I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 466 Wings, the supreme wonder

Chapter 466 Wings, the supreme wonder

After Luo Yuan put Lord Yu Lan into the Star Tower, he also put away a pinnacle treasure that had just come out. He looked down at several alien universe masters who were waiting for the treasure to come out and said: "My human race has Zi There is a grudge against Moon Holy Land, so I will not target you, but I will take the treasure here, so you don’t have any objections." Hearing this, several foreign masters of the universe expressed that they did not dare to compete with Luo Yuan for the treasure, and then they were in awe Watching Luo Yuan leave, he was completely in the posture of a true god.

Now for Luo Yuan, there is no need to worry as long as he does not encounter the siege of several strongest people in the universe, or encounters the strongest person in the universe at the peak. Even if he encounters it, Luo Yuan can leave with the help of the Star Tower and the Tomb Boat. Therefore, apart from being careful about some dangerous environments of the three Jedi of the Universe Sea, he does not need to worry about anything. As for those masters of the universe, they are no longer a threat to him. The universe is all about strength. Even if he steals their treasure, they I dare not object.

Luo Yuan drove the tomb boat that transformed into a white boat. After flying for a period of time, it changed its shape again and turned into an ordinary-looking black warship. This was Luo Yuan's order to avoid disturbing the universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land. What the Lord did when he found himself and ran away was to take action unexpectedly. At this time, in the tomb boat, Luo Yuan took out the Star Tower. As the Star Tower grew bigger, Luo Yuan walked in. At this time, he was just Lord Yu Lan, who was captured, also saw three strong men of the same race.

So far, Luo Yuan has captured the four Lords of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land. He did not kill them immediately, but had other purposes. Since the ancestor of the Purple Moon ordered the Lords of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land to see After Luo Yuan fled, it was not easy for Luo Yuan to catch them. At this time, in the cage of the Star Tower, the four masters of the universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land saw each other. They were shocked and sad. When they asked each other for information, they were all covered in darkness. Luo Yuan, who was wearing gold and silver armor, came over.

When the four Masters of the Universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land saw Luo Yuan, they immediately became nervous. In addition to being nervous, they were also angry. They kept shouting Luo Yuan's name, but Luo Yuan always looked calm. Luo Yuan knew very well that the Purple Moon Holy Land had inherited countless reincarnation eras, and they had many quasi-universe masters. As long as the masters of the universe fell and freed up places for them, they could Immediately be promoted to the Lord of the Universe.

Therefore, even if Luo Yuan immediately destroys these Lords of the Universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land, it will not help. He cannot weaken the strength of the Purple Moon Holy Land, but it will be very useful if they are used. After all, the promotion of the Lord of the Universe of the Holy Land Universe is different from the original universe. Similarly, their strength is completely pinned on the Holy Land Universe, so they can be immortal. In this case, why not Luo Yuan stay in their position as the Lord of the Universe and negotiate with the ancestors of the Purple Moon Holy Land. The Holy Land Universe is very rich.

Regarding the angry scoldings of the four Masters of the Universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land, Luo Yuan just sneered and said: "Why should I arrest you? Don't you have any idea in your mind? Our human race is doing well in the original universe, but you, the Purple Moon Holy Land, want to deal with us." , I’m not allowed to take action against you, and you Ziyue Ancestor doesn’t seem to care about you. After I captured you, your ancestor didn’t use it to ransom you. I also want to let you go. But your value is not enough, what should I do?

I have offered to your Ziyue ancestor to exchange you for a pair of ordinary treasure-level wings, but since your ancestor has directly refused, can you blame me? I originally thought that you would still have value as the master of the universe. , but your ancestor didn’t take you seriously, I’m very unhappy. "

The four masters of the universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land became even more angry when they heard Luo Yuan's words. Especially Luo Yuan's tone made them feel that their dignity was hurt. They were the masters of the universe, but in Luo Yuan's eyes, they were just items. And it can’t even compare to the value of an ordinary treasure. Although they don’t know the thoughts of Ziyue Ancestor, they will never give in, so Lord Yu Lan said directly: "Lord of Hunyuan of the human race, we know you The strength is too strong to resist.

But don’t forget that we are from the Holy Land Universe. You don’t understand what the Holy Land Universe means at all. The Lords of the Universe like us are nothing in the Holy Land Universe. As long as we fall, there will immediately be the quasi-universe Lord on top, so Our ancestor will not agree to your request, not to mention it is just an ordinary treasure, even if there is no request, the ancestor of Ziyue will not take action, and once the order of the ancestor of our clan is given, it cannot be changed.

