Chapter 439 Inheritance
  While Luo Yuan, Chaos City Lord and other strong men from the human camp were waiting, six huge shadows appeared in the distance in the void. Everyone looked at them and couldn't help but show expressions of joy, because they knew they were strong men from the Free Alliance. Came here, there are six peak palace-like treasures, which means that more than 400 universe masters from the Freedom Alliance have arrived. The coalition camp that is in the process of consumption has also noticed the arrival of the Freedom Alliance, and everyone is very excited. Get anxious.

This time the coalition camp came in an aggressive manner in order to defeat the human camp before the Freedom Alliance arrived for support. But now not only did it not have any impact on the human race, even the Freedom Alliance came, which meant that the coalition camp It is difficult to defeat the human camp, especially since the six peak palace treasures of the Freedom Alliance exude powerful pressure to suppress all forces present. This is issued by more than 400 masters of the universe, making all powerful Everyone looked sideways.

The powerful posture of the Freedom Alliance is to let all the forces present know that they are powerful and are now the strongest force in the original universe. At the same time, the top leaders of the Free Alliance also sent a message to the top leaders of the human race to announce their arrival. The law of the void has been expelled by the strongest in the universe from the coalition camp, so it is temporarily difficult to cover the virtual universe here. The masters of the universe from various forces who agree to join the human camp have left incarnations of divine power in their temples.

All the universe masters of all human camps can communicate in the virtual universe through avatars. The reason why the Free Alliance is divided into six teams is because these six teams are actually six factions, and the six peak palace treasures are It is the treasure of the representatives of the six factions. They are responsible for communicating and fighting with the human race. When the human race saw the arrival of the strong men of the Freedom Alliance, the Lord of Chaos City quickly asked the strong men of the Free Alliance to take action to deal with the coalition camp.

But the six representatives of the Freedom Alliance did not take action. Instead, they contacted the strong men of the human race and said: "Chaos City Lord, we don't need to worry now. You are now protected by the Tomb Boat and the Star Tower. There is no need to worry about the coalition camp." attack, so before we take action, let's talk about the conditions first. We have agreed before that you, the human race, will break through the master of the universe and become the strongest person in the universe. Give us part of the practice and inheritance experience first, and then we will help you finish it. This battle.

Then you, the human race, will give us some of the later information. Now you give us part of the information first, and then we will take action after we confirm that it is indeed useful. If we take action directly now, if you, the human race, do not admit it, then we Wouldn’t it be a waste of work, human race, don’t you think? "

At this time, in a small plane temporarily opened in the virtual universe, a senior executive of the human race and a senior executive of the Freedom Alliance were sitting together. He had separated a consciousness and came here. At this time, the opinions of the six representatives of the Freedom Alliance were very different. Unification, they are only willing to wait for the human race to take out part of the inheritance, and they will confirm that it is useful before they actually take action. The leader of Shihua Island is the leader of the alliance, but he only represents one branch. He can't say anything, and he is pretending that he didn't get it. The inheritance information is average.

The Lord of Chaos City also nodded when he heard this. After all, he had already discussed with Luo Yuan and others how to deal with the strong men of the Freedom Alliance. After all, everything in the universe is based on profit, and he wanted the strong men of the Free Alliance to take action. They must be able to come up with a bargaining chip that they are willing to accept, so the Lord of Chaos City said: "Since everyone from the Freedom Alliance has arrived as promised, then according to the plan we made before, let's pass on part of the inheritance to you now. How about ?”

At this time, more than 400 universe masters in the Free Alliance could hear the voices from the human race and knew the sincerity of the Chaos City Lord. They all became excited. After all, for them, the universe masters, they could break through to The secret method inherited by the strongest person in the universe is what they care most about. The Lord of Chaos City also knew that he could not keep them waiting for too long, so he immediately sent an encrypted electronic message to all the Lords of the Universe in the Free Alliance through the virtual universe. The content was very complex. Vast.

The Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance who were still talking are now focused on the electronic information. They all stayed quiet to interpret the information. Even the owner of Sihua Island couldn't help but interpret it, although he had already broken through. He has reached the level of the strongest person in the universe, but he has always been trying to figure it out on his own and has no mature practice experience at all. Therefore, he also wants to see how the Lord of the Universe in this ancient civilization era breaks through to the strongest level in the universe, so that he can improve himself. and supplement.

Luo Yuan, the Lord of Chaos City and others did not disturb the Lords of the Universe of the Free Alliance from interpreting this part of the inheritance information, but waited quietly. The inheritance information Luo Yuan gave them was simplified by the Lord of Chaos City and others before. The version not only omits a lot of key information, but also adds some information that everyone knows. In this way, even if they have this inheritance information, it will be difficult to break through to the strongest person in the universe, and it is the most common kind of.

