Chapter 443 The polarity reversal
  At this time, all the universe masters in the human camp were nervously watching the strong men in the coalition camp join forces to attack Luo Yuan's Endless Sea clone. They were looking to see if Luo Yuan could really carry out such a powerful attack. If Luo Yuan did When the time comes, the human race will be able to make a comeback. If Luo Yuan can't even block a combined attack, then the human race will really be defeated this time. So they are all looking at the results and then deciding what to do. Only Luo Yuan has been Keep a calm expression.

All the strong men in both the coalition camp and the human camp understand that with Luo Yuan's strength and the most powerful treasure he possesses, if Luo Yuan wants to leave, no one can stop him, let alone let Luo Yuan fall, but now Luo Yuan took the initiative to let the strong men from the coalition camp attack. How could they miss such a good opportunity? If Luo Yuan is allowed to continue to grow, then Luo Yuan will grow to the level of the original ancestor sooner or later, and it is very likely that he will transcend reincarnation and create a holy land. The universe cannot be defeated when it falls.

It's just that this time, the attack intensity generated by the cooperation of more than a dozen of the strongest people in the universe and more than 800 masters of the universe in the coalition camp is very close to that of the tenth-level strong ones. The highest strength limit for unit strong ones in the original universe is the sixth-level peak, but It's hard to say what the future will be if they join forces. In order to test the strength of the endless sea, Luo Yuan asked more than a hundred universe masters from the human camp to join forces to attack. There was indeed no problem at that time, but now the strength of the coalition camp is several times stronger. It's hard to say.

The Lord of Chaos City and others were also very worried about whether Luo Yuan could stop him, but they gained some confidence when they saw Luo Yuan's calm appearance. After all, the future of the human race was now in Luo Yuan's hands. If the human race was defeated this time, They can only hide in the initial universe, and it will be difficult to rise up. But now the human race has no choice but to look at Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan has long expected that the coalition camp will join forces to launch a soul attack, because in this way, they will have no choice but to look at Luo Yuan. His true self produces damage.

But the strong men in the coalition camp still underestimated the strength of Luo Yuan. His current sea of ​​consciousness is controlled by the god-king treasure of the Star Tower, and his own will has reached the peak of the strongest person in the universe. It is not far from the limit. In addition, Luo Yuan can use the annihilation in the core inheritance of Duandonghe to greatly increase the soul power by consuming divine power. The endless sea of ​​​​you can also resist some soul attacks, which means that his soul defense The power can definitely reach the tenth level limit.

Even if the strong men from the coalition camp join forces to attack, the power generated will not exceed the tenth level, so Luo Yuan is not afraid at all. He also wants to see what tricks the strong men from the coalition camp can play. At this time, the coalition camp Seeing that Luo Yuan was so arrogant, the strong men dared to fight against the entire coalition camp with one person. They immediately joined forces and used their virtual power to attack Luo Yuan's Endless Nether Sea clone. Suddenly, there was an invisible powerful attack. Attacked like an overwhelming mountain.

The entire void also trembled. This void was also blasted into powder by this extremely powerful virtual power, turning into light particles all over the sky. Even all the strong men in the human camp felt the vibration of the space, but when it was attacked Afterwards, the strong men in the human camp looked at Luo Yuan one after another, wondering what the outcome was. But when they saw Luo Yuan, who was always calm and composed while standing in the Star Tower, they were all shocked and stunned. Luo Yuan seemed to be fine. Stand.

When the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness and others saw this scene, they knew that the attack from the coalition camp had not caused any real harm to Luo Yuan, which meant that they had underestimated Luo Yuan's soul power. They were all relieved immediately, and they all Smile, and smile happily, because next is the home field of the human race.

"Luo Yuan, how did you do it? It's really amazing. This is a soul attack jointly performed by more than a dozen of the strongest people in the universe and more than 800 masters of the universe. It definitely reaches the level of the tenth level. Even if it is The ancestor of the two holy places had to suffer quite a lot of injuries when he came, but it is incredible that you are completely safe."

At this time, the lords of the universe from the human race all gave various compliments to Luo Yuan. Especially the lords of the universe from the human race were even more excited. They were really anxious just now, because this related to the human race. In the future, even the Lord of Chaos City and others will be filled with brilliance. As for the more than a hundred foreign masters of the universe, they are not only shocked but also fearful. They have also become more honest. In their eyes, Luo Yuan is simply the invincible true god. In the future, Unimaginable.

The strong men of the human camp in the Star Tower were relieved, and everyone suddenly regained their confidence. It didn't matter if there were many strong men in the coalition camp. If they were to be divided directly and defeated one by one, it would not be a victory for the human race. As long as If Luo Yuan can block the attack of the coalition camp, then this victory will be stable, and the future of the human race will be guaranteed. Even the strong men of the Ancestral God Sect who originally planned to run away were shocked. As the strongest force in the original universe, they .

