I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 460 Ten Thousand Times Divine Power Gene Sequence

Chapter 460 One Hundred Thousand Times Divine Power Gene Sequence

In order to improve his genetic level, thereby enhance his divine power, and finally achieve a hundred thousand times divine power gene sequence, Luo Yuan needs to collect a large amount of materials, such as those fallen divine bodies of special beings, and then analyze them through the ability of the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, and then use the clone Come and try genetic modification. If you can succeed, your own body can directly achieve genetic improvement. There is no shortcut for Luo Yuan, and there is no specific inheritance sequence to refer to. After all, the current mainstream is still the legal route.

If Luo Yuan just follows the path of law, then he is sure to break through to the strongest in the universe within ten years, but this will be detrimental to his future path to becoming stronger. In order to climb the path to the strongest, he needs to raise his starting point to a It is a height that is difficult for others to reach. Only in this way can we go further, so Luo Yuan works so hard. For other strong people, it is already good to break through to the strongest person in the universe, but Luo Yuan's goal is higher. The universe The strongest is just the starting point.

When Luo Yuan came to the Endless Sea of ​​Netherworld, the Lord of Chaos City also knew it immediately. He teleported directly to the Endless Sea of ​​Netherworld. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City was already the strongest person in the universe, and his aura and pressure were even stronger. , but the feeling given to Luo Yuan is completely different from that of the founder of Giant Ax. The founder of Giant Ax is a strong man with a very adventurous spirit, while the Lord of Chaos City is undoubtedly much more stable, so he can reach where he is now. , so it appears very calm.

The main body of the Chaos City Lord is usually in the original secret realm, and rarely ventures into the cosmic sea. But even so, the Chaos City Lord still breaks through to the strongest person in the universe. From this, we can also see the strength of the Chaos City Lord's talent. He is Every step along the road of accumulation and progress was very stable. Luo Yuan saw the figure of the Chaos City Lord. He smiled at the Chaos City Lord and said: "Teacher, please help you break through to the strongest person in the universe. Your strength is much stronger than before. It’s really amazing.”

The Lord of Chaos City and Luo Yuan are not just master-students, but more like friends, so they talk to each other more casually. The Lord of Chaos City smiled and said: "You are not as powerful as you. Your teacher and I are just the beginning of the strongest person in the universe, and 伱You have already killed an old and powerful person in the universe in the space boat, and he is still a high-level one. You have killed a high-level strongest person in the universe at the level of the Lord of the Universe. After countless reincarnations in the universe sea, no one has ever been able to reach you. You are famous for your achievements."

Luo Yuan just shook his head when he heard this and said: "The reason why he was able to destroy the Haolei Star Master this time was because he underestimated the enemy and took advantage of the special environment there, otherwise it would be difficult to do it."

When the Lord of Chaos City heard Luo Yuan's words, he said: "Don't be humble, all this should be within your plan, including the dangerous environment, otherwise how could there be a central vortex that can threaten the strongest person in the universe? Well, and you only said that you were 30% sure of being destroyed, so you underestimated it."

Luo Yuan felt that there was no point in the Chaos City Lords praising each other like this, so he did not continue to dwell on this topic. He just took out the Star Tower, and then with a thought, a cyan stream of light flew out from the Star Tower, and then floated In front of the two people, this was the Haolei Armor obtained from the Haolei Star Lord. At this time, as the Haolei Armor appeared, a powerful and simple aura filled the air, making the Chaos City Lord on the side also extremely surprised. .

Luo Feng smiled and said: "Teacher, this time I destroyed the Haolei Star Master in the space ship. The Haolei Armor obtained from him is the most powerful defensive treasure, although it has no other functions except defense. , but at least it is also the most powerful and precious treasure. This time the teacher broke through to become the strongest person in the universe, so as a disciple, he borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha."

Upon hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City asked: "You gave it to me, so what do you do? You probably need the most powerful defensive armor more than I do. I can't accept this gift."

Luo Yuan just smiled when he heard this, and then used his divine power to activate the Chaos Divine Armor on his body, and then said with a smile: "Teacher, don't refuse, the armor I am wearing now is actually a most powerful treasure, but I It usually hides its aura fluctuations, so it is difficult for other powerful people to detect it."

The Lord of Chaos City also looked surprised when he heard this. He no longer knew how many supreme treasures Luo Yuan possessed. Whether it was the Blood Shadow Knife or the Silver Wings, the Star Tower and the Tomb Boat were all at the supreme treasure level. Now add the Chaos God Armor, which means that Luo Yuan already owns five most powerful treasures. If other strong people know how to dare and become envious, you must know that even the strongest person in the universe may not be able to Possessing a most powerful treasure, the Lord of Chaos City was speechless.

