Chapter 458 Destroying the True God

The black air flow exerted by Haolei Star Master is definitely not owned by the strongest person in the universe. If it is possessed by the strongest people in the universe, it is impossible for Luo Yuan, a high-ranking human being, not to know about it, so it is very likely that it is the result of Haolei Star Master and the other three The special ability mastered by the strongest person in the universe, but Haolei Star Master never used it when fighting Luo Yuan. He did not use this move desperately until he found that he could not escape. Moreover, this black air flow, even if it is comparable to Luo Yuan with tenth level combat power.

There is no way to avoid it. Luo Yuan knows that there are some magical treasures in this cosmic sea, which may have been passed down from higher civilizations. The original Lord of Yuan Ao also obtained strange treasures in the cosmic sea that could threaten the original universe, and was then taken by the original. The universe was directly driven away, so it could only wander in the cosmic sea. The original will of the original universe wanted to use the power of the human race to destroy the three strongest people in the universe including Star Lord Haolei. In other words, they all mastered this kind of Mysterious power.

It's just that Luo Yuan has not found out the reason why the three strongest men in the universe, including Star Lord Haolei, took action against the founder of the giant axe. When he first read the book, he only had a brief taste of it, and he has not read the subsequent ones, so for these plots now, Luo Yuan They don't know much about it, so the information is missing now. At this time, Luo Yuan thought a lot. He felt that there must be some mysterious information in this cosmic sea that Luo Yuan didn't know. After all, Luo Yuan had not had enough time to wander in this cosmic sea. They grow.

Star Lord Haolei, Ancestral God Qiuyan, and King Zhenjia are all veteran strongest men in the universe who have been wandering in the cosmic sea for countless epochs, so they must have obtained some incredible treasure or secret method in the cosmic sea, although at this time Luo Yuan He was in battle, but these thoughts were only in the flash of lightning. At this time, Luo Yuan still controlled the Star Tower to firmly suppress the Lord of Haolei Star, and then controlled the tomb boat to head towards Haolei Star. The main body was hit hard and the force was heavy.

At this time, the tomb boat has been transformed by Luo Yuan to a size of tens of billions of kilometers. It seems to be tens of thousands of times larger than the divine body of Haolei Star Lord. Moreover, Haolei Star Lord is currently bound by the Star Tower and is running away. The speed was extremely slow, so he suffered a lot of injuries under the impact of the tomb boat. This made the Lord Haolei, who originally thought Luo Yuan had fallen, realize that there was Luo Yuan's body in the tomb boat. Other clones, and protected by the tomb boat, he could not attack Luo Yuan.

So now Lord Haolei is in despair. He originally thought that by using the strongest trump card to annihilate Luo Yuan's clone, Luo Yuan would be unable to control these treasures and then obtain these treasures. However, Luo Yuan's clone was also prepared. On the other hand, I don’t know if there are other clones. This is too cautious.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but sneer when he looked at the ashen expression on Star Master Haolei's face. He knew the threats of this world from the moment he came to this world, and he would deliberately spare a hand in anything he did. This was true no matter how strong the enemy was. With this steady state of mind, he grew up so quickly without capsizing. His true self was naturally always on the earth in the original universe, and all the clones he sent out were clones. Even if one clone was annihilated, it didn't matter.

It just cost more time and resources to regroup, so even when facing the Haolei Star Lord with an absolute advantage, Luo Yuan still did not relax his vigilance, but he did not expect that the Haolei Star Lord really had a trump card, so It is said that one cannot underestimate any of the strongest people in the universe. Their trump card is still very powerful.

At this time, the Haolei Star Lord kept roaring, but at this time he was suppressed by the Star Tower and restrained his divine body, and the tomb boat with invincible defense kept hitting him. Although it could not annihilate it, it could also destroy it. Haolei Star Master is constantly driving into the central vortex. If Haolei Star Master is transferred into this central vortex, the only thing waiting for him will be his death. It is difficult for the Lord of the Universe to let the strongest person in the universe fall, but It can be done with the help of special dangerous circumstances, and that's what happened this time.

Star Lord Haolei looked at the central vortex that was getting closer and closer. He had no choice but to do anything, but the unwillingness and anger on his face were very obvious. He looked at the tomb boat and said angrily: "Hahaha, human Luo Yuan, it is really a good trick. , I didn’t expect you to be so cautious. I couldn’t even use my strongest trump card to deal with you. I tried my best to plan, just to transcend reincarnation, be promoted to the Holy Land Universe, and become as powerful as the ancestor of the two Holy Lands. Or, make your tribe immortal.

