Chapter 447 Transition
  At this time, in the highest temple of the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor, the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor was sitting on the throne. He also learned immediately that in the final decisive battle between the human camp and the coalition camp, the human race actually won the final victory. The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor In addition to being shocked and dissatisfied, there were so many strong men in the coalition camp who joined forces to deal with the human race and they actually lost.

"This human race, Luo Yuan, is really powerful. No wonder he can obtain the inheritance of the Duandonghe line. It's not unfair to lose. It's just that the various magical methods possessed by those inheritances can only be occupied by the human race. It would be great if I, the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor, get it." , I originally wanted to cooperate with the human Luo Yuan when the human race was in dire straits, so as to obtain his inheritance, but I never expected that I still underestimated the power of the human race. To be precise, I underestimated the power of the human race Luo Yuan. Now it’s even more troublesome to get the inheritance.”

In addition to the East Emperor Holy Land Universe, the ancestors of the Ziyue Holy Land Universe also got the results of the decisive battle. At this time, the Ziyue Ancestor wearing a purple robe was sitting on the throne, frowning, and he was also very unhappy and said: "Then the human race is Is it so powerful? Under our guidance, the Free Alliance joined the coalition camp and used almost the powerful force of the entire original universe to deal with the human race. In the end, it still lost. This is incredible. What happened to the human race Luo Yuan? Made it happen.”

In the entire cosmic sea, after countless reincarnations, only two strong men, the Eastern Emperor and the Ziyue Ancestor, have transcended reincarnation by their own strength and created the Holy Land Universe. They can be said to be the most powerful existences in the entire cosmic sea now. If It was not because of the restrictions of the highest rules of the universe that prevented them from leaving the Holy Land universe. They had already taken action to snatch the Duandonghe inheritance. In order to contain the development of the human race, their Purple Moon Holy Land even took out the inheritance of the strongest person in the universe.

True God Juehua, who was responsible for contacting the Lords of the Universe from the Freedom Alliance, said respectfully to the ancestor of Ziyue: "Master Ancestor, since the coalition camp has failed, then we originally promised to give the other half of the Lords of the Universe to the Freedom Alliance. Should we continue to give inheritance information? In my opinion, they have no use value anymore. If we give it to them, it will be a waste, and they have no qualifications to bargain with our Purple Moon Holy Land. We don’t have to give it to them."

Purple Moon Holy Land said coldly: "What are you talking about? As a holy land universe, we have obtained a lot of inherited information from ancient civilizations through countless reincarnation eras. We actually made a promise to those in the Free Alliance, how can we go back on it? , although they failed, we can't lose face, so we still give it, and I decided that this time I will not only pass on the information to the Freedom Alliance, but also all the ethnic groups in the coalition camp, so that they can become stronger. "

True God Juehua was shocked when he heard this. This is the inherited experience of breaking through to the strongest person in the universe. It is not a big cabbage, how can it be given to them all? Moreover, it is given to the Free Alliance on previously negotiated terms, but those ethnic groups in the coalition camp What qualifications do they have to obtain the inheritance information? Are they worthy? So True God Juehua said intuitively: "Master Ancestor, why are you doing this? If they are allowed to grow up, they will pose a threat to us."

The founder of Ziyue shook his head when he heard this and said: "You don't know, our biggest enemy now is actually the human race. That human race, Luo Yuan, received the Dongdong River inheritance, which is a deeper inheritance than any inheritance we have received before. Under his leadership, the strength of the human race will only advance by leaps and bounds. If we don't help those forces in the original universe, how can they help us deal with the human race? Will our Holy Land still lack the inheritance information to break through to the strongest person in the universe? .

Moreover, the inheritance information we gave them is only general. At most, they will have some ordinary-level true gods, which will delay the development of the human race. They want to cultivate to the limit of the strongest person in the universe, or even transcend reincarnation and gain eternity. That's not possible, so we don't need to worry. "

True God Juehua nodded when he heard the words. He decided that what Ziyue Ancestor said made sense. Originally, in the era of reincarnation, it would be great to have almost thirty true gods. However, it was because of the threat from the human race that Ziyue Ancestor took action. Help other forces in the original universe and make them stronger to deal with the human race. However, it is impossible to transcend reincarnation. It is very difficult to transcend reincarnation. Otherwise, there will not be countless reincarnations. Only the two ancestors have done it.

As long as those forces do not have the birth of a strong person who transcends reincarnation, it will be fine for the two holy places. Moreover, those strong people do not even have the inheritance information to break through to the limit of the strongest person in the universe. It is impossible to pose a threat to the two holy places. Yes, now the most threatening to the two Holy Lands is Luo Yuan.

