Chapter 427: Divorce plan

The four strongest men in the universe from the three demon tribes listened to Luo Yuan's request, and they began to use their divine power to transmit messages. After all, this matter was of great importance and could not be decided casually.

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was the first to say: "I originally thought that with the cooperation of our three tribes, we would definitely be able to defeat the Human Race, but I didn't expect that the Human Race actually has so many powerful treasures, including special treasures that can impact the will. This loss After defeating so many Masters of the Universe, we are considered defeated, but fortunately, most of the Masters of the Universe sent out this time are from affiliated forces. Our own outstanding Masters of the Universe basically have no losses, so we can wait.

I don’t believe that the various forces on the sidelines in the primitive universe will not be interested in the resources possessed by the human race, especially those who are the strongest in the universe alone. They must be very interested in the secret inheritance of the human race Hunyuan that can transcend reincarnation. Although we lost, they won't keep watching, so we can wait. If we take action when they take action, we will be able to get a lot of good things, especially inheritance. "

Dream Demon Ancestor also nodded when he heard this and said: "That's right, our losses this time are just some subordinate forces of the universe masters. As long as we, the strongest people in the universe, are here, they can still turn the world upside down. We have already The fight has reached this level, if we can stop here, then the inheritance must be obtained."

The queen of the Zerg tribe also nodded. The master of the universe of their Zerg tribe has been hiding in his queen's palace this time, so there is no loss. Naturally, it is not afraid of another war with the human race. For those affiliated forces that have lost the master of the universe, Their feelings were completely out of their consideration. The law of the jungle is as simple as the strong. After a serious discussion between the four strongest people in the universe, they reached a consensus that they would reject the conditions.

Since the birth of the original universe, there has never been a inheritance that can transcend reincarnation. Compared with the supreme inheritance that can achieve eternity, these lost Lords of the Universe are nothing, not to mention that only those Lords of the Universe who are affiliated with the forces are lost. It's just the Lord. The top leaders of the three tribes had already considered this situation when they decided to go to war with the human race. They could not give up the supreme inheritance that can transcend reincarnation for the sake of the Lord of the Universe of some affiliated forces.

At this time, Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Peng Gong and other powerful humans were standing in the endless starry sky, waiting for the reply from the four strongest people in the universe from the three clans. But not long after waiting, the father of the mechanical clan God said angrily: "Human race, we admit that we are defeated this time, but it is just that you have many powerful treasures, and many of us are weaker than you. You have caused our three races to lose so much at once. Lord of the universe, it is impossible to negotiate terms.

You must know that our three tribes are not the only ones targeting you in this primitive universe, so don’t be complacent if you win this time, the next step is the key. "

Luo Yuan knew the result after listening to the words of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe. He sneered and said: "I still underestimated your greed. You are all like this and still rejected our good intentions. We have arrested many of your subordinates this time. The Lord of the Universe, if you refuse now, it means that they will fall. You are really cruel. I gave the two Demon Ancestors a chance before, but now they have refused. They will not be qualified to negotiate with us next time. "

When the two demon ancestors of the demon clan heard Luo Yuan's words, they couldn't help snorting coldly: "Humph, there is no need to talk. Why did the three clans join forces and let you take out the last trump card? The next time they come to attack your human race, That’s almost all the forces in the original universe, and when they fall, it will be the end of your human race.”

After the four strongest men in the universe from the three tribes finished speaking, they did not continue talking with Luo Yuan and left the dark universe with the remaining soldiers. This was because they had made up their minds to deal with the human race. The Lord of Darkness saw the coalition of the three tribes. The disappearing figure teleported out and came to the side of Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong.

The always fiery-tempered Lord Peng Gong couldn't help but said angrily: "The guys from these three tribes are really greedy. They are still thinking about inheritance."

The Lord of Darkness was also very angry. They fought for a long time this time and crippled the coalition forces of the three tribes. In addition to frightening other forces, they also wanted to make the three tribes withdraw from this standing fight, but the four strongest in the universe among the three tribes The attacker actually refused, and said: "It seems that these three tribes are waiting for other forces to join forces to attack us. The next time they come to attack us will not be this small force. It seems that the greed of the three tribes is beyond the control." Exceeding my imagination.”

