I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 449 The Road to True God’s Breakthrough

Chapter 449 The Road to True God’s Breakthrough
  Luo Yuan did not hide anything, but said directly: "Teacher, just now the Ancestral God Sect notified me of news about the human race. I went to the Ancestral Mystic Realm to see the two-faced Ancestral God. He told me that the original will of the original universe was conveyed by him about the giant... The truth behind the fall of the founder of Ax was caused by the layout of the three strongest men in the universe."

The Lord of Chaos City was stunned when he heard this, and then said eagerly: "Tell who it is quickly. I have been secretly investigating for a while, but there has been no news."

Luo Yuan said: "Those three are all the strongest people in the universe from the first era of reincarnation, namely Ancestral God Qiuyan, King Zhenjia, and Lord Haolei."

Upon hearing the names of these three strongest men in the universe, the Lord of Chaos City immediately inquired about information about them. However, the more he investigated, the more he frowned. He clenched his fists, and an extreme anger appeared, causing the surrounding space to Everyone was shocked, but his eyes were full of murderous intent and resentment. For Luo Yuan, the founder of the giant ax was once the protector of the human race, but there was no deep relationship between him and the founder of the giant ax, but the Lord of Chaos City Different, he has a close relationship with the founder of the giant axe.

Before the original ancestor was permanently suppressed by the original will of the universe, the Chaos City Lord and the founder of the giant ax followed the original ancestor and allowed the human race to grow from a weak ethnic group to a peak ethnic group. After countless epochs, the relationship between the two is comparable to that of brothers. So when he heard that the founder of the Great Ax had died, he felt very depressed.

Upon hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City kept repeating the names of the three strongest people in the universe. His angry look made Luo Yuan feel the strong emotional changes of the Lord of Chaos City. This was something Luo Yuan had never seen before, and he also Worried that the Lord of Chaos City would lose his mind due to anger, he felt persuaded: "Teacher, calm down."

After hearing Luo Yuan's words, the Lord of Chaos City suppressed the murderous intention and anger in his heart. He said: "You have to laugh, I have a very good relationship with the giant axe, but I just heard that my enemy is like this. These three most powerful people in the universe are like this." The strength of the strong is very strong, and it is also a mysterious and ancient peak combat power in the cosmic sea. It is much stronger than the strongest in the original universe. The giant ax did not announce them when they fell. He must be afraid that the human race will blindly search for them. Their revenge was not worth the loss.

These three strongest men in the universe caused the founder of the giant ax to fall, and also put the human race directly into dire straits. If it weren't for you, our human race might have to retreat to the original universe now, so we must avenge this grudge, but now The human race needs time to develop, and the time for revenge has not yet come, so we must be patient. "

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. The human race's ability to defeat the coalition camp has a lot to do with the special rules of the original universe. After all, in the original universe, even the strongest person in the universe can only display the peak strength of the sixth level. , but they can show their true strength in the universe sea, which is not so easy to deal with, and these three strongest people in the universe are much stronger than the strongest people in the original universe. Although the human race may be able to defeat them at any cost, But the price is too high.

The Lord of Chaos City quickly calmed himself down, and continued: "You have been cultivating wholeheartedly on Earth, and hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye. Our human race has also undergone some changes. Since you are here, I will tell you. , the strength of our Hongmeng has increased by leaps and bounds during this period, and more and more powerful people have joined our Hongmeng. In particular, the number of Lords of the Universe has also increased a lot. Even the Free Alliance has ten The two Masters of the Universe have joined us."

Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this. After all, the two hundred masters of the universe of the Free Alliance who were captured by the human race were basically forcibly controlled by the human race. Under this situation, there are still twelve masters of the universe who are willing to join. Hongmeng is also unusual, but now the future of the human race has more potential, and the human race also has the guidance of the inherited experience of ancient civilizations, so it is not surprising that the Lord of the Universe joins. After all, the human race still treats its own people. Rather generous.

The Lord of Chaos City said: "What I didn't expect was that in order to allow the forces of the original universe to contain the human race, the Purple Moon Holy Land directly disclosed the inheritance experience of the Lord of the Universe's breakthrough to the strongest person in the universe, and gave it to the coalition forces for free. This is true for almost all ethnic groups in the camp, even the small ethnic groups. In the coalition camp, there are also some Lords of the Universe who have defected to the human race. They also gave us a copy of the inheritance given by the Purple Moon Holy Land, and we have all of them. "

Luo Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said: "The Purple Moon Holy Land is really a big deal. They actually gave away the inheritance for free. Aren't they afraid that we will get it?"

The Lord of Chaos City said: "They must have expected it a long time ago. Although the inheritance experience we gave to those foreign races is much more detailed, it is still much different from the original inheritance experience you took out. The strong men in the Purple Moon Holy Land must also know , naturally we know that we will not take it seriously, after all, we humans have better ones."

