I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 444 The human race shows its power

Chapter 444 The human race shows its power
  The more than seventy Masters of the Universe in this team of the Free Alliance were swallowed up by the Lord of Darkness with the help of the Black Prison Tower. No matter how these Masters of the Universe resisted, it was of no avail and they could only roar in despair, and At this time, on the golden island where the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance is located, more than four hundred incarnations of the divine power of the Lord of the Universe have been gathering together, just to facilitate contact. At this time, the Lords of the Universe who were devoured and suppressed by the Black Prison Tower are Showing fear.

"The impact of human Luo Yuan's ancient divine eye's will is so strong that we can't stop it at all. Coupled with the Lord of Darkness's black prison tower, it's difficult for us to escape, especially the sea water formed by the boundless divine power. As well as the constraints of the Ancestral God Sect’s most powerful domain treasure, the Colorful Aurora Lake, we can’t even control the peak palace treasure to leave. Everyone, we are all members of the Free Alliance. Can you rescue us? If we fall, you It’s over.”

At this time, more than seventy Masters of the Universe on the throne had lost consciousness. Only a few Masters of the Universe with relatively strong soul power could still stay awake. They immediately asked other Masters of the Universe for help, but those Masters of the Universe could not They could only shake their heads. They were too far away from these masters of the universe and could not catch up with them.

"Brother, it's not that we won't help you. You also know how strong the binding force of the sea water formed by the boundless divine power and the five-color Aurora Lake, the most powerful domain treasure of the Ancestral God Sect, is. Our palace treasure can't even move. , how can we help you, we can’t protect ourselves now, what should we do?”

At this time, the strong men of the five teams of the Freedom Alliance that did not have the strongest man in the universe fell into silence. They did not know that the human race had such powerful means. They originally thought that joining the coalition camp and defeating the human camp would be a sure thing. , but they did not expect that a crisis would arise from the beginning. Before they could remain silent for a long time, the Lord of the Universe who had asked for help could only tell them that more than seventy Lords of the Universe had been devoured and suppressed by the human race's Black Prison Tower.

Suddenly, the Freedom Alliance lost more than seventy Masters of the Universe. They were also anxious, because it would be the turn of other teams, especially the teams that did not have the strongest person in the universe. They now regretted that they did not directly send the Lords of the Universe to them. More than 400 Lords of the Universe gathered in a palace treasure, otherwise they would not have been defeated by the human camp one by one, but now they regret that it has no effect. After all, Luo Yuan's ancient divine eye is really too powerful.

The seawater formed by boundless divine power, and the constraints of the Five-Colored Aurora Lake, the most powerful domain-like treasure of the Ancestral God Sect, prevent these Lords of the Universe from leaving. Coupled with the powerful will impact of the Ancient God's Eye, the Lords of the Universe in the Free Alliance are still Most of them fell down without taking action. The Lord of Darkness's Black Prison Tower devoured and suppressed them. This made these Lords of the Universe completely powerless to resist. They were like fish on a chopping board and living targets, allowing the human camp to attack them. The strong take charge.

The worried expression of the Lord of Darkness disappeared, replaced by a hearty laugh. He swallowed and suppressed more than seventy Lords of the Universe at once. This kind of achievement is enough to be proud of no matter where he is. He looked at it with joy. Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness knew that it was still up to Luo Yuan to achieve such a great result this time. Originally, the human camp was at an absolute disadvantage compared to the coalition camp, but under Luo Yuan's endless sea, the two poles were reversed. , there is hope for the human race.

At this time, Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​netherworld can not only separate the seventeen teams of the coalition camp, but also restrain them and make them unable to move, making them immune to all attacks. Now they have completely become members of the human camp. At home, the Lord of Darkness looked at Luo Yuan and said with a smile: "The human race is really lucky to have you this time. If it were not for your existence, we would not be able to defeat the coalition camp. Even if there is no Donghe inheritance, the human race will face such a huge crisis." crisis."

Luo Yuan just smiled and responded: "We are all from the human race. There is no need to say so much. It is impossible for me to watch the coalition camp deal with us humans. We can achieve such a great result this time because of your assistance. These effects cannot be achieved just because of the constraints of the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, so let’s work together.”

The Lord of Darkness said: "The Lords of the Universe in the Free Alliance were very arrogant before. They took some of our inherited information and wanted better ones. They were really greedy. Now they think that they can rest easy by joining the coalition camp. This time we will teach them a lesson and let them know how powerful our human race is. This time with the help of your endless sea of ​​​​and ancient gods, and the strong men of the coalition camp just gathered together, then we will just catch them all in one go. ”

Luo Yuan also nodded and said: "Yes, this opportunity is indeed true. We only need to capture more Lords of the Universe and let them be used by us, so that we can have the confidence to face any force. As long as we enter the palace to be the strongest The most precious masters of the universe, their life and death are in our hands, let them deal with other forces."

