Chapter 428 Conspiracy
  Another reason why Luo Yuan chose to kill the four Lords of the Universe from the three tribes was because the mountain guest here promised him that if the number of Lords of the Universe killed by Luo Yuan reached his requirement, he would help Luo Yuan. Yuan refines the most powerful treasure, which is also a good thing for Luo Yuan, killing two birds with one stone.

So Luo Yuan went directly to the Star Tower and persuaded the twelve alien universe masters who had been suppressed. The result was the same as Luo Yuan thought. These twelve alien universe masters were very cooperative. After all, the demon clan and other three The four strongest men in the universe have given up on them, and they have also lost trust in the three tribes. After all, these affiliated forces are originally voluntarily attached to that ethnic group or powerful force. If there is no trust, it will naturally be gone. .

Moreover, powerful forces do not dare to forcibly restrain those affiliated forces, because doing so is no different from occupying. Then those forces that are attached to powerful forces or ethnic groups will leave one after another. The purpose of their choice to attach to powerful forces is to To protect their own interests, if their own interests cannot be guaranteed and will be damaged, they will naturally not choose to rely on them, so Luo Yuan's persuasion is very easy.

In order to let these alien races join the Hongmeng and weaken the power of the three races including the Monster Race, Luo Yuan also promised these alien races to the Master of the Universe to share the experience and methods of breaking through to the strongest people in the universe in the future. After all, these are the alien races that they chose to attach themselves to. The goals of the three tribes can now be achieved by joining the human camp, so how could they refuse? Moreover, their lives are still in Bei Feng's hands, so they have no other good choice.

After Luo Yuan negotiated with the twelve alien universe masters who were suppressed by him, although he allowed them to choose to join the human camp, Luo Yuan knew that this would only strengthen the human camp's power very weakly. After all, these universe masters were all Coming from a weak force, their own strength is not strong, and they will not play a very big role in the final decisive battle. But what the human race lacks now is strength, and they will choose to unite even if it is just a little strength.

Bei Feng also knew that the previous battle between the demon clan and the human clan was just a test, and the decisive battle between the three clans' coalition and the human clan was also equivalent to an exercise. After all, other forces and strong men in the original universe were waiting and watching, and had not yet taken action. Transcendence How could they choose to give up the inheritance of the secret method of reincarnation so easily? Even if Luo Yuan's future achievements will be very high, Luo Yuan's growth will also take time, but the strongest people in the universe cannot afford to wait.

Next, the human race will face the siege of almost all the forces in the original universe. Not only countless forces, but also the strongest lone warriors in the universe, especially the other eight super forces, are impossible to give up on dealing with the human race, because They did not allow the human race to surpass them and become the third holy land universe, so the decisive battle later was the most critical. It was only the beginning. Luo Yuan had a feeling that a storm was about to come.

This time the three tribes allied forces joined forces to deal with the human race. The four strongest men in the universe led more than a hundred masters of the universe to come in a mighty manner. As a result, they returned in embarrassment in defeat, but the human race did not suffer any damage. This was good for the human race. The disadvantage is that the status of the human race in the original universe has been greatly improved, but the disadvantage is that it has caused other forces to seriously damage the development of the human race, and the power to attack next time will be even stronger.

Moreover, other forces in the original universe felt that the reason why the human race defeated the coalition of three races was largely due to the possession of many powerful treasures, and these powerful treasures were most likely to come from the inherited treasure troves of the Duandonghe line. This made them suspicious of Luo The inheritance of the Duandonghe line controlled by Yuan is even more greedy, so in order to deal with the human race, other forces will definitely recruit more forces to join them. They can deal with the human race together, and have resources to suppress the development of the human race.

At this time, in the territory of the Monster Clan, there was a red planet where the top leaders of the five superpowers gathered. Originally, there were nine superpowers in the original universe, and these forces were all headed by at least one of the strongest people in the universe. Now five superpowers have come to discuss how to deal with the human race. These high-level officials are all the strongest in the universe, including the two demon ancestors of the demon race and the queen of the insect race, as well as the father god of the mechanical race.

