I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 472 The Powerful Ancient World

Chapter 472 The Powerful Ancient World

Time is like water, and two thousand years have passed quickly. Luo Yuan and more than 200 other strong men from various forces are waiting, and the color of the boundary wall of the Jin World in the Mountain Guest Room God King Body is also constantly changing. I originally thought I would have to wait tens of thousands of years for it to fade, but after just two thousand years, the color of the boundary wall turned white. Although I don’t know why, the strong men waiting here did not pay attention to these things. Instead, they all became excited and excited to take action.

So more than two hundred strong men drove the palace treasures to fly to the world of Jin. However, they were on the safe side, so they used their clones to test first. The result was that they found that the power of the boundary wall had indeed weakened a lot, although it was still very weak. It was powerful, but it could not stop the entry of these powerful men above the Lord of the Universe, so everyone entered the world of Jin one after another, and Luo Yuan also put away the tomb boat, took out a peak palace treasure, and then drove this The treasure enters the world of Jin.

When Luo Yuan drove the palace treasure through the boundary wall, he saw an extremely vast world, and there was an extremely powerful aura in this world, and this aura made Luo Yuan feel that it came from the improvement of his soul, and even his whole body His thinking suddenly became extremely active, just like a short-sighted person suddenly became normal, and everything he saw became very clear. Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel that this world of Jin had no restrictions on him. Yes, it was the universe. The suppression of rules.

You must know that all the strong men in the Universe Sea are actually more or less restricted by the original universe, as if they have a weight on their bodies. But after arriving in the Jin World, all the constraints have disappeared. Is this the Jin World? The rules have changed. After all, it is the small world of the God King. It must be extraordinary.

Not only Luo Yuan felt this way, but also powerful men from various other forces. One of the extremely powerful Demon Gods also smiled excitedly and said: "That's great. I didn't expect that the rules of this world of Jin are so strange." , even my strength, the strongest in the universe, is not limited. Here, I can exert my strongest strength. You must know that even in the universe sea, the power that can be exploded will not exceed ten thousand times. The power of the Lord of the Universe.”

You must know that both the original universe and the cosmic sea will suppress the power of the strong, even the strongest in the universe, but in this world of Jin, there is no suppression of the strong so that their power can be fully displayed. In other words, the rules of the world of Jin are likely to be higher than the rules of the universe sea. It is really exciting. Being able to display one's own strength 100%, there is nothing more fun than this, so each strong person The explorer began the adventure.

This world of Jin is a brand new world, with extremely majestic endless mountains, richer divine energy than anywhere else, and boundless plains. As the strongest person in the universe, the Rampant Demon God is like The flying Tianque was flying freely in the world of Jin, but when it was feeling proud, a tall figure suddenly appeared. This was a strange giant beast with three heads and a tail. This giant beast suddenly appeared. Targeting the Rampant Demon God.

This strange behemoth is a local strongman in the world of Jin, and he is also a strongman at the level of the strongest in the universe. When he saw the rampage mode, he shouted directly: "Damn it, you are so arrogant when you break into my territory, hurry up and give it to me I'm leaving, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Seeing the giant beast that suddenly appeared, Hengxing Demon God immediately recognized that this was a local strong man in this world, but it was just the first local man he didn't expect to meet. A strong person is a strong person at the level of the strongest person in the universe.

This made Hengxing Demon God find it incredible. Although he had learned from the three ancestral gods that there were living beings in this world of Jin, was it just that the strong men in this world were so strong? You must know that the strongest man in the universe is in the cosmic sea. However, there are only a very small number of peak powerhouses, but now any powerhouse you see is a powerhouse of the same level as him, especially the Rampant Demon God. Listening to the voice of the local giant beast in front of him, it is obviously a language he has never heard before. , but I can understand it.

But the Rampant Demon God can understand the language of this local behemoth, but he does not speak this language, so he can only look at the angry and roaring local behemoth in front of him in embarrassment. This local behemoth does not know what the Rampant Demon God is like. , he saw that Hengxing Demon God did not respond to his warning, and he became even more angry. He did not take action directly before because he found that Hengxing Demon God was also the strongest person in the universe, so he issued a warning. But at this time, Hengxing Demon God looked at it this way Looking at him.

The Hengxing Demon God looked at the local behemoth in confusion, which made the local behemoth feel that the Hengxing Demon God did not take his warning seriously, so it became even more angry. So the local behemoth directly attacked the Hengxing Demon God, and his three The tail turned into three extreme streams of light and swept towards Hengxing Demon God. This sudden attack prevented Hengxing Demon God from reacting at all. By the time Hengxing Demon God reacted, these three streams of light had already hit him.