Soon, under the instruction of the Purple Moon Holy Land, not only the Free Alliance, but also various ethnic groups in the coalition camp received the complete inheritance given by the Purple Moon Holy Land, making it easier for them, the masters of the universe, to break through to the strongest people in the universe. However, these ethnic groups Knowing that this was the pressure brought by the human race, Ziyue Holy Land came to help.

Both the human camp and the coalition camp are still strong and can restrain each other. The ancestor of Ziyue was worried that the strength of the strong men in the coalition camp would not be able to catch up with the development speed of the human race, so he took action to guide the decisive battle between the two camps. The battle between the peak combat power, so those creatures below the immortal level are completely unaware, and they are not affected in any way. However, if one camp completely loses its combat power, it means the survival of the ethnic group.

After the decisive battle between the two camps, peace returned to the original universe. Time flew by and Luo Yuan also brought back all the ordinary humans on the earth. Everything returned to the scene before the war. Just when Luo Yuan was practicing, A message came from his smart minibus, which was sent by Luo Feng, saying that Babata also broke through to the immortal realm, and then returned to the old site of the Fallen Ink Star, and then rebuilt the Fallen Ink Star, allowing him to have time to see it. , after all, Luo Yuan is also the inheritor of the Fallen Ink Star.

After Luo Yuan interpreted the information, he was also interested. Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he teleported directly to take a look. Soon Luo Yuan came to a starry sky, and then saw a purple star, with purple light shining on it. On the ground of a black star, there are various starships flying around, and strong men of countless races are receiving this training. Luo Yuan can see that this is training warriors, Luo Yuan just watched silently , I feel that this Fallen Ink Star is also very ordinary.

In Luo Yuan's view, Babata would spend a huge amount of money to rebuild the Falling Ink Star. This was mostly due to his obsession. After all, this was the birthplace of Babata, which was equivalent to his hometown. Luo Yuan was just here. Flying on the Fallen Ink Planet, no living being could spot him wherever he passed. He seemed not to belong to a space and time, so all the detection equipment could not react to Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan just wanted to observe this person carefully. Just a planet.

Soon Luo Yuan came to a castle. This castle was pure black and looked very strange. It was in line with Babata's style. Luo Yuan did not go in, but directly called Babata through divine power. Babata, who was eating delicious food on the throne of the castle and watching the dance, couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. He immediately teleported to the outside of the castle, and then saw Luo Yuan wearing dark gold armor. At this time, Baba Ta still looks like a child, wearing a black robe.

Babata looked very cute, but his blood-red eyes were full of joy. He looked at Luo Yuan, and then smiled: "Luo Yuan, you are here."

Luo Yuan also smiled and said: "We haven't seen each other for a long time. It seems that you are living a good life now. You have become the lord of this area. But I didn't expect you to break through to immortality so quickly. Mastering teleportation, it’s really difficult for you who have always been lazy to practice so seriously." Hearing this, Babata said somewhat flatteringly: "Isn’t this your strength? You have obtained the Duandonghe inheritance, even if you only get Even a little bit of inheritance information that I don't like can make my cultivation speed increase by leaps and bounds. In addition, I am an intelligent life with strong learning ability. Without your support, I would not have been able to break through to immortality so quickly. Luo Feng and Hong have already reached the realm of Venerables, and I can’t fall behind, otherwise I won’t be able to catch up with you.”

As for the decisive battle between the human camp and the coalition camp, Babata, who has a good relationship with Luo Yuan, naturally knows that all of them, strong men above the immortal realm, were transferred to the original universe before, and later came back after the battle. , so they all knew about Luo Yuan's glorious deeds.

Luo Yuan said to Babata: "Let's go to outer space. I spent a lot of time practicing before and was delayed by the decisive battle between the two camps. It's time to resurrect Hu Yanbo. This is what I promised to take over Mo Yuexing. One of the conditions for inheritance is that I have reached the pinnacle Lord of the Universe and am fully capable of doing it."

When Babata heard Luo Yuan's words, he couldn't help but be startled, and then his eyes were full of excitement and joy. After all, in Babata's heart, Hu Yanbo was regarded as a relative, and whether it was Luo Yuan or Luo Feng, Babata actually There is a gap with them. It is precisely because of knowing this that Luo Yuan refused to let Babata follow him. After all, Luo Yuan has too many secrets. With Babata's wisdom, it is difficult not to discover his system, and Luo Yuan feels that the system is comparable to Babata. The tower is much more important.