In addition to these four strongest men in the universe who previously led the army to attack the human territory, there are also the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan and the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan, a total of six strongest men in the universe. At this time, the blood-red eyes of the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan Looking at the other strongest people in the universe, he asked: "The incarnations of our thoughts are here, so the honorary leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is not here yet. If we can win over more of the strongest people in the universe, then our The odds of winning are even greater.”

Hearing this, the Monster Ancestor of the Demon Clan just said calmly: "Demon Ancestor, don't be so anxious. We will naturally come here much faster as we are close, but the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is too far away. Even if we want to come, we need to open the Kingdom of God." The passage requires constant teleportation, so everyone needs to be patient."

Even the Holy Lord of the Jing Clan smiled and said: "The Demon Ancestor is still so straightforward. Everyone knows that the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is just the strongest person in the universe in name only. Does he care whether the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is still there?" It's hard to say, and the ones who have always made the decision are not the Lords of the Universe, so it is very likely that the Lords of the Universe are coming this time. They are the real controllers and senior leaders of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. Hey, look, they are not here. Yet."

The strongest people in the universe present also looked at the place where space fluctuations appeared in the distance, and then there were three huge figures coming through teleportation. These were the top leaders of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and they were also the three peak-level strongest people in the universe. , respectively the Lord of the Galaxy, the Lord of the Qilan Star, and the Lord of the Black Lotus.

The Lord of the Galaxy is a special being with a body like flowing water. As the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, he saw the strongest men in the universe present and said with a smile: "I have kept you waiting, our Northern Xinjiang Alliance is too far away. , I’m late because I kept rushing. You five super powers are here. Why are we, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, absent? This time we are very interested in the resources of the human race, especially the inheritance of the secret method that can transcend reincarnation. It’s even more inevitable.”

The six strongest people in the universe present are all incarnations of thoughts, but the Lord of the Galaxy, as the Lord of the universe, dare not send incarnations as well. After all, the matter to be discussed this time is very important to them, so naturally they have to come in person and express their opinions. The determination of their Northern Xinjiang Alliance. The reason why the five superpowers invited the Northern Xinjiang Alliance this time is because the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is a very large alliance with many ethnic groups joining it, although the individual strength is average.

But many weaker ethnic groups can become very powerful if they unite together. Just because there are many ethnic groups joining the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, there are also many Lords of the Universe, hundreds of them in total. You must know that even those from the human camp After the Hongmeng tried their best to win over the weaker forces, they were able to gather less than forty Lords of the Universe in the end. It was only later that after the human race showed its strength, those loose groups attached themselves to it that they were able to gather a hundred.

But the Northern Xinjiang Alliance can mobilize hundreds of universe masters in normal times. This shows how powerful the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is. However, as a loose alliance, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is also divided into many factions, and The Hongmeng of the human race is different. The power of the Hongmeng is decided by the human race.

In order to improve its status, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance also found a lone strongest man in the universe as its nominal leader. However, that leader is basically invisible to anyone, so the three people who have been controlling the Northern Xinjiang Alliance are now here. He is the Lord of the Universe, and he is led by the Lord of the Galaxy.

As the pinnacle masters of the universe, these three universe masters respectively represent three different factions of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. If the three of them agree to the conditions proposed by these five superpowers, it means that the Northern Xinjiang Alliance will also participate in this attack on In the human race's war, after all, everyone is here because of their own interests. Moreover, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is not an ethnic group like these five superpowers. They are a loose alliance of many small ethnic groups. Naturally, they don't care about reputation. What they need are real benefits, especially It is a secret inheritance that can transcend reincarnation. Zhenyao Ancestor said directly: "Now that everyone is here, let's start discussing how to deal with the human race. We, the demon race, the Zerg race, and the mechanical race have just formed a three-race coalition to fight against the human race. As a result, everyone also I know, the human race didn’t have so many treasures before, but since the human race’s Luo Yuan obtained the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage, he suddenly had a lot of treasures, especially the most powerful treasures and the will impact treasures.”

"Yes, the treasure of will impact can actually be effective on all powerful people below the strongest person in the universe. Unless your will has reached that of the strongest person in the universe, it is absolutely unstoppable. Everyone also knows that in the entire universe sea, except for that Where else can there be such a special treasure outside the space of black-patterned stone pillars? When combined with Na Luo Yuan's Tomb Boat and Star Tower, its power is more powerful than any of the most powerful treasures. It is really unbelievable. "

"And the black-patterned stone pillar space cannot be moved. In other words, these treasures of the human race Luo Yuan are likely to be obtained from the inheritance treasure house of the Duandong River line. Then the Duandong River lineage's treasure Are there other treasures in the inheritance that we don’t know about?”