But today I will be defeated by you, the master of the universe. How will other strong men evaluate me if they know this? I will only become a stepping stone to the famous people. I am not willing to accept it. Why is this happening? , originally I was the one with the absolute advantage, it’s really abominable, my tribe, I lost. "

Star Lord Haolei kept roaring angrily, but Luo Yuan did not pay attention, but continued to control the Star Tower and the Tomb Boat and finally drove Star Lord Haolei into the vortex in the center, and suddenly the center vortex was swallowed up. The power shrouds the divine body of Star Lord Haolei, and the terrifying power continues to disintegrate the divine body of Star Lord Haolei. This is a power that can threaten the strongest person in the extreme universe, even if Star Lord Haolei has this Haolei God A, the most powerful treasure, is of no avail.

Soon the power of the central vortex penetrated into the interior of Haolei Divine Armor, and Haolei Star Master's divine body continued to disintegrate. It was not until Haolei Star Master let out an unwilling roar that he finally regained his composure. Luo Yuan also noticed Haolei. The figure of the Star Master has disappeared without a trace, and a large number of treasures are scattered. Luo Yuan quickly controls the Star Tower to collect all the various treasures of the Haolei Star Master, and the various powerful treasures that originally belonged to Luo Yuan The treasure was also put away by Luo Yuan, who smiled.

While Luo Yuan was counting the gains this time, he secretly admired his own steadiness. If he hadn't had the mentality of keeping one hand in everything he did, he would have really failed this time. After all, the black airflow of the Haolei Star Lord was really weird. , and Luo Yuan also did something that no lord of the universe has ever been able to do, that is, he destroyed an established strongest person in the universe in the realm of lord of the universe. When this matter spreads, who will Dare to underestimate Luo Yuan's strength.

Just when Lord Haolei Star fell, his small universe also began to disintegrate, and all the people of the Thunder Star Clan who relied on this small universe began to fall, and they fell forcibly without any sound. Among the three Jedi in the Cosmic Sea, , the universe masters of other ethnic groups who were still working with the universe master of the thunderstorm star tribe also discovered that the universe master of the thunderstorm star tribe who was just discussing fell down without a sound, which made them Realizing what must have happened to Thunderstorm Clan.

Some Masters of the Universe also guessed that it was the death of Star Master Haolei that caused the collapse of their small universe. Moreover, the battle between Luo Yuan and Star Master Haolei is now known to all the powerful masters above the Lord of the Universe in the Universe Sea. , but they couldn't imagine the fact that Luo Yuan caused the death of the Haolei Star Lord, so the senior leaders of the various forces in the Cosmic Sea contacted the spies in the Xuanze Sea, wanting to know what happened, and at this time The island in the center of Xuanze Sea is very lively.

There are many universe masters from various forces gathered here. They are all discussing how the battle between Luo Yuan and Haolei Star Master will develop. But since Luo Yuan and Haolei Star Master entered the Xuanze Sea to fight, they They could only rely on induction. Although they also wanted to know how the battle was going, they did not dare to explore the sea. After all, the devouring power of the vortex was something that even the strongest people in the universe would be afraid of, so they only Can wait.

But slowly they discovered that there was no battle fluctuation in Xuanzehai, which made them guess that Star Master Haolei and Luo Yuan might have already decided the winner, but they just didn't know the result. A message was sent asking for the specific situation, which made the masters of the universe very confused.

"What happened to you? We found that the powerful men of the Thunderstorm Star Clan died in large numbers, and they fell silently. What is the fighting situation there?" "We don't know this either, Luo Yuan and Haolei from the human race The Star Lord went directly into the Xuanze Sea to fight. There were many whirlpools in the sea. Even the strongest people in the universe did not dare to approach the devouring power, let alone us, so we did not dare to approach. We could only sense the waves from the sea. The shaking came, but it has stopped now.”

"What, several of our tribes have discovered that several universe masters from the Baolei Star Clan who were wandering in the cosmic sea have fallen, and they have fallen silently, which is very strange, and the human race Luo Yuan and the Haolei Star Master have been fighting constantly , and as the shaking stopped, then the Lords of the Universe of the Thunderstorm Star Clan fell one after another. This was too coincidental. Could it be that the Lord of the Haolei Star Clan had really fallen? But how could this be possible? The human Luo Yuan was just the Lord of the Universe. Lord, how could he succeed.”

"Hey, that makes sense, but the facts are now in front of us. Luo Yuan of the human race may have really won. Otherwise, how can we explain what happened to the Thunderstorm Star Clan? In this case, we should send strong men to Haolei Where can I go to see the Star Lord's small universe? If Star Lord Haolei really falls, then his small universe will definitely collapse. Then the treasures of the Thunderstorm Star Clan will be ownerless. We'd better go there quickly. If we miss it, It’s a pity, that’s a family treasure.”

