Chapter 426 The powerful human race

This time, I personally controlled the Star Tower. Luo Yuan's endless divine power poured into the Star Tower. Suddenly, the swallowing power of the Star Tower became very powerful. Even the peak palace-like treasure-level battleships of the Monster Clan could not resist it. Devouring the Star Tower, I saw the huge battleship of the demon clan flying towards the black hole vortex at the bottom of the Star Tower at an extremely fast speed. The Lords of the Universe in the battleship wanted to fly out when they saw this, but they still could not resist the Star Tower. .

The Star Tower is originally a god-king-level treasure, and this time it is Luo Yuan who controls it. Both the quality and reserve of divine power are comparable to the strongest in the universe, so the power of the Star Tower he controls is very powerful. The four strongest men in the universe who were members of the tribal alliance were also shocked and angry when they saw this. How could they not expect that the Star Tower was actually in the hands of Luo Yuan, and that Luo Yuan himself was so powerful. If he didn't look at the realm, he was no weaker than them.

The coalition of the three clans had just wiped out more than twenty masters of the universe by Lords Luo Yuan and Peng Gong. Now the masters of the universe who were originally protected by the two demon ancestors were about to be suppressed by Luo Yuan. It was a huge blow to the allied forces of the three tribes. Before, the allied forces of the three tribes were still at an absolute advantage, but they were suddenly reversed by the human race, and so quickly that they had not even reacted, especially now that the human race has too many trump cards. .

The huge ancient god's eye has been suppressing the eighty Lords of the Universe in the Queen's Palace of the Zerg Queen, causing them to lose their fighting power. Then the Lord of Darkness asked the fifty Lords of the Universe to join forces to send out a powerful sound comparable to the five strongest in the universe. The strongest blow of the attacker blasted away the Father God of the Mechanical Clan far away. Together with Lord Luo Yuan and Peng Gong, the remaining fifty Lords of the Universe launched an attack on the two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Clan. Attack, and then Luo Yuan himself comes forward.

In just one encounter, the two demon ancestors of the demon clan were blown away by Luo Yuan and others. The masters of the universe they protected naturally had no resistance when swallowed by the star tower. In order to ensure the power of the star tower, Luo Yuan Yes, he also took out a drop of divine blood. How could the Lords of the Universe resist it? In the end, they could only be swallowed up by the Star Tower and suppressed and sealed. In this way, most of the three tribes' coalition forces were lost at once.

The monster clan's peak palace-like treasure-level battleship and the masters of the universe were swallowed by the Star Tower. No matter how the masters of the universe roared, it was of no avail. The four strongest men in the universe who watched this scene were also furious, but they At this time, they had been blown far away and there was no time to rescue them. Even if they took action, it would be useless. After all, they did not dare to try how powerful the Star Tower was.

As the masters of the universe from the three tribes coalition forces were swallowed up by the Star Tower, the dead star field suddenly became quiet, especially the strong men of various forces watching from a distance were stunned, especially The strongest men in the universe who were walking alone were even more shocked. They had just concluded that the human race was about to lose, but suddenly the situation was reversed in a sudden and unexpected way. In just the blink of an eye, the allied forces of the three races were at a disadvantage.

And looking at the current situation, the three-community coalition has lost most of the masters of the universe. This means that the three-community coalition has been defeated, and it has been completely defeated. The various forces who are waiting and watching and the strongest in the universe also know that they are small. After looking at the strength of the human race, now even without the strongest person in the universe, they can fight against any force in the original universe. Especially after Luo Yuan himself appeared, the coalition of the three races showed a one-sided trend.

Those who are the strongest in the universe alone can see that Luo Yuan has the ability to threaten them at this time. Luo Yuan is still only the Lord of the universe, and he has the combat power of the strongest person in the universe at the peak level. Even if he is not the strongest person in the universe, The power of the strong can defeat them even in the original universe, especially seeing that Luo Yuan possesses several powerful treasures, even the Star Tower belongs to Luo Yuan, and the tomb boat, they have no chance of defeating them at all. Opportunity.

Now Luo Yuan is just the Lord of the Universe and can threaten them, the strongest people in the universe. Once Luo Yuan, who has the inheritance of Duan Donghe, breaks through to the strongest person in the universe, he will be enough to suppress and destroy them, the strongest people in the universe. Kill, so these lone strongest men in the universe left here after thinking about it. They were originally waiting to see the coalition of the three tribes and the human race hurt both sides, and then take advantage of it, but with this result, they did not dare to offend Luo Yuan.

