Chapter 445 Great Victory
  When the strong men in the coalition camp saw this scene, they were all shocked and wanted to know what level of treasure the human race suddenly took out. This treasure could actually control the void space and time within a few light years. This made them all anxious. If this continues, they are likely to fall directly here, so one by one they burn their divine power, continuously expand their divine bodies, and want to break through with absolute power. Now they have no hope of winning the battle. .

Seeing this, the owner of Shihua Island also knew the seriousness of the matter. He immediately ordered all the universe masters in the Freedom Alliance to divide them into multiple teams immediately, and then quickly escape from this void. If the humans were to capture them, what would happen to them? It is a fatal threat, and everything will be decided by the human race. After all, the human race now only has two palace-like supreme treasures, the Black Prison Tower and the Star Tower. If the Lord of the Universe of the Free Alliance escapes separately, the human race may not necessarily It can be caught.

The owner of Shihua Island originally planned to remain neutral, but now he can no longer worry too much. He also immediately expanded his divine body. He can protect a team himself, except for a team captured by the human race. , there are still four teams. The owner of Sihua Island finally formed the Freedom Alliance, and he didn't want to fall apart like this, so he kept using his divine power to send messages to the Masters of the Universe of the Freedom Alliance to separate and escape quickly, and the Masters of the Universe quickly took action. .

At this time, Luo Yuan took the Star Tower, and the Lord of Darkness took the Black Prison Tower. The two of them came to the area where the Palace Treasures of the Freedom Alliance were located, and then saw the four palace treasures of the Freedom Alliance constantly attacking the sea water. Wanting to break out, and they were still splitting into more teams, Luo Yuan felt a little troublesome, so Luo Yuan took out the ancient divine eye and launched a will attack on the palace treasures of the Free Alliance. The Lord of Darkness also controlled the Black Prison Tower. Constantly devouring and suppressing.

Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness cooperated to capture the Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance. For them, time was urgent and could not be wasted. At this time, the owner of Sihua Island also began to take action to separate the Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance. The palace treasure was captured in order to snatch the master of the universe from Luo Yuan and others. With the move of the island master of Shihua, the twelve strongest men in the universe from the coalition camp will soon arrive. After all, they will all After the divine body becomes huge, it gets closer and closer to here.

Although the methods of Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness are powerful, they are still unable to fully affect the strongest people in the universe. Therefore, for the human race, the main task is to capture the Lords of the Universe from the Freedom Alliance, so Luo Yuan uses all kinds of methods. It was displayed, and the Donghe core inheritance annihilation was also displayed, and the power was doubled immediately. However, it still takes some time to catch these masters of the universe. The only one in the coalition camp who has the most powerful palace treasure is the Queen of the Zerg, and his daughter The palace.

At this time, the Zerg Queen also knew that only the most powerful palace treasure, the Queen's Palace, could deal with the Dark Lord's Black Prison Tower, so the Zerg Queen continued to control the Queen's Palace to grow in size, and soon reached a diameter of hundreds of billions of kilometers. Luo Yuan Seeing this, he quickly controlled the clone of the Endless Nether Sea to entangle and restrain the huge Queen's Palace. The Zerg Queen was very angry when she saw this. He did not expect that Luo Yuan could control the endless divine sea water at any time, which was also the source of Luo Yuan's Endless Nether Sea. Bondage restrictions.

The palace treasures of the Freedom Alliance could not be taken away by the Zerg Queen immediately. The Masters of the Universe of the Freedom Alliance were frightened by the arrests of Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness. They kept asking for help from the Zerg Queen. Information, when the Zerg Queen saw this, she had no choice but to appear in her own body, and then use her huge divine body to grab the palace treasures and put them into the Queen's Palace. Because the Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance did not resist, it was easier to put them away than Luo Yuan and others.

At this time, Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness cooperated to continuously capture the Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance. At the same time, the Master of the Island and the Queen of the Zerg were also bringing the Masters of the Universe who were close to them. The two sides fell into a stalemate until they were finally defeated. In the void shrouded by Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, there is no figure of the Lord of the Universe from the coalition camp. They were either captured by Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness, or were taken away by the strongest men in the universe from the coalition camp. Now they are also There is only the Queen's Palace and a dozen true gods.

Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness took stock and found that they had captured a total of more than 200 Masters of the Universe from the Free Alliance, mainly a dozen of the strongest men in the universe from the coalition camp who had simultaneously snatched away the Zerg Queen's Queen's Palace. With help, the human race only captured so many universe lords. Although Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness were a little disappointed, they also felt good. After all, the human camp originally had 200 universe lords, and now there are more There were more than 400 people together.

Previously, the Free Alliance dared to be called the strongest force in the original universe with more than 400 Lords of the Universe. Now the human camp also has more than 400 Lords of the Universe, so the strength of the human race has immediately increased, at least when facing the coalition forces. The camp had the capital to fight, so Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness couldn't help laughing happily. After this battle, the strength of the human race frightened all the forces in the original universe, and they also knew how powerful the human race was.

