Chapter 459 Famous in the Universe

When the Demon God Hengxing heard the words of the two strongest men in the universe who had arrived, he felt aggrieved. He had indeed just arrived, and all the treasures here had been taken by other strong men. But the other strongest men in the universe in front of him He didn't believe what he said, so the Rampant Demon God was very unhappy. He said angrily: "I am also the strongest person in the old universe, and I will not deceive you on this kind of thing. Whether you believe it or not, I don't have time to explain to you. So much, bye.”

After the Rampant Demon God roared, he immediately teleported away from here. He has always had a bad temper. He was straight forward and would not explain anything. Moreover, he was very powerful and had a piece of armor called the Blood Sea Demonic Armor. The most powerful treasure in the universe, so the strongest people in the universe generally do not dare to fight with him. The other rampant demon gods are almost as rich as the Haolei Star Lord. He came here just to get an advantage. Since other powerful people have already taken advantage of him, he Of course there is no need to continue waiting.

The other two strongest men in the universe heard Hengxing Demon God's words, especially Hengxing Demon God's expression, and they began to believe Hengxing Demon God. After all, Hengxing Demon God had a great reputation, and there was no need to lie for such resources. They also guessed It is possible that the strong men of the human race have already been waiting here, so it is likely that the human race was the one who finally took away the treasures in the small universe of Haolei Star Lord. They also had no use in getting the treasures they wanted, so they had no choice but to left.

At this time, in the virtual universe, in the temple of the Lord of Chaos City, the Lords of the Human Universe gathered here. Before, Luo Yuan had no need to separate his consciousness to come here in order to deal with the Lord Haolei, so they didn't know it at this time. As a result of the battle between Luo Yuan and Haolei Star Master, the strong men of the human race are also worried about whether Luo Yuan can defeat Haolei Star Master. In particular, it is not easy to destroy an old and strongest person in the universe, even if he is The strongest person in the universe at the same level may not be able to succeed.

Not to mention Luo Yuan, who is at the level of the Lord of the Universe. Even Luo Yuan was only 30% sure that he could destroy Star Master Haolei before taking action. So now the strong men of the human race are here anxiously waiting for the final result of the battle. Very soon. Soon the Lord of Chaos City received an email from Luo Yuan. After reading it, the Lord of Chaos City showed joy. He laughed and said: "Luo Yuan succeeded. Then Lord Haolei Star really fell. I don't know what happened to Luo Yuan." It’s done, the Lord of Darkness is collecting the treasures of the small universe.”

The powerful human beings present were overjoyed when they heard the words of the Lord of Chaos City. They also felt incredible. Luo Yuan really did it. He destroyed an old and strongest person in the universe with the realm of the Lord of the Universe. This is simply a miracle. It was a miracle. Although Star Lord Haolei and his tribe also completely disappeared, it was their own fault. When Star Lord Haolei arranged for the founder of the giant ax to fall, it would be difficult to resolve his grievances with the human race. The human race This side is even more excited.

All the forces in the entire cosmic sea knew about the battle between Star Lord Haolei and Luo Yuan, but none of them expected that the final result would be the death of Star Lord Haolei. When the news of the death of Star Lord Haolei spread, , the entire universe was shocked. This is a veteran of the strongest person in the universe, and among the strongest people in the universe, he is extremely difficult to deal with in both strength and means. He also possesses the most powerful treasure. You must know that the universe These three rounds of the sea come down.

Basically, it is rare for the strongest people in the universe to suddenly fall. Even if these strongest people fall, it is because they accidentally broke into the extremely dangerous core area of ​​​​the Jedi in the universe sea and were destroyed by the power of the environment. However, being destroyed by other strongest people in the universe rarely happens. As for being destroyed by the Lord of the Universe, it has never happened. This battle made Luo Yuan's reputation resound throughout the universe, and it also made Luo Yuan famous. Those forces are extremely afraid.

The news of the death of Star Lord Haolei made the strong men of all the forces in the Universe Sea realize that Luo Yuan might have combat power comparable to the strongest men in the universe who are above the advanced level. However, they also wanted to doubt it because of this situation. The possibility of appearing was very small, so they immediately dispatched strong men to investigate what happened specifically. They wanted to know what Luo Yuan relied on to destroy the Haolei Star Lord. If it was entirely based on his strength, it would be too scary. They were worried. I will be next.

In fact, those who are most worried about the strongest people in the universe in the universe sea, as they are the peak combat power of each force, are naturally worried that Luo Yuan will also take action against them. As the order is issued, the strong men from various forces in the universe sea begin to rush in. Went to Xuanze Sea to investigate and wanted to know what happened at that time. In addition to dozens of universe masters, several of the strongest people in the universe came here in person. If they did not investigate the specific situation, they would be worried. .