Although I don’t know what effect that winged treasure has on you, but since you paid such a price to capture us and used our lives to negotiate, I think that pair of winged treasures must be very important to you. The Ziyue ancestor of our clan can naturally analyze it. If you can't get it even if you arrest us, just give up. "

In addition, a Master of the Universe named Lord of Beiqu in the Purple Moon Holy Land also said angrily: "I know you want to threaten the First Ancestor by capturing more Lords of the Universe from our clan, but you don't know that before you get the Lord the First Ancestor, After the order, most of the universe masters of our clan have left the universe sea and returned to the holy land universe. Those of us who stayed here are just looking for opportunities, and we have also made a contract. Even if we are caught by you, it is considered that we are unlucky. Well, the ancestor will not take action."

Luo Yuan frowned when he heard this and said: "Why are you, the Purple Moon Holy Land, so hostile to the human race? Look, the people in the Eastern Emperor Holy Land are much smarter than you. The rise of the human race is an unstoppable trend, even if you don't give me what I need." The pair of wings you gave me are not very important to me. They are just a pair of ordinary treasures. You used the lives of several masters of the universe to fight against me. Is it worth it? You are not afraid that I will retaliate against you in the future. Really?"

The Lord of Beiqu heard this and sneered: "Do you think the ancestor of our clan is so easy to deceive? The ancestor of Ziyue has just informed us of the incarnation of divine power left in the holy land universe. Although the pair of wings you want looks like just a pair of wings, For the ordinary level treasure, it should be part of the wing treasure behind you. Your silver wings are an ancient treasure, and their power is more powerful than the supreme treasure. If you get it, then your strength will be It will be improved several times.”

Luo Yuan couldn't help but sigh when he heard this: "It seems that you already know how important those pairs of wings are to me, but do you think this can stop my rise? It is only a matter of time before I surpass you Ziyue Ancestor. You are now If you don't live in peace with us and insist on being hostile to me, you are really short-sighted."

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he left here. He was going to let the four Lords of the Universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land be locked up here. Killing them would have no effect. He would also let the Purple Moon Holy Land replenish their combat power immediately, but for Luo Yuan No matter what, these four masters of the universe only feel angry and aggrieved. They are the masters of the universe in the Holy Land Universe. They are all powerful men who have existed in countless reincarnation eras. Now they are just a worthless person in Luo Yuan's hands. They are just chess pieces, how could they not be angry.

Luo Yuan continued his journey to the cosmic sea, mainly fighting among the three Jedi, but he was speechless about the attitude of the ancestor of Ziyue. He originally planned to get the last pair of wings before Ziyue Holy Land knew the bottom line. , but it turns out that Ziyue Holy Land already knows how important the pair of wings is to Luo Yuan, so it is impossible for them to take them out. It must be that when Luo Yuan senses the position of the last pair of wings, the pair of wings also has reaction to attract their attention.

With the background of Ziyue Holy Land, it is not surprising that they can know the origin of the pair of wings, especially how powerful the ancestor of Ziyue is. Their analytical skills can immediately know the truth of the matter from clues, but Luo Yuan is still a little unwilling. , he spent a lot of effort to create the invincible treasure of the mechanical style, and now he is just missing the last pair of wings, so Luo Yuan contacted the Purple Moon Holy Land through the captured Master of the Universe and asked him to put forward conditions to see if he could Let him relax. But the attitude of the ancestor of Ziyue was very strong. He directly said that the last pair of wings would be suppressed in Ziyue Holy Land forever, unless Luo Yuan dared to come to the holy land universe. Luo Yuan just felt funny after hearing this. If he went to Ziyue Holy Land, Isn’t the universe going straight into the tiger’s mouth, never to return? It seems that the order given by the Lord of Chaos City to let the foreign Lords of the Universe of Hongmeng search for the last pair of wings attracted the attention of Ziyue Holy Land. After adding Luo The source's behavior confirmed them even more.

Luo Yuan found out that since there was no way to talk about the founder of Ziyue, he would directly attack the Lords of the Universe in Ziyue Holy Land. He wandered in the cosmic sea, and when he saw the Lord of the Universe in Ziyue Holy Land, he would arrest him, and he would only arrest them. If he didn't kill him, he wouldn't believe that the Masters of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land would never leave the Holy Land universe. As long as Luo Yuan captured enough Masters of the Universe, he wouldn't believe that the Purple Moon Ancestor would not compromise in the end. If the Purple Moon Ancestor did not compromise, Then Ziyue Holy Land will fall apart sooner or later.

Without those Lords of the Universe, the Ziyue Ancestor is just a polished commander who cannot leave the Holy Land universe. Luo Yuan has plenty of time and Ziyue Holy Land to consume, and when Luo Yuan's strength reaches the strongest level in the universe, he does not need to worry. That's the founder of Ziyue. Sooner or later, he will get rid of Ziyue Holy Land. So what about the holy land and the universe? As long as he has enough strength and can be destroyed without any mistakes, since the masters of the universe in Ziyue Holy Land are hiding from him, then he can directly arrest them openly. .