A piece of the most powerful and treasure-level battle armor on the Rampant Demon God appeared and blocked the attack. However, the aftermath of the attack still blasted out three huge canyons with a length of tens of millions of kilometers in the surrounding mountains. This shows that its The strength is so strong, and although the Rampant Demon God does not know the language of this local behemoth, he plans to use divine power to communicate, that is, mental communication, so that there will be no language barrier, but the local behemoth thinks that the Rampant Demon God wants to do something to him. Soul type attack.

The Rampant Demon God is here to explore for treasures, so he naturally does not want to conflict with the local strong men, but this local behemoth is very wary of him and cannot communicate at all. Even the transmission of divine power cannot pass, but what he said, This local behemoth didn't understand at all, so the two still fought together, which was also very helpless.

As more than two hundred strong men from the Universe Sea entered the world of Jin, they all felt the specialness of it, which was a kind of freedom like fish in the river. They had not encountered attacks from local strong men before. , especially the hostility of the strongest person in the universe, it can only be said that the rampant demon god is unlucky.

And Luo Yuan also rode a peak treasure-level spaceship to a very broad and flat land in the world of Jin. The door of the spacecraft opened, and Luo Yuan, wearing the Chaos Divine Armor, walked out, carrying blood behind him. The shadow knife put away the pinnacle treasure spaceship. Luo Yuan felt the air of the world of Jin. It was extremely fresh, and the air also contained a very strong energy. Luo Yuan transformed this ability into energy in just one breath. Received his own divine power.

This surprised Luo Yuan. You must know that even in the original universe and the cosmic sea, if you want to directly obtain divine power, you need to connect with the original laws of the universe and then absorb the divine power. However, the air of this world of Jin contains a rich Divine power, it can be seen that the level of this world of Jin is very high, and the energy source is directly from divine power. Luo Yuan can think that the strength of the creatures living in it must be very strong. Luo Yuan even feels the stability and solidity of this world of Jin.

You must know that the higher the level of the world, the more stable its world structure. If it is an ordinary world, it will be difficult to withstand the combat attacks of those powerful people. But Luo Yuan found that in this world of Jin, even if he uses divine power to attack the void, Without causing any vibrations in the void, if it were the original universe and the cosmic sea, just this level of divine attack would be enough to shatter the void. This shows that the world of Jin is a more stable world than the original universe and the cosmic sea.

This made Luo Yuan couldn't help but sigh. It is truly a small universe for a god-king level powerhouse. It has a random diameter of only 10 million light-years. However, in terms of world level and stability, it is much stronger than the original universe and the cosmic sea. No wonder the throne After the death of Shanke, the creatures in this world of Jin still exist. This world has been able to separate from the original owner and become an independent existence. Luo Yuan started to explore spiritual power, and then saw the extremely spectacular scenery, which made Luo Yuan unable to help Sigh that this is a perfect world.

This also made Luo Yuan feel that he could learn about part of the Origin Continent from the world of Jin. After all, the small universe of the Mountain Guest God King also had common characteristics with the strong men and environment of the Origin Continent. Luo Yuan would wait for After transcending reincarnation, he will go to the Origin Continent to fight, and the Jin World can be used as a window for him to understand the Origin Continent. Just when Luo Yuan felt the difference of the Jin World, a figure was rushing towards him. Come. This figure was as fast as lightning. Luo Yuan also noticed it, but he did not act because Luo Yuan had already discovered that it was a native creature from the world of Jin. He could understand the world of Jin through the breach of the creature's position. , Sure enough, soon a little boy came to Luo Yuan with some kind of ferocious beast barbecue in his hand. He also had two pigtails and was eating delicious food while curiously looking at Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan discovered that this little boy not simple.

The appearance of this little boy looked similar to that of an Earthling. What shocked Luo Yuan was that this little boy who looked to be only five or six years old on Earth actually had the immortal strength to become a king. Although for Luo Yuan, it was just a wave of his hand. It is just a destructive existence, but it is undoubtedly much stronger than the people on Earth. This makes Luo Yuan guess that the genetic level of the native creatures in the Jin world must be very high. It is possible that many creatures are born with immortal god-level strength.

The local boy said to Luo Yuan: "I have never seen you before. You are not from our Ganye tribe. It seems that you are from other places. I can feel that you are very strong. Is it what everyone said?" A traveler, why did you come to our tribe? If you don’t tell me a reason, I will call for help.”