However, Luo Yuan, Chaos City Lord and others are not worried that the powerful men of the Free Alliance will not be tempted, because even if this inheritance has been omitted, it is much better than the inheritance information summarized by most of the strongest people in the universe. , these Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance will definitely be eager for the following information, so Luo Yuan and others are not worried that these strong men will not help the human camp. As long as they take action, this war will be won. .

Luo Yuan didn't know how long it would take the Lords of the Universe of the Free Alliance to interpret the inheritance information, so he sent a message to the Lord of Chaos City: "Although we are only giving them part of the inheritance information now, the amount of information is also very huge, and we don't know these universes." Can the Lord complete the interpretation as soon as possible, after all, the enemy is still waiting."

After hearing what Luo Yuan said, the Lord of Chaos City smiled and said: "It's okay. Now we have the protection of the Tomb Boat and the Star Tower. There is no need to worry about our defense. Even if the coalition camp consumes all its divine power, it will not be able to harm us. , it’s just that we can’t attack them. Since it takes time to interpret the inheritance information, let’s wait. I also want to know the final result, just because I’m afraid of any sudden changes. After all, there are many forces who are thinking about the inheritance information. "

The Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong also nodded when they heard this. They are also waiting for the reply from the Lords of the Universe of the Free Alliance. If there is help from the Free Alliance, then the human race will definitely win this time, and there is no need for Luo Yuan went on an adventure, and time flew by like this. At this time, the void was very quiet, whether it was the coalition camp, the human camp, or the Free Alliance. They seemed to be waiting for the Free Alliance's choice to carry out the next battle, and there was no Which party bothers.

After all, the strong men in the coalition camp tried their best, but they were unable to cause any damage to the Star Tower, and they wasted a lot of divine power, so naturally none of them continued to attack. While both camps were waiting for the response of the Freedom Alliance, , suddenly a ray of light flew quickly, attracting the attention of all the powerful men in the coalition camp and the human camp. The speed of this ray of light exceeded the speed of light, and it came across space, but did not enter the dark universe.

And when this piece of light came to the void, it immediately revealed its shape. It turned out to be an octagonal flying treasure. Everyone immediately recognized that it was an extremely powerful piece of the Ancestral God Sect, which was once the number one force in the original universe. The famous Supreme Treasure Ancestral Shrine, this is the supreme treasure given to the Ancestral God Sect by the original will of the original universe. Although the attack power is not strong, its defense power and speed are comparable to the Palace Supreme Treasure. This is the origin of the primitive universe. Artifact.

Then the strong men of the Ancestral God Sect in the Ancestral God Altar sent messages to the higher-ups of the human race. They arrived as promised, but they were far away, so it took some time. The Lord of Chaos City did not care. He smiled and replied: "The Ancestral God Sect. Dear strong men, you have arrived at the right time. The final decisive battle has really begun. We are all in the Star Tower. You should also send some of the Lords of the Universe to the Star Tower. This way we can act together and it will be safer. .”

The senior leaders of the Ancestral God Sect also responded with a smile, and then the side door of the Star Tower opened. Some of the universe masters of the Ancestral God Sect flew into the Star Tower. This was not only to facilitate the joint battle, but also to hand over the hostages of the Ancestral God Sect. After all, in Everything in the universe is based on profit. Who knows that the Ancestral God Church will not suddenly rebel. At this time, Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City smiled and welcomed their joining, but they felt very unhappy. After all, the Ancestral God Church was indeed very unauthentic this time. .

In order to win over the Ancestral God Religion, the human race has actually given them part of the inheritance information of the Lord of the Universe's breakthrough to the strongest person in the universe. The senior officials of the Ancestral God Religion also promised to come to help in time, but the human race sent support messages to all forces at the same time. , the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance is further away than the Mysterious Ancestral Realm of the Ancestral God Sect. Even all the Lords of the Universe from the Freedom Alliance are here, but the Ancestral God Sect deliberately arrived late and only brought half of the Masters of the Universe with them. Come.

The Lord of Peng Gong and the Lord of Darkness complained a few words in the separate audio channel of the high-level human race, and Luo Yuan said: "This is not surprising. Although the Ancestral God Sect has good strength due to the partiality of the original will of the original universe, but Compared with our current two major camps and the Free Alliance, we are still much weaker, so they want to see if we can withstand the first wave of attacks from the coalition camp. If not, it will be useless for them. Now they see that the situation is good It’s here.” The Lord of Chaos City also said: “I just asked the Ancestral God Religion to send some of the Lords of the Universe to the Star Tower just to test them as hostages. The senior leaders of the Ancestral God Religion did not hesitate, which shows that they are also sincere. , it would be great for us to have helpers now, one more ally means one less enemy."

