Chapter 474 God King Legion
  Luo Yuan learned a lot of information about the world of Jin in the Ganye tribe. The more he learned about it, the more surprised he became. The creatures in this world of Jin are so powerful. When they grow up to adulthood, they become immortal gods. If they are trained, they will become the lord of the universe. They are called here. As Lords of the Law, it can be said that they are born sacred. After all, they can absorb the divine power in the air as soon as they are born, making their bodies stronger and stronger. Mastering the Law is as easy as drinking water, so becoming the Lord of the Universe is also a lot. .

It's just that if you want to become the Lord of the Universe, you need more training and fighting to improve. If the creatures in the Universe Sea or the original universe knew about this, they would be envious and autistic. This is completely a unique condition, and this is just one. A small universe with a God-King-level powerhouse. How powerful are the powerful men on the Origin Continent, which is much higher than this small universe? Luo Yuan can't help but be fascinated when he thinks about this. The Origin Continent is the highest place he really wants to explore. noodle.

Luo Yuan also knows that becoming the Lord of the Universe is not a simple matter of comprehending the rules, so even in this world of Jin, it is not an easy task to achieve this step, let alone the higher-level strongest person in the universe, so Even this Ganye tribe only has hundreds of universe masters and three true god-level strongmen, but it is much easier for the strong men in the Jin world to become the masters of the universe and true god-level strongmen than those in the universe sea. , and Luo Yuan also discovered something big.

That's why Luo Yuan learned from the discussion with the tribesmen of the Ganye tribe that there was an existence beyond the true god in the world of Jin. It was an existence that transcended reincarnation and was on the same level as the ancestors of the two holy lands and universes. And there is one such strong person in the Ganye tribe, and that is their clan leader Ganye. It is precisely because of the existence of this strong man who surpasses the true god level that the Ganye tribe can survive for a long time, and the Ganye tribe In the world of Jin, they are just ordinary tribes.

This made Luo Yuan couldn't help but wonder how many invincible strong men there were in the Jin world who had surpassed the true gods. You must know that in the countless reincarnation eras of the universe sea, only the ancestors of the two holy land universes had reached this step, but in this Jin world There are many worlds in Jin. From this, we can know how powerful the world of Jin is. Fortunately, these strong people cannot leave the world of Jin, otherwise it will be a disaster for the universe sea and the original universe. But this also shows that The world of Jin has a strong heritage.

Moreover, there should be many high-level inheritances that can transcend reincarnation in the world of Jin. These inheritances are much more powerful than the Duandonghe inheritance. It seems that this time is a huge opportunity for the various forces coming to the Universe Sea. If they can obtain these high-level inheritances, it is no longer an extravagant hope to transcend reincarnation. Luo Yuan has lived in the Ganye tribe for a while, and he has also met many strong people here. The people of the Ganye tribe are all good at martial arts. And very hospitable and straightforward.

Luo Yuan also felt very relaxed when getting along with them, but Luo Yuan also decided to leave, because Luo Yuan found that the Ganye tribe was still too small, and he wanted to prepare to join the strongest force in the world of Jin, that is, the gods The king's army, in fact, the world of Jin is a small universe where the god king once lived. Naturally, his role is not only as an energy source, but also to cultivate powerful subordinates for himself. Therefore, the high-end resources of this world of Jin are all Concentrated in the God King’s Legion.

All the tribes in the Jin World know that they actually serve the God King. They cannot leave the Jin World. After all, they are only the property of the God King, and the God King will only leave the Jin World with his most powerful men. This is the same purpose as Luo Yuan's purpose of cultivating legions in the Kingdom of God. The mantra that all the creatures in the world of Jin often say is to dedicate their loyalty and lives to the great God King, and their God King has not appeared for a long time. , Luo Yuan knew the reason.

Their god king is the former Zuoshanke, but Zuoshanke has been reincarnated in the original universe at this time, and naturally cannot control the world of Jin. However, the world of Jin does not know this, so they have been waiting for Zuoshan Luo Yuan was inspired and admired by the call of the Guest God King at any time. This spirit made Luo Yuan feel excited and admired. After all, all the creatures in the world of Jin were constantly fighting and changing with this belief. Strong, hoping to be chosen by the God King to become a warrior.

Luo Yuan came to the world of Jin. He wanted to obtain details, information and resources about this world as soon as possible, and then become stronger. The last way was to join the legion of god kings in the world of Jin. Only in this legion of god kings could people gather. The most powerful men in the world of Jin, and what is interesting is that all the creatures in the world of Jin also call this independent small world by this name. It seems that the creatures in this world are likely to have originated from the continent of Jin. of the remnants.

