Chapter 473 Born Divine
  There are many strong men training and fighting on the training ground in the Ganye tribe. Among them are many masters of the universe. These masters of the universe have transformed their divine bodies to hundreds of thousands of kilometers in size, and then they fight against each other. Every move is very powerful. , like gods, just because the training ground is protected by a special magic circle and successfully withstood their power attacks, Luo Yuan discovered with just a probe that the masters of the universe in this tribe have basically reached the perfect genetic level, allowing Luo Yuan to Source surprised.

You must know that the highest genetic level that can be achieved in the original universe is also the completion level. It took Luo Yuan a lot of time and resources to reach the perfect genetic level, and this seemingly ordinary tribe actually has many masters of the universe with perfect genes. , watching these strong men training in full swing, made Luo Yuan feel a pursuit of power. Through the little boy's description, Luo Yuan knew that the Lords of the Universe in the Ganye tribe were promoted in countless battles. .

This made Luo Yuan understand that even in the world of Jin, it is not easy to break through to the Lord of the Universe, but the number of creatures in this world is countless. After a long period of accumulation, the number of Lords of the Universe produced is also huge. Moreover, the total number of peak experts in this world of Jin can definitely exceed that of the entire Universe Sea. Fortunately, the experts in this world of Jin cannot leave the realm due to the restrictions of the rules. Otherwise, all the forces in the Universe Ocean will be in danger, and no one will be able to do so. enemy.

Under the leadership of the little boy, Luo Yuan flew in the air, getting closer and closer to the core of the Ganye tribe. Then Luo Yuan noticed the three most powerful figures in the center of the tribe. They were the three strongest figures in the universe. They are called true god-level powerhouses in the world of Jin. The pressure of these three true gods is very strong. They are more powerful than most of the true gods in the universe sea that Luo Yuan has seen. This is still the combat power of an ordinary tribe like the Ganye tribe. , which shows how strong the entire world of Jin is.

But the strong men with such powerful strength can only be restrained by the world of Jin. It can be seen that the world of Jin also has more powerful secrets, which makes Luo Yuancai plan to be more cautious. After all, he is as a pioneer explorer this time, collecting detailed information. Information is the most important thing. The Ganye tribe has one billion people and looks very powerful. However, Luo Yuan understands that such a tribe can only be said to be average in the world of Jin. Luo Yuan is the guest invited by the little boy at this time. , very popular.

When Luo Yuan appeared in the Ganye tribe, many members of the Ganye tribe greeted Luo Yuan. Although no senior officials came to receive him, the people here were very warm and hospitable. It seemed that the people of the Ganye tribe had also seen him. Many travelers and strong men from the Ganye tribe came to invite Luo Yuan to fight, which made Luo Yuan feel a little speechless. If Luo Yuan really used his full strength, let alone these Ganye tribesmen, even their three true gods would not be able to fight. Unable to block Luo Yuan's attack.

So Luo Yuan tried his best to refuse, and if he really couldn't refuse, just deal with it casually. Luo Yuan was very lucky to see a very kind tribe when he entered the world of Jin, but at this time, it was different from Luo Yuan's luck. The Demon God Hengxing was extremely depressed. He was currently fighting a life-and-death battle with the true god-level giant beast. This was because the Demon God Hengxing did not understand the ancient common language of the Jin world, so no matter what the Demon God Hengxing said, the beast would not Considered provocative.

If Luo Yuan were here, he would be very sympathetic to the Rampant Demon God, so it is very important to learn a foreign language well. And the Rampant Demon God has been chased and beaten by the giant beast. He, who was originally good-tempered, was really angry, so he started to fight back, He used all his strength to launch the strongest attack on the giant beast, and he had the upper hand for a while. However, the giant beast, which originally felt that he was a sure winner, became angry. He kept roaring and spoke some ancient common languages ​​​​of the world of Jin, and ran rampant. The devil also started to learn.

As a true god-level powerhouse, his analytical ability is naturally very powerful, but the giant beast in front of him did not give Hengxing Demon God a chance to explain and communicate at all, so Hengxing Demon God had no choice but to learn by listening to the language of the giant beast during the battle. , but it is very difficult to learn like this. After all, the number of languages ​​​​spoken by the giant beasts is not many, and Luo Yuan, who has the inheritance of Duandonghe, has directly mastered all the languages ​​​​of the ancient civilization era. This is an advantage, but the Rampant Demon God No.