After a while, the Lord of Chaos City said: "If this is the case, then I won't be polite. I will accept this Hao Lei Divine Armor. I have received your kindness."

After the Chaos City Lord put away the Haolei Armor, Luo Yuan took out a set of peak treasures in the form of triangular cones. This was the Haolei Star Master's specialty treasure, the Imperial Cone. There were thirty-six pieces in total, and then Luo Yuan Yuan said: "Teacher, this is the attack treasure of the Haolei Star Master, the Huanyu Cone. There are thirty-six pieces. Each one is the pinnacle treasure. When combined, it can form a powerful attack. The power generated is comparable to that of the attack type." The most powerful treasure, I have no shortage of the most powerful treasure, so I will give it to you."

The Lord of Chaos City, who had just obtained the Haolei Divine Armor, was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but when he looked at Luo Yuan's sincere eyes, he also knew that this was Luo Yuan's intention. This also made the Lord of Chaos City unable to refuse, but he needed one. It was a powerful offensive treasure, so the Lord of Chaos City finally accepted it. He also remembered Luo Yuan's friendship.

After the Lord of Chaos City accepted the treasure, Luo Yuan felt relieved. After all, he still had something to ask for help from the Lord of Chaos City, so he drove over and said: "Teacher, you also know that I am now preparing to break through to the strongest person in the universe. And I am taking the strongest and most difficult divine power route. But if I want to improve my divine power, I need to improve my genetic level first. And my endless sea has the ability to analyze genes, so I want the teacher to help me collect the genetic information of various creatures. Genetic material, that’s all.”

When the Lord of Chaos City heard this, he nodded and said: "I haven't heard of this. He will ask all the universe masters in Hongmeng to help you collect it. There is no problem in collecting the genetic material of all creatures in the original universe. After all, it concerns you. Breaking through to the strongest person in the universe is a big deal. If you can break through to the strongest person in the universe, then our human race will be even stronger. But it will take some time. I will let them complete it as soon as possible. I just want to contact you when the time comes. After all, Your whereabouts are secretive."

Luo Yuan said: "There is no need for me to come here in person. I only need to send the collected materials into the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld. My consciousness has been controlling the clone of this endless sea of ​​​​netherworld and will directly analyze these materials. By the way. , the more comprehensive the genetic sequence I need, the better, so it should be as comprehensive as possible."

Hearing this, the Lord of Mixed City said: "This is not difficult. After all, all the universe masters of Hongmeng control many ethnic groups. Even those ethnic groups that are about to disappear, we can save them and put them in small In the world, we can't collect all the creatures. Let's list a strength requirement. This is easy to implement. However, creatures that are too strong will not work. After all, after breaking through to the immortal level, the original body will transform into a divine body and become an energy body. It's not easy to collect." Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this, and he said: "From the planet level to the realm lord level, those strong people who have broken through to the immortal level or above are energy gods, which are not easy to collect, and they are also very powerful. , it is more difficult to analyze their gene sequences, so it is enough to be below the world lord level. I mainly want to collect more gene sequence data so that I can analyze the most suitable transformation method to improve my own genes. The main thing is to diversify the types. , the data obtained in this way have the most reference value.”

The Lord of Chaos City nodded when he heard this. It would be easier if it was just the genetic sequence of creatures below the World Lord level. After all, these things do not need the Lord of the Universe to do. The Lords of the Universe in Hongmeng have many Universe Lords under their command. and immortal gods, it would be much faster for them to collect them, but Luo Yuan wanted to prevent them from causing those rare ethnic groups to disappear due to his own affairs, as long as they collected a little material, after all, the main thing was the diversification of types.

After Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City talked about these things, he said: "Teacher, my main focus will be on the universe sea, because if I want to break through to the strongest person in the universe, I need to struggle and hone, especially those who are talented. Dibao, the current forces in the universe sea don’t know the news about my return, so you must keep it secret and don’t let the news of my departure spread. Next, I will go to the Lord of Peixing to collect the four wings from him. The ultimate treasure, if he were to find out.

Then I'm afraid that the Lord of Peixing will return directly to the Ziyue Holy Land. After all, all the powerful people in the Universe Sea now think that I am still in the spaceship, and I am a big threat to him, especially me and Ziyue. After the conflict in the Moon Holy Land, the masters of the universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land have all evacuated the space boat, and they also took a detour when they saw me. "

The Lord of Chaos City nodded. He also knew Luo Yuan's plan. After all, the four-winged treasure of Lord Peixing is very important to Luo Yuan, so the Lord of Chaos City said: "You have considered it very carefully. I will give it to you next." I, the Holy Armor of Thunder, and the Huanyu Cone will not be used until you get the four-winged treasure of the Huanyu Cone." Luo Yuan was also very satisfied with the answer of the Chaos City Lord, but he still said: "I also It’s just a guess, I don’t know the details of the four-winged treasure.”