After all, Zuo Shanke was the former leader of the Jin Kingdom. From talking with these powerful men from the Ganye tribe, Luo Yuan knew that of the power once controlled by the God King Zuo Shanke, the world of Jin was only a part. A cradle dedicated to cultivating powerful warriors for him. This situation made Luo Yuan feel that the mountain guest was very similar to him. After all, Luo Yuan's Kingdom of God also had this purpose. After all, he wanted to obtain more cultivation resources on the origin continent of the highest plane. It's not enough for one person to fight alone.

You must know that the ancient civilization was very vast and powerful. There were not only the powerful supreme kingdoms of Jin and Wu, but the earliest ancestors of Duandonghe were not just super strong men from Wu. However, because He made great contributions and strength and was given the title Wu in his surname.

In other words, the former Wu Kingdom was probably the supreme divine kingdom on the origin continent, and their controller was also a god king. After all, in the origin continent, only strong men above the god king level could establish a country. In this world of Jin If you join the God King's legion, the most powerful warrior will also be given the title of Jin. This is actually a kind of honor and a symbol of affirmation of your strength, and every warrior who is given a national title will definitely He is a first-rate genius.

Luo Yuan looked at the worshipful expressions of these strong men from the Ganye tribe when they finished talking about the God King. Luo Yuan sighed inwardly. His Majesty the God King, whom they had been waiting for for countless epochs, had actually fallen long ago, and now his remnant soul was reincarnated into the original universe. In the end, they could only carefully accumulate strength for revenge. The humanoid behemoth that Luo Yuan and other strong men first saw was the former god-king body of Zuo Shanke. Such a powerful existence was finally beaten and fell in the Origin Continent. , showing the dangers of the origin continent.

However, Luo Yuan also truly realized the power of the God-King-level powerhouse through the collision between Zuoshanke's God-King Body and the Space Boat. Even the most powerful treasure is as fragile as paper in front of the God-King-level powerhouse. And this It's not the end of cultivation yet. There are many strong men above me who are stronger than me. Luo Yuan can't help but become more enthusiastic because he knows that one day he will have such a powerful strength, and the ancient civilization will turn into nothingness. How powerful should it be.

The power of ancient civilizations can only be seen from the dangerous environments and various treasure inheritances left by the three Jedi in the Universe Sea. However, even such a powerful civilization finally became the smoke and dust of history. What kind of power can make it so powerful? The civilization was annihilated. When Luo Yuan thought about this, he felt the horror of this universe. It seemed that Luo Yuan could not judge everything in this world just based on the few words in the novel he read at that time. After all, this was a real world.

It's just that although everything in the ancient civilization has dissipated, the creatures in the world of Jin are still intact. These creatures living in the world of Jin don't know what is happening in the outside world, but they still wait for the call of the God King. As they continue to improve their strength, their lives are fulfilling. If they know everything that is happening in the outside world, their faith will collapse, but they cannot leave this world without the permission of the God King. Because according to the words of the three ancestral gods, under the rules of the world of Jin, all native creatures in this world will immediately perish once they leave the world of Jin. No strong person can be spared, and Luo Yuan is just a stranger. His divine king body is so huge that there is no way he only has this small universe. You must know that there are all kinds of dangerous environments in his divine king body, and this world of Jin is just his base for cultivating strong men, and the strong men here Under his absolute control.

What's interesting is that Luo Yuan learned from the conversations of the Ganye tribe that any tribesman whose strength reaches the level of the Lord of the Universe, which is what they call the Lord of Laws, has to go to the God King Army to hone his skills, and it is also compulsory. Yes, you can only be released to become a free and powerful person after training to the first level. This system is similar to the military service system on earth, that is, the weakest soldiers in the God King’s legion in this world of Jin are all the strongest soldiers in the universe. Luo Yuan was a little surprised by the Lord's strength.

Luo Yuan originally set the strength mark of the weakest soldier in his Divine Kingdom Legion as the World Lord level. But after understanding the standards of the Divine King Legion in the Jin World, Luo Yuan had no choice but to set this standard as the Lord of the Universe level. Of course, this is only the standard for his Divine Kingdom Legion. The standard for conquering the Origin Continent is to be at least the true god level. Only in this way can he be qualified to compete with those forces in the highest plane for training resources, and Luo Yuan also wants to join the world of Jin. The God King Legion comes to find out.