At this time, the seventy-two Masters of the Universe who were suppressed by the Black Prison Tower in the Free Alliance were very panicked. They were afraid that the human race would directly let them fall. After all, they had a bad attitude when negotiating with the human race before, but at this time Luo Yuan The voice came in: "Don't be afraid, everyone, our human race will not let you fall. After all, doing so will not do any good to our human race. It's just that our human race is threatened by the coalition camp at this time, so I hope you can help us deal with the enemy." square.

If you are unwilling, then you are completely worthless to our human race. In this case, our human race will have no choice but to execute you. What is your decision? "

The seventy-two universe masters of the Freedom Alliance heard Luo Yuan's words. They knew that Luo Yuan was not bargaining with them, but directly giving orders. If they disobeyed, they would fall directly. After all, the Black Prison Tower is the most powerful treasure of the palace. Even if the strongest people in the universe come in, don't even think about escaping. It's easy to make them fall. Although these masters of the universe want to obtain more detailed inheritance information because of the instigation of Ziyue Holy Land, compared with this inheritance information, Their lives are more important.

So these seventy-two Free Alliance Masters of the Universe have expressed their willingness to join the human camp, even those who have clones of the Masters of the Universe. After all, the people here are basically their true self, and they also carry precious treasures. It would be a big loss if they lost them like this. If their original self fell, even if their clones survived, their strength would be greatly reduced. At this time, Luo Yuan's Chaos Cage and the Ancestral God Sect's Colorful Aurora Lake occupied this home field.

In addition, Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​netherworld shrouded the void, and the senior leaders of the coalition camp did not know what happened specifically, so the Northern Xinjiang leader contacted the owner of Shihua Island to know what happened to the Freedom Alliance, Shihua Island The Lord said helplessly: "Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness of the human race captured the 72 Lords of the Universe of the Free Alliance through the Ancient God's Eye and the Black Prison Tower. At this time, the 72 Lords of the Universe were already willing to join the human race. The camp is against the coalition camp.”

The Northern Xinjiang Alliance's domain-type supreme treasure shrouded the palace treasure of the coalition camp, and the palace treasure of the Free Alliance was within the domain of the human race. At this time, after he learned what happened from the owner of Shihua Island, he felt Shocked, the leader of the Northern Territory finally knew the real purpose of the human race. It was not to use the endless sea to deal with them directly, but to take the opportunity to capture the masters of the universe, and then increase their own strength, so as to deal with the coalition camp. This news He is long.

The leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance knew that the matter was serious, so he immediately transmitted the news through divine power to all the strongest men in the universe in the coalition camp: "Everyone, I just got the news that the seventy-two masters of the universe from a team of the Free Alliance have been killed by the human race. They were captured, and they also joined the human camp. The human race used the ancient divine eye with the ability to impact will, as well as the Black Prison Tower and this endless sea of ​​divine power. This is their true purpose. Everyone must Be careful."

At this time, the leader of the Northern Territory not only used divine power to transmit sounds, but also used an ability of the strongest person in the universe, which is the so-called coming of thoughts. The source of power of the strongest people below the strongest person in the universe, including the Lord of the Universe, is from the original universe. Origin, so it is impossible to transcend the original universe to display this ability. However, the strongest person in the universe has his own small universe and can directly transcend the restrictions of the original universe laws and perform this trick through his own universe, so it is easier to communicate. At this time, the strongest men in the universe in the coalition camp received the news about the Northern Xinjiang leader. They were all shocked and anxious at the same time. The Father God of the Machine Tribe even said angrily: "This human race is really cunning. I said they suddenly came up with something." What does this endless sea of ​​divine power want to do? It turns out that it is waiting for us here. If the Lord of the Universe of the Free Alliance does not join them, they will directly capture them with their powerful strength, and then let them join the human camp, and the powerful ones of the Free Alliance will There are too many.

If the human race is allowed to capture enough Lords of the Universe and then threaten them to join the human camp, then the human camp will be stronger than us. Even if the human Luo Yuan cannot use this endless sea of ​​divine power to trap us, it will not be possible at all. If they are afraid of us, then our coalition camp will be in danger and we cannot let them succeed. "

"Yes, we have been enveloped by this endless sea of ​​divine power and cannot move. This is not a solution. If this continues, our coalition camp will definitely be defeated, so our top priority is to immediately remove the envelope of this endless sea. Moreover, we can no longer sit idly by and watch the Masters of the Universe in the Freedom Alliance. We need to help. In addition to the team led by Sihua Island Master, we also need to help the other four teams that have not been captured."