Naturally, we know how destructive the combined attack of all the powerful men in the coalition camp is. This time, the power of the coalition camp accounts for almost 90% of the original universe, and the joint attack reaches the tenth level, even for the strongest people in the universe. The extremely powerful people didn't dare to block it when it came, but Luo Yuan blocked it so easily. This made the three ancestor gods excited, because it meant that they did the right thing. As long as the human race can win, their future will also be Very beautiful.

"This human Luo Yuan really makes us guess how he did it. But no matter what, it is good for our Ancestral God Religion. As long as we divide the coalition camp into two and defeat them one by one. , let’s join forces to attack a small team, isn’t that a sure win? We still have to support the human race.”

Just when the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect made the decision to continue to support and help the human race, the strong men in the coalition camp were in a different situation. At this time, they were shocked, quiet, and even outright confused. There were so many strong men. The combined attack of the attackers is enough to annihilate the soul of any of the strongest people in the universe. Even with the most powerful soul-like treasure, it is impossible to block it, but the human Luo Yuan blocked it like this. They would not have thought of the Star Tower. God-king level treasure.

But at this time, the endless sea that submerged the seventeen teams of the coalition camp still existed. No matter how they attacked, it was like mud flowing into the sea. They didn't know that Luo Yuan, in addition to using various back-ups, also used the Devouring Magical Power. , if they use divine power to attack, not only will they not cause much damage to Luo Yuan, but they will also bring a steady stream of divine power to Luo Yuan. As for the void divine power they use, although it is aimed at the soul, Luo Yuan is also absorbing and transforming part of it.

The powerful power of the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld still trapped the seventeen teams of the coalition camp, and it did not appear to be weakened at all. It was as if the attack just now did not exist for Luo Yuan. How could he not recognize the strong men of the coalition camp? They were shocked. The Dream Demon Ancestor of the Demon Ancestor was very panicked at this time, because it was the closest to the Star Tower. It still did not believe what was happening in front of it, and was still muttering to itself: "How is it possible? Our joint attack is enough to make the universe... The strongest man has fallen, how can he be okay?"

The Queen of the Zerg was also unable to remain calm at this time. She was also shocked and said: "This is impossible. How could the human Luo Yuan be unharmed under our joint attack? He should have died. The attack just now definitely reached At the tenth level, even the original ancestors did not dare to resist our joint attack. Luo Yuan was only the Lord of the universe and already had soul power comparable to the limit of the strongest person in the universe. If he broke through to the strongest person in the universe, that would be How powerful.”

"What should we do? This human Luo Yuan is too strong. What kind of existence is this endless sea of ​​​​netherworld? No matter how we fight, it will have no effect, and we can't leave even if we want to. If we let the human race defeat us one by one, then We are really finished, this is too incredible, it is simply a reversal of the two poles."

The strong men in the coalition camp who originally felt that they were sure of victory were now panicked, and they were all frightened. Even the Lords of the Universe who chose to join the coalition camp and the Free Alliance regretted it at this time. If they accepted the inheritance of the human race, The information is stable. It's just that they are too greedy and want to keep asking the human race to come up with better inheritance information, but Luo Yuan will not let them succeed. Whether it is a material attack or a soul attack, Luo Yuan is helpless. The Lord of Chaos City also said excitedly: "Now everyone has seen how powerful Luo Yuan is. With Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, the seventeen squads of the coalition camp can defeat each other. Each of their squads is only dozens. There are two masters of the universe and one of the strongest in the universe. If we join forces, we will have two hundred masters of the universe. Let’s attack together. Don’t waste time anymore. Attack them all. Let’s start with the palace treasure closest to us. Let them know how powerful it is."

At this time, the seventeen palace treasures in the coalition camp, except for the Queen's Palace of the Zerg Queen, which is the most powerful palace treasure, the other sixteen are only peak palace treasures, unable to withstand powerful soul attacks, so the two hundred in the human camp The Lords of the Universe joined forces to concentrate their ethereal divine power in one place and attack the nearest palace treasure. Luo Yuan also teleported to the nearest palace, took out the ancient divine eye and used willpower to sweep it away.

Now this void has been shrouded by Luo Yuan's endless sea. This is his world. Others cannot move or attack, but Luo Yuan can move at will in it. When the powerful will of the ancient god's eye strikes the dream demon ancestor, When leading the Palace Treasure, Dream Demon Ancestor, as the strongest person in the universe, could block some of them. However, except for three of the forty universe masters it led, they could barely stand, while the others fell down and lost consciousness. Dream Demon Ancestor I was also surprised to see this.

But Meng Yaozu also knew that there was no time to wait for it to counterattack. It directly collected all the universe masters it led into a small world, and then alone resisted the soul attack jointly launched by the strong men of the human camp. Northern Xinjiang The leader of the alliance has the most powerful treasure covering the void. He immediately knew what happened in the palace where all the dream demon ancestors were, so he sent a message to the powerful masters of other palace treasures and said: "This human race Luo Yuan is too strong. We Not an opponent.

