I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 455 Fighting the True God Alone

Chapter 455 Fighting the True God Alone
  The powerful human beings present all looked shocked when they heard Luo Yuan's words, because Luo Yuan said that he had the confidence to kill the strongest person in the universe. Although it was only 30%, Luo Yuan was still the master of the universe, and he was still in the universe. In the sea, this seems a bit unbelievable, and in the cosmic sea, even the strongest person in the universe is not sure that he can destroy the other strongest people in the universe. After all, the strongest person in the universe owns a small universe and is not easy to fall.

But now Luo Yuan, in the realm of the Lord of the Universe, dares to say the words to destroy the strongest man in the universe. Although the powerful human beings present are very puzzled, they still believe in the authenticity of what Luo Yuan said because they understand Luo Yuan. , knowing that Luo Yuan is not the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense. In the previous decisive battle with the coalition camp, the human camp also relied on Luo Yuan's Endless Nether Sea clone to turn defeat into victory. At that time, more than a dozen of the strongest people in the universe and more than 800 masters of the universe It's okay to attack him together.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan and said, "Are you sure? There is really a 30% certainty that we can destroy the Haolei Star Lord. He is the strongest person in the old universe and is very powerful."

Luo Yuan nodded seriously when he heard this, and then explained: "Although I possess several supreme treasures and powerful secret magic powers, my realm is still that of the Lord of the Universe. I do not have some of the special abilities of the strongest person in the universe. In the cosmic sea, the Haolei Star Lord can exert the most powerful strength, so I will not blindly confront him head-on. After thinking about it, I decided to use the special environments of the three Jedi in the cosmic sea to destroy him. Their layout is the same as dealing with giant axes."

The human race experts present couldn't help but get excited when they heard what Luo Yuan said. If they used the dangerous environment of the three Jedi to deal with the Haolei Star Lord, it would be very likely to destroy him. After all, Luo Yuan had It can be said that the Star Tower and the Tomb Boat are basically not afraid of those dangerous environments. As the strongest person in the veteran universe, Haolei Star Master is likely to underestimate the enemy when facing Luo Yuan, so Luo Yuan uses some of the Dongdong River inheritance. After using the special secret method, the possibility of success will indeed be great.

The Lord of Darkness on the side also said excitedly: "The Haolei Star Master possesses a most powerful defensive treasure called the Haolei Divine Armor. If it can be destroyed, then his Haolei Divine Armor will be the trophy of our human race. Now, with more powerful treasures, the strength of our human race will only become stronger, who will we be afraid of when we fall?"

Luo Yuan heard the words and smiled and said: "The Lord of Darkness is right. If Lord Haolei Star can be destroyed, then his small universe will directly collapse, and his Thunderstorm Star Clan will also fall completely. All the treasures of the Thunderstorm Star Clan belong to us, and we need you to bring them back when the time comes, and see if there are any left behind."

Luo Yuan's words were understood by all the Lords of the Human Universe present. Ever since Lord Haolei made a plan to cause the founder of the giant ax to fall, it would be impossible to resolve the grievances between the human race and the Thunderstorm Star Clan, and Star Lord Haolei, as the first A strong man in the era of reincarnation, his tribe relies on his small universe to continue to exist. If Lord Haolei falls, his small universe will directly collapse, and all the members of the Thunder Star tribe who rely on the small universe will People will perish directly.

This is just like the original universe. If the original universe collapses, the creatures inside will fall if they cannot rely on a small universe. But even if they can survive on a small universe, they can only exist for three reincarnation eras, unless the small universe can be promoted. In the Holy Land Universe, all creatures that rely on the small universe to survive can obtain eternal immortality. As long as the Holy Land Universe does not collapse, they can always exist. This is why so many powerful ethnic groups want to inherit.

The Lord of Chaos City also smiled and said: "Since Luo Yuan is sure to make Star Lord Haolei fall, then we must cooperate with him. Luo Yuan is responsible for dealing with Star Lord Haolei, so this time let the Lord of Darkness personally go to Haolei Star. The end of Thunder Star Lord’s small universe, it is all the treasures of a veteran universe’s strongest person, and it must have been a fruitful harvest.”

The Lord of Darkness nodded when he heard this. He looked at Luo Yuan and said with a smile: "Then I will wait in the small universe of Lord Haolei. I will wait for the good news, but don't hold anything back."

Luo Yuan also smiled and said: "Don't worry, I actually took action, and I will naturally gain something, but the chance of success is only 30%, so I will try my best, but I can't guarantee that I will succeed, but I already have I have a good execution plan, but actually I just want to see how strong I am.

This time it is not only to deal with the Haolei Star Lord, but also to show all the forces in the universe sea that the human race is not so easy to bully and has to pay a price. "

After making the decision, the Lord of Darkness did not waste time. Instead, he directly drove the Black Prison Tower to teleport through the Kingdom of God and jump through the wormhole. He soon arrived not far from the small universe of Lord Haolei. He moved the Black Prison The tower shrunk to the size of a mote of dust, and the hidden function was turned on. Just staring at the vast small universe, waiting for the good news that Luo Yuan had destroyed the Haolei Star Lord, but the Lord of Darkness was not convinced that Luo Yuan could destroy an established universe. The strongest person still feels a little unimaginable.