At this time, the strongest men in the universe in the coalition camp took the masters of the universe under their leadership into their own small worlds, and then they prepared to escape from this endless sea of ​​divine power. They no longer expected to be able to survive in this decisive battle. After winning, if the human race continues to arrest more than 300 universe masters in the Free Alliance, then the number of universe masters in the human camp will reach more than 500, which will definitely be the highest number in the original universe. Strong force.

If the strong men from the coalition camp can leave this endless sea at this time and take away the strong men from the Free Alliance, then they will have a chance to make a comeback in the future. But if the strength of the human race is increased rapidly, then they will not be looking for the human race. It's the human race that is causing trouble for them. They don't think that the human race will simply let go of the captured alien universe masters. If the human race has a powerful soul control method, it will be even more dangerous.

This move of the coalition camp also immediately attracted Luo Yuan's attention. His Chaos Cage has been monitoring everything here, so Luo Yuan felt and said: "Lord of Darkness, things have changed. Those in the coalition camp are the most powerful people in the universe." The strong ones have discovered our intentions. They are putting away the Lords of the Universe under them, trying to break free from the shackles of my endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, and want to escape. They are also preparing to rescue the remaining Lords of the Universe in the Freedom Alliance. They must not Let them succeed."

The Lord of Darkness also became anxious when he heard this. He knew that he could not let these strong men in the coalition camp escape, otherwise there would be endless troubles behind him. There were all kinds of reasons why he could restrain them this time. If he let them If they escape, it will be difficult to deal with the coalition forces when they come back again.

Luo Yuan also immediately contacted the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of the Human Universe. He said anxiously: "Everyone, those strong men in the coalition camp want to run away. They are now preparing to fight to the death, so there is not much time left for us. , we must arrest and suppress the Lords of the Universe in the Free Alliance as soon as possible, and then turn them into a fighting force on our side. The Lord of Darkness is too busy with the Black Prison Tower. I will use the Star Tower to capture those Universe Lords first. Lord, please be safe."

The Lord of Chaos City also hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, the energy field formed by our more than a hundred universe masters can resist the most powerful palace-like treasures. Coupled with the protection of your endless sea, it is even safer, so you can The Star Tower is used to capture the Lords of the Universe. As long as there are enough, we will win."

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard the words, and then he immediately put away the Star Tower, and then directly raised it to exceed the speed of light, and soon passed through the dark universe to the remaining four palaces of the Free Alliance where the strongest person in the universe was not sitting. In order to capture the Lord of the Universe, everything needs to be completed within a period of time.

At this time, the two demon ancestors continued to enlarge their divine bodies and wanted to be restrained by Luo Yuan's divine power and sea water, because they discovered that the peak palace treasure would be swallowed by the divine sea water when it stimulated the divine power to burn. Not only was the effect not good, but the power consumption was huge, so they directly relied on their own divine bodies to get rid of the shackles. But Luo Yuan's divine power, the Nether Sea, would actually grow in size with the growth of these strongest people in the universe. After all, the endless Nether Sea itself It’s the divine body.

Moreover, Luo Yuan's divine body can now reach up to ten light years, which is a level that the strongest people in the universe cannot reach. Therefore, even if the divine bodies of these strongest people in the universe continue to grow larger, they will still be unable to break free from the shackles of Luo Yuan's divine power. This made the strongest man in the universe in the coalition camp shocked and angry. The human camp also quickly discovered the attempt of the strongest man in the universe in the coalition camp. He actually wanted to escape from the shackles of the endless sea by transforming his divine body. Well, Help the Free Alliance.

The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw this. He knew it was time to use the special treasure left by the original ancestor to control the universe, so he looked at the twelve towering divine bodies and sneered. When he turned his palm, one appeared. It is like a work of art sculpture, including a lake, a mountain on the lake, and a simple wooden house on the mountain. The universe in the palm of the hand continues to grow under the control of the Chaos City Lord, which also makes the alien universe master on the side puzzled.

Only a few high-level officials of the human race know about the universe in the palm of their hand, so the alien universe masters who joined the human camp naturally don't know about it, so they naturally don't know when they see the Lord of Chaos City taking out the universe in the palm of his hand, which is like a work of art. The Lord of Chaos City wanted to do something, and soon the universe in his palm continued to expand under the control of the Lord of Chaos City. Soon it enveloped the void of several light years, and a cyan sky and a vast gray earth appeared, like a small universe. .

Suddenly a powerful wave of aura spread in all directions, and soon cooperated with Luo Yuan's Chaos Cage and the Five-Colored Aurora Lake of the Ancestral God Sect. The alliance leader's domain-like supreme treasure, Qixingguang Lake, also disappeared directly.

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(End of this chapter)

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