The human camp is now teaming up to launch a soul attack. The strongest person in the universe can block it, but the master of the universe cannot. So if you find that the human camp is attacking you, the strongest person in the universe who leads the team will immediately send the universe to which they belong. All the masters should put it away so that they can avoid being affected. "

As soon as the leader of the Northern Territory finished speaking, the five representatives of the Freedom Alliance anxiously expressed that they did not have the protection of the strongest person in the universe. However, the group represented by the leader of Shihua Island was obviously unwilling to take risks, so the leader of the Northern Territory had no choice but to let the freedom The five teams in the alliance that were not protected by the strongest man in the universe quickly moved closer to form a defense. However, Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​netherworld separated them all, and under the powerful restraint suppression, it was difficult for their palaces to even move, let alone move. Close to each other.

This makes the five teams of the Freedom Alliance very helpless. They are worried that the human camp will defeat them one by one. Even the strongest people in the universe can't do anything because it is difficult for them to leave. In order to effectively entangle the palace treasures of the coalition camp, Stay, Luo Yuan lets the Endless Nether Sea clone continue to use the method of destruction to suppress and contain the coalition camp. Even if the endless Nether Sea clone's divine power is exhausted, it will be fine. Luo Yuan can just create another Endless Nether Sea clone.

Luo Yuan noticed that the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the Domain Supreme Treasure Qi Xingguang Lake, was a big threat and would facilitate the contact between the strong men in the coalition camp, so Luo Yuan asked the three ancestor gods of the Ancestral God Sect to quickly transfer the original universe The most powerful domain-type treasure given to them, the Five-Colored Aurora Lake, was used and resisted the influence of the Northern Xinjiang leader's multi-colored Aurora Lake. Therefore, the two domain-type supreme treasures continued to confront each other, and finally occupied half of the void field.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but be happy when he saw this. He quickly used his domain-like treasure, the Chaos Cage, and paired it with his golden divine kingdom secret method. Suddenly, the area occupied by the North Xinjiang leader's Qiqu Xingguang Lake continued to shrink, and finally there was only It has reached 10% of the area. That is to say, most of the areas in the void are now occupied by the human camp. This also makes the strong men in the coalition camp lose the chance to escape. Luo Yuan suddenly smiled, because there is still a The treasure has not been used yet.

That is the treasured palm universe created by the original ancestor. Although this palm universe is only a high-level treasure, it can cover everything within a few light years, forming a special space. Even the power of time and space can be controlled at will. Once used, this place The strong men in the coalition camp could not escape the control of the human race. However, Luo Yuan wanted to be on the safe side and first see what trump cards the coalition camp had. If they had any trump cards to restrain the universe in their hands, he was not in a hurry now.

Luo Yuan looked at the Lord of Darkness who was impatient. The Lord of Darkness immediately understood what Luo Yuan meant. The human camp counterattacked, so Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness took the Black Prison Tower to the void. Capturing the Lords of the Universe and the leader of the Northern Territory Alliance, the most powerful domain-like treasure in Quxingguang Lake can only protect the eight palace treasures of the Northern Territory Alliance at this time. As for the palaces of the Free Alliance, it is now difficult to take care of them. Yes, especially those five.

At this time, the strong men in the coalition camp realized that if they continued like this, they would become prisoners in the hands of Luo Yuan and other strong human beings. The main reason was that the boundless sea water condensed by divine power restrained them all. They thought It was difficult to move, and the previous soul attack proved ineffective against Luo Yuan, so the strong men in the coalition camp began to use material attacks, hoping to blast away the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, so they all continued to bombard the surrounding divine sea water.

But the divine power of Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​netherworld is so vast that he is not afraid of consumption at all. Coupled with the effect of devouring magical powers and secrets, the effect of the attacks from the coalition camp is very limited. Luo Yuan has no time to pay attention to them, so he takes the ancient gods with him. The Eye and the Lord of Darkness quickly arrived in front of the nearest palace treasure. This was a team from the Free Alliance. Among them were more than seventy Lords of the Universe. There was no protection from the strongest person in the universe, so they came to arrest them. Capture these masters of the universe.

Luo Yuan looked at the palace treasure in front of him, picked up the Ancient God Eye and swept it directly towards them. The Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance in the palace were all frightened. Seeing that they were helpless in the face of the will impact of the Ancient God Eye, they suddenly One by one, the Lords of the Universe fell down and lost consciousness. Only two or three Lords of the Universe could stay awake. The Lord of Darkness also immediately activated the Black Prison Tower to the extreme. Suddenly, a majestic and huge Black Prison Tower appeared, and the one at the bottom of the tower appeared. The power of devouring is activated.

The palace treasure that the team of the Freedom Alliance is riding in front of us is only the pinnacle treasure. Where is the opponent of the most powerful treasure of the Black Prison Tower, it can only be mercilessly swallowed by the Black Prison Tower. The Master of the Universe of the Freedom Alliance They were all panicking at this moment. They wanted to ask for help from the senior officials of the coalition camp, but the senior officials of the coalition camp were helpless. They could not protect themselves.

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(End of this chapter)

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