Chapter 438 Waiting
  Following the order from the Lord of Darkness, one hundred and fifty universe masters from the human camp immediately jointly used the soul attack secret method to attack the palace of the allied camp closest to the Star Tower. Powerful invisible spiritual attacks were emitted, and the senior leaders of the coalition camp realized that something was wrong. In order to avoid being hurt by the human race's will impact treasure, they divided all the masters of the universe into eleven teams.

Each pair is led by the strongest person in the universe, hiding in the corresponding palace treasure. However, except for the Zerg Queen's Queen's Palace, which is the palace's most powerful treasure, the other strongest people in the universe are only the peak palace treasures. At this time, a palace The forty Masters of the Universe in the Treasure were simultaneously attacked by the souls of the 150 Masters of the Universe from the human camp. How could they withstand it? After all, the Peak Palace Treasure could not be completely blocked.

The first ones to be attacked by the Soul Secret Technique were the forty Lords of the Universe led by the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan who was closest to the Star Tower. At this time, the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan realized the seriousness of the problem, and he kept shouting at the people he led. The forty Lords of the Universe resisted, so the forty immediately used soul attacks to counter the soul attacks of the Lords of the Universe from the human camp. However, the difference in numbers between the two was very large, so it was naturally impossible to block them.

Unless more than 400 Masters of the Universe from the 11th team of the coalition camp take action at the same time, it would be impossible to block the attacks of all the lords of the universe from the human camp. But now the 11th team of the coalition camp are far apart, and it is difficult to Together, so the two only made contact, the attack of the forty Lords of the Universe led by the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan was disintegrated, and then the soul attack jointly performed by the one hundred and fifty Lords of the Universe from the human camp arrived.

Immediately, both the Hell Clan Demon Ancestor and the forty Lords of the Universe led by him were immediately attacked by extremely powerful soul attacks. Then these forty Lords of the Universe let out miserable roars, and some weak-willed Lords of the Universe The Lord was immediately bombarded by this soul attack and fell unconscious. The other ten teams in the coalition camp reacted. They knew that they could not be defeated by the human camp like this, so they took action one after another.

The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan quickly counted the number of Universe Lords under his command. Fortunately, only one of the weakest Universe Lords died, and then several others completely lost consciousness, so he continued to lead the Universe Lords who could still move to join them. When it comes to the battle against the human camp, eleven palace treasures are blasting towards the Black Prison Tower. Although the attacks of the one hundred and fifty universe masters from the human camp are very powerful, their attacks are crisp.

The Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan and the forty Lords of the Universe led by him were caught off guard. However, the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan, as the strongest person in the universe, blocked most of the attacks, and the forty Lords of the Universe also had strong soul defense capabilities. Although they were affected a lot, they were not completely defenseless. The fallen Lord of the Universe was only so weak in strength. The human camp gave them a powerful blow as soon as they came, which made them very unhappy.

So the eleven palace-type treasures from the coalition camp launched an overwhelming attack on the Black Prison Tower. This was an attack from the eleven strongest men in the universe and more than four hundred masters of the universe. The powerful attack caused the whole space to start. Collapse, the Lord of Darkness saw this and quickly controlled the Black Prison Tower to evacuate into the Star Tower. He quickly returned from the small door of the Star Tower, and then the tower door immediately closed. The Lord of Darkness relaxed after returning to the Star Tower. tone.

The Lord of Darkness quickly sent a message of divine power to Luo Yuan and others: "It was too dangerous just now. The attack from the coalition camp was so powerful that I didn't even dare to face it directly. However, when I faced the siege of the three tribes before, It is too powerful. If it were not for the protection of the Star Tower, we would really be doomed. And have you noticed that the power of the peak palace-like treasure we just attacked has not changed much? Look. It has little effect."

At this time, in the core control hall of the Star Tower, Luo Yuan, Lord Peng Gong, and the Lord of Chaos City also appeared here. This Star Tower is a god-king level treasure, and its defensive power is even stronger than the tomb boat. , and also has the attack ability to devour and suppress, so Luo Yuan and others have no need to be frightened by the coalition camp. They just tested the strength of the coalition camp before. Since the effect was little, they decided to wait for freedom in the Star Tower. The coming of the alliance.

At this time, in a very quiet star field, there was a majestic island floating, surrounded by a golden ocean. This was the headquarters of the newly established Freedom Alliance. At this time, more than four hundred masters of the universe from the Freedom Alliance were gathering. A meeting was held here. Under the persuasion of the master of Shihua Island, they finally reached a unified thought and were ready to join the human race. They only needed the human race to teach them the cultivation experience of the master of the universe who broke through to the strongest person in the universe.