After all, Luo Yuan's combat prowess is too terrifying. Even the strongest lone warriors are not willing to offend this superpower who is destined to rise for the secret method of transcending reincarnation. When the various waiting and watching forces in the universe saw these lone strongest men in the universe leaving, they could no longer continue watching the show. In order to avoid being targeted and retaliated by the human race, they also left quickly, but they were actually waiting for the opportunity. If It will be different if everyone takes action together.

After the two demon ancestors of the demon clan were blown away by Luo Yuan and others, they realized that the situation was not good when they saw the Star Tower, and hurried back. Unfortunately, it was too late. The masters of the universe who were originally protected by them, including them The peak palace-type treasure had been swallowed up by Luo Yuan's Star Tower. The two demon ancestors were extremely angry at this time. The Queen of the Zerg and the Father God of the Mechanical Clan were also shocked and angry.

But they had nothing to do at this time, they could only roar helplessly, but Luo Yuan and others didn't care what their expressions were. Luo Yuan had been controlling the ancient god's eyes to launch a will attack at the Queen's Palace. Once the Lord of the Universe came out, He was immediately attacked and then swallowed up by the Black Prison Tower. This caused the surviving Masters of the Universe from the three clan alliances to dare not come out and could only hide in the Queen's Palace and watch.

Luo Yuan couldn't help laughing when he looked at the aggrieved and helpless coalition of the three races. His laughter was transmitted to the minds of every strong man present with the power of the domain. The strong men in the human camp were naturally excited. They also laughed, while the strong men of the three clan alliance felt aggrieved and helpless.

Luo Yuan himself controls the Star Tower and the Tomb Boat, and the Lord of Peng Gong, as well as the Black Prison Tower controlled by the Lord of Darkness, hundreds of universe lords from the human camp, the mighty Xiang and the three disabled people The allied forces of the three tribes advanced, and the powerful momentum of the three tribes alliance actually frightened the strong men of the three tribes. How could the three tribes not expect that so many strong men were dispatched this time, and even four of the strongest men in the universe would finally meet To achieve this situation.

Luo Yuan conveyed his voice to the coalition of the three tribes through the field. He said coldly: "The demon tribe, the insect tribe, and the machine tribe, you have been defeated. Do you want to continue to fight? If you continue, I don't mind killing you." The strong men of the three tribes will be wiped out in one fell swoop. If this is the case, then your three tribes will also be destroyed."

Lord Peng Gong also laughed and said: "You three tribes are at the end of the road now, why don't you surrender obediently, otherwise you will not be able to bear the final price."

At this time, the strong men of the three tribes coalition listened to the words of Luo Yuan and Peng Gong, and they could only feel angry and aggrieved. However, they saw the Black Prison Tower and the Star Tower in the void, the two most powerful palace-like treasures, and The tomb boat with invincible defense has no confidence to fight again. Especially Luo Yuan's true form is strong enough to fight against the four strongest men in the universe. In addition, Luo Yuan's clones are more than one. , the Lords of hundreds of universes can still fight.

Now Luo Yuan's true self and avatar, as well as the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong, all have the sixth level of peak strength. In this original universe, they are equivalent to the four strongest people in the universe. They are no longer as good as the three tribes alliance. The peak combat power of the human race is weakened, and although the human race's hundreds of universe masters are seriously damaged, they can still exert their full strength. On the other hand, the three-race alliance has been crippled, and the human race camp is much stronger. The Demon Zhenzu of the demon clan roared unwillingly: "What are you proud of? If you didn't have so many powerful treasures, how could you be our opponent."

Luo Yuan sneered when he heard this, and then said coldly: "You three tribes joined forces to attack our human race, and four of the strongest men in the universe were defeated. You still have the nerve to say such things. The most powerful treasure is our combat power. I can get so many powerful treasures because of my ability. If you can't get it, don't eat it here. If you can't eat the grapes, you may say sour grapes. Well, you may not understand. Zhenyaozu, if you hadn't been hiding in that black treasure. Inside, you are also defeated.”

When Luo Yuan and other powerful human beings were formulating a battle plan, they first showed weakness and let the masters of the universe from the three tribes' coalition come out, and then they could catch them all in one fell swoop. But they didn't expect that the four strongest men in the universe from those three tribes would also be very powerful. Carefully, he divided his own Lords of the Universe into three parts, and then kept attacking the Lords of the Universe in the human camp. At the critical moment, Luo Yuan decisively issued the order to counterattack, although it did not achieve the expected results.

But the result now is also good. The coalition of the three tribes has been defeated. The four strongest men in the universe of the three tribes also reacted to these things at this time. After combining Luo Yuan's fighting methods and trump cards, the four The strongest person in the universe couldn't help but feel scared, because after seeing that the human race was at a disadvantage, they were ready to let all the masters of the universe take action and attack closely. If that happened, the three tribes' coalition forces would be completely annihilated.