While the powerful men from various forces in the Cosmic Sea were talking, Luo Yuan suddenly flew out of the Xuanze Sea in a huge tomb boat, and then flew away with great momentum. Those Universes on the islands in the Xuanze Sea Seeing this scene, the Lord also knew the result of the battle between Luo Yuan and Haolei Star Lord. Luo Yuan won by chance, which shocked the alien universe masters. Although they didn't know how Luo Yuan destroyed Haolei Star Lord. Yes, but they still rushed to deliver the message.

A Lord of the Universe from the Holy Land of the East Emperor quickly sent a message to the ancestor of the East Emperor: "Master Ancestor, you guessed it right. The Lord Haolei Star must have died. I just saw the human race's Luo Yuan driving the tomb." The boat is out, but I don’t know how Na Luo Yuan did it, and we can’t enter the sea to watch the battle.”

At this time, all the forces in the universe sea quickly got the news. They also guessed that the Haolei Star Lord might have really fallen, so they went to the Haolei Star Lord's small universe one by one, just to obtain the Thunderstorm Star. These are all the treasures of a veteran and the strongest person in the universe, and they don’t think there will be strong people waiting in that small universe in advance. After all, Luo Yuan cannot be 100% confident when fighting the Haolei Star Lord. I am sure that I can destroy the Haolei Star Master.

At this time, in an inconspicuous area of ​​the cosmic sea, there are countless chaotic energies circulating here, and there is a huge small universe in this area, which is the small universe of Lord Haolei. The Lord of Darkness is here Shi Zheng was driving the Black Prison Tower and watching not far away. While he was waiting, he suddenly received an email from Luo Yuan. The message above was very simple. It told the Lord of Darkness that the Lord of Haolei Star had been destroyed by Luo Yuan. Now, you can collect the treasures of the small universe.

The Lord of Darkness looked at the message sent by Luo Yuan and couldn't help but feel incredible. He had heard Luo Yuan say that he was 30% sure that he could kill Star Lord Haolei, but he didn't expect that Luo Yuan could actually do it. Full of admiration, he laughed and said: "Luo Yuan is really powerful. With the realm of the Lord of the Universe, he really killed a veteran strongest man in the universe. It would be completely impossible for us to do it. Well, then The small universe has really begun to unravel, which is great.”

The Lord of Darkness smiled and drove the Black Prison Tower towards the small universe. When he came to the small universe, he found that there were indeed countless cracks in the boundary wall of the small universe, and then began to break. You can see the inside of the small universe. The continents and celestial bodies are collapsing, and all the people of the Thunderstorm Star Clan have fallen. The huge divine bodies of the gods above the immortal level are flying everywhere like stones. Seeing this, the Lord of Darkness uses the Black Prison The tower began to devour the treasure.

Whether it is the various treasures in this small universe or the treasures on the fallen strong men, they all turned into streams of light and flew towards the Black Prison Tower. Although the current human race has the inheritance of Duan Donghe, it is only some inheritance information, so In terms of training resources, the human race is still very poor. Especially after the decisive battle with the allied forces, the human race has fewer training resources. And now the strong people of the human race do not dare to venture into the universe sea, so it is naturally good to have access to training resources now. of.

As the strongest person in the old universe, Haolei Star Lord naturally has many treasures in his small universe, especially the Haolei Divine Armor owned by Haolei Star Lord, which is a most powerful defensive treasure. But in addition to these, there are still many peak treasures, so the Lord of Darkness unceremoniously collected all the treasures in Lord Haolei's small universe, and then left here very happily. At this time, there were Many strong men are coming here.

Soon, a stream of light flew over, revealing his figure. It was a strong man from a foreign race, named Hengxing Demon God. He looked at the disintegrated small universe in front of him. Everything in it was empty, which meant that someone had already arrived first. , plundered all the treasures here, and he was the first to arrive. There is no reason for this, unless there is a strong man waiting here early in the morning. After thinking about it, the only possibility is that he is a strong man from the human race, but there are no treasures left. , he will just leave helplessly.

Just when the Hengxing Demon God was about to leave, two more powerful men came here, and then they found that all the treasures in the small universe had disappeared. Then they looked at the Hengxing Demon God who was just about to leave and said angrily: "Hengxing Demon God, although You came here before us, so you can’t eat alone. This Thunderstorm Star Clan has a lot of treasures. If you share half of it with us, we won’t cause any trouble to you.” As they said, two peak treasure-level palaces appeared and suppressed them. .

Hearing this, the Hengxing Demon God also said angrily: "I have just arrived, and all the treasures in this small universe have already been taken by others. I haven't grabbed anything."

"Hahaha, Rampant Demon God, do you think we will believe what you say? You were the first to come here, and as the strongest person in the universe, you didn't lie. We will never monopolize so many treasures for you. Agreed."

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(End of this chapter)

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