Luo Yuan had calmed down. He sneered and said: "How can the strongest people in the universe of these three clans care about the lives of the Lords of the Universe of these affiliated forces? Didn't you realize that the outstanding Lords of the Universe of their own clan are... Haven’t you come out? And who wouldn’t want the chance to transcend reincarnation?”

The Lord of Darkness said: "We have indeed won this battle, and our goal has been achieved. Let's go back, celebrate first, and prepare for the recorded battle."

Luo Yuan and Lord Peng Gong also nodded when they heard this. This battle has consumed a lot of energy, and it was time to go back, so they returned to the tomb boat, and then left the dark universe and returned to the original universe. The three tribes The coalition forces had long since disappeared, so they returned to the original secret realm.

Luo Yuan took out the Star Tower in the tomb boat. He flew in and saw the sixteen Lords of the Universe who were suppressed in it at this time. Then he found that except for four of them, they were from the three demon clans. In addition to the clan, the other twelve are all Lords of the Universe from affiliated forces of the three clans, and these four Lords of the Universe of the three clans are still at the cannon fodder level and are not very strong. This time the coalition of the three clans led Most of the lords of the universe who came were from affiliated forces.

At this time, the twelve universe masters of the affiliated forces of the three tribes also knew the conversation between the four strongest men in the universe and Luo Yuan. They knew that the four strongest men in the universe of the three tribes had given up on them in order to obtain transcendence from reincarnation. They are all from weak forces. As the peak combat power of small forces, if they fall, then their ethnic group will be in danger.

Although when they came, the four strongest people in the universe from the three tribes promised that if they fell or were suppressed, they would help take care of their tribes, but this was just words. If other means were used to destroy their tribes, The annexation of the ethnic groups is also possible. Who will they ask to reason with then? After all, the four strongest people in the universe from the three tribes do not show a high level of morality, which makes these alien universe masters regretful and angry at the same time.

Although the four masters of the universe who belonged to the three tribes felt very angry and sad that the four strongest men in the universe gave up their lives, they did not say anything. After all, the demon tribe, the insect tribe, and the mechanical tribe This is the way they do things. They completely follow the law of the jungle. They don't care so much. They will do whatever is best for them. Moreover, they must obey orders absolutely, even if they die.

Among the sixteen Lords of the Universe suppressed by Luo Yuan, only three have clones. After all, the method of clones is difficult to master, and it also requires high soul power. These three are relatively stable, and they are also looking for them. Opportunity, if you can't get out, you can only choose to blow yourself up, even if the loss is huge, there is nothing you can do. Luo Yuan looked at these suppressed Lords of the Universe and saw that they were quite honest. Luo Yuan didn't pay much attention to them. Then he still needed to think carefully about how to deal with them. If it didn't work, he would all use the soul secret method to become his soul servants, but he was honest. It is said that Luo Yuan is reluctant to do this. After all, there is a limit to the number of universe masters he can control, even if he has the will of the strongest person in the universe.

It's just that the strength of the Lords of the Universe captured by him is average, and the talent is even worse. In order not to waste the quota, Luo Yuan doesn't want to turn these alien Lords of the Universe into his soul servants, but those of the three races The four strongest men in the universe have given up on them. It would be a pity if they were destroyed like this, so Luo Yuan could just leave them aside for the time being and decide how to deal with them later depending on the situation.

When Luo Yuan and the other universe masters from the human camp returned to the original secret realm, the Chaos City Lord personally came out to greet them. Everyone gathered in the hall of the temple to toast and celebrate. The Chaos City Lord stood on the high platform at this time, very excited. He said to all the masters of the universe below: "I am very happy to welcome you all the masters of the universe to return victoriously. Our human race is also very grateful for everyone's participation. I would like to toast everyone first."

The Lord of Chaos City drank all the wine in the glass in his hand, and then continued: "The demon clan was defeated by us before, and this time the three clans joined forces to deal with us, but so what, in the end we were beaten in a panic It’s unbearable. We fought against the coalition of three races with one force without the strongest man in the universe. This victory cannot only be attributed to the human race’s contribution and reputation, but also to the reputation of everyone in Hongmeng. Everyone has contributed indispensably.”