If Luo Yuan hadn't been worried that the Allied Forces of the Three Tribes would continue to attack and the Lords of the Universe in the human camp would suffer losses, he would not have immediately issued an order to counterattack, and would have allowed the Allied Armies of the Three Tribes to retain some of the Lords of the Universe, otherwise the result would be That is, all the Lords of the Universe from the alliance of the three races were swallowed up by the two most powerful palace treasures of the human race. In the end, these four strongest men in the universe will be suppressed. If that happens, then the three races will be finished.

Although the Father God of the Mechanical Race thought of the Human Race's plan, he was very angry at this time, but he still said unwillingly: "Then the Human Race does not have the strongest person in the universe now, so it can only rely on these most powerful treasures to fight us. For so long, especially this treasure that can send out extremely strong will impact, otherwise how could you human race be our opponent? If our three tribes also have these powerful treasures, you human race will be defeated."

Luo Yuan heard the words of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe. He just felt that the strongest man in the universe was just maintaining his final dignity. He sneered and said: "If the coalition of your three tribes is defeated, you are defeated, and you are still here to find a high-sounding excuse for yourself." Excuses, don’t you think it’s ridiculous, but as the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and the strongest man in the universe, you can actually say such childish remarks at this time, which is totally disgraceful as the strongest man in the universe, I, Hunyuan, despise you.”

At this time, the coalition of the three tribes had obviously been defeated, but they were unwilling to admit it verbally, so the two sides started to quarrel in this extinguished star field. It looked very strange. The two sides were still fighting for a long time. Now it has turned out like this, but even though the two sides were arguing in a chaotic manner, they never took action again. The coalition of the three tribes knew that they had been defeated. If they continued to fight, they would have to be crushed by the human race, which would really lose their face. It's over.

As for the human camp, only half of the masters of the universe in the three-community alliance are left, and they are still defeated. There is nothing to fear. However, the four strongest people in the universe cannot be killed in this primitive universe, so now they can only Only by making the three-community coalition admit defeat can the next negotiation be facilitated.

Luo Yuan saw that it was completely meaningless to argue with the four strongest men in the universe from the three tribes' alliance. He looked directly at the four strongest men in the universe from the three tribes and said: "The two demon ancestors of the demon tribe, the two demon ancestors of the Zerg tribe, Queen, and the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, you have been defeated. Whether you admit it or not, it cannot change the established fact. It is completely meaningless to continue arguing. I have captured many of your universe masters, and they are in the Star Tower. Detained inside.

Do you three clans still want the lives of these Lords of the Universe? Don’t give up like the previous Lords of the Universe who said they didn’t want it. Then the Lord of the Universe under you would dare to serve you with allegiance. Do you think so? Since we have lost, let’s sit down and have a good talk. "

As soon as Luo Yuan said this, the four strongest men in the universe from the three tribes were silent for a long time. The Father God of the Machinery tribe sounded a somewhat aggrieved voice: "Among these masters of the universe are strong men from our tribe. They all They are the future of our tribe, so our machine tribe will not give up on them, and our machine tribe is willing to negotiate."

After the two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Clan and the Queen of the Zerg Clan calmed down, they also thought about it. Since they had been defeated, they had to be redeemed by the Master of the Universe captured by Luo Yuan. Otherwise, the strength of their tribe would be He was greatly discounted, so he said: "We are willing to negotiate, let's talk about the conditions."

Luo Yuan smiled when he heard this, and he said: "The conditions for my human race are very simple, and I don't need any compensation from you. I just need that the strongest person in the universe and the master of the universe among your three races will not set foot in my human territory within an era. That's it. If you can do it, then I can put your universe masters back after an era. At the same time, we will not touch the treasures in your universe masters' hands. How about that? ?”

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he looked at the four strongest people in the universe from the three tribes in the distance. For the current human race, time is the most important. As long as there is enough time, the human race will definitely give birth to several of the strongest people in the universe, especially It is cooperating with Luo Yuan's plan to cultivate strong human beings. In less than an era, the strength of the human race can definitely be raised to a new level, and even become the most powerful force in the original universe. By then, there will be no need to worry about other strong people.

Moreover, Luo Yuan made this request after discussing with the strong men of the human race. There is another reason, that is, if the human race and these three races consume too much of each other, other forces in the original universe will take action, especially those who The strongest people in the lone universe are coveting the inheritance of the Duandonghe lineage in Luo Yuan's hands. After all, who doesn't want to get the secret method that can transcend reincarnation? How could they let go of this opportunity? They are definitely waiting and watching. .

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(End of this chapter)

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