Luo Yuan listened to the little boy's words and quickly matched this language. This is an ancient civilization language recorded in the inheritance of Duandonghe. It is very ancient and powerful. Many ancient texts collected by Duandonghe This is the language inherited from the civilized era, so Luo Yuan understood it at once. As the Lord of the Universe, Luo Yuan's learning ability is naturally very fast. In just a blink of an eye, he can master the little boy's language completely. Reach the level of native creatures.

As a strong man from the outside world, Luo Yuan knew the dangers and power of the world of Jin. As a pioneer explorer, Luo Yuan naturally collected as much detailed information as possible. The little boy in front of him could be used as a breakthrough, so Luo Yuan In response to the little boy's inquiry, Yuan said directly: "You are right, I am a strong person who specializes in traveling around the world. This world is so beautiful, wouldn't it be a pity not to go and see it? You are so young and powerful. In fact, It’s very rare.”

The little boy listened to Luo Yuan speak the same language as him very fluently, and his guard was lowered. How could he have thought that Luo Yuan was not actually from this world, but a strong man from the outside world? The little boy listened to Luo Yuan's words. When Yuan praised him, he scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "You speak so nicely. My strength is average. There are too many peers with my level of strength. I have always wanted to visit other places. But the elder said that my strength is still too weak."

The little boy had a simple mind. Luo Yuan quickly started chatting with the little boy and was also inquiring about some information about the world of Jin. He learned that the powerful people in the world of Jin were very strong and wanted to go out and explore the clan immediately. , at least reaching the strength of the Universe Venerable, and the Universe Venerable is called the Law Venerable in the world of Jin.

While chatting with the little boy, Luo Yuan separated a consciousness and came to the virtual universe, entered the temple where the Chaos City Lord was, and then said to the Chaos City Lord: "My strongest clone has come to the world of Jin. This world is very powerful. It is simply beyond my previous imagination. It’s just that the energy in the air is the divine power we need. Even children have the strength of the immortal king. I don’t know if it is the weakest. It still needs to be explored. The ancient language used .”

As Luo Yuan spoke, he shared the ancient common language of the world of Jin with the powerful people of the human race, so that they could use it when they came to explore. The Lord of Chaos City was shocked when he heard Luo Yuan's description. You must know that even in In the original universe, only special beings can have the power of immortal gods and machines when they take action, and a child in a small tribe in the world of Jin can have the power of immortality, especially when the universe used is also an ancient civilization. lingua franca.

The Lord of Chaos City pondered for a while and said: "Luo Yuan, the information you provided is very important. It seems that the creatures in the world of Jin are likely to be tribes left over from the ancient civilization era, and their genetic level is beyond imagination. They possess The inheritance is definitely not simple, even the inheritance that transcends reincarnation must be there."

At this time in the world of Jin, Luo Yuan quickly became close to the little boy. The little boy was also simple-minded and would get excited just by praising him. After all, Luo Yuan was a being even more powerful than the Lord of the Universe. , especially in this world of Jin, which is not suppressed by rules at all. Even if he faces the strongest man in the universe, Luo Yuan is not worried. Then naturally, the little boy regards Luo Yuan as a strong man who has traveled around the world and invites him to the Ganye tribe. Luo Yuan readily agreed to be a guest.

The two of them walked and chatted. Luo Yuan also learned that the division of realms in this world of Jin is different from that of the Universe Sea. The Lord of the Universe is called the Lord of Laws here, and the Lord of the Universe is called the Lord of Laws. Moreover, this Law Lord is still the minimum strength standard for traveling around the world, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

Soon the two came to a huge tribe that looked very primitive, giving Luo Yuan the feeling of coming to the wilderness. The little boy also looked at his tribe and said excitedly: "This is our Ganye tribe. Isn’t it very powerful to have one billion people?”

Luo Yuan listened to the little boy's words and just nodded slightly. The number of warriors in his Kingdom of God has exceeded 100 billion, so the Ganye tribe with a billion people is actually nothing in Luo Yuan's eyes. Luo Yuan raised his eyes and looked at The scene in the Ganye tribe, and then he saw many strong men training to fight. Luo Yuan found that the strong men fighting were all masters of the universe, and there were quite a few of them. In the center of the tribe, There are also three true god-level experts wearing battle armor.

Luo Yuan knew from chatting with the little boy that the Ganye tribe was just an ordinary tribe in the world of Jin, but such a tribe had three true gods and nearly a hundred lords of the universe. This combat power would be extremely high if placed in the universe sea. It was strong. This showed how powerful the world of Jin was, and Luo Yuan also decided to be more cautious.

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(End of this chapter)

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