Chapter 461: Snatching the Treasure
  Luo Yuan sped up and rushed to where the Lord of Pei Xing was. At this time, the Lord of Pei Xing was driving a pyramid-shaped peak palace treasure and stopped at a sea area. The sea area here was also a dangerous situation. A surge of waves can cause vibrations in the void here, and the Lord Pei Xing is looking for the treasure here, but suddenly his four-winged treasure vibrated. Such a strong vibration made the Lord Pei Xing look puzzled. He soon understood This is sensing the same treasure.

"Why does my four-winged treasure produce such a strong vibration? This has never happened before. Could it be that a treasure of the same level as this has come out? I have been waiting in the Holy Land Universe for so many years, and I have also seen this. The four-winged treasure is incomplete, doesn’t this mean that my great fortune is coming.”

The Lord of Peixing was also excited at this time. The reason why he was able to stand out in the Purple Moon Holy Land and get the promotion to the Lord of the Universe was that besides having waited for more than ten reincarnations, it was this four-winged treasure that could be promoted to the Lord of the Universe at the same time. Controlling the power of the five laws makes him very powerful at the same level. When the Lord of Pei Xing was in the Purple Moon Holy Land, he heard many adventure stories of the Lord of the Universe who went to explore the universe sea, so Pei Xing The owner is also very yearning for it and has been waiting for many years.

So when the Lord of Peixing was promoted to the Lord of the Universe, he began to search for treasures everywhere in Qingche Peak, one of the three Jedi in the Universe Sea. However, when he thought that Luo Yuan of the human race had only practiced for less than ten epochs, When he was able to destroy the strongest person in the higher universe, the Lord Pei Xing became extremely jealous.

"That Luo Yuan of the human race is just lucky. He is so strong because of the inheritance of Duandonghe. As long as I am given enough time to practice, I will reach his level sooner or later. Although I am the newly promoted Lord of the Universe. , but with the secret techniques and treasures I have mastered, the Lord of the Universe is not a threat to me yet." The Lord of Peixing thought in his heart that he was very confident in his own strength, even to the point of being arrogant. He had previously let some Universe That's why it's like this.

At this time, the Lord of Peixing sensed the call from Luo Yuan's wings, so he was also very interested in it. The direction from the sense was also in the inner area, not far from his current location, which made him want to go. Look, the strongest people in the universe are usually in the core place, so the strongest person in this inner land is just the Lord of the Universe. Especially with the Purple Moon Holy Land as his backer, the Lord of Peixing doesn't have to worry about those. The strongest man in the universe will take action against him.

So the Lord of Peixing excitedly went to the direction where the summoning induction came from. With the blessing of the palace treasure, the speed was also extremely fast, and soon exceeded the speed of light. As he flew, the Lord of Peixing also sensed the summoning. The treasure he came to sense was actually approaching him. This also made him understand that the feathered treasure he wanted was also obtained by other masters of the universe. He also sensed the call from his side and the speed coming from Luo Yuan. The Lord of Pei Xing also felt that he was just the Lord of the Universe.

And this was done deliberately by Luo Yuan, just because he was afraid of scaring away the Lord Pei Xing. However, the Lord Pei Xing felt that with his own speed, he would have nothing to fear as long as he was not the strongest person in the universe. Luo Yuan and Pei Xingzhi The masters all approached the opponent excitedly, thinking that they could snatch the opponent's Winged Treasure, so they simply accelerated their speed.

"Hahaha, what a great opportunity. I didn't expect that I, the Lord of Pei Xing, have just been promoted to the Lord of the Universe. After all, I can encounter the supreme treasure while wandering here. As long as I complete this Winged Treasure, its power will definitely be stronger than the ordinary Supreme Treasure. It will be much stronger, and my reputation as the Lord of Peixing will spread throughout the universe."

The Lord of Peixing has fallen into a beautiful fantasy at this time. As the strong men of the Holy Land Universe, they are all eternal. As long as the Holy Land Universe does not collapse, they can survive forever, so they have cultivated different Their life path, their strength directly relies on the Holy Land Universe, so it is basically impossible for them to become stronger. If they can break through to the Lord of the Universe, it is basically the end, so they start to focus on other things. aspect.

That’s why the universe masters of the Holy Land Universe are very strange. They want to experience a more interesting life. Some like to wander in the universe sea, and some like to improve their reputation. The Lord of Peixing is the latter. Or, he felt Luo Yuan's speed, and instead of worrying, he sneered: "It seems that another master of the universe who doesn't know the heights of the sky dares to think of me before he knows the strength of his opponent. Then I will let him come." Look at my strength."

