Chapter 448 The Truth
  Since the results of the decisive battle between the human camp and the allied camp were spread, all the powerful people above the immortal level in both the original universe and the cosmic sea knew how powerful Luo Yuan was. Naturally, no force in the galaxy with Luo Yuan himself would dare to come. Even the strongest men in the universe who are walking alone must be careful when passing by. Most of them choose to take a detour. They are also afraid that Luo Yuan will take action against them. After all, Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​reputation is too great.

In this way, Luo Yuan washed away the lead in the mortal world, and after calming down his mind, he practiced in the Duandonghe inheritance space. Time flew by, and hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye. However, time accelerated in the inheritance space. In fact, Luo Yuan It takes longer to practice. After all, to reach the realm of Luo Yuan, time is just a number. But it is not that easy to break through to the strongest person in the universe. Otherwise, after an era of reincarnation, there will only be nearly thirty strongest people in the universe. born.

Just when Luo Yuan was practicing, he suddenly frowned because his smart minibus reminded him that he had received a message from the Ancestral God Sect. Luo Yuan had to take out the communication token to contact the Ancestral God Sect. After all, Luo Yuan was once an Ancestral God. The inheritor of the religion can directly contact the three ancestor gods, but now Luo Yuan's strength has far surpassed those three ancestor gods. The three ancestor gods also respect Luo Yuan extremely, and will not come to him if there is no big deal. But if something really happens, go to Luo Yuan.

According to the rules of the original universe, the messenger of the Ancestral God Sect should have come to inform him. Luo Yuan would not leave until he obtained the permission of the senior human race and Luo Yuan. But now it is the Ancestral God who directly sends the message, which is very strange. It's just that now the human race needs the support of the Ancestral God Sect. Luo Yuan also feels that the Ancestral God Sect may really have something urgent to do with him. If they want to harm Luo Yuan, even if all the powerful members of their Ancestral God Sect join forces, they can't do it. Luo Yuan The source has no scruples.

Luo Yuan didn't think about this; he wasted time and teleported away. Soon Luo Yuan came to Bauhinia Island in the Ancestral Mystery Realm. Walking on the island, Luo Yuan couldn't help but think of the beasts he once comprehended here. In the past inherited by God, he walked to the ancient manor he had established here. It was still standing as usual. No strong man dared to occupy Luo Yuan's former residence, and there were regular sects from the Ancestral God Sect. Someone comes and cleans.

Just when Luo Yuan was lamenting the past, a somewhat familiar voice suddenly appeared: "Luo Yuan, you are here, I have been waiting for you, come to my place, just next door to your residence, I have very important information about the Min tribe. I want to inform you that because the matter is very important, I asked you to come directly to me."

Luo Yuan was stunned when he heard this, and immediately remembered his past experiences. Wasn't the person living next door to him the Double-faced Ancestral God, one of the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect? Soon Luo Yuan discovered the Double-faced Ancestral God next door through divine exploration. , he was sitting in a pavilion. Seeing this, Luo Yuan did not hesitate, but directly raised his legs and walked in. Soon he came to sit in front of the Double-faced Ancestral God, and the Double-faced Ancestral God took out a bottle of wine. , pouring it on Luo Yuan, he said dangerously: "Why don't you do it once.

This is the top-quality ice-fire fruit wine I prepared for you. It is made from more than 120,000 top-quality ice-fire fruits. Each ice-fire fruit has been grown for thousands of years. Finally, the most perfect one is selected from them. After 20,000 epochs of accumulation, we have refined a bottle of ice and fire fruit wine. Even just one drop can elevate the Realm Master to the immortal level. This bottle of top-grade ice and fire fruit wine is a good thing, and the taste is even better. Let’s try it. If someone else comes, I won't take it out. "

When Luo Yuan heard the words of the Two-faced Ancestral God, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He also smiled and said: "Ice and Fire Fruit Wine is a specialty of your Ancestral Mystic Realm. I have heard about it for a long time, but I have never seen it. I didn't expect that when I come this time, you will actually I would be disrespectful to bring out such a good thing, this is a peerless wine."

Luo Yuan knew very well that the Ancestral God Religion was willing to take out such a precious treasure based on Luo Yuan's previous performance. They felt that Luo Yuan's future was limitless, so they deliberately attracted them. This would be beneficial to the future of the Ancestral God Religion. Luo Yuan also thought He knew full well that he also hoped that the Ancestral God Religion could form an alliance with the human race, and the value of the top-quality ice and fire fruit wine in front of them was comparable to a medium treasure, so the two of them drank the ice and fire fruit wine while eating extremely precious food.

Soon the two of them had eaten and drank enough. This meal was comparable to the highest meal in the original universe. After all, even the top powers would not dare to use a treasure as a consumable. After Luo Yuan finished eating, he looked at Duang Mian. Ancestral God smiled and said: "Ancestral God, you are looking for me for something important. Just tell me directly. Things related to my human race, but we don't know. Did the origin of the original universe give you some reminder, and then let you come? Convey it to us, so that you can appreciate your kindness."