Luo Yuan chatted with the Lord of Chaos City for a while, then left the people in the original secret realm, and then went directly to the Qingfeng Realm. He was very careful and low-key along the way, just for fear of attracting the attention of the Lord Peixing of the Purple Moon Holy Land, and finally pounced In the sky, Luo Yuan was driving the tomb boat at super-light speed. However, under the control of Luo Yuan, the tomb boat turned into a very small ship, and the secret function was also turned on, so that Do not attract the attention of other strong men.

And Luo Yuan had long heard about the connections of the universe masters in Hongmeng and knew the location of the master of Peixing, but the route of the master of Peixing kept changing. It seemed that he was very proud of himself in the Qingfeng world, and his courage was also low. Not small, no lord of the universe would be so bold to venture into the Qingfeng Realm, one of the three great Jedi areas of the universe sea. Most lords of the universe would explore one place for many years before going to the next place, but this one The Lord of Peixing is running around in Qingfeng Realm.

But it's not surprising when Luo Yuan thinks about it. After all, as the new Lord of the Universe in the Holy Land of Ziyue, the three Jedi who have just arrived in the Universe Sea are naturally full of curiosity. Judging from the data, this Lord of Peixing was originally just the Lord of the Universe. He waited for more than a dozen reincarnation eras in the Purple Moon Holy Land before he was promoted to the Lord of the Universe, so he only became like this when he broke through to the Lord of the Universe. To venture boldly, of course, you have the Purple Moon Holy Land as your backing.

In Luo Yuan's opinion, the Lord of Peixing has never experienced the dangers of the universe sea, so he is so ignorant of the depths of the sky and the earth. In order to see the four-winged treasure obtained by the Lord of Peixing, Luo Yuan even planned to go to the universe. The plan for the cyan treasure house in the Zhounei Domain has also been temporarily put aside. The cyan treasure house contains the treasure left by Jie Fanzi. This was left by the strongest man in the extreme universe, and he is also a peak powerhouse who can transcend reincarnation. , the treasures are naturally very rich.

Luo Yuan also hopes that the four-winged treasure of Lord Peixing is really what he wants, otherwise this trip will waste a lot of time. The reason for this is because Luo Yuan knows that the complete Wu-killing Wings have How powerful, this is the pinnacle of the mechanical style. All the things in Jie Fanzi's treasure combined are not as valuable as Killing Wu Yuyi, but I haven't seen the four-winged treasure of Lord Peixing, so Luo Yuan is not sure that is what he wants.

At this time, in the inner area of ​​Qingfeng Realm, there is a mysterious small world formed by what looks like ice crystals. Luo Yuan is flying carefully in the tomb boat that has changed its shape. He has also been sensing the legend of Killing Wu's Wings. The aura fluctuations coming from the aura can be used to locate the other components. The space that can be spanned can reach dozens of light-years away. If there is a reaction, Luo Yuan can be sure where the thing he wants is. Just no response so far.

This made Luo Yuan feel very strange. Judging from the information collected, the Lord of Peixing should be in this area. If the four-winged treasure of the Lord of Peixing is really what he wants, then it must be There is a reaction, unless the four-winged treasure is not there, he has misunderstood, or the Lord of Peixing has left.

Luo Yuan frowned at this time. He came from a spaceship far away and spent hundreds of years. He didn't want to get nothing. Even though the flower-shaped beauty formed by ice crystals outside was very attractive, Luo Yuan was still not in the mood. He went to admire it, but he still couldn't find any trace of the Lord of Peixing. The three Jedi in the universe sea are very vast. It is very difficult to find the Lord of Peixing among them. If there is a strong man hiding somewhere It’s a secret place that’s hard to find over time.

Luo Yuan thought for a while, then his mind suddenly moved, and then he used his divine power to activate the three pairs of wings on his back. Suddenly the wings' sensing range increased rapidly, and it suddenly exceeded thousands of light years. Finally, Killing Wu Yuyi had a sense, that is It was said that there were indeed other components within these thousands of light years, so Luo Yuan sensed it carefully and soon knew the direction of the sense. This made Luo Yuan excited, regardless of whether it was really that or not. The Lord of Peixing.

It was enough to be sure that there were other components of the Wu-Slaying Wing, so Luo Yuan immediately controlled the tomb boat and teleported quickly to the place where it was sensed.

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(End of this chapter)

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