The senior leaders of the six major forces present started a heated discussion, and the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was not willing to be left alone. He said: "These things you guys are talking about are not the most important. Don't forget the inheritance of breaking the East River." The most precious thing among them is the inheritance experience, especially the inheritance of the secret method that transcends reincarnation, and maybe the cultivation experience and secret method inheritance of the strongest person in the universe, otherwise why would the ancestors of the two holy places attach so much importance."

"Father God is right. The cultivation experience in the Duandonghe inheritance mastered by the human race Luo Yuan is the most important. If the human race is given enough time to develop, then they can give birth to more people under the guidance of the Duandonghe inheritance. It is possible for a strong person, even the strongest person in the universe, to think about the God Eye Clan as the pinnacle force in the first era of reincarnation. It is because of the seven strongest people in the universe that they dare to be so arrogant. If the human race is also born, then The strongest man in the multiverse..."

"If the human race has more of the strongest people in the universe, then they will definitely occupy more territories. By then, the human race will become stronger and stronger, and with the strength of the human race, in the Duandonghe line, Under the guidance of inheritance, the final strength will definitely exceed that of the God Eye Clan. By then, can our territory be preserved? Especially our relationship with the human race has not been very good. You will know what to do if you think about the final situation. How to do it."

"No wonder the human race's condition is that our three races should withdraw from the battle against them for an era. It seems that they really lack time to develop."

As the top leaders of the six major forces present continued to analyze and discuss, they found that many things that had been ignored suddenly became clear, but they also became more afraid of the human race. The scene suddenly became quiet. Based on the information they collected about the human race, According to the information, if the inheritance and guidance of Duan Donghe's lineage is followed, the number of the strongest people in the universe that can be born in the human race in the future will definitely exceed twenty, and the entire original universe only has a total of a dozen of the strongest people in the universe.

If the human race develops, then the human race will dominate the entire primitive universe. This will be intolerable to all the forces present, because that means that these forces will be dominated by the human race, and there is no resistance. Ability, the six strongest men in the universe would not allow it.

Father God of the Mechanical Tribe saw that the top leaders of the six major forces present were shocked by the results of his analysis, so he planned to go further, so he continued: "Everyone knows that the original universe has been formed and cannot be expanded, so if the human race wants to If we gain more territory, we will definitely take action on your territories. By then, you will still have the power to stop the Human Race. In the past, we have not realized how strong the Human Race is.

But now that our three races have united, and the four strongest men in the universe lead the team, they are no match for the human race. Although the human race relies on many powerful treasures, once the human race develops, then I am afraid that all the people in the original universe will If all the forces unite, they will no longer be opponents of the human race. At that time, the human race has the final say in the original universe, and the forces we belong to will have no choice but to surrender. Can everyone agree to this result? Can we be willing to do so? "

The Lord of the Galaxy of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance also said after hearing this: "Such a situation must not be allowed to happen to him, otherwise how can we deal with ourselves and become stronger then."

The Father God of the Machinery Clan can become the controller and believer of the entire Machinery Clan, so he naturally has excellent analytical and persuasive eloquence. His analysis also strengthened the determination of the six major forces present to attack the territory of the Human Race. Now the Human Race is still They have just received the inheritance, and there is no strongest person in the universe yet. It is when they are at their weakest. If they do not unite to deal with the human race, once the human race develops, it will be their doom. They will naturally unite together.

Soon the top leaders of these six major forces unified their opinions on how to deal with the human race. Every inch of the primitive universe is their foundation and cannot be occupied.

The Queen of the Zerg saw that the atmosphere was almost heightened, and she also said: "Our six major forces have a good basis for cooperation, and we also occupy the richest and broadest territory in the original universe, and the territories of other forces are different. Either it’s very remote, or it’s just a small secret realm. Even the strongest people in the universe who walk alone don’t need a territory at all. If the human race wants to expand its territory, they will definitely attack us.”

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(End of this chapter)

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