In the view of Lord Peixing, as long as the other party is the Lord of the Universe, he cannot be his opponent. He was also excited about Luo Yuan's rapid arrival, which also saved Lord Peixing a lot of time, but Luo Yuan thought the same thing. He didn't expect the Lord of Peixing to be so confident. Luo Yuan felt the wings on his back vibrating faster and faster, which made Luo Yuan also smile with satisfaction. There will be no mercy, all the strong men in the Purple Moon Holy Land should perish.

If the Purple Moon Holy Land does not deal with the human race, Luo Yuan will not cause trouble for them. Even the winged treasure in the hands of the Lord of Pei Xing can only be snatched. However, the Purple Moon Holy Land not only intervenes in the battle between the human race and the coalition camp, but also A killing order was issued to the strong men of the human race. This was a fight to the death with the human race, so there was no need to hold back.

As time passed quickly, the distance between Luo Yuan and Lord Peixing became closer and closer. Both sides were very eager for the Winged Treasure in the other's hands, but Lord Peixing felt that the Winged Treasure behind him seemed to have intelligence. The resulting vibrations made Lord Pei Xing's body tremble, which made Lord Pei Xing wonder how powerful this winged treasure must be. This also made Lord Pei Xing understand that the wings behind him were really something supreme. The parts of the treasure are most likely the most powerful treasure.

This made Lord Pei Xing even more excited. He felt that he was so lucky that an extremely powerful supreme treasure was delivered to his door. His heart began to tremble. At this moment, Lord Pei Xing couldn't help but think of the adventure. Luo Yuan, a human race, had heard many things about Luo Yuan when he was in the Purple Moon Holy Land. He was able to break through to the Lord of the Universe only because of the death of the Lord of the Universe sent by the Purple Moon Holy Land to participate in the test of Duan Donghe. Promotion quota.

At this time, on an endless mountain range, Luo Yuan's figure and the figure of Lord Pei Xing flew over. Their speed did not slow down. Lord Pei Xing also noticed Luo Yuan's figure, but he was cautious and did not act. Take action immediately. Even if he is very confident in his own strength, he will not take action blindly. Being able to wait for more than ten reincarnation eras in the Purple Moon Holy Land, he is naturally very patient. At this time, he is still hiding in the peak palace treasure. This treasure He rarely uses it, so basically no strong person in the universe knows about it.

And this is also intentional by Lord Peixing, because as he is the new Lord of the Universe, his information will definitely be collected by other forces. Knowing that he has a strong ability to restrain and suppress, if he allows the other party to have wings The Lord of the Universe with the ultimate treasure was scared away, so where did he get such a powerful Supreme Treasure?

At this time, Luo Yuan on the opposite side was also driving a tomb boat that had changed its appearance. The other strong men could not recognize it at all, and he also felt that if he did not get out of the tomb boat first, Luo Yuan would be in the cosmic sea now. With such a prestigious reputation, if the Lord of Pei Xing on the opposite side knew that it was Luo Yuan, the Lord of Pei Xing would immediately turn around and run away. Although Luo Yuan could still have the domain-type supreme treasure Chaos Cage to restrict Pei Xing. The owner ran away, but he didn't want to waste time. It would be bad if there were changes. In order to catch the Lord of Peixing by surprise and obtain his four-winged treasure, Luo Yuan drove the tomb boat that changed its shape and the palace treasure that the Lord of Peixing was riding on kept approaching. They did not come out immediately. When the distance between the two was less than 200,000 kilometers, the Lord of Peixing felt that it was almost the same. At such a close distance, he did not need to worry about the other party being able to escape, so the Lord of Peixing wore a black armor and teleported directly. Void, looking at the changed tomb boat. At this time, the Lord of Peixing not only took out his most powerful treasures, but also directly used the black wings on his back, emitting a powerful power, and then looked at the direction of Luo Yuan very excitedly. He saw As his eyes transformed into an ordinary white warship, and then the longing in his eyes almost turned into reality, the Lord of Pei Xing sneered: "How dare you dare to seduce a sheep into a tiger's mouth? I won't be polite if you do this. I want your feathered treasure, This is my big opportunity."

After speaking, the Lord of Pei Xing immediately controlled the four-winged treasure behind it. Suddenly, the power of laws of five colors emitted and enveloped the white battleship where Luo Yuan was. It looked colorful, like a rainbow across the sky, and The Lord of Peixing also laughed proudly. In his opinion, no matter who the Lord of the Universe in front of him was, as long as he was not Na Luo Yuan, he would never be able to escape from his control. How strong is the power of his law? Over the years, But he has practiced with many strong people.

Even if Luo Yuan is riding the most powerful treasure, the Lord of Peixing is confident that he can restrain Luo Yuan through the power of these five laws, and then only needs to pull Luo Yuan into a dangerous place nearby, even if he cannot deal with Luo Yuan , and can also use the terrain to destroy Luo Yuan, then all the treasures on Luo Yuan's body belong to him, especially the feathered treasure with induction, which can be actively put away by him when summoned. For this Pei Xing The Lord is looking forward to it and wants to see the complete power of the Winged Treasure.