Hearing this, Lord Peng Gong snorted dissatisfied and said: "The Ancestral God Sect has no sincerity. Take a good look at it for yourselves. These Lords of the Universe sent by them are actually clones. I haven't even seen my shadow. If If the situation is not right, they can run away immediately, everyone in this Ancestral God Sect is very cunning."

The Lord of Chaos City listened to Lord Peng Gong's complaints and said calmly: "Everyone has been dealing with these forces for more than a day or two. Everyone knows what kind of existence they are, and as long as they come to the Star Tower, they will all They can only be driven by us. Fortunately, the strength of these clones is pretty good, so these clones still have some fighting power. In addition, their clones also carry some treasures. The Ancestral God Sect is not generous enough to completely give up these clones. .”

In this way, with the addition of the Ancestral God Religion, the power of the human camp has also increased a lot. However, all the masters of the universe in the Free Alliance are still interpreting this inheritance information. This information is crucial to them, and this time they They were willing to help the human race in return, so they naturally had to confirm carefully. The human race did not rush them, but waited quietly, and the coalition camp was also waiting for the choice of the Free Alliance for the next battle.

The human camp is very patient, but the strongest people in the universe from the coalition camp are a little impatient. They came here aggressively not just to wait like this. One of the strongest people in the universe couldn't help but said angrily: "This What on earth is the Freedom Alliance doing? If you want to join that camp, make a decision quickly. Let’s start fighting once we’ve agreed. What’s the point of waiting like this? A dozen of the strongest people in the universe and hundreds of masters of the universe are just waiting. The Freedom Alliance What a big face.”

At this time, the deep voice of the ancestor of the starry sky appeared: "Don't worry, everyone. We have tried to jointly attack the star tower of the human camp before, but in the end we were completely unable to do anything to them, and they could not come out to attack us, so the key to victory or defeat this time is still Regarding the Freedom Alliance's decision, we immediately attacked the Human camp as soon as the Freedom Alliance announced that it would join the Human camp. I think the Freedom Alliance has not had time to obtain the Human race's inheritance information, and it is definitely interpreting and confirming it now.

Our coalition camp should not attack at this time. Otherwise, no matter what the Freedom Alliance decides, this will be a provocation to the Freedom Alliance. Then the Freedom Alliance will definitely join the human camp immediately. Then it will be difficult for our coalition camp to win. Didn't you see God Lianzu? Have you all joined the human camp? "

"Hahaha, look at the old beast god, do you still think that the Freedom Alliance will choose to join our coalition camp at this time? The inheritance information of the human race has been given."

"Maybe, who knows for sure, if we wait, maybe special circumstances will arise. I don't believe that other forces will watch the human race win like this, especially those guys from the Universe Sea, although they can't come To the original universe, it does not mean that they cannot influence the choice of the Free Alliance, but if our coalition camp takes action against the human camp at this time, then the Free Alliance will help the human race no matter what they think, so we really have no chance."

These senior leaders of the coalition camp actually continued to simulate during this period. They found that no matter what they did, if the Freedom Alliance really chose to help the human camp, it would be difficult for them to defeat the human camp. The coalition camp wanted to win the final victory. The chances are very slim, and you may even fail.

So at this time, both the human camp and the coalition camp are patiently waiting for the decision of the Free Alliance. This void seems very quiet, like the tranquility before the storm. Almost all the powerful people in the original universe have gathered here. Several of the strongest men in the universe, as well as thousands of masters of the universe, these are the majority of the strong men that the original universe has accumulated since its birth. These strong men are the peak combat power of the original universe, at least the most powerful ones in the universe. The presence of the Lord.

Every master of the universe almost represents a powerful ethnic group. At this time, they are all gathered in this void. It can be said to be the largest cosmic battle since the birth of the original universe. It has an unparalleled influence on the future situation of the universe. I don’t know how long it took, but the masters of the universe in the Free Alliance finally finished interpreting part of the inheritance information given to them by the human race, so they began to use divine power transmission internally to discuss the value of this inheritance.

These universe masters of the Free Alliance are transmitting their messages directly through divine power at this time, and not through the virtual universe of the human race. After all, the virtual universe is under the control of the human race, and everything about them has nothing to hide, so they choose to transmit their voices through divine power. Voice, and then a representative spoke first: "What do you think of this inheritance given to you by the human race? Is it worthy of your help? Please give us a reply as soon as possible. Both camps are now waiting for our reply. "

"Well, I personally think it's okay. There is something in it that gives me a general direction for the master of the universe to break through to the strongest person in the universe."

"It's not bad. Some of the views have subverted my previous conjectures. The information inherited from ancient civilizations is indeed extraordinary and more useful than trying to figure it out on your own."

"Although there is some value, it feels that many key points are very simplified or even erased. It seems that the human race has simplified it. The gap between this and the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage is not generally large. This is It seems very ordinary, even if we get it, we may not be able to break through."

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(End of this chapter)

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