But before taking action, the human race has to give them part of their practice experience. They will only take action after they confirm that it is useful. They are waiting for the information from the human race to come. As the leader of the Free Alliance, the master of Shihua Island will now take action. Sitting on the highest throne, while drinking wine, he proudly thought of his plan. After all, this cosmic sea and the original universe are the strongest people in the universe who want to obtain the secret inheritance that can reach the limit of the strongest person in the universe.

The owner of Shihua Island did not expect the six major forces to form a powerful coalition to deal with the human race. Instead, he recruited the idle ethnic groups to form a powerful free alliance, and then first threatened the human race with force to teach him the inheritance. He also expected that The human race would not agree, and then he talked to Luo Yuan alone. Now he has completed his plan, and there is no loss for him. He just let the Freedom Alliance join the clan camp. For the owner of Shihua Island What kind of.

After all, the owner of Shihua Island is the strongest person in the universe alone, so he has no interest in territory or power, and only the improvement of strength is his biggest concern, so even if the Free Alliance disappears, he will not care. Therefore, the owner of Sihua Island feels that his own plan is the most perfect, and cannot be compared with the strongest people in the universe who only know how to use force to explain things. Therefore, the more the owner of Sihua Island thinks about it, the more he feels that he is extremely smart and controls all the forces. In the midst of applause.

The owner of Shihua Island thought that all his plans were perfect, so he was leisurely drinking wine while connecting his consciousness to the virtual universe to wait for news from the human race. In order to cooperate with the strong men of the Free Alliance, the human race So they were temporarily given permission to connect to the virtual universe, and it would be canceled when the final battle was over. But suddenly a message was sent from the human race to the mind of the owner of Sihua Island, and the owner of Sihua Island became solemn and angry. .

The powerful aura of the Master of Shihua Island emanated, and the more than 400 Masters of the Universe quickly calmed down and looked at the Master of Shihua Island. Then the Master of Shihua Island said in a deep voice: "Everyone, a message has just been sent from the human race. , just when we reached a unified idea and wanted to join the ethnic camp, the coalition camp all came directly to the primitive secret realm of the human race territory. Now the human race asked us to rush to support. Let’s talk about what to do. If we agree, inheritance Deliver it immediately."

As soon as the Master of Shihua Island finished speaking, more than 400 Masters of the Universe present were stunned. They did not expect that the coalition camp would take action so quickly, and it was only after the Freedom Alliance had just reached a unified thought. This shows that they are free. The Lord of the Universe in the alliance passed the news to the coalition of six major forces. This is not good news for them. If the human race becomes suspicious of him and refuses to cooperate, then they will not get the inheritance information.

The masters of the universe who were present were immediately very angry, and the most unhappy was the master of Shihua Island. He spent so much time and thought to finally get the information on the cultivation inheritance that broke through to the limit of the strongest person in the universe. As a result, Now that he had just tasted a little sweetness, it was about to be broken by these traitors, and he was naturally unhappy.

The owner of Shihua Island's eyes became cold and stern at this time. He exuded a powerful aura and looked at all the universe masters present. He said coldly: "It is impossible for the human race to reveal this matter to the coalition camp. In other words, it is There is a traitor in our Freedom Alliance. I really want to know who passed this news to the coalition camp. If you let me know, I will personally clean up the door. This is to prevent us from getting the inheritance information and cut off the inheritance. It's the way for us to become stronger. It's just that I don't have time to look for the traitor now. The top priority is to quickly support the human camp. All of you, the masters of the universe, must go. The current human camp has the Tomb Boat and the Star Tower. Protection, so the coalition camp can’t harm them, let’s set off quickly.”

All the Lords of the Universe present in the Freedom Alliance heard this and did not delay any further. In the end, more than four hundred Lords of the Universe were divided into six teams. They each took a peak palace-like treasure, started teleportation from the Kingdom of God, and headed towards the original secret realm of the human race. , six teams, each team has almost seventy Masters of the Universe, and the momentum is huge. This fighting force is enough to sweep the original universe. Unless those forces unite to deal with the Free Alliance, victory is possible.

At this time, in the primitive secret realm of the human race, the eleven palace-like treasures of the coalition camp were launching various powerful attacks against the Star Tower. Time and space were shattered, chaotic air currents continued to surge, and the void fragments also turned into the sky. The light particles showed the strength of the coalition camp, but Luo Yuan and others just sat calmly in the Star Tower and watched everything. The Star Tower only trembled slightly from beginning to end, and there was no need to move its position. Those strong men were shocked.