Just when Lord Peixing was lost in his beautiful imagination, Luo Yuan's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Master Peixing, you are really in a good mood, why are you so happy?"

Luo Yuan said, and his figure suddenly teleported out of the white battleship, but at this time, the six silver wings spread out behind him shocked the Lord Pei Xing. The Lord Pei Xing was excited at first. , but after seeing Luo Yuan's face, he was suddenly stunned, because the image of the human race in front of him was exactly the same as the Luo Yuan in his information, which meant that the Lord of the Universe in front of him turned out to be the human race Luo Yuan that he had always envied. , at this time the Lord of Peixing was full of despair.

The Lord of Peixing knows that Luo Yuan possesses the most powerful treasure in the palace, and he is still so close to Luo Yuan. It is impossible to escape. In addition, with the strength shown by Luo Yuan's record, the Lord of Peixing also knows that he There was absolutely no chance of winning, and even escaping was a luxury, but the Lord of Peixing was still unwilling to give in. He turned directly and flew towards his peak palace treasure. He just wanted to escape from here now. If he fell into Luo Yuan's hands, he would He will definitely fall without any surprises.

Even though the Lord of Peixing knew that it was impossible for him to escape, he still ran. He had waited for more than ten reincarnation eras in the Purple Moon Holy Land before waiting for the opportunity to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe, as an immortal being. Existence, he doesn’t want to just fall like this. He also thinks that he can make his own prominent name in the universe sea in the future. Now that we can fall here, this is too humiliating, so the Lord of Peixing just wants to escape now. , without any thought of fighting at all.

Luo Yuan looked at Lord Peixing running away in embarrassment and sneered: "Lord Peixing, now that you are here, don't even think about running away. You are also the Lord of the universe, don't you even have the guts to fight me? , it is such a waste that such a good Wing Treasure fell into your hands, I feel that this Wing Treasure is not worth it."

Luo Yuan said and directly took out the Star Tower. The Star Tower quickly grew in size, and then a black hole appeared at the bottom of the tower. Then a powerful force of devouring and suppressing appeared, swallowing up the Lord Peixing who was escaping in embarrassment. Going in, even the pyramid-shaped peak palace treasure of Lord Peixing was put away by Luo Yuan.

I only heard the shrill roar of the Lord Peixing. He kept shouting: "Human Luo Yuan, you have gone too far. I have no enmity with you. Why do you want to suppress me? I, the ancestor of Ziyue, deal with you." , you are looking for trouble with him, why are you treating me like this? Can't you let me go? Don't you want this Winged Treasure? I can't give it to you. I just ask you to let me go. I have just been promoted. Lord of the Universe, a wonderful future is waiting for me, and I don’t want to just perish like this.”

But Luo Yuan simply ignored the Lord of Pei Xing and destroyed the Lord of Pei Xing. All the treasures on his body were his own, and it was Ziyue Holy Land who attacked the human race first. Now he is just collecting some interest. And if it weren't for Luo Yuan's strength, Luo Yuan would not think that the Lord of Peixing would be merciful to him.

As the Lord of Peixing was suppressed by the Star Tower, he also knew that there was no point in continuing to roar. He also accepted his fate. Who made him greedy? He wanted to obtain the Winged Treasure, but he did not expect to encounter Luo Yuan, who was difficult to use common sense. The peerless powerhouse who came to understand, the Lord of Pei Xing now only thought that Luo Yuan would let him go for once out of awe of the Purple Moon Holy Land and not use secret methods on him, but Luo Yuan's actions soon shattered Pei Xingzhi. The Lord's fantasy, because Luo Yuan would not hold back.

The current Purple Moon Holy Land will not pose a threat to him. The most powerful Purple Moon Ancestor cannot leave the Holy Land Universe at all, and the Purple Moon Holy Land only has two of the strongest people in the universe without a small universe. If he meets Luo Yuan , Luo Yuan was sure that they would fall directly, let alone these weak Lords of the Universe, so Luo Yuan did not waste time and directly used his divine power to activate the secret patterns of the Star Tower to suppress the Lord of Pei Xing. Next, powerful power is released.

As the Star Tower shook, the Lord of Pei Xing was directly annihilated into nothingness, leaving only all his treasures, including the four-winged treasure. At this time, Luo Yuan only activated the power of the eighth level peak, but this power was enough It is difficult to deal with a high-level and strongest person in the universe, let alone the Lord of Peixing who does not even have the most powerful treasure. Moreover, this Lord of Peixing is too weak in Luo Yuan's opinion. If it were not for his four-winged wings, The ability to restrain and suppress it would be gone with just one move.

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(End of this chapter)

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