I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 467 God King Level Divine Body, Joining Forces

Chapter 467 God King Level Divine Body, Joining Forces
  The strongest people in the universe who are at the top of the cosmic sea all realize that this sudden appearance of a behemoth is probably a huge opportunity. If this behemoth flies into the original universe, it means that it has nothing to do with them. , which they would never agree to. At this time, the direction of this humanoid behemoth was the original universe. The strongest people in these universes decided to join forces to make it change its direction, but they were worried that it would destroy their own small universe.

Just when these strongest men in the universe were at a loss, the news of the appearance of the giant humanoid beast immediately spread to all the forces in the cosmic sea. This was a great opportunity more valuable than the three Jedi, so the strong men in the cosmic sea Everyone is excited. The three Jedi have been excavated by them for countless rounds, and the treasures they possess are getting less and less. Now that such an era has appeared, how can the strong men in the cosmic sea not be excited and excited? They are in the space ship at this time. Just like the wandering Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan received the news from the Lord of Chaos City in the virtual universe. Both of them separated their consciousness and came to the temple of the virtual universe. Luo Yuan listened thoughtfully to the description of the Lord of Chaos City. He couldn't help but said: "Teacher, you Is the news accurate? Could it be that a humanoid object that is nearly 2 million light-years long is the divine body left behind after the death of an invincible man? And it can reach hundreds of millions of times the speed of light just by flying unconsciously. This is too exaggerated. Okay, is there really such a strong person?

You must know that even the strongest person in the universe can reach the ultimate speed of only a million times the speed of light in the cosmic sea. I have never heard of a strong person who can reach hundreds of millions of light speeds in the cosmic sea, unless this suddenly appeared humanoid god is not a native of the cosmic sea. Yes, could it be that it comes from a higher plane, and some information is restricted by rules. "

The Lord of Chaos City shook his head when he heard this and said: "I don't know if it's true, but now almost all the forces in the Universe Sea know about it, and the news comes from several of the strongest people in the universe. Come out of the space boat quickly, My true self will also come. Let's go and see it together. This is an existence comparable to the three Jedi, and it is still unexplored. The treasures in it are unimaginable. We humans cannot miss this opportunity. We will meet up when the time comes. explore."

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. He was also very interested in this huge humanoid creature that suddenly appeared. He has been wandering in this cosmic sea for tens of millions of years, but he is now on the periphery of the core of the space ship. He wants to start from It would take almost hundreds of years to leave the space ship here. As the two of them went offline, Luo Yuan couldn't help but frown and ponder. That behemoth couldn't be the god-king-level body of the mountain guest. If so, the treasures inside would be difficult to find. I imagined that he must go.

After making up his mind, Luo Yuan drove the Tomb Boat to the exit of the space ship at the fastest speed. This time he no longer concealed his whereabouts. He was aggressive and rampant all the way. Those alien universes who saw the Tomb Boat The masters all gave way, fearing that Luo Yuan would attack them. Luo Yuan had a notorious reputation in recent years.

More than a hundred years later, Luo Yuan finally flew out of the space boat. Then he immediately received news from Hongmeng, which was sent by the Lord of Chaos City. It turned out that in order to explore this behemoth in human form, the Lord of Chaos City The newly promoted strongest man in the universe personally led the team and gathered nearly two hundred universe masters from Hongmeng to form an exploration team. Moreover, when Luo Yuan was on his way in these years, Hongmeng's team has been following him. The humanoid body moved.

This humanoid body is very fast, and the direction it moves is completely random. It is like a small boat drifting with the current in the ocean. In addition to the human forces, there are also strong men from various other forces following. They simply Unable to stop the movement of this humanoid behemoth, the Lord of Chaos City also sent the specific coordinates and images to Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan quickly added the tomb boat and used the maximum teleportation to keep up. Not long after, Luo Yuan finally arrived. .

When Luo Yuan came to the team composed of the universe masters from the Hongmeng, he saw a large group of strong men, densely packed. Here were not only the strongmen from the Hongmeng, but also from the two holy land universes and more than half of the three reincarnation eras. There are nearly 70 strong men in the universe alone, and more than 3,000 masters of the universe. This is the first time Luo Yuan has seen so many peak strong men, except for the strong men in the human camp. In addition, there are also strong men from the coalition camp.

