I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 454 The good fortune of the human race

Chapter 454 The good fortune of the human race
  Soon, a month passed. The Lord of Chaos City informed Luo Yuan that detailed information about the Lord of Pei Xing had been collected. Luo Yuan couldn't help showing joy. He branched out a consciousness and came to the virtual universe, and then discussed it with the Lord of Chaos City. The Lord of Chaos City Looking at Luo Yuan's expectant expression, he smiled and said: "The universe masters in our Hongmeng have a large network of connections. One of the universe masters knows some of the universe masters in the East Emperor's Holy Land universe. He has the power of Pei Xing. Lord’s details.”

The Lord of Chaos City sent the message to Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan watched and listened to what the Lord of Chaos City said: "The four-winged treasure of Lord Peixing was a treasure he obtained a long time ago. It began to appear in the original universe at that time. , was later captured by the strong men of the Purple Moon Holy Land in the Cosmic Sea, and then brought to the Purple Moon Holy Land. Later, it was obtained by the Lord of Peixing. After he became the Lord of the Universe, he took it out when he went to the Cosmic Sea. If you If you want to get it, you need to plan well.”

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this. No wonder he has been wandering in the universe sea for so many years and has not obtained detailed information about the other three pairs of wings. It turns out that they have been in the treasure house of Ziyue Holy Land. More than a dozen reincarnation eras have passed since then. The strong men who knew the news at that time have long since fallen. Unless they are the strong men of the two holy places, they can be immortal. Therefore, it is not surprising that the master of the universe in the East Emperor Holy Land universe knows about it, but such a powerful treasure has always been placed there. In the treasure house.

The Lord of Chaos City continued: "The four-winged treasure owned by Lord Peixing is said to be only a top-level treasure. Although it is also the best level among the top-level treasures, not many Lords of the Universe take it seriously. After all, for those above the Lord of the Universe, For the powerful, only treasures above the pinnacle treasure will attract their attention. Because these four-winged treasures can use the laws of the five elements, they are also called five-color cloud wings. However, the power they can use at that time is average and has never been able to use them. People care.

It was not until Lord Peixing obtained the five-color cloud wings that the power of the five-color cloud wings was truly displayed. Therefore, he probably mastered the secret method of the strongest person in the universe contained in the five-color cloud wings. Otherwise, he would not be able to use the five-color cloud wings. It may have such power, but I heard that the five-color cloud wings were originally silver, which was different from the current ones. "

When Luo Yuan heard this, the joy in his eyes expressed his thoughts. Now Luo Yuan can be sure that the five-color cloud wings owned by the Lord of Peixing are probably really two pairs of the last three pairs of wings he needs. The Lord of Chaos City Let Luo Yuan think carefully about how to plan. After all, the Lord of Pei Xing belongs to the Purple Moon Holy Land, so he must be careful.

At this time, on the island in the center of the Xuanze Sea of ​​the space ship, Luo Yuan was practicing in the Star Tower while waiting for the arrival of Star Lord Haolei. None of the universe lords on the island dared to disturb Luo Yuan. Yuan, they already know Luo Yuan's purpose here, and will not compete for their attention when the pinnacle treasure comes out. Naturally, they will not pay attention to it. If they dare to take action against Luo Yuan, then Luo Yuan will be like someone who dealt with the Purple Moon Holy Land. Like the Lord of the Universe, let them know how powerful he is.

Luo Yuan also knows how to measure. He is not so arrogant as to make enemies everywhere. Moreover, he is now a high-level executive of the human race. Every move represents the interests of the human race. Naturally, he must consider the impact on the human race before taking action. However, Luo Yuan has to deal with the Thunderstorm Star Clan and the There was a reason for the incident in Ziyue Holy Land, so other forces didn't pay attention to it.

"I got the news that the ancestor of the Thunderstorm Star Clan, Star Lord Haolei, is really here. He has now entered the space ship and is rushing over here. He should be able to reach the Xuanze Sea soon. This is a veteran and the strongest person in the universe. The Hunyuan Lord of the human race dares to directly challenge him, but I don’t know for what purpose.”

"Whatever, the battle between Hunyuan, the strongest lord of the universe in the human race, and Star Lord Haolei, the veteran strongest person in the universe, is a scene that I haven't seen in countless years, and since then Star Lord Haolei Judging from his performance, it is obvious that he is angry, and the Hunyuan Lord of the human race has obtained the Duandong River inheritance. Everyone wants to know the result of the battle between the two of them. I also want to know if the Duandong River inheritance is Such an expression allows Luo Yuan to cross a huge realm to fight against the enemy."

After receiving the news, the Master of the Universe also had strong men arriving one after another. They also wanted to know the outcome of the battle between Luo Yuan and Star Master Haolei, especially to see if Luo Yuan had the strength to fight against the strongest man in the universe. After all, now The human race does not have the strongest person in the universe, and only victory in the universe sea will convince the strong men of other forces. These universe masters include the universe masters of various forces in the universe sea, and two major holy places are sent to investigate. A powerhouse of news.