All the Rampant Demon Gods had to use the most practical method, which was to constantly let the true god-level beast in front of them speak various words, and then learn. The Rampant Demon God also discovered that although this beast looked very powerful, its strength was still not as strong as his own. If it wasn't for the purpose of learning the language of the world of Jin, Hengxing Demon God would have been ruthless. It only took him ten minutes to learn hundreds of characters. In order to continue learning, Hengxing Demon God provoked the giant beast with half-baked language.

Although the behemoth is powerful, it is also very frank. How can it bear the provocation of the Hexagon Demon God, so it attacks the Hexagon Demon God with all its strength. However, the Hexagon Demon God is protected by the most powerful treasure-level armor, so it is not afraid of the various attacks of the behemoth at all. So the giant beast was very angry and helpless. The giant beast had been living a leisurely life in its own territory. However, the appearance of the rampaging demon god broke the giant beast's life and aroused the giant beast's anger. However, the giant beast did not have the most powerful treasure. .

The giant beast roared angrily: "Damn it, why are you provoking me like this? Leave my territory immediately and don't disturb my leisurely life. Don't you understand?"

Hengxing Demon God, who has mastered the pronunciation of many words, understood the meaning of the giant beast, but Hengxing Demon God didn't care, he just wanted to provoke the giant beast. After testing the strength of the giant beast, Hengxing Demon God knew that this giant beast was no match for him. , but the Demon God Hengxing needs to learn the language of Jinzhi World through giant beasts, so the Demon God Hengxing sneered directly: "Hahaha, I just want to provoke you. Your territory is good. Are you angry? It's okay to be angry. Just come if you are unhappy. Hit me."

When the giant beast heard this, it was angry at first, and then helpless. It didn't know what kind of existence it had encountered. After all, it was a true god-level strong man. How could it be so devoid of the dignity of a strong man? So the giant beast did not continue to fight, but just stared angrily. Looking at the Hengxing Demon God, Hengxing Demon God showed a completely fearless attitude. As the pinnacle powerhouse of the Universe Sea, Hengxing Demon God felt that he had met a true god-level powerhouse of the same level as him just after he came to the world of Jin. .

You must know that there are not many true god-level powerhouses in the universe sea, and the probability of encountering them is very low. However, as soon as Rampage Demon God came to this strange world of Jin, he met true god-level powerhouses. This shows how powerful this world of Jin is. , so the Rampant Demon God knows that if he wants to explore this world, he must master the language of this world.

In order to continue to learn the ancient common language of the world of Jin, Hengxing Demon God continued to provoke the giant beast with words, using the words of the giant beast before. Obviously these were not nice words. This is because Hengxing Demon God felt that the true god-level people here There is only one behemoth opponent. After all, with the knowledge of the Rampant Demon God, he does not think that he will encounter a large number of true god-level opponents at once. And this behemoth is not the opponent of the Rampage Demon God, so the Rampage Demon God is like this.

But after the giant beast became angry, it also knew that it was meaningless to continue like this. After all, the methods of the Rampant Demon God were very strong. The giant beast did not have any strong inheritance, so it was naturally not the opponent of the Rampant Demon God. But as the lord of this territory, the Giant Beast I don’t know how many years he has been here, and naturally he has met many strong men of the same level, so he decided to shake people directly, so the giant beast roared: "How long will you, as neighboring lords, watch the show? This sudden appearance The guy is very strong.

Although he is at a similar level to me, this guy's methods are very weird, and he also has a armor that even I can't break. You guys can help me destroy him together. ” ˆ ˆ As the roar of the giant beasts spread in all directions, twelve figures quickly came over. It only took a blink of an eye to reach the end, and they were all true god-level strong men. Each one was a very powerful behemoth with a very strong divine body. Huge, they are all nearby lords. Originally, they were just watching the show, but after seeing the armor on the Rampant Demon God, they also became interested. You must know that even in the world of Jin, true god-level armor is very rare. The others are other treasures on the Rampant Demon God.

And the Rampant Demon God suddenly saw twelve true gods flying towards him, and he couldn't help being frightened. If he knew a true god-level giant beast, he could still deal with it through various means, but the twelve true gods were at the same level as himself. The true god-level powerhouses joined forces, and the Demon God Hengxing was absolutely unable to defeat him, so the Demon God Hengxing turned around and ran away.

But the twelve true god-level behemoths were looking at the Hengxing Demon God as if they were seeing a treasure. How could they let the Hengxing Demon God escape like this? So twelve powerful figures joined forces and quickly chased the Hengxing Demon God, thinking To catch the Rampant Demon God, they not only thought about his treasures but also the secret method of inheritance.