The Two-faced Ancestral God smiled when he heard this and said: "You are indeed the only inheritor of Duan Donghe, but you are also smart. You are right. The original will of the universe has indeed sent us some information, which is about your human race. Our Ancestral God They are all the executors of the original will of the original universe. When they are favored by the original universe, they will also bear corresponding responsibilities. The information we got this time contains the truth about the fall of the founder of the giant ax of your human race. I know this is very important to you. Very important."

Luo Yuan heard this, his eyes narrowed, and he said: "We have also recently been tracing the truth behind the death of the founder of the giant axe, but there is no result. If you know, tell me."

The Two-Faced Ancestral God said: "I guess you have also guessed that the fall of the founder of the giant ax was plotted by a strong person behind the scenes. This is actually a long-planned plan."

From the information sent back by the human race before the fall of Giant Ax, we knew that the map that the founder of Giant Ax grabbed in the cosmic sea was fake. However, before the founder of Giant Ax could explain the cause and effect clearly, he fell, and neither did Giant Ax. If there are any clues left that can make Giant Ax make such a decision, the strength of the strong man who laid out the plan must be very strong. It was so strong that the human race at that time had no ability to fight, so there was no explanation, and he did not want the human race to risk it for him. Revengeful.

However, with the current strength of the human race, although there is no strongest person in the universe, there are so many Lords of the universe, coupled with the peak combat power of Luo Yuan and others, it is no problem to deal with several of the strongest people in the universe. The double-faced ancestor god He also directly said: "At that time, there were three strong men who planned and planned the death of the founder of the giant axe, and they all came from the first reincarnation era. They were all at least the strongest people in the higher universe. They were Qiuyan Ancestral God and Zhenjia. King, and the Lord of Haolei Star."

When Luo Yuan heard this, he was filled with overwhelming anger. These three guys had put the human race in such a big crisis. If they were not allowed to fall, it would be an indelible shame for the human race. Luo Yuan also knew Those strong men in the first reincarnation era were about to face the end of their lifespan, so they all became irrational, so it was not surprising that they did these things, but by targeting the human race, they were provoking the bottom line of the human race.

Then Luo Yuan immediately asked Zhinao to call up the detailed information of these three planners. Soon, he guessed some clues. These three planners were not strong in the first reincarnation era, but their methods were very strange. , it is difficult to deal with. The Haolei Star Lord and the Qiuyan Ancestral God are both special beings with powerful natal magical powers, and the Zhenjia King comes from the Fire Source Clan. As long as the Fire Source is not extinguished, he will not fall, and he can do whatever he wants. The body is mainly made of metal, like a mechanical family.

Luo Yuan understood why the founder of the giant ax could not deal with the three of them. These three were the strongest people in the universe who had no scruples. They were also very ancient and powerful. They also had a strong inheritance and combined strength. They are all close to the limit of the strongest people in the universe. They are especially difficult to deal with because of their difficult methods. Moreover, these three strongest people in the universe all have very powerful treasures. Whether they are in the original universe or in the sea of ​​universe, if they want them Falling is not easy either.

However, although these three strongest people in the universe are very powerful and difficult to deal with, they are not so difficult for Luo Yuan to deal with. Moreover, with Luo Yuan's background, it is not difficult to win over those three. If In the cosmic sea, these three strongest men in the universe are existences that all forces do not want to deal with. But when these three strongest men in the universe took action against the founder of the giant axe, putting the human race in crisis, they and Luo Yuan were doomed. The relationship is a life-or-death relationship. It's just that in front of the Double-faced Ancestral God, Luo Yuan can't be too obvious. After all, according to the Double-faced Ancestral God, this is news deliberately revealed by the original will of the original universe, but this is only a matter between various forces. There is absolutely no need to tell the human race about the status of will, and what is the purpose of the original will of the original universe? It is estimated that the purpose behind it has some deep meaning that Luo Yuan does not know now, but there is no need to lie to him about the original will of the original universe.

Luo Yuan pretended to be distressed and said: "These three strongest people in the universe are all very powerful beings. It is difficult for any one of them to deal with them, let alone three of them joining forces."

Hearing this, the Two-faced Ancestral God shook his head and said: "The Lord of Hunyuan is too humble to say this. You have the most powerful treasures such as the Tomb Boat and the Star Tower with invincible defense. Even the three of the Universe Sea You can also run rampant in the Great Forbidden Land, and each of your four clones has peak sixth-level strength. Even if you die, you can still create it again. Even if it is difficult to deal with them in the cosmic sea, but if it is Taking advantage of the Jedi’s special environment, that’s not necessarily the case.”

Luo Yuan nodded, and then said: "If it were in the original universe, we would be sure to keep the three of them, but the three of them belong to the first reincarnation era and can only be in the cosmic sea. Even if the three Jedi have Special environments can cause them to perish, but bringing them in is not an easy task."

The Two-faced Ancestor God said: "As long as you plan properly, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to be patient and willing to pay some costs to arrange it."

Luo Yuan looked at such enthusiastic Double-faced Ancestral God, and he said: "Double-faced Ancestral God, I really want to know that the original will of the original universe will not tell us this information for no reason. After all, the original will of the original universe usually does not care about this. As for the matter, just tell me what your purpose is, otherwise I won’t be at ease.”

The Two-faced Ancestral God smiled and said: "I really can't hide anything from you, the Lord of Hunyuan. In fact, the purpose of the original will of the original universe is not as complicated as you think. He just wants the strongest man in the universe to fall. Their hands are stretched too long. They are very powerful and difficult to deal with. The entire universe ocean now has grudges with the three strongest people in the universe, and the only ones who can make them lose their strength are you, the human race, especially It’s even more so because of your strength.”

Luo Yuan didn't feel surprised when he heard this. After all, Luo Yuan's current strength is indeed very strong. Although he has not broken through to the strongest person in the universe, his real strength is almost the same as those of the average strongest person in the universe. If he uses the core secret method of Duan Donghe , coupled with various supreme treasures, he can fight with the strongest person in the universe for a while, and it is easy to leave. With the inheritance of Duan Donghe, as long as he has enough time, he can completely break through to the strongest person in the universe, and A breakthrough is the limit.

Luo Yuan was not surprised that the original will of the original universe wanted the three strongest people in the universe to fall. After all, the founder of the giant ax was the strongest person at the birth of the original universe. Those three people probably did some things to challenge the original will of the original universe. The bottom line matter is why the original will of the original universe wants to destroy them. However, the original will of the original universe is just a will. All its actions must follow the highest rules. Naturally, it cannot act on its own, so it looks for the human race.

At first, the original ancestor and the original will of the original universe openly challenged each other, which angered the original will of the original universe. However, the original will of the original universe only suppressed the original ancestor permanently, and did not directly let anyone fall. It can be seen that the original will of the original universe has not yet It has grown to the point where it can threaten any strong person, as long as you don't challenge him.

The Double-faced Ancestral God smiled at this time: "I am just a messenger, passing on the information told to me by the original will of the original universe, so that you can know the truth about the death of the founder of the giant axe, and also let you know who is behind the scenes. , as for whether you will take action against them, it is your own choice as a human race."

Luo Yuan also snorted coldly in his heart when he heard this. Not to mention the Ancestral God Religion, even the original will of the original universe cannot make human beings do anything. After all, the original will of the original universe cannot forcefully interfere with their affairs. It is only the power of the founder of the giant axe. The fall caused too much damage to the human race. This time the coalition forces attacked, the human race was almost wiped out. If it weren't for the many means Luo Yuan had, the human race would be in danger, so how could the human race not avenge this kind of hatred.

Since Luo Yuan already knew the meaning of the Ancestral God Sect, it was inconvenient for him to stay any longer. After all, he was still busy practicing, so Luo Yuan said directly: "Double-faced Ancestral God, I appreciate your kindness. The information you brought It really makes sense to us, and I will go back and discuss it with other senior officials, so I won’t keep it.”

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he stood up and left. The Double-faced Ancestral God also escorted him all the way. Soon Luo Yuan returned to the original secret realm, which was shrouded by Luo Yuan's endless sea. Since the last battle with the coalition camp, Luo Yuan Yuan did not put it away, but left it here directly. In order to protect the original secret realm, Luo Yuan also placed several soul treasures in this endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, and they were all of the peak type. As for the soul type supreme treasure, Now everyone doesn't.

But even so, the defense and attack power generated by Luo Yuan's Endless Sea after it was destroyed using the core secret method of Duan Donghe reached the tenth level. This is the limit level of the strongest person in the universe. Even if the coalition camp cannot fight again, Win, this is the guarantee of the original secret realm. In addition, the human camp now has nearly 400 masters of the universe. There is no need to fear the comeback of the coalition camp. Therefore, Luo Yuan and others can practice with confidence. Only those who can break through the strongest in the universe can rest easy. .

At this time, Luo Yuan came to the temple where the Lord of Chaos City was, and saw that the Lord of Chaos City was standing on the top floor looking up at the stars. Luo Yuan walked over and said with a smile: "Teacher, how come you have the leisure to come here to watch the stars in the universe?" Hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City came to the temple. He also smiled and said: "You came to tease me, but you just came to change your mood. A lot of things have happened in these years. Haven't you been practicing on earth? Why do you have time to come to me? Did something happen?"

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(End of this chapter)

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