Now Babata faces Luo Yuan and Luo Feng with an attitude of awe, and Babata doesn't have much effect on the two of them now. However, due to the past friendship, everyone is still friends. After all, if there is no With Babata's help, it was difficult for Luo Yuan and others to leave the earth, let alone contact the entire universe. Therefore, Luo Yuan was still grateful to the teacher Hu Yanbo whom he had never met. Babata heard Luo Yuan's words and was also grateful. nodded.

Soon the two of them left here and came to an endless space. Under Babata's expectant look, Luo Yuan did not waste time, but directly looked at the void in front of him. Suddenly, time in this void began to speed up. Going backwards, streaks of light appeared, as if walking into a time and space tunnel, and then countless space debris appeared, showing scenes that had happened in various time periods. As time passed, the scene of the Black Meteor Star spacecraft soon appeared. .

Then Luo Yuan pulled the scene in, and soon saw the figures of Hu Yanbo and his disciples. Babata saw these once familiar figures, tears appeared in his eyes, and Luo Yuan understood who was standing in front of him. , the man in black robe is Hu Yanbo. Luo Yuan directly fixed the scene, locked Hu Yanbo and his nine servants in the picture, and then used the special magical power that can only be used by the Lord of the Universe, time and space. Reversal, a force of time and space suddenly came.

This is the first time Luo Yuan has resurrected a powerful person. He can feel that at the moment when time and space are locked by him, a strong resistance appears. If he wants to bring a certain creature out of the past time and space and appear in the present time and space, , then he will bear some punishments from the original laws of the universe. However, with Luo Yuan's current strength, these punishments are completely insignificant. Luo Yuan can completely bear it. For him, it is effortless to resurrect some immortal-level creatures.

As Luo Yuan used his divine power to grab the Falling Ink Star directly from the past time and space, and then appeared in the current time and space, this was considered to have completed the resurrection. Hu Yanbo and others saw Baba in the current time and space. The tower was also shocked, because they just came from that time and space and didn't know what happened next. They only knew that they were being chased by a strong man. They were about to perish, but they appeared here the next moment and saw Immortal level Babata.

Hu Yanbo and others still didn't know what happened specifically, and seemed a little confused. Soon Babata explained the cause and effect of the matter to them. They also knew that Luo Yuan resurrected them, but they didn't expect that even Babata became a The powerful man who was granted the title of Immortal King, and Hu Yanbo had just become the Immortal Prince. Especially when they saw Luo Yuan, they directly felt the power from the entire universe. This terrifying pressure made them frightened. This How strong is it.

After all this, Luo Yuan didn't stay much longer. He just came to fulfill his promise. There were still many things waiting for him, so Luo Yuan left here directly. Soon Luo Yuan returned to the earth in the Milky Way. At that time, he was walking on the streets of Jiangnan Province, feeling the customs and customs. Although tens of thousands of years had passed, under Luo Yuan's deliberate arrangement, the scenery here was still the same as before, showing the ancient beauty of the Jiangnan water town, but Combined with technology.

Luo Yuan is now a high-ranking member of the human race. Except for a few confidantes who are very close to him, he finds that his relationship with other people has become somewhat estranged. Even his friends who were once geniuses seem a little embarrassed when they see Luo Yuan. He didn't dare to joke, just like when he saw his elders, Hong, Lei Shen, Luo Feng and others would also consider their words when talking to him, and seemed a little estranged. Luo Yuan knew that this was brought about by his strength and status. He could not change it, and he could not change it. Ignore it.

Nowadays, Luo Yuan knows fewer and fewer people. After all, his life is very long and can be called eternal. Only those beings with similar strength to him will always accompany him. How many people have reached Luo Yuan's realm? Therefore, the strongest people are lonely in the end. In the end, they will only care about their own strength and realm, and will not care about anything else. Jiang Fang and the girls who are close to Luo Yuan have achieved breakthroughs with the resources provided by Luo Yuan. When it comes to making the king immortal.

They are enough to accompany Luo Yuan for three reincarnation eras, but after Luo Yuan transcends reincarnation, they will naturally be able to go to Luo Yuan's holy universe and achieve eternity. Luo Yuan wandered on the street for several days, and no one noticed his figure. After all, with Luo Yuan's strength, it was easy for him not to be noticed by anyone. Looking for the feeling of youth, Luo Yuan teleported directly back to his ancient palace, and first upgraded the defense system of the entire galaxy to the highest level.

Then the space and time where the Milky Way is located are separated. Even if a strong person passes by here, no one can come in without his permission. Even if he leaves here in the future, it will still operate in the same way. In the next hundred years, how many people will Luo Yuan and Jiang Fang have? The girl lived an ordinary life together, calmed down her mind, and then began to practice again, hoping to reach the realm of the strongest person in the universe as soon as possible. By then, all his clones would become one and realize a new transformation in the level of life.

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(End of this chapter)

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