And now Luo Yuan has stopped at the third level when comprehending the secret patterns of Wu Wu's wings. A pair of wings is the first level of secret patterns. He doesn't know how long it will take to understand the sixth level of secret patterns on the last pair of wings. So Luo Yuan is not in a hurry. He has decided to conquer the Purple Moon Holy Land. Since the Purple Moon Ancestor wants to play with him, Luo Yuan will have fun with him and let all the strong men in the Purple Moon Holy Land know how terrifying Luo Yuan is. In Yuan's heart, Ziyue Holy Land was destined to be destroyed by him.

After Luo Yuan made up his mind, he began to arrest the Masters of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land among the three Jedi in the Cosmic Sea. Time passed quickly, and Luo Yuan quickly captured nearly ten Masters of the Universe. These Universe Masters The Lords of the Lords have no clones, otherwise they would have disintegrated long ago when they were suppressed by Luo Yuan's Star Tower. The ancestor of Ziyue also realized that Luo Yuan was not easy to mess with, so he directly ordered that those who were outside the Purple Moon Holy Land should The wandering Lord of the Universe immediately returned to the Holy Land Universe.

It's just that there are still a very small number of Universe Lords in the Purple Moon Holy Land who don't have to bow their heads. They are all strong men who have existed for countless reincarnation eras. Although their strength is limited to the Universe Lords, they have existed for too long, and they have also They were also afraid of falling, and Luo Yuan's behavior aroused their strong dissatisfaction.
  Time is like water, and soon Luo Yuan has been wandering in the cosmic sea for 10 million years. He drove the tomb boat and maintained an extreme speed that far exceeded the strongest man in the universe. He crossed many layers of time and space, and he almost walked through the cosmic sea. Over the years, he has also seen the wonders of the universe. In addition to the extremely dangerous areas of the three Jedi, Luo Yuan can be said to have a very clear understanding of the cosmic sea. He has also continued to supplement the star map and created the most detailed one to date. Star map, share it with humans.

In the past ten million years, Luo Yuan did not know how many treasures he had grabbed. The number of peak treasures alone has reached thousands. The most powerful treasures are very rare. Not one has been found. After all, the three Jedi in this cosmic sea do not know After so many reincarnation eras that have been explored by powerful men from various forces, the treasures will only become less and less, and the most powerful treasure is even more difficult to find. The founder of the giant ax had to search for so many years before grabbing a god-like axe. The most powerful weapon in the offensive category finally fell.

These ten million years are an unimaginable concept of time for most ordinary creatures, but for a strong man with unlimited lifespan like Luo Yuan, these ten million years are just a blink of an eye, and Luo Yuan also He has practiced in the Duandonghe inheritance space for ten million epochs. This is very important to Luo Yuan. He has laid a more solid foundation for himself. It only took him less than ten epochs to reach the state. In this period of time, it has become more vigorous and powerful.

But when Luo Yuan was constantly wandering and practicing, an extremely huge humanoid strange object flew rapidly from the depths of the universe, and for a while the strongest people in the universe who were wandering around fell into madness and fear, whether they were monsters or monsters. The ancestor was the founder of the Star Alliance, or several gods from the Divine Eye Clan rushed to the Xuanshui River.

This suddenly appeared humanoid object is faster than the strongest people in the universe, and is very large, comparable to the size of a space boat, and its defense is extremely powerful. Even if the strongest people in the universe join forces, they cannot cause harm to it. It was impossible to stop its speed. This made the strongest people in the universe think that they had encountered a so-called great opportunity. They took action one after another and began to block it. More and more strongest people in the universe joined, but it was still to no avail and could not be stopped. .

Soon the humanoid object disappeared in the eyes of the strongest people in the universe. They looked at the giant thing going away and felt only pity and helplessness.

"What on earth is that thing? Judging from its size, it is about the same as the three Jedi. Could it be the supreme treasure that came out of there? Dozens of us, the strongest people in the universe, can't stop its movement. Rapidly, this huge thing smashed part of the Jedi. There is no damage at all, and it is still moving forward. Looking at this speed, it is very likely that it will collide with the original universe. I don’t know if the original universe can block it. If not, then the original universe may collapse in advance. ”

The strongest people in the universe present also didn't know what to do. To them, the state of the original universe had nothing to do with these forces in the cosmic sea. But if the three Jedi were destroyed, then they would be in trouble in the future. Where did they get the resources for practice? They also realized that relying on their own strength was not enough. All the forces in the entire universe sea must be involved to prevent this behemoth from destroying the three Jedi, so they made the news public.

For these strongest people in the universe, this behemoth that suddenly appeared is very likely to be a supreme treasure trove of the same level as the three Jedi. They also want to get it very much, but they are not strong enough to do anything to stop its speed of movement. Not even that, let alone exploring the treasures contained within.

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(End of this chapter)

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