At this time, at a training ground in the Ganye tribe, Luo Yuanzheng was sparring with a master of the universe master from the Ganye tribe. A large number of Ganye tribesmen around the training ground were watching, and among them there was an invitation. Luo Yuan was a little boy who came here, and Luo Yuan told them that his name was Hunyuan. Luo Yuan first refused the invitation from the strong men of the Ganye tribe to fight, but later found that he could not completely refuse. After all, all the creatures in the world of Jin They all respect strength, so they are very martial.

Luo Yuan's hidden identity at this time is a traveler who travels around the world. As a traveler, he will not refuse the challenge of other strong men. After all, they want to use fighting to improve their strength, so Luo Yuan agreed to the Ganye tribe. In the battle between strong men, Luo Yuan did not use the blood shadow knife at this time, but only used fists and kicks to fight. After all, besides the three true gods, among the strong men of the Ganye tribe, who else could let him use the blood shadow knife? , and Luo Yuan didn't want to hurt them.

Luo Yuan actually had no interest in attacking the Lord of the Universe of the Ganye Tribe who looked like a huge mountain in front of him. With Luo Yuan's combat experience, no matter how the strong man from the Ganye Tribe wearing leather armor attacked him. , Luo Yuan could accurately dodge, and then he could resist the attacks with just one punch and one kick, and he could also counterattack. Seeing Luo Yuan's fluent fighting skills, the members of the Ganye tribe who were watching around him all responded as well. I'm so surprised, it's so handsome.

The little boy named Zhen Mo'e who led Luo Yuan to the Ganye tribe before was also very excited and said: "I am Hunyuan's big brother. I have extraordinary strength. Although this move is simple, I can easily avoid all kinds of attacks every time." , and once you make a move, you are sure to hit. He can practice simple moves to such a degree that he can simplify them. Brother Hunyuan is definitely a strong man who has traveled to many places in this world. This move is really cool. I will try it again in the future. As strong as big brother Hunyuan."

Luo Yuan was surrounded by a group of children at this time. They were chattering words of admiration, which made Luo Yuan smile and give them some precious candies.

Luo Yuan lived in the Ganye tribe for a few days. In the past few days, strong men from the Ganye tribe kept coming to challenge Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan did not refuse. Every time he challenged, Luo Yuan could easily win. Victory, this convinced the strong men of the Ganye tribe and gained their approval. Luo Yuan also deliberately chatted with them to learn some information about the world of Jin. The world of Jin is very big. As for how big it is, No strong person in the Qianye tribe can tell it. Luo Yuan's analysis found that the interior of the Jin world is far smaller than the size seen from the outside. From the outside, the Jin world is only tens of millions of light years away. size.

But after internal comparison, Luo Yuan found that the world of Jin was at least trillions of light-years in diameter. In other words, the world of Jin was blessed by special space laws, so the inside was very huge. At least even so, This world of Jin is still very stable, but think about it, if this world of Jin is not big enough, how can it cultivate so many peak powerhouses? After all, the stage is not big enough, and these powerhouses will be wiped out by the aftermath of a simple battle. .

As long as the two holy land universes in the Universe Sea are not worth mentioning in front of Jin Zhi World, only the size of the original universe can be compared with Jin Zhi World. Of course, this is only the size of the world. In terms of combat power, a thousand original universes Together, they can't defeat the world of Jin. This shows how powerful the world of Jin is. This also makes Luo Yuan truly realize the power of the god king level. Moreover, there are countless powerful tribes in this world of Jin. , fighting among themselves.

Therefore, the layout of Jin World feels a bit like the primitive tribal era on earth to Luo Yuan. However, these tribes in Jin World are very powerful, and the genetic level of all creatures in Jin World is very high, much higher than Luo Yuan's. It was higher than any creature that Yuan had ever seen. This made Luo Yuan couldn't help but think about how strong the genetic level of the strong man from the origin continent must be. It is estimated that the genetic level would be perfect when he was born, or even higher. No wonder he could be so powerful and appear. The powerful God King.

All the creatures in this world of Jin are naturally powerful and have high genetic levels. Even if you don't practice at all, you can immediately become an immortal powerhouse as soon as you grow to adulthood, and then have an eternal lifespan. This is even more powerful than the Holy Land Universe. Existence, true eternity. After all, the air they breathed when they were born contained boundless divine power, which constantly transformed their bodies. Naturally, they became stronger and stronger. As time went by, it was easy to master the power of the law.

This made Luo Yuan couldn't help but sigh that no matter how talented you are and how hard you practice, it is better to have a good background. Even the creatures in the God-King-level small universe can have so many strangeness and power when they are born. That origin continent How lucky and powerful the local creatures must be, they are born divine.

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(End of this chapter)

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