"The Purple Moon Holy Land has bad intentions and wants to use a piece of inheritance information to let the powerful people in the original universe contain us, so that they can isolate us. This is the case. Then we will use the inheritance information that the Purple Moon Holy Land gave them. There is also more detailed inheritance information to attract those alien races to join us, but we all know that even if they get the detailed inheritance information, the chance of breaking through to the strongest person in the universe is not high. Even if they get it, so what, look at me The human race is different.

Now that our human race has the systematic cultivation system from the ancient civilization era that you provided, our human race will be able to produce more strong men in the future, especially those with peak combat power like the Lord of the Universe. When the time comes, our human race will be the strongest in the original universe. A powerful ethnic group, if our human race gives birth to a new strongest person in the universe, and finally there is a supreme strongman who transcends reincarnation, then our human race can become an eternal and immortal existence, and our human race’s status will be solid, and other ethnic groups will It can also be beneficial. "

The Lord of Chaos City thought about the bright future for a while. After a while, he came back to his senses, looked at Luo Yuan and said, "You have practiced for hundreds of years, have you gained anything?"

Luo Yuan smiled and said: "The harvest is okay, but it still takes some time to break through to the strongest in the universe. Mainly because I have accumulated too much. Once I break through, I don't need to worry about the strongest in the universe." Chaos The city lord couldn't help but be happy when he heard this. He knew that Luo Yuan was very low-key. Being able to say that he was okay meant that Luo Yuan's strength had improved a lot. It was just that it was really difficult to break through to the strongest person in the universe. Otherwise, with the chaos city lord His talent is amazing, but he still hasn't made a breakthrough.

In fact, Luo Yuan has reached the highest level of law perception and secret pattern research at his level. He has even created secret magical powers through his own perception that surpass the level of the strongest person in the universe, whether it is life level, divine power reserve or divine body size. , have already reached the level of the strongest person in the universe, but it is not that simple to break through to the strongest person in the universe. After all, Luo Yuan is taking the strongest path, because whether it is the law or the divine body path, he has to take it.

Deep accumulation means that it is difficult to break through the bottleneck, but once you break through, your strength will definitely be invincible at the same level. Many of the strongest people in the universe have spent countless epochs failing to take a step forward. Luo Yuan opened the door in the Duandonghe inheritance space. Time has accelerated ten thousand times, so Luo Yuan has practiced in the inheritance space for hundreds of epochs in the past few hundred years. Although his strength has not improved much, for Luo Yuan, the gains are a lot, and his mastery of the Star Tower is also Be more skilled.

The Star Tower is a god-king level treasure, and its power exceeds Luo Yuan's original imagination. He had been using the Star Tower as a palace-like supreme treasure before, but as his strength increased, he had already used the Star Tower's Understanding, he also has a certain understanding and mastery of some functions of the Star Tower. Even the complete version of the Wu-Slaying Wings cannot be compared with the Star Tower. Before, Sitting Mountain Guest said that it was refined by chance, but Luo Yuan knew that the Star Tower The details of the tower. Over the past few hundred years, Luo Yuan has been thinking about how to break through to the strongest person in the universe, that is, the true god level. He accelerated the time of his previous passes. In order to deal with the coalition camp, he created four of the strongest clones for himself. Among them, The clone of Endless Nether Sea takes the most time and cost. After all, it is the largest and most powerful divine body. If it is fused and promoted according to the rules and finally breaks through to the strongest person in the universe, then a lot of divine power will be wasted in the end. It is good to take the route of divine power breakthrough.

But Luo Yuan wants to create the strongest small universe. Whether it is the strongest divine power or the strongest power of law, he wants it all. However, it is difficult to have these two routes at the same time. No strong person has dared to do this since ancient times. , after all, those Lords of the Universe, no matter how amazing and talented you are, it is difficult to break through the strongest one in the universe, let alone take both routes. If it is not compatible, you will probably fall directly in the end, but Luo The source has studied a large amount of inherited information from ancient civilizations.

Luo Yuan thought for a while and decided to take both routes. When breaking through, he could first complete the breakthrough of the divine power route, and then complete the law route. In this way, both the divine power and the power of law would be the strongest at the same level. He just wanted to achieve this In the first step, Luo Yuan needs to reach at least 90,000 times in terms of genetic level. Luo Yuan's goal is to reach 100,000 times, which is the limit of the divine power route, so that his divine body can be transformed into an infinite divine body, and he can do it when he falls. The size of the divine body can be changed at will.

This is also in line with the situation that his endless sea of ​​​​netherworld is several light years in diameter. He has spent so much money to reach this level, but it cannot be wasted. When he breaks through, the original universe will help the Lord of the Universe to provide divine support and let the universe The Lord broke through the Kingdom of God into a small universe, but there is a limit to the reserve of divine power. Otherwise, if it encounters endless devouring of divine power, the original divine power of the original universe will not be able to support it for a long time. Fortunately, Luo Yuan has the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld as his divine power. reserve.