From then on, the status of the human race in the primitive universe will reach the highest level. No force dares to underestimate it. After all, the only group that can fight against almost all the forces in the primitive universe with the power of one clan can do it now. Very soon. Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness quickly returned to the area where the human camp was located. Their return made the universe masters of the human camp very excited. They already knew the general results of Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness.

The Masters of the Universe in the human camp asked Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness how many Masters of the Universe they had captured from the Free Alliance this time. Luo Yuan directly stated the number of 208 Masters of the Universe. This is The achievements of the three major reincarnation eras of the entire universe sea have not been achieved. The universe masters of the human camp present all showed shocked expressions. The Lord of Chaos City also smiled and nodded. Now the camp against the coalition forces is stable. The strength of the human race It’s time to fight.

The alien universe masters in the human camp who had taken refuge were shocked when they heard the number of two hundred and eight universe masters. This was unheard of, and even more unprecedented, so they couldn't help but praise Luo Yuan, even though The same is true for the Lords of the Universe from the Ancestral God Religion. They were glad that they did not run away immediately, otherwise they would have suffered a big loss. At this time, the strong men in the human camp were all caught up in a joy and excitement, and their blood was boiling.

The Lord of Darkness said at this time: "The master of Shihua Island said before that he would not take action, but he still broke his promise. If he and the Queen of Zerg did not take action to rob us of the Lords of the Universe of the Free Alliance, we would have arrested more The masters of the universe in the Free Alliance also wasted a lot of time with their resistance." The palace treasures controlled by the masters of the universe in the Free Alliance flew everywhere and were deliberately reduced to the size of dust particles. Very difficult to catch.

Although Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness only captured half of the Lords of the Universe this time, they were satisfied. After all, the human race was also very strong.

At this time, the strong men in the human camp were looking at the void shrouded by the endless sea of ​​Luo Yuan. A dozen of the strongest men in the universe from the coalition camp were approaching the palace of the Zerg Queen. The Zerg Queen allowed these strongest men in the universe to enter. They went to the Queen's Palace to escape, but a dozen of the strongest men in the universe from the coalition camp just clung to the surface of the Queen's Palace and were unwilling to go in. This was because they were also worried that the Zerg Queen would take the opportunity to rely on the Queen's Palace to control them.

After all, the most powerful palace-like treasure in the Queen's Palace is a treasure that even the strongest people in the universe can suppress. If the Queen of the Zerg suddenly turns against them, wouldn't the Zerg become the most powerful force in the original universe? They are originally for the human race. Those who gathered together for the benefit of inheritance were full of conflicts and did not trust each other so much. Therefore, these strongest people in the universe just attached themselves to the Queen's Palace and then quickly moved away. Seeing this, Luo Yuan shook his head.

The speed of the most powerful treasure in the palace is much faster than the speed of the divine body, and it will soon exceed the speed of light. Therefore, Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​clone divine body cannot catch up. If those strong men from the coalition camp had not left, the Queen of the Zerg would have been there long ago. He drove away in the Queen's Palace, so Luo Yuan saw the strong men in the coalition camp relying on the Queen's Palace to escape, and Luo Yuan did not continue to pursue them. Moreover, now that the human race's goal had been achieved, there was no need to fight to the death with the strong men in the coalition camp. So Luo Yuan began to recycle his endless sea of ​​​​netherworld. Immediately seeing this, the Queen of the Zerg quickly controlled the Queen's Palace and escaped faster. A dozen of the strongest people in the universe who were originally attached to the Queen's Palace also hurriedly fled, and soon They escaped from the area enveloped by the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, and they all breathed a sigh of relief immediately, because the human race's endless methods frightened them, and they were afraid that Luo Yuan and others had some powerful treasures that they had not used to deal with them.

The father of the mechanical tribe also sighed deeply and said: "It's really ridiculous to say that our coalition camp originally had the strength to crush the human camp, but the situation that was almost certain was broken by Luo Yuan's clone. , if it weren't for the Queen's Palace of the Zerg Queen, we might not be able to escape even if we want to. It's really embarrassing. If this happens, then what kind of existence is the Lord of Hunyuan of the human race? His methods are simply unbelievable. It makes us so depressed. Yield."

This time the human race can achieve victory in addition to Luo Yuan’s endless sea of ​​​​deeds, but also the Chaos City Lord’s Palm Universe and the Ancestral God Sect’s Colorful Aurora Lake. These two domain-like supreme treasures play a role. Although the Palm Universe is only a high-level treasure, It can play a more powerful role than the most powerful treasure. In addition, Luo Yuan's divine power is endless, so Luo Yuan is not afraid of strong men from the coalition camp launching attacks on his endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, whether it is material attacks or soul attacks. .

