodies were very strong, and they also had the most powerful treasure to protect their bodies, but there were too many enemies. Need to slow down.

However, after Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong adapted to the attacks of these mechanical puppets, they discovered that even if the power of these mechanical puppets join forces to attack, although they are powerful and difficult to defend against, their combat effectiveness has not reached the peak of the sixth level. level, it's just that the method was weird, so Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong didn't react for a while. Even if those mechanical puppets attacked from the front at the same time, it only made Luo Yuan and the two of them take a few steps back.

Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong also realized that the combined strength of these mechanical puppets was not as powerful as they imagined. It seems that in addition to the father of the mechanical clan being suppressed by the original rules of the original universe, his influence on every mechanical puppet The control has not reached a complete level, but the momentum is very bluffing. If it were another master of the universe, he would probably have to kneel down when facing the attack of the Father God of the Machine Tribe, but Luo Yuan and the two are different.

After understanding this, Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that the group attack of the mechanical father god was not so threatening to them. With the blessing of the powerful treasure, raising the power to the peak of the sixth level is enough to deal with these mechanical puppets. It is also possible to beat them to pieces. If that is the case, then the father of the mechanical clan has nothing to fear.

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(End of this chapter)

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