The two have been hostile and wary of each other over the years, but now in order to explore this human-shaped treasure, they have temporarily put aside their fight. After all, there is no treasure of value now. At this time, these strong men gathered at the place where the huge human-shaped monster was going to pass. Then Luo Yuan saw a scene that shocked him. It was a humanoid figure that was difficult to see at a glance, and it maintained an extreme speed, like a stream of light.

And this humanoid streamer was just moving too fast, causing vibrations in the surrounding space and time, spreading out in all directions like circles of invisible ripples. The power of this shock wave was greater than that of any of the strongest people in the universe. The powerful blow was even more powerful, making all the strong men present feel as frightened as ants facing an elephant, and their eyes widened. They had never seen a strong man with a divine body that could reach this level. level, and Luo Yuan was not only shocked but also delighted.

It seems that this behemoth in human form is really the god-king-level body of Sitting Mountain Guest. It contains the inheritance of the Lord of the Jin Kingdom in the continent of origin. This thing is countless times more precious than the inheritance of Duandonghe. It comes from the highest plane. The treasure inside was the legacy of an invincible strong man, and it was even more unimaginable. It seemed that the original will of the original universe was behind it. After confirming his conjecture, Luo Yuan was still very shocked. After all, reading novels and seeing real people It's completely different.

Of course, although Luo Yuan knew that this was the god-king-level divine body of Sitting Mountain Guest, he did not know much about this extremely huge divine body. Naturally, he would not tell other people about this information. The various forces waiting around him at this time Seeing this, the strong men also used teleportation one after another. In order to make this human-shaped behemoth deviate from its direction, they attacked it one after another. If this divine body collided with the original universe, it would be troublesome. The strong men in the universe sea did not want the strong ones in the original universe to let go. Those who take advantage of it.

The strong men of the original universe also understood that if this behemoth collided with the original universe, it would definitely cause terrible consequences. They were afraid that the original universe would collapse before they had time to explore. With the thousands of people present, The top experts teleported and attacked again and again, finally causing this huge divine body to deviate. Their purpose was to let this huge body hit the space ship without letting it hit the strongest person in the universe. After all, the space ship The one closest to it is still extremely hard.

In this way, Luo Yuan followed thousands of peak experts and spent thousands of years completing this move. For the common goal, all the experts this time had a rare unified opinion. This has never been seen before. This shows how valuable this human-shaped behemoth is. It took almost half of the universe sea's peak combat power and thousands of years of continuous combined attacks to make this human-shaped behemoth shift by more than ten degrees. This shows that the God King It's so powerful, but this is just a promise.

The reason why I want to deflect this giant human-shaped thing is that I don't want it to hit the original universe, but I also want to use the space boat to stop this giant thing so that I can explore the treasures inside. Thousands of peak experts put down all joint attacks, and after thousands of years of hard work, they finally achieved results. Seeing the huge human-shaped creature crashing into the direction of the space ship, all the experts present smiled with joy. Next, Easy to handle.

At this time, thousands of peak experts gathered around the space boat, waiting for the final result. They also wanted to see if the space boat could stop this human-shaped behemoth. The space boat had existed in the cosmic sea for countless reincarnations, and it itself It is about the same size as this humanoid behemoth, and it still maintains a fixed position. However, the speed of the humanoid behemoth is too fast, reaching hundreds of millions of light years. Everyone is worried about whether this space boat can really stop it. At this time, everyone remained silent, staring at the huge humanoid beast approaching rapidly in the distance. The spacecraft looked like a huge dilapidated spaceship at this time, and the broken gap in the spacecraft was still swallowing the spaceship. The chaotic airflow formed countless vortices. This scene was more powerful than the Star Tower, and there were endless thunder and lightning flashing around it. It looked both science fiction and mysterious, and Luo Yuan seemed to be surprised. , very strange.

These chaotic airflows are actually a good kind of energy, especially those broken small universes that are also formed by divine energy. Therefore, after so many reincarnations, many areas in the spaceship can maintain operation. After all, this is the pinnacle of machinery. The flow creation is very powerful in terms of defense and stability. After all, it has stood in this area for countless reincarnations and has not moved its position. This is why everyone attracted the human-shaped behemoth.