Hearing the generous words of the Lord of Chaos City, all the universe masters present were also excited, whether they were the human race or the alien universe masters belonging to Hongmeng. Previously, these alien universe masters who were affiliated with the human race were so excited. They were worried about this battle, but they didn't feel relieved until they saw the background of the human race. Although the three tribes still failed to agree to the conditions of the human race after their defeat, the victory of this battle was beyond doubt.

Soon the scene became lively, and everyone started to hold a party, drink and laugh together. Among these Lords of the Universe, Luo Yuan was undoubtedly the one with the most special status. All the Lords of the Universe who saw Luo Yuan nodded. They They all understood that the victory of the human camp this time was actually due to Luo Yuan. Especially the various treasures that Luo Yuan brought out shocked them. They didn't know how many powerful treasures Luo Yuan had, even the Star Tower.

Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City walked out from the crowd, and they came to the balcony. The Lord of Chaos City was a little worried and said: "It seems that those three tribes have rejected our request. I really underestimated their greed. They are all like this." I’m still thinking about the secret inheritance of transcending reincarnation, which is a bit troublesome.”

Luo Yuan smiled when he heard this and said: "In fact, I have long expected that the four strongest people in the universe from these three clans are actually most concerned about their own interests. If we can obtain the inheritance of the secret method that transcends reincarnation, I will I feel that even if those three tribes are gone, they won’t be too sad. After all, immortality is really easy to track, just like mortals pursuing immortality. In this case, let’s start the second plan.”

The Lord of Chaos City nodded after hearing Luo Yuan's words. He said: "If we can make those three races give up dealing with our human race, that would be the best. But since the four strongest men in the universe don't agree, then we Let’s start the alienation plan, which will also give our human race more fighting power.”

Luo Yuan thought about it now and felt that what the Lord of Chaos City said made sense. The second plan they mentioned was to alienate the relationship between the three tribes and their affiliated forces, so as to obtain more foreign aid for the human race. If this is the case, then what he arrested this time Those foreign masters of the universe will be useful. You must know that most of the masters of the universe in the three-community coalition dispatched this time are their affiliated forces. It is difficult to say how loyal these affiliated forces are to the three tribes.

But no matter what, the affiliated forces of the three tribes would not be willing to sacrifice their lives for the three tribes and the future of the tribe. Therefore, when Luo Yuan was negotiating with the four strongest people in the universe from the three tribes, he deliberately The reply from the strongest man in the universe was passed to the minds of the alien universe masters who were suppressed by him, letting them know the attitude of the top leaders of the three races and their ruthlessness towards them. Only in this way will there be a gap between them.

Luo Yuan is also worried about how to deal with these alien universe masters who have been suppressed by him. He is not willing to waste his servant quota for these universe masters who are average in strength and talent. If he can make them become The strength of the human camp is also good, at least it can save time.

The Lord of Chaos City said: "These alien universe masters who were suppressed by you would not have fought if they were not suppressed by the three tribes. They originally lacked trust with the three tribes. Now you can use them to win over their tribes to join us. Alliance, after all, they all have the incarnation of divine power in their own clan."

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this, and said: "What the teacher said makes sense. I was still worried about how to deal with them. Now that we have these suppressed foreign masters of the universe, our alienation plan can be carried out smoothly. Some, this can also weaken the strength of the three clans and enhance the strength of our clan."

After thinking about this, Luo Yuan continued: "The alien universe masters who were suppressed by me and abandoned by the three races must be very dissatisfied with the three races. If I patiently persuade them to join our human race, and then let their incarnations go By alienating the affiliated forces of the three tribes, we can make them break away from the three tribes. After all, the attitude of the three tribes this time shows that they do not take these affiliated forces seriously at all, and the chance of persuasion is much greater."

The Lord of Chaos City nodded when he heard this, and then asked: "What about the four Lords of the Universe who belong to the three clans? How are you going to deal with them?"

Luo Yuan thought for a while and said: "I decided to destroy them. These four are of very ordinary level in terms of strength and talent. I don't want to waste my servant quota, and I also have no regard for the Master of the Universe of the three clans." I don’t like it very much. They all look weird and don’t fit my taste. If I use them as nourishment for my Moyun Vine, then my Moyun Vine can break through to the peak of the Lord of the Universe, which will increase the number of people. The power of my human race.”

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(End of this chapter)

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