"According to our detailed investigation, it is the vortex in the center of this Xuan Zehai that can pose a threat to the strongest people in the universe. The devouring force here is very powerful. Even if the strongest person in the universe at the peak approaches, his divine body may be disintegrated. And fell, so the Haolei Star Lord was probably annihilated by the central vortex, but how could the Haolei Star Lord enter the central vortex? This seems very abnormal, so I guess that the human Luo Yuan was probably There is a very powerful treasure.”

"Yes, that treasure was probably obtained from the Duandonghe inheritance. It should be a binding type of supreme treasure, otherwise it would be difficult to explain this situation."

As the news spread, more and more forces and powerful people learned about the death of Lord Haolei. Especially those who were the strongest in the universe who walked alone were even more worried. The top leaders of various forces also began to pay attention to Luo Yuan. On alert, they listed Luo Yuan as the highest level threat. They also guessed that Luo Yuan possessed a very powerful binding weapon, or some mysterious and powerful secret method. They also thought about the Star Tower, but the Star Tower The tower is just the most powerful palace treasure.

And the Haolei Star Master also possesses the most powerful treasure. From their understanding, if it is only the palace with the most powerful treasure, it cannot achieve this level. They do not know that the Star Tower is not an ordinary palace with the most powerful treasure. They must know the universe. The strongest ones, but their speed is not so easy to limit. They can leave when the most powerful palace-type treasures attack. It is difficult to defeat them. As for wanting the strongest person in the universe to fall, that is even more impossible. of.

Therefore, the strong men of these forces have no idea what happened no matter how hard they think about it. They can only guess what kind of powerful binding secret method Luo Yuan has mastered, which also makes them extremely wary of Luo Yuan. What is the method? It just shows that Luo Yuan has the strength to threaten the strongest person in the universe.

"This human race, Luo Yuan, is growing too fast. Before, Luo Yuan provoked the Thunderstorm Star Clan and the Purple Moon Holy Land and planned to attack them. Now, the Haolei Star Lord and the Thunderstorm Star Clan have been wiped out. Next, Then the human Luo Yuan will have to deal with the Ziyue Holy Land, and the Ziyue Holy Land will be in dire straits."

"That's right, the Purple Moon Holy Land intervened in the decisive battle between the human race and the coalition camp in the original universe and allowed the Freedom Alliance to join the coalition camp, just to make the human race disappear. Now the Purple Moon Ancestor has spoken out to take the initiative against the human race in the universe. Hands, isn't this completely hostile to the human race? Now the human race's Luo Yuan is just the master of the universe and can make a veteran the strongest person in the universe fall. Then when Luo Yuan breaks through to the strongest person in the universe, wouldn't it be He is directly the next original ancestor."

"No, he is more powerful than the original ancestor. You must know that even the original ancestor of the human race was not as high as Na Luo Yuan at his peak, especially since Na Luo Yuan also had the Duandonghe inheritance, which was the supreme inheritance. What the founders of the Great Holy Land and the universe long for, next, the Purple Moon Holy Land will be in bad luck, I really look forward to it."  "Speaking of which, the people of the Purple Moon Holy Land can't figure it out. They are originally transcendent reincarnation and eternal immortality. Yes, there is absolutely no need to be hostile to the human race. You must know that the main forces of the human race are in the original universe. At least within one reincarnation era, they will not threaten the forces in the cosmic sea. Moreover, with Luo Yuan's talent and Duan Donghe inheritance, In the end, it is very likely that we will be able to transcend reincarnation and become a third holy land universe, even more powerful than the two current holy land universes. Ziyue Holy Land is in terrible shape."

"I don't agree with what you said. Is it so easy to transcend reincarnation and advance to the Holy Land Universe? After countless reincarnations, only two Holy Land Universes have been born. How little inheritance has they received from ancient civilizations? I just No, the human race's Luo Yuan will definitely be able to transcend reincarnation if he obtains the Dongdong River inheritance. However, if the human race wants to transcend reincarnation in the three reincarnation eras, it will not be easy to become the next holy land universe. Maybe he will disappear before he succeeds. Woolen cloth."

All the forces in the universe sea are discussing about Luo Yuan and Haolei Star Master, but Luo Yuan, who is the center of attention, suddenly disappeared. They don't know where Luo Yuan went, but all the forces judge Luo Yuan As a strong person who cannot be provoked, if the Lord of the Universe sees Luo Yuan, he can immediately give up any mission and escape. Even the strongest people in the universe are wary of Luo Yuan. If they encounter him, they will try their best to avoid Luo Yuan, fearing that Luo Yuan will attack them.

At this time, Luo Yuan was controlling the Star Tower to rush towards the original universe, but he was taking a route that no strong person paid attention to, so the various forces in the cosmic sea naturally did not notice it, and Luo Yuan was watching quietly in the Star Tower at this time. Looking at the Wu Yuyi floating in front of him, he obtained a lot of treasures from Haolei Star Master this time, as well as some very precious weapon refining materials, so Luo Yuan took some out and gave them to Wu Yuyi to devour and let him recover. , and killed Wu Yuyi's weapon spirit.