But the thousands of peak experts present had not seen the final result, and they were not sure that the space boat would be able to block the human-shaped behemoth. After all, the human-shaped behemoth was too huge, and it was extremely fast. Even if they were present, It took thousands of years for all the powerful people to work together to shift it by more than a dozen degrees.

As time passed, the thousands of peak experts present finally saw the arrival of the human-shaped behemoth. Feeling the extremely powerful power fluctuations, everyone began to get excited and agitated. In order not to be overwhelmed by the human-shaped behemoth and The aftermath of the collision of the space boat was attacked, and they all hid in the peak palace treasures they brought. Moreover, all the powerful men of the Hongmeng entered Luo Yuan's tomb boat, and then stayed some distance away from here.

Although he could see the human-shaped behemoth at this time, Luo Yuan also understood that the human-shaped behemoth was actually quite far away from the space ship. It would take several years before they collided with each other. Everyone was patient. Waiting and keeping quiet, Luo Yuan was still in the mood to play several virtual games in the virtual universe. Time passed quickly. The humanoid behemoth finally collided with the space ship, and a powerful wave impacted in all directions. Come on.

Thousands of peak experts present immediately felt the powerful power of the shock wave, which was as devastating as the world. Even the chaotic airflow around them was torn apart like paper, and the extremely strong space ship was torn apart. The shell was knocked out of countless fast fragments at this time, and all the surrounding light containing the ten original laws immediately dissipated into nothingness. The surrounding space and time collapsed, and the void shattered into countless pieces like glass, and the space and time in it Turbulence was flying everywhere.

All the strong men present felt that they were driving the palace treasure away. If they were too slow, even the most powerful palace treasure would disintegrate. This power was really terrifying. The unparalleled aftermath immediately spread to the surroundings, and soon It soon spread to hundreds of millions of light years, and the broken small universes around it immediately dissipated.
  The palace treasures on which thousands of powerful men were standing in the void to observe were blown away in all directions, and the tomb boat where the Hongmeng powerful men were was also shaking.

When Luo Yuan collided with the human-shaped behemoth and the space boat, he realized that the power was not small, so he deliberately moved the tomb boat a long distance away. However, he did not expect to be affected by the aftermath of the impact, but compared with Those palace treasures that were directly blown away to unknown places are much stronger.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but said: "I deliberately moved the tomb boat nearly 600 million light years away from the space boat. This is longer than the human-shaped behemoth and the space boat combined, but I was still hit by the aftermath of the collision between the two. It started to shake, showing how powerful these two were. If they were closer, even the most powerful and supreme treasure-level palace treasure would probably collapse immediately. It was so powerful that I started to have some concerns about the treasures in that huge human-shaped thing. Looking forward to it.”

The Lord of Chaos City also said after hearing this: "This universe is really mysterious. Even if I break through to the strongest person in the universe, I still feel that I still know nothing about this universe. Whether it is the three Jedi or this huge humanoid monster that suddenly appeared, They are all extremely powerful, far beyond our strength and imagination. We don’t know where these things came from. I dare say that even the two ancestors of the two holy places would not dare to collide with each other when they came here. Centerland will be finished.”

The surrounding Hongmeng strongmen also nodded after hearing this. You must know that the tomb boat they are currently riding on was modified by Duan Donghe at a great cost. As the carrier of the core inheritance, its defensive strength is stronger than that of the Supreme Commander. The treasure must be powerful, and it is also the pinnacle creation of the mechanical flow, but even so, it was still shaken by the aftermath. Luo Yuan was wondering whether the human-shaped behemoth could be blocked by the collision with the space craft.

If the speed of the human-shaped behemoth can be stopped, then everyone can explore and find treasures and inheritances in it. But if this cannot be stopped, then everything in the cosmic sea may be turned into ashes by the impact of this human-shaped behemoth. Nothingness, when it falls, there is no need for everyone to fight, just wait for it to fall.

At this time, in addition to Luo Yuan and other strong men from Hongmeng, the strong men from other forces are also waiting for the results in worry. They have spent such a high price to prevent the raging of the humanoid behemoth, and also to gain opportunities, or Succeed or perish, there was still a sound of impact from far beyond, invisible shock waves circled one after another, and the extremely sturdy space boat was also hit with a huge crack. Even if all the strong men present joined forces, Such damage cannot be done.

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(End of this chapter)

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