"No, our coalition camp went all out this time. Eleven of the strongest men in the universe and more than four hundred masters of the universe jointly attacked the star tower. The star tower actually only trembled slightly and even moved it. Even we can't do it. What level of treasure is this Star Tower? Is it another treasure of the same level as the Tomb Boat? And there is the will impact treasure. My God, we can really defeat this human race. Camp?"

"Isn't it surprising? Luo Yuan, the Hunyuan Lord of the human race, is the current successor of the Duandonghe line. There must be various mysterious and powerful secrets and treasures in it, so it's not surprising that he can do this. But we I wonder if there are more powerful treasures that Luo Yuan has not used besides these."

After attacking in vain no matter what, the strong men in the coalition camp were furious one by one. They also knew that continuing like this was just a waste of divine power, so they stopped attacking after attacking for a period of time. The Black Prison Tower and Star owned by the human race In their eyes, the tower is a palace-type supreme treasure. It can not only resist powerful physical attacks, but also various soul-type attacks. However, the peak palace treasure does not have such ability, so they are helpless.

At this time, the eleven strongest men in the universe in the coalition camp were all anxious, because they originally planned to catch up with the time gap before the Free Alliance arrived, and wanted to take over the human camp in a short time with absolute strength, but now The human camp is hiding in the Supreme Treasure, and they have nothing to do. If the strong men of the Freedom Alliance arrive, the coalition camp will be really in danger. They don't want to start a tug-of-war, and they won't be willing to just let them give up. .

If we don’t deal with the human race now, and when the human race develops in the future, then the human race has the final say in the original universe, and all their forces will be led by the human race. This is something that the strongest people in the universe cannot bear, so whether the human race has developed yet He defeated the human race before and then took possession of the supreme inheritance and secret method.

At this time, in the Star Tower, Luo Yuan, the Lord of Chaos City and others were watching everything happening outside. Especially when they saw the helpless and frustrated look of the strong men in the coalition camp, they felt very happy. It was just the Lord Peng Gong who asked. Said: "The coalition camp is constantly launching attacks. If this continues, can the Star Tower withstand it? If it is blown away, it will be in trouble." Luo Yuan just smiled when he heard this and said: "It's okay, this Star Tower, You may not know much about it.

Although I can't tell you in detail due to some reasons, I can tell you that the power of this Star Tower is more powerful than the Tomb Boat. It's just that I can't fully control it with my current strength. In addition, now With my Endless Nether Sea clone sitting in the Star Tower, even if the powerful men from the coalition camp were doubled, they would never be able to blow the Star Tower away. I am still very confident about this. "

The Lord of Peng Gong smiled and nodded when he heard this, and said: "Now the original ancestors are monitoring every move of the coalition camp. The things they do cannot escape our eyes, and we are the only ones who can do this kind of thing." Only the Lord of the Universe, the core of the human race, knows about it, so everything is under control."

The Lord of Chaos City also smiled and nodded, and then said: "Now we are waiting for the strong men of the Freedom Alliance to arrive. If they can really come, it will be much easier for us to win, but we cannot put all our hopes away. It’s all on them, so we still have to be prepared, after all, this time is very important.”

Without the help of the Free Alliance this time, it would be difficult for the human race to win. Moreover, the coalition camp has eleven of the strongest people in the universe and more than four hundred masters of the universe. Although the coalition camp is now strong against the human race, There was nothing they could do, but the powerful humans were unable to get out of the Star Tower and Tomb Boat, and they did not dare to go to the Cosmic Sea. Therefore, even if the coalition forces only divided half of the Universe Lords, they besieged these powerful humans.

Then it will be very easy for the remaining half of the universe masters to occupy the territory of the human race and then go on adventures in the universe. They can even form a shift system. By then, the territory of the human race will really only be the original universe. It is very unfavorable for development. If there is help from the Free Alliance, it will indeed be much better for the human race. Moreover, Luo Yuan also proposed a very bold plan before, but it is more dangerous for Luo Yuan and will not be used unless it is a last resort. of.

The Lord of Chaos City also understood what Luo Yuan was thinking. He said to Luo Yuan: "Luo Yuan, I know your feelings for the human race, but you are the hope of our human race in the future, and you are also the peak combat power and pillar of the human race in the future. Even if we are Even if you sacrifice yourself as an old antique, you will not be allowed to take risks. Do you understand? This is what the original ancestor meant. If the Free Alliance can come, it will be a sure win for our human camp. I have contacted the owner of Shihua Island through the virtual universe. , he is leading the strong men of the Freedom Alliance to come for support, we should wait."

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(End of this chapter)

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