Chapter 477 Special Legion
  Luo Yuan couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words of True God Beiyan. He didn't expect that the spherical mechanical fortresses he saw were such powerful treasures that could allow thousands of true god-level experts to join forces and concentrate their power. To destroy the True God of the Void, even among the treasures recorded in the Duandong River inheritance about the ancient civilization era, it was an extremely powerful existence. Luo Yuan knew very well that even the current Silver Wings and Star Tower did not reach this level of power.

True God Beiyan also said with great yearning at this time: "This spherical fortress called Jinluo Tiandi is the most powerful mechanical treasure in our world of Jin. The materials used in it are also very precious, and it can also be used as a standard weapon. After a long period of accumulation, the God King's army already has many of these Jinluo worlds, but we in the Eastern Army have quite a few. Originally, after this mechanical treasure was created, we also fought for His Majesty the God King. prepare.

But we have been waiting for countless epochs, but we have not waited for the call from His Majesty the God King. If His Majesty the God King knew about the existence of Jinluo World, he would definitely be very happy. "

Luo Yuan just listened quietly to the story of True God Beiyan. He now understood that the God King Legion in Jin World could not help cultivating super strong men, but also continued to research and create powerful combat equipment, whether it was the standard Supreme Treasure Super armor, this Jinluo world is very powerful, and it is very powerful as an equipment for external battles. Of course, all the creatures in the world of Jin will not use this kind of super-standard equipment. After all, they are all God Kings. His Majesty serves.

True God Beiyan continued to introduce: "In addition to the very powerful mechanical treasure of Jinluo World, our God King Legion in Jin World also has many other mechanical treasures, such as the dove. You see, it is like a bird. A small mechanical equipment, this bird is very small, but it is extremely fast and has strong defense. If there are thousands of true gods controlling it at the same time, even the true god of the void may not be able to catch up. Although the attack method is single, it can still catch it by surprise. "

Luo Yuan looked at the various mechanical equipment in the Eastern Army camp of the God King Legion. Each of them was at least the Supreme Treasure level, and it was also standard equipment. This shows that the God King Legion has a mature production line. The most powerful and treasure-level equipment can be produced in a streamlined manner, but in the cosmic sea, the most powerful and precious treasures of powerful men from various forces can only be found in the three Jedi. From this, we can see how powerful the world of Jin is. And the equipment here is all used in battle.

Of course, Luo Yuan also understands that these mechanical treasures are still useful when they are below the God King level, but they will not be of much use when they reach the God King level. After all, when the strength reaches the God King level, it cannot be compensated by external objects. The difference is that in front of the absolute strong, one's own strength is the most powerful weapon, but for the strong below the True God of the Void, the most powerful and treasure-level equipment is a shortcut to enhance their strength, so there are so many strong To find the most powerful treasure.

Moreover, the biggest application of mechanical flow equipment is in large-scale battles. Although the materials are very precious, they can also produce strange effects that turn decay into magic.

Luo Yuan was also very shocked when he saw the strength of the God King's Legion. This was just a small world where a God King was trained. Any one of the four branches of the God King's Legion would be enough to annihilate the entire cosmic sea into nothingness. , Such a powerful legion is what Luo Yuan longs for, and he also wants to have such a powerful force.

But this god-king army is the power of Zuoshanke when he was a god-king. It is impossible to obey Luo Yuan's orders. It's just that Zuoshanke's god-king body has long since fallen, and now he is just reincarnated into the original universe and became an ordinary person. He is just a low-key true god. With Zuo Shanke's current strength, he will certainly not be able to control the power of the world of Jin. Moreover, the legions of gods and kings in this world of Jin do not know that Zuo Shanke's god king body has long since fallen, but they do not Get the call and order from His Majesty the God King.

Therefore, the God King's Army in the Jin World continues to cultivate super strong men as usual, and constantly manufactures powerful mechanical equipment to enhance the strength of the God King's Army, waiting for His Majesty the God King's call, and then for His Majesty the God King Fighting, but their waiting can only be in vain. It is not known how long it will take for Zuoshanke to regain control of the world of Jin. Therefore, countless creatures in the world of Jin perished in the battle, and this machine can only Become a decoration.

Luo Yuan could only sigh in his heart when he thought of this, but Luo Yuan didn't think much about the equipment of the God King Legion now. After all, the cost of controlling these equipment was too high, and the requirements were very high, but it was only the true god level. The number of strong men is an unimaginable number, and now the entire human race only has one true god, the Lord of Chaos City. Even if they get these equipments, the human race cannot use them, and the same is true for the entire cosmic sea.

At this time, Luo Yuan could only sigh in his heart that the world of Jin is so powerful, and this world of Jin is just a small fragment of the ancient civilization era, how powerful it must be, and the Origin Continent above it. How powerful it must be. At this time, Luo Yuan had a new understanding of the power of the Origin Continent, so Luo Yuan raised the standard of his Kingdom of God Legion to a higher level, but this also meant that Luo Yuan still had a long way to go in the future. Although he has to leave, Luo Yuan will not be discouraged.

As Luo Yuan saw more and more secrets of the universe, he was more than surprised by these powerful things. This is the difference in levels. Powerful people standing at different heights naturally see the world differently, and Luo Yuan Yuan also knows that even the mechanical treasures and powerful men in the Jin World God King's Army are not the most powerful force in the universