Chapter 423 Fierce Battle

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was originally full of confidence in his mechanical puppets, but as time went by, he found that his mechanical puppets had less and less suppressive effect on Luo Yuan and others. Although Luo Yuan and Peng The Lord of Works restrained them, but was still unable to cause substantial harm to Luo Yuan and the other two. This was mainly because the strength of these mechanical puppets was suppressed by the original will of the original universe and could not play a real role.

If it were in the cosmic sea, even the strongest man in the universe would have to avoid the joint attack of these mechanical puppets of the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, but Luo Yuan and others would not fight with the coalition forces of the three tribes in the cosmic sea. After all, the three There are four strongest people in the universe on their side. If they fight in the cosmic sea, then their advantage will be useless. And no matter what method the strongest person in the universe uses, they can only play the sixth level in the original universe. Strength.

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe also knew this, so he divided the tens of thousands of mechanical puppets into two halves to contain Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong respectively. The Lord of Darkness has been leading other Lords of the Universe to hide in the Black Prison Tower. Inside, he had nothing to do with the Lord of Darkness. In the original universe, possessing the most powerful treasure meant that there was no need to worry about falling. The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe also knew this, so he wanted to trap Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong. Then carry out seal suppression.

Tens of thousands of mechanical puppets seemed to be integrated into one. Under the absolute control of the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, they continued to attack Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong fiercely. The main reason was that these mechanical puppets were linked to each other to form a large metal net, which bound Luo Yuan and the Lord Peng Gong. The area where Lord Peng Gong is located is shrouded, making it impossible for Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong to escape. In addition, the manufacturing materials of these mechanical puppets are all top treasure-level materials, so they are difficult to be indestructible.

Lord Luo Yuan and Peng Gong did not expect that the God of the Mechanical Clan could have such a trick. Tens of thousands of mechanical puppets made of peak treasure-level materials, the combined power is comparable to the strongest treasure in the field. And it is the kind of offense and defense. No wonder the God of the Machine Clan does not need the most powerful treasure. It turns out that he has this method. The Lord of Peng Gong kept swinging the Yanjun stick in his hand, hitting the mechanical puppets hard to form a metal mesh.

Luo Yuan also clenched the Blood Shadow Knife in his hand and kept slashing out sharp blades. Each blade could knock a mechanical puppet away, but other mechanical puppets would immediately catch up, always maintaining the metal. A large net, and these mechanical puppets have no independent consciousness and completely obey the orders of the father god of the mechanical clan, so it is very difficult to deal with them. In the original universe, it is impossible to destroy these mechanical puppets.

The four strongest men in the universe from the three tribes alliance saw that Luo Yuan and Master Peng Gong had been trapped, so the father god of the mechanical tribe directly ordered all the masters of the universe under his command to attack Luo Yuan and Master Peng Gong. The coalition of the three tribes can kill one of the Lords Luo Yuan or Peng Gong, then the war between the tribes is guaranteed to be won. So the Queen of the Zerg tribe immediately opened her palace, the Supreme Treasure Queen's Palace, and suddenly many universes The Lord flew out.

In addition to the masters of the universe of the three tribes, the others are more of the masters of the universe from affiliated forces. This time the three tribes brought a total of 112 masters of the universe, plus the clones. , there are a total of 120 Lords of the Universe level of combat power. They have different shapes, but each of them exudes a powerful aura. As soon as they come out, they use various attacks to attack Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong. .

Whether it is melee attacks, long-range attacks, or soul attacks, there are all kinds of attacks. The masters of the universe of the mechanical race and the Zerg race released a large number of mechanical puppets and Zerg warriors. It is obvious that the strong men of these two races are following The group attack method looks massive and dense. The power generated by more than a hundred universe masters attacking at the same time is enough to deal with any of the strongest people in the universe, even the four strongest people in the universe from the alliance of the three tribes.

They were also deeply shocked. All the strong men here had never seen so many universe masters join forces to attack one place at the same time. This terrifying power made all the strong men tremble. Luo Yuan saw so many The attacks came at the same time, and their faces were ugly. Even the Lord of Peng Gong felt that something was not good, so Luo Yuan directly transmitted the divine power to the Lord of Darkness. Now the Lords of the Universe from the human camp needed to take action.

Following Luo Yuan's divine power, the Lord of Darkness also realized that the situation was not good, so he released hundreds of Universe Lords from the human camp. These Universe Lords appeared at the edge of the Black Prison Tower. The Lord of Darkness directly ordered these Lords of the Universe to launch an attack on the Lord of the Universe on the side of the three-community coalition. As the Lord of Darkness gave the order, the Lords of the Universe on the human camp side also used powerful secret techniques to attack the enemy. go.

At this time, both sides were in the dark universe, and the volume of the dark universe was obviously smaller than that of the original universe, so the distance between the two sides was very close. With the overwhelming and powerful attacks of the masters of the universe from the three clan alliances, there were countless others. Luo Yuan and Master Peng Gong also knew that they could not stop the attacks of mechanical puppets and Zerg warriors on their own, because even the strongest man in the universe had to avoid the joint attacks of so many masters of the universe.

So Luo Yuan directly released the tomb boat. As the tomb boat grew in size, it was like an invincible defensive shield, standing in front of Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong, blocking all attacks. Next, only some soul-type attacks attacked Luo Yuan and Peng Gong's main body after weakening, but for Luo Yuan, who has the willpower of the strongest person in the universe, this is like scratching an itch and has no effect.

However, as more than a hundred universe masters from the three tribes allied forces continued to attack, the soul-type attacks generated became more and more powerful. At this time, they were like a dozen of the strongest people in the universe using soul and illusion-type secret methods at the same time. , so the power continues to increase, and has reached the limit of power that the original universe can bear, which is the power of the sixth level peak. After a long time, Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong are still a little bit overwhelmed, especially Lord Peng Gong is very Uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan directly opened the hatch of the tomb boat, and then let Lord Peng Gong and himself fly directly in. The pressure immediately disappeared. No matter what attack, it had no effect on the tomb boat itself. , Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong came to the core control hall of the Tomb Boat. They could see the situation outside through the wall of the Tomb Boat. They could clearly see the overwhelming attacks outside.

In addition to the attack by the Lords of the Universe of the three-race coalition, on the human camp side, the Lord of Darkness is leading a hundred universe masters to also launch an equally powerful attack on the three-race coalition. At this time, the three-race coalition's The Lord of the Universe was seriously injured by the attack of the Lord of the Universe from the human camp, but no matter how the three-race coalition attacked the tomb boat, they could not damage it. If this continues, the three-race coalition would be unable to damage it. It's dangerous.

As the commander-in-chief of these universe masters, the Father God of the Machine Clan could only order the masters of the universe to block the attacks from the human camp. Moreover, the huge silver-white snake body of the Dream Demon Ancestor of the Demon Clan immediately grew to the size of a light. Years old, it protects the Queen's Palace of the Zerg Queen and the Lords of the Universe. The huge snake body is like a shield to resist various powerful attacks from the Lords of the Universe in the human camp.

The reason why the Dream Demon Ancestor dares to do this is because it wears armor-like supreme treasures that can form a strong defense. However, it does not dare to do this. After all, the joint attack of one hundred universe masters is equivalent to ten The combined attacks of the strongest men in the universe were extremely powerful, so even the Dream Demon Ancestor only resisted for a moment before being blown away by various attacks, followed closely by the Queen's Palace and the four strongest men in the universe. Although it is difficult to hurt them, it can still blow away the strongest men in the universe from the three tribes' alliance, providing an opportunity for the next attack. However, the Dream Demon Ancestor is also very courageous. Since he dares to face hundreds of them directly, Luo Yuan would not have done the joint attack by the Lord of the Universe, because it was too dangerous, and one of them would be seriously injured if he did not do it right. However, the Lords of the Universe who originally attacked the tomb boat from the coalition forces of the three tribes The masters also came to their senses.

Everything that just happened happened in a blink of an eye, from Luo Yuan releasing the tomb boat to the time when the masters of the universe from the human camp appeared and launched an attack on the masters of the universe from the three-community coalition. The Lords didn't have time to react at all. If the Dream Demon Ancestor hadn't taken action to resist the attack from the human race, then the Lords of the Universe from the alliance of the three tribes would have been in danger, but they also reacted at this time.

Therefore, the Lords of the Universe from the three-community alliance concentrated their power and attacked the Black Prison Tower on the side of the Lord of Darkness. The Lords of the Universe on the human camp side also fought back in the same way, so the Lords of the Universe on both sides were considered to be truly As they fought together, all kinds of attacks suddenly flew everywhere, and the scene was in chaos. When the Zerg Queen saw this, she immediately controlled the devouring power of the Queen's Palace to devour the Lord of the Universe in the human camp.

The Black Prison Tower, like the Queen's Palace, is the most powerful treasure in the palace category. They both have the ability to devour and suppress seals. For the Queen's Palace to devour, the hundreds of human camp lords of the universe located in the Black Prison Tower burned their divine power, and the prison suddenly became black. The tower also emitted terrifying devouring power to withstand the attack from the Queen's Palace. The Lords of the Universe on the human camp side, led by the Lord of Darkness, continued to attack the Lords of the Universe from the three-race alliance.

At the same time, they are also defending against the sneak attack of the three-community coalition. At this time, the masters of the universe on both sides are cautious, because as long as the master of the universe on the other side fails to react, it will be easily swallowed up by the opponent's palace-type supreme treasure. To suppress, once suppressed, even the strongest person in the universe is helpless. When the Lord of Darkness saw that the Zerg Queen had used the devouring power of the Queen's Palace, he also used the devouring power of the Black Prison Tower.

Suddenly, a huge devouring vortex appeared at the bottom of the Black Prison Tower, and the terrifying devouring power was released, devouring the hostile universe lords surrounding the Queen's Palace. Suddenly, two palace-type supreme treasures collided directly. , both are using the ability to devour, but the Black Prison Tower and the Queen's Palace are both the most powerful treasures, and there is no difference between the two, so neither one can do anything to the other, but the masters of the two universes are directly face to face.

As a result, the Allied Forces of the Three Tribes and the Masters of the Universe on the human camp began to bombard each other continuously. All kinds of terrifying powers were emitted. The total number of Masters of the Universe from the two sides suddenly exceeded two hundred, and a sudden power fluctuation occurred. It was so powerful that even the four strongest men in the universe from the alliance of the three tribes did not dare to approach. Both sides fought with real fire. They had never participated in so many battles between the masters of the universe, and they felt very happy.

At this time, the attack energy generated by more than two hundred masters of the universe has formed a powerful domain force field. The endless burning of divine power destroys everything around it. Even the power of time and space and the laws of the universe are temporarily avoided. This The power is comparable to the combined power of more than 20 of the strongest people in the universe. Even Luo Yuan's domain power was temporarily deflected. Neither the four strongest people in the universe nor Luo Yuan from the three tribes coalition dared to get close. .

The strength of the two sides is almost the same, so in the constant battle, apart from the offset of the attacks, there is no such thing as the death of the master of the universe. It is just that this battle between the masters of the universe is more like a carnival. After all, from the original universe Since its birth, there have never been so many masters of the universe gathered at once for a battle. This battle also made these masters of the universe realize how powerful they can be after joining forces.

The Father God of the Machine Tribe was also shocked by the powerful fluctuations caused by the battle between the Masters of the Universe on both sides. They did not expect that the Masters of the Universe would be so powerful when they joined forces. If the four strongest men in the universe joined forces, the power would be generated. How powerful they will be, so the Father God of the Machine Clan said: "The two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Clan and the Queen of the Zerg Clan, let's join forces. Since the two Luo Yuan of the Human Clan don't come out, we will deal with the other powerful humans of the Human Clan. By."

The Zhen Demon Ancestor, the Dream Demon Ancestor, and the Zerg Queen heard the words of the Father God of the Mechanical Clan and understood their meaning. Luo Yuan and Peng Gong Master hid in the tomb boat. With the invincible defense of the tomb boat, They have no way to deal with Lord Luo Yuan and Peng Gong, but if they join forces to deal with the Lord of the Universe on the human side, plus the Lords of the Universe on the three-race alliance, it will be enough to change the situation of the war. If they can destroy Kill the strong enemy, and they win.

After the four strongest men in the universe from the three-tribe alliance discussed the battle plan, they began to take action. Suddenly, tens of thousands of mechanical puppets, under the control of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, formed a ring outside the tomb boat. Suddenly, beams of light appeared on these mechanical puppets. Finally, these beams of light gathered together to form a terrifying light, which bombarded the black prison tower. At the same time, the two demon ancestors of the demon clan also took action.

The Zhen Yao Ancestor controlled his most powerful treasure, the Shattering Domain Cone, to form a series of terrifying black storms and bombarded the Black Prison Tower. The Dream Demon Ancestor also used his cyan shuttle to attack the Black Prison Tower. The Queen even controlled the Queen's Palace to send out countless light attacks. The four strongest men in the universe actually took action at the same time. The power generated was thought to be the strongest attacks of forty peak masters of the universe, plus the more than one hundred Attack of the Master of the Universe.

Suddenly, this extremely powerful attack pressed towards the human camp like an overwhelming force. The energy field generated made it impossible for the Lords of the Universe on the human camp to resist the attacks. They could only defend passively, but they felt that in the end it was very difficult. You may not be able to prevent it and suddenly become panicked.

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(End of this chapter)

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