The Demon Ancestor's Zhenyao Ancestor also said with a frightened look: "The endless divine sea water is really terrifying. The Nine Nether Sea of ​​the Nine Nether Lord is completely incomparable to the endless Nether Sea of ​​the human race Luo Yuan. Before I felt strange when I saw that the Star Tower had not been used. It turned out that the clone of Luo Yuan's Endless Sea was inside, catching us by surprise. This human Luo Yuan was really cunning. Fortunately, the Endless Sea was difficult to move. Otherwise we will be doomed.”

The dozen or so strongest men in the universe who were present also nodded silently when they heard this. The leader of the Northern Territory Alliance said: "We are in trouble this time, so when we saw the leader of the human race Hunyuan coming with the Star Tower, we immediately broke up with each other. The human race is fighting head-on, and if he runs around with the Star Tower, it means that he does not have the Endless Nether Sea clone with him."

This battle gave these strongest men in the universe a deeper understanding of the human race, especially Luo Yuan. They never expected that Luo Yuan would have so many methods. They couldn't help but be powerful and possess various treasures. This also allowed the senior officials of the coalition camp to know where Luo Yuan had the confidence to reject the excessive demands of the Masters of the Universe from the Freedom Alliance. It turned out that Luo Yuan was not afraid that these Masters of the Universe from the Freedom Alliance would now join the coalition camp.

The coalition camp is now on guard against Luo Yuan, because they don't know if Luo Yuan has other methods that he has not used, so they decided to be on guard when facing Luo Yuan in the future. It would be safer if there is no direct conflict, Luo Yuan The source is an extremely terrifying threat to them and must be guarded against.

The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan couldn't help but sigh: "We all underestimated this human Luo Yuan. Although he is still the Lord of the Universe, he has reached the level of divine power reserve, soul power, and all kinds of secret magic powers. If he breaks through to the level of the strongest person in the universe, it is hard to say to what extent his strength will break through. Maybe he will directly break through to the extreme level of the strongest person in the universe. After all, he has no shortage of inheritance. Knowledge is entirely possible.”

"That's not necessarily true. You must know that the Hunyuan Lord of the human race has created several of the strongest clones. Each clone has the strength of his original self. Although it is unbelievable, it is a fact that the clone of the endless sea is his. A clone, if he breaks through to the strongest person in the universe, it means that these clones of his will have to be merged with the clone. Suppressed by the rules of the original universe, it is impossible for such a powerful creature to exist, so he will definitely consume massive amounts of energy. of divine power.”

The other strongest people in the universe also nodded when they heard this. The original universe suppressed the strength of the strong, especially the strongest people in the universe. Their divine power has a limit. If there is no limit, then Luo Yuan's After the fusion of several clones and the original body, wouldn't it be directly invincible? The original universe would never allow such a powerful creature to exist, so when Luo Yuan breaks through to the strongest person in the universe, it will definitely consume a lot of divine power. Then Luo Yuan's divine power reserve It will come down.

Luo Yuan actually created four major clones for himself, and each one has a level comparable to the eighth level, which is the power of the strongest person in the medium universe. Of course, this is comprehensive strength, but the strongest in the original universe can only exert The power of the sixth level peak, so Luo Yuan's four clones can only exert the strength of the sixth level peak after being restrained, but they are much stronger than the average sixth level peak power in all aspects, but they are not the strongest in the universe. It’s just the various special abilities of the person.

In addition, Luo Yuan's divine power is endless, especially his Endless Nether Sea clone, which has reached an appalling level of divine power reserves that even the strongest in the universe may not be able to reach. Even the original ancestor After seeing him, he also said that he could no longer understand where Luo Yuan's strength and potential were.

The ancestor of the starry sky listened to the dozen or so strongest people in the universe talking about Luo Yuan, and he just smiled helplessly. He did not expect that the young man who dared to reject him directly would be so powerful. His future achievements would definitely be difficult for them. It was imaginable, but they couldn't just wait to see Luo Yuan grow up, so the ancestor of Starry Sky couldn't help but said: "Everyone, Luo Yuan is powerful, but he is from the human race and has a hostile relationship with us. We are now How to deal with it?”

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was also shocked. No matter how talented Luo Yuan was, he would always be their enemy, so he also said: "Everyone has his own opinion."

Hearing this, the leader of the Northern Territory Alliance showed a helpless smile and said: "How else can we deal with it? The human race has arrested the 208 Masters of the Universe of the Freedom Alliance. With the intelligence of the top human race officials, they will definitely take the opportunity to let them go. They surrendered. Those universe masters themselves joined us for profit. In the face of life and death, they will naturally surrender to the human race immediately. This will lead to other universe masters in the Free Alliance may also defect to the human race in the end. After all, the human race is the strongest now. .”

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(End of this chapter)

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