At this time, on the Xuanze Sea island in the inner domain of the space ship, Luo Yuan was sitting on the control throne of the Star Tower, quietly waiting for the arrival of Lord Haolei. He also knew that now, whether it was the strong men of the human race or the universe, The strong men in the sea are still a little optimistic that Luo Yuan wants to deal with the Haolei Star Master on his own. After all, the gap between the two people's realms is obvious, especially since ancient times, there has never been a lord of the universe who can destroy him. Losing one of the most powerful people in the universe.

Under normal circumstances, only when there is an unreserved decisive battle between the strongest people in the universe, one party will fall. However, the price paid by the relatively victorious party is not small, so no one who is the strongest in the universe is willing to really fight. Do this, because the gain outweighs the loss, unless some special methods are used, such as borrowing some dangerous environments to complete it. Some dangerous environments among the three Jedi in the Universe Sea are good. This is also their consistent approach.

But what they don't know is that after using various methods, Luo Yuan now has a tenth-level combat power, which is the limit of the strongest person in the universe. Although he cannot compare with the strongest person in the universe in terms of speed. , this is also due to the limitations of the laws of the universe, but it is still no problem to deal with Haolei Star Master. Things that other strong men cannot do does not mean that Luo Yuan cannot also do it. He just wants to be in the realm of the Lord of the Universe. Destroy the established strongest man in the universe.

For the current Luo Yuan, if he faces more than two of the strongest people in the universe at the same time, he may not succeed, but if he knows how to deal with the strongest person in the universe from the Haolei Star Clan, if he If Star Master Haolei can be destroyed this time, then all forces will recognize that he has the combat power of the strongest person in the universe. This will play a very important role in stabilizing the status of the human race, and will also allow the strongest people in the universe to take action against the human race. If they can be afraid, Luo Yuan is staring at them.

Luo Yuan is not afraid that Qiuyan Ancestral God and King Zhenjia will arrive at the same time. Although they have a very good relationship with Star Master Haolei and often travel together, as the strongest people in the universe, they also have to save face. If the three veteran universes are the strongest If they come together, they will be laughed at by all the forces in the universe sea, so the three strongest people in the universe will be afraid of a master of the universe, and a master of the universe who is less than ten years old. Of course, Luo Yuan will definitely be afraid of him when he falls. Retreat directly.

As time passed, Luo Yuan was just waiting for the arrival of Star Lord Haolei. This battle would attract the attention of all powerful men in the Universe Sea. After all, there was a powerful and famous Lord of the Universe who had also obtained the inheritance of Duan Donghe. Who wouldn't be interested in a battle with a veteran and the strongest person in the universe? At this time, more and more strong people gathered in Xuanze Sea, except for many strong people who came to witness the battle between Luo Yuan and Haolei Star Lord. , and many of them come here to hunt for treasure.

The vortex in the center of the Xuanze Sea is spinning faster and faster, the strong wind is raging continuously, and the peak treasure has not yet completed its appearance, so the masters of the universe here are also chatting idlely. From time to time, they look at the radiating waves. The powerful Star Tower is learning the situation of Haolei Star Lord coming here. "Hahaha, the Haolei Star Lord is really angry this time. He is rushing here in a furious manner. It seems that he will arrive soon. There will be a good show."

"Yes, the Hunyuan Lord of the human race is also very courageous. He dares to challenge the strongest person in the universe with the level of the Lord of the Universe. This is something that has never happened before. I wonder if it is because he has obtained the inheritance of Duan Donghe , what trump cards and secret techniques are there, but thinking about it, I’m still looking forward to it, I came here specially to watch the battle.”

While the Lords of the Universe were chatting, suddenly dark clouds gathered in the sky above the Xuanze Sea, and then a bright thunder flashed from the dark clouds, directly smashing the void into pieces, and then a giant wrapped with thunder appeared. The figure looks extremely powerful, especially with a circle of thunderballs suspended behind it, making it look particularly magical. When the Lord of the Universe present saw the arrival of Star Lord Haolei, they all became excited. The protagonist finally coming.

Star Lord Haolei stepped on the void, and his majestic divine body covered the sky and the sun, as if he could suppress the void with one hand. His cold eyes looked at the Star Tower where Luo Yuan was, and then said coldly: "The human race's Lord of Hunyuan, I now order you to release the Lord of Lei Suo from my Thunderstorm Star Clan, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

The voice of Lord Haolei resounded in the void, and the void also trembled. All the powerful people present could hear it. Luo Yuan naturally heard it too. He couldn't help but sneered. The way Lord Haolei appeared was actually He was very arrogant. He didn't know what his strength was. Luo Yuan didn't talk nonsense. Instead, he walked out of the Star Tower. Then with one move, he shrunk the Star Tower and put it on his palm. With a sound of dark gold armor, he still carried blood behind him. Shadow Knife, three pairs of silver wings spread out.