At this time, Luo Yuan was sitting in the control hall of the Star Tower. Luo Yuan could get all the conversations and expressions of the Lords of the Universe outside. He also knew that Lord Haolei was really coming here, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up. Starting from now, judging from the information obtained, it should not take more than a month for the Haolei Star Master to arrive.

"Hahaha, very good, Star Lord Haolei. So far, I have not really used all my power. This time, I will use you to pave my illustrious reputation. What about the strongest person in the universe? I don't care about my reserves of divine power. , or magical powers and secret methods are all at the level of the strongest person in the universe, especially the Star Tower has comprehended two super powerful secret methods. It is so good to use it this time. As a veteran at the level of the strongest person in the universe, you have Qualification serves as my stepping stone." Luo Yuan murmured.

Speaking of actual combat power, if Luo Yuan used all of it, he would actually be comparable to a tenth-level powerhouse, that is, the original ancestor level, but he does not have the special abilities of the strongest person in the universe. However, it is just the most powerful treasure of the Blood Shadow Sword. After integrating the strongest secret method created by Luo Yuan, it can also display the power of the eighth level. After Luo Yuan comprehended the fifth level of advanced secret method, the Star Tower was also at the eighth level. However, after Luo Yuan used Destruction , urged by infinite divine power, it is the ninth level of combat power.

And now in the universe sea, except for the two ancestors of the Holy Land who cannot leave the Holy Land Universe, the strongest of all the other powerful people are only at the ninth level of peak combat power. However, there are only a handful of people with such combat power. Most of the strongest in the universe Luo Yuan is only the eighth level of power, so Luo Yuan will not be afraid of him. Although he is still the Lord of the Universe at his current level, his background is too profound. Whether it is the most powerful treasure or the secret magic power, it is far beyond the ordinary. The strongest man in the universe.

It's just that because Luo Yuan is the master of the universe, he cannot break the shackles of the laws. This is his weakness. After all, the masters of the universe are still understanding the laws and are still restricted by the laws. Only the strongest in the universe will own a small universe. It can become independent from the original universe, thereby getting rid of the shackles of the law, and can give in to the law, but it has some special abilities, such as speed exceeding the speed of light, without being forcibly pulled into the dark universe, and the divine body is also powerful.

Luo Yuan is very confident in his own strength, but the forces in the universe sea are not optimistic about Luo Yuan, because Luo Yuan has only broken through to the Lord of the Universe less than five epochs, and the Star Lord Haolei is the strongest in the old universe, whether it is Neither realm nor combat experience can be compared to Luo Yuan. After all, Haolei Star Lord's reputation lies in
  He came out of the cosmic sea, so Luo Yuan dared to directly challenge Lord Haolei. This behavior was very dangerous. Now Luo Yuan is hostile to Ziyue Holy Land.

This makes the strong men of various forces in the universe feel that Luo Yuan is a little ignorant. Both the current human race and Luo Yuan should improve their strength honestly instead of offending those powerful forces and strong men everywhere. If the human race is strong It was normal for him to take action again, but Luo Yuan couldn't wait. He actually dared to directly provoke the enemy forces after arriving at the spaceship. I don't know if Luo Yuan was distracted because of his victory over the coalition camp, or he didn't see his reality clearly. strength.

Just when Luo Yuan was listening to these masters of the universe mocking him, suddenly his smart minibus reminded him that he had received an information email from the highest level of the human race. Emails like this were only available to the absolute upper echelons of the human race, and there were very few. After the announcement, Luo Yuan couldn't help but take it seriously, so he separated a consciousness and came to the virtual universe, and then opened the email. It seemed that after reading it, Luo Yuan showed a look of surprise, because the email was sent by the Lord of Chaos City. . Informing all the peak powerhouses of the human race, the Lord of Chaos City has broken through and become the strongest person in the universe. Luo Yuan is also very excited. The human race finally has the strongest person in the universe taking charge. The Lord of Chaos City has already stayed at the peak realm of the Lord of the Universe for countless times. Era, and this time with the detailed inheritance of the ancient civilization brought back by Luo Yuan, the most likely person to break through and become the strongest person in the universe is the Lord of Chaos City. After all, the current human race really needs the strongest person in the universe to take charge. .

The human race did not have fierce conflicts with other forces, especially the coalition camp, just to provide time for the Chaos City Lord to break through. However, until the end of the decisive battle, the Chaos City Lord did not take any step forward. After all, he always had the development of the human race in his heart. Therefore, it was difficult to break through even if he was distracted. After Luo Yuan used the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld to turn the tide, the Lord of Chaos City was completely relieved. Through hard training, he finally got what he wanted and became the strongest person in the universe.

After Luo Yuan learned the news, he went directly to the temple where the Lord of Chaos City was in the virtual universe. When Luo Yuan arrived, he found that the place was very lively. It was obvious that not only Luo Yuan had received the news, but also people from the human race The other masters of the universe all came to celebrate that the Lord of Chaos City has become the strongest in the universe. The human race also has strong men in charge. In addition to the strong men of the human race, even the masters of the universe from other races are here, but most of them are here. They are all members of Hongmeng.