Luo Yuan can reorganize his own Divine Kingdom Legion through the construction and strength division of the Jin World God King Legion, and there are many resources in the Jin World God King Legion. Even the most precious and powerful treasures in the Universe Sea, In the World of Jin, it is just average. The armors of those true god-level warriors are all Supreme Treasures or standard armors. This shows that the World of Jin has the production line and method to mass-produce the Supreme Treasure-level armors. If Luo Yuan Can get it.

Then Luo Yuan can provide the most powerful and treasure-level armor for the warriors of his Divine Kingdom Legion. Of course, it can only be true god-level warriors. Otherwise, it will be a waste of resources, and there are countless more in the Jin World Divine King Legion. Powerful inheritance, if placed in the Duandonghe inheritance, is a high-level inheritance that cannot be passed on to others. This shows how powerful the world of Jin is. Even so, the training and cultivation of the God King's legion is very dangerous. If one is not careful, Likely to perish.

Luo Yuan learned from the retired soldiers in the Ganye tribe who had participated in the God King's Legion that the training method of the God King's Legion was very dangerous and cruel. After all, they were training super strong men for the God King, and they would not care if they died. To some extent, they only want the strongest warriors, so most of them will fall.

Through calculation, it can be known that the number of warriors who can successfully retire in the end is less than 5%, but even so, there are still countless strong people joining them, not only because of their loyalty and belief in His Majesty the God King, but here they are Good thing, after all, dangers and opportunities coexist. If there were only dangers and no benefits, it would be impossible for so many strong men to join one after another, especially since the God King's legion contains the vast majority of the strong men in the world of Jin.

Naturally, there was a lot of information and resources here that Luo Yuan didn't know about, so Luo Yuan decided to go and have a look. It would be a waste not to take the opportunity to get some cultivation resources in such a good place, but Luo Yuan also knew the dangers of this world. So he decided to be more cautious. After all, it was an advanced map and it needed to be developed steadily.

Luo Yuan also told the strong men of the Ganye tribe that he wanted to join the God King Legion while chatting with them. He said that he wanted to temper himself, and when he heard Luo Yuan think, there was a man from the Ganye tribe who had just broken through to the universe. The strong man named Bei Feng also felt that he would go with Luo Yuan. After all, he had reached the stage of applying for the army. With the extremely powerful Luo Yuan as his companion, Bei Feng also felt that his safety factor would be much higher. , so Luo Yuan and Beifeng made an appointment and prepared to set off.

At the same time, Luo Yuan also separated a consciousness and came to the human race virtual universe. He summoned all the peak powerhouses of the human race through the Chaos City Lord, and then discussed with them how to obtain the greatest benefits in the World of Jin. After all, the World of Jin To all the forces in the Cosmic Sea, it is just a resource world. They all named it the fourth Jedi, and it is more dangerous than the other three Jedi. After all, there are countless people in the world of Jin who are far beyond their peak. Strong.

At this time, the strong men of the human race were also having a heated discussion. They looked at Luo Yuan and asked: "Luo Yuan, your strongest clone is currently exploring the world of Jin. Judging from the information you just shared, this Jin's There are so many true god-level powerhouses in the world, and there are many invincible powerhouses who have surpassed the true gods. You must know that in the entire universe sea, only the ancestors of the two holy places have reached this level, and the world of Jin There are so many powerful treasures, are they standard weapons?"

The powerful human race present asked Luo Yuan in disbelief, with very shocked and eager tone, because the information Luo Yuan told them was so unbelievable. After all, judging from the situation of the cosmic sea and the original universe, this world of Jin is simply It was unimaginable, so they still asked Luo Yuan in disbelief, and Luo Yuan just nodded. He was also very helpless. The power of the Jin world was indeed beyond his imagination. So in this Luo Yuan couldn't imagine how powerful the Origin Continent above must be, so he just nodded without objection. Luo Yuan decided to go to the God King Legion to learn more about this information.

Now even though the color of the boundary wall of Jin World has turned white and there is no longer a threat to the Lords of the Universe, most of the strong men from various forces have not entered rashly, but are waiting for the guidance of the strong pioneer explorers. The information returned is used to analyze how to deal with it, and the same is true for the human race. Now only Luo Yuan is exploring the world of Jin in the entire human camp. After all, Luo Yuan has many life-saving means, and he also has the Duandonghe inheritance as support, so it is not Worry.

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(End of this chapter)

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