Luo Yuan's divine body also immediately expanded to hundreds of millions of kilometers, and then looked at the Haolei Star Lord with a sneer and said: "Haolei Star Lord, I thought you didn't dare to come. Now the Lord of Leisuo of your clan has been killed by me. The star tower suppresses the seal, and I can make it disappear with just one thought. Now you are begging me, and you actually want to order me. You have such a big face. This is not your small universe, and I am not your attribute. Come on, if you are not sincere, then I will have no choice but to take action directly."

Star Lord Haolei, who was standing in the void, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes when he heard this. Although he was very angry, he also understood that Luo Yuan was not that easy to deal with. If Luo Yuan was angered, Luo Yuan would directly take action to suppress the Lord of Leisuo. Kill, and then drive away from the Star Tower. Haolei Star Lord has nothing to do with Luo Yuan. After all, Haolei Star Lord does not have the most powerful treasure in the palace, so he said coldly: "Human Luo Yuan, I know you are very powerful. Means, but this is the cosmic sea, you have to think clearly before stating the conditions for release."

Luo Yuan smiled and said: "It's already here and you're still threatening me. So be it. I don't want anything anymore. If you want me to release the Lord of Lei Suo from your clan, then you only need to kneel in front of me. Then, kowtow a few times and tell all the strong men present that you are wrong, then I can consider letting the Lord of Leisuo go."

As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, the masters of the universe watching the show took a breath and looked dumbfounded. They felt that Luo Yuan was too arrogant and dared to let a veteran and strongest person in the universe kneel down for him. Kowtow and admit that you were wrong in front of everyone, this is simply a slap in the face.

Star Lord Haolei also said angrily: "Human Luo Yuan, it seems that you have no sincerity in negotiating with him. Do you know what it means to be the strongest in the universe in the universe sea? As a peak powerhouse, you, as the king of the universe, The main thing is to learn to be in awe, rather than not knowing that the sky is high and the earth is high, you can humiliate me like this and seek death."

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this: "You are the only one who is worthy of my humiliation. If it weren't for the lack of time to practice, with my talent and foundation, it would be just a matter of time to destroy you. What do you think you have done?" , no one knows, now I am just here to make you pay the price, and you are the first one."

Lord Haolei couldn't help but frown after hearing Luo Yuan's words. He now understood the reason why Luo Yuan would take action against his Thunderstorm Star Clan. It seemed that the human race already knew about him, Qiuyan Ancestral God and Zhen Zhen. King Jia planned the fall of the founder of the giant axe, but the three of them planned it very secretly. From making a fake map to luring the founder of the giant ax to the dark land, the whole process was planned perfectly. How did the human race do it so quickly? Know the truth.

Although Star Lord Haolei didn't know how the human race knew the truth about the fall of the giant axe, Star Lord Haolei would not explain that much. He looked at Luo Yuan coldly and said: "It seems that the one you really want to deal with is me, and The Lord of Leisuo of my clan is just a tool for you to lure me here. Human Luo Yuan, you are quite scheming, but you underestimated my strength. In this case, I will let you know the consequences of provoking me. By the way I have avenged the Lord of Leisuo, and the human boy will take my life."

As soon as Lord Haolei finished speaking, his majestic divine body hundreds of millions of kilometers high also started to move. He raised his right leg and used the ultimate thunder secret method to kick towards the island where Luo Yuan was sitting at extremely fast speeds. , the aftermath caused by the powerful power actually shattered the space and time, which shows how strong it is. Moreover, the island where Luo Yuan is located at this time is in the center, and nearby is the vortex where the peak treasure came out, so there are many The masters of the universe from various forces also gathered here.

Star Lord Haolei's sudden attack also made the cosmic clans on the island flee in terror. They took out the palace treasures and fled away. With the protection of the palace treasures, they could continue to watch the battle. Star Lord Haolei At this time, Luo Yuan's right leg was so fast that it turned into thunder, and it attacked the island where Luo Yuan was located. Seeing this, Luo Yuan directly transformed the Chaos Divine Armor on his body into a golden beast god, and then protected himself. , at this time he is the beast god.

Luo Yuan controlled the Beast God's head to look at the Haolei Star Lord in the sky and shouted: "This place is too small to be used. If you have the courage, come to Xuanzehai and fight me."

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he rushed directly towards the boundless Xuanze Sea, and soon arrived inside the Xuanze Sea. Seeing this, Star Master Haolei also sneered and said: "Do you think I am afraid of you if you hide in the Xuanze Sea? , your divine armor is pretty good, it is quite similar to my Haolei Divine Armor, and you can actually turn into a beast god, which is great. As long as I defeat you, all the most powerful treasures on your body will be mine, hahaha. " Star Lord Haolei laughed while rushing towards Xuanze Sea, and the waves suddenly surged.

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(End of this chapter)

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