When Luo Yuan's figure appeared, someone immediately spotted him. A lord of the universe looked at Luo Yuan and said: "Luo Yuan, here you are. The Lord of Chaos City is your teacher. He broke through and became the strongest person in the universe. Human race You also have a protector, so as a disciple, you should express your congratulations and bring out some treasures or something to celebrate your teacher."

There were also many cosmic clans present who surrounded Luo Yuan. The Lord of Chaos City broke through and became the strongest person in the universe. This was a big deal for both the human race and the original universe. After all, the strongest person in every universe is the strongest fighter. Power, in the original universe, any ethnic group with the strongest person in the universe can become the pinnacle ethnic group. The human race became the pinnacle ethnic group under the leadership of the original ancestor and the founder of Giant Ax. However, as the original ancestor was permanently suppressed, Giant Ax The founder fell.

The status of the human race has also dropped a lot, so other ethnic groups dared to form a coalition camp to deal with the human race. However, the human race had Luo Yuan and relied on many powerful treasures and means to defeat the coalition camp, but there was no strongest man in the universe. The human race has always been at a disadvantage, but now that the Lord of Chaos City has broken through and become the strongest in the universe, the human race's position has been stabilized. The strong foreigners in Hongmeng who have taken refuge with the human race have also completely relaxed and followed the lead of the human race.

The Lord of Chaos City also saw Luo Yuan, and immediately waved to Luo Yuan, asking Luo Yuan to come over. Seeing this, Luo Yuan also stepped forward, came to the Lord of Chaos City, raised his glass and smiled: "Teacher, congratulations." The Lord of Chaos City smiled. Said: "I can thank you for being able to break through to the strongest person in the universe. I had a decisive battle with the coalition camp before. I wanted to break through and let the human race win, but I always thought about the human race, so my mood was unstable and I didn't succeed. Now it's gone. With no worries, I will naturally make a breakthrough.”

Luo Yuan smiled and said: "This is what the teacher deserves. You are on the verge of a breakthrough. After countless eras of accumulation, and now with the guidance of ancient civilization inheritance, you will naturally be able to easily break through to the strongest person in the universe. I believe that in the future, In the future, more and more powerful human beings will break through and become the strongest in the universe."

Luo Yuan looked at the more than 400 Universe Lords around him. They were all in a very lively scene. Those alien Universe Lords were also beginning to attach themselves to him. He understood that as soon as the Lord of Chaos City broke through, he would summon all the Universe Lords from the Hong Alliance. We came here and informed them of the good news in order to stabilize them and enhance their cohesion.

The breakthrough of the Lord of Chaos City was a big deal, so the celebration banquet was held for three days, and then the foreign masters of the universe from Hongmeng left, but Luo Yuan sent a message to the masters of the universe of the human race, asking them to first Stay, there is something important to talk about. The Lord of Darkness looked at Luo Yuan doubtfully and said: "Luo Yuan, tell me, why is it so serious? Now that Chaos has broken through to the strongest in the universe, what else does our human race have to do? If it happens, we will face it together."

Luo Yuan glanced at all the powerful human beings present, and then said: "I have issued a challenge to Lord Haolei, and he is coming to me."

As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, the originally lively hall immediately became very quiet. The strong men of the human race looked at Luo Yuan in disbelief. Although Luo Yuan was strong and possessed several powerful treasures, and He also possesses such powerful means as the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, but he was able to achieve victory before. The main reason is that he was in the original universe, protected by his original will and restrained by laws, which made it difficult for the strongest in the universe in the coalition camp to achieve success. All combat power.

But the place where Luo Yuan is now is the cosmic sea, where there are no restrictions on the strongest people in the universe, which can allow the strongest people in the universe to exert their strongest combat power. Moreover, Star Master Haolei is a veteran of the strongest people in the universe, with the most powerful people in the universe. The existence of a powerful treasure, whether it is a divine power reserve, a treasure, or a secret magic power, is extremely powerful. However, Luo Yuan has only broken through to the Lord of the Universe for a few eras. Now it is very dangerous to dare to challenge the Haolei Star Master alone.

The Lord of Chaos City said to Luo Yuan: "Luo Yuan, I know you are very strong, but you can't face Lord Haolei now. His methods are very difficult, and it is not easy to defeat him. Even if I have already Even if he breaks through to become the strongest person in the universe, there is no guarantee of defeating him. Although the founder of the giant ax has fallen, and the Haolei star master is planning and planning, now is not the time to deal with him. We can wait until the human race becomes stronger. We’ll deal with him later.”

When Luo Yuan heard this, he said: "I know your concerns, but I have my own plan. Through consideration and simulation, it is not difficult to defeat the Haolei Star Lord. I am even sure of killing him, about 30%. , even if you can't kill him, you can still seriously injure him. The current human race needs this victory to stabilize its position."

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(End of this chapter)

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