With the help of Luo Yuan, a drop of the supreme divine blood was condensed and peeled off. At this time, there were only a few traces of damage on Wu Yu's wings. Even the divine blood only had one drop left that had not been peeled off. For Luo Yuan , he has plenty of time. He only needs to wait for the Wu-Slaying Wings to recover and then fuse the other three pairs of wings. Then this supreme true god-level mechanical treasure can be restored to its peak state, and it can also increase Luo Yuan's combat power. , Thinking of this, Luo Yuan smiled.

Time is like running water, and three hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye. For a strong man with an infinite lifespan, this time is just a number. Three hundred years is just the time to take a nap. Soon Luo Yuan came to the original universe. Fringe, in the past three hundred years, Luo Yuan has been using the inheritance space to activate ten thousand times acceleration of time to study the divine power route. If he wants to improve the direct divine power gene, it is not easy to increase it to a hundred thousand times. Sometimes he will study it. Some powerful secrets.

Even after studying three hundred eras in the inheritance space, Luo Yuan found that this divine power route is very difficult. No wonder there are very few strong people who take this breakthrough path, and even if they do, their achievements are limited, so the mainstream breakthrough path in the universe They all follow the law route, but Luo Yuan has decided to take the strongest breakthrough path. Whether it is the divine power route or the law route, he must go to the highest level to build the strongest foundation for himself and prepare for his future march into the origin. Mainland prepares.

The Origin Continent is the highest level plane, and there are so many true gods there. If you can't surpass them, how can you compete with those strong ones? Talents like Luo Yuan may be very strong in the original universe and the cosmic sea, but they are useless in the Origin Continent. Not necessarily, so Luo Yuan insists on taking the strongest and most difficult path.

Luo Yuan lost a spare clone this time in order to deal with Haolei Star Master. The strongest clone also used secret methods to destroy it when activating the Star Tower and Tomb Boat, which consumed 100% of the strongest clone's divine body. Ten, Luo Yuan plans to return to the original universe and let me replenish it, and at the same time, he will also take good care of the treasures of Lord Haolei. If the Lord of Chaos City breaks through to the strongest in the universe, Luo Yuan, as a disciple, will naturally prepare a gift for him. , and Luo Yuan already had a plan.

The biggest gain this time is Lord Haolei’s supreme treasure-level battle armor, which can be given to the Lord of Chaos City as a congratulatory gift. With the supreme treasure, the strength of the Lord of Chaos City can also be greatly improved, so that the human race has the supreme treasure. There are four powerful people who have the most powerful treasure. This is something that other forces dare not think of. Especially in the original universe, even those peak groups and forces only have two most powerful treasures at most. Waiting for Darkness and Peng Gong to The Lord may also break through to become the strongest person in the universe.

At this time, the place where the top human race experts gather is the primitive secret realm, which is also the decision-making place for the top management of the human race. Since the Lord of Chaos City broke through to the True God, with the blessing of the power of his small universe, the laws here can also be modified, naturally forming the most powerful It is a place with strong defense, and it is very difficult for other forces to break in. The founder of the giant ax was maintaining the defense here before. However, after his death, he lost the protection of the law, so that the coalition camp could quickly teleport in.

At the edge of the original secret realm, Luo Yuan still remains with the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, just to prevent the strong men from the coalition camp from coming back. After all, up to now, the alliance of the coalition camp has not been disbanded. Luo Yuan teleported directly. Arriving on the Endless Sea of ​​Netherworld, with the permission of the deity, the Endless Sea of ​​Netherworld began to replenish the divine power for this strongest clone. With the massive replenishment of divine power, Luo Yuan's clone body recovered rapidly, but for the Endless Sea of ​​Netherworld, it was of no importance. .

Luo Yuan directly put a large number of unnecessary treasures obtained in the cosmic sea over the years into the endless sea, and decomposed them into divine power to enhance his strength. These treasures have no effect on Luo Yuan, but they can be taken out no matter what. Causing those strong men to rob, this is the gap caused by realm and strength. Luo Yuan also feels more and more powerful that the divine power route is powerful. After all, as long as the divine power reserve is sufficient, he is not afraid even if he faces beings stronger than himself, and he can fight a war of attrition. .

Moreover, the divine power route can actually be regarded as the evolution of the divine body, because it directly involves the genetic level, and the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld can give birth to life by analyzing the components of genes, which means that if Luo Yuan wants to, he can create a powerful one by himself. For his race, Luo Yuan would often send various treasures, especially the divine bodies of powerful creatures that had fallen, to the endless sea for analysis. Especially those special beings who were in the immortal realm as soon as they were born were of great research value.

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(End of this chapter)

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