Therefore, if Luo Yuan breaks through to the strongest person in the universe according to the divine power route, then the divine power stored in his Endless Sea of ​​Endless Sea clone is equivalent to a divine power charger. When the divine power provided by the original universe is not enough, he can bring up the divine power of the Endless Sea of ​​​​Sea. To achieve a breakthrough, however, this requires Luo Yuan to raise his level of life experience. However, Luo Yuan thought that it would be extremely difficult to reach a life gene level that is close to 100,000 times stronger. Even one true god may not be born among tens of thousands of them. .

Luo Yuan has the conditions to do things that are difficult for others to do. Whether it is Luo Yuan's background or the inheritance resources of the Duandonghe line, especially the ten thousand times acceleration and deduction functions in the inheritance space, they can help Luo Yuan. Taking many detours and doing things that other strong men couldn't do doesn't mean that Luo Yuan can't do it either.

"If I want to increase my genetic level to more than 90,000 times, it will cost a lot of resources for me now, especially those extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth. If I have been hiding in the original universe, I still have to go to the universe sea. Wander around and get opportunities, but it’s better to send clones there, it’s safe and secure. In addition to those treasures, you also need to find those creatures with special divine bodies, so that you can get a lot of inspiration from them, and you can also know how to take the path of divine power. After all, there are no details. Write."

After thinking about this, Luo Yuan also said directly to the Lord of Chaos City: "Teacher, I feel that I have encountered a bottleneck. If I want to break through to the strongest person in the universe, I need a lot of resources, especially those extremely precious things of heaven and earth. In the human race's treasure house are There aren’t any, so I plan to go to the Universe Sea to have a look, and I’ll just wait until I’ve collected enough.”

Upon hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but curiously asked: "Are you ready to take the divine power route? Otherwise, you wouldn't need so many rare treasures. After all, the divine power route has strict requirements on the level of life genes, but you have never thought about it. It has always been the most difficult route to take, is it because of your endless sea of ​​darkness?"

Luo Yuan smiled and said: "Actually, I want to take both the divine power route and the law route. I think one starts from the divine body and the other starts from the original law. If I want to go further in the future, I need to take a path that no one else has. The road I have not been able to take, I not only have to prove the Tao with my strength, but also control the law of chaos. After all, from the Duandonghe inheritance I obtained, being the strongest in the universe is just the starting point. There is a broader world outside the universe. It is also a more advanced place.

And my Endless Nether Sea clone stores most of my divine power, which I devoured from the original divine power sea of ​​the original universe when I finally reached the limit in each realm. It would be a waste to just give up, but My true self still remains on the earth, so I will send my clone to wander in the universe sea. With my true self here, it will be okay even if the clone dies. Other forces in the original universe must be honest when they come. I am enough. Facing everything. "

When the Lord of Chaos City heard Luo Yuan's words, he was relieved. After all, he knew Luo Yuan's stability. Compared with realms and treasures, it was nothing compared with Luo Yuan's life. It's just that Luo Yuan wanted to take two routes. They all leave, and then take the divine power breakthrough first. This requires a lot of determination. After all, it is very difficult for the Lord of the Universe to break through to the strongest person in the universe. But if you take two routes, especially the divine power route to break through to the strongest person in the universe, The strong are unprecedented and unprecedented.

What the Chaos City Lord didn't know was that the divine power route that Luo Yuan wanted to break through first was the most difficult one at nearly 100,000 times the genetic level. Even in the ancient civilization, no one could do it, even if it was 90,000 times the genetic level. There were only a few, but Luo Yuan's purpose was great. In order to gain invincible strength, he naturally took the strongest path, which was also the most difficult path. This was also because Luo Yuan had the foundation and foundation to walk the path to heaven. Conditions, how can it be achieved if you don’t go out and explore.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan's firm eyes and confident smile, and he nodded. After all, Luo Yuan had created many impossible miracles, and with Luo Yuan's stability, he would not miss the target, so the Lord of Chaos City encouraged him. : "Well, you have to protect yourself when you go to the cosmic sea, even if you are the strongest clone. After all, it is difficult to create a sixth-order peak clone, especially your clone will carry a lot of treasures. If it is a tomb boat, and Star Tower.

That is even more precious, so you must not give up until you are in a desperate situation that cannot be changed. It is not easy to bring it back when you are down. However, if you use these powerful treasures, you can still destroy your strongest clone. There are no strongest people in the universe in the universe sea, but there are only three of the strongest people in the universe who planned to make the giant ax fall. You have to be careful. I'm afraid they will take action against you. You can also check it out by the way. I really want to know about them. What is the purpose of dealing specifically with giant axes?

There is no grudge between the founder of Giant Ax and the three strongest men in the universe. It is not good for them to let Giant Ax fall, and it also offends our human race. The truth behind this is definitely not that simple. I doubt it. It has a certain relationship with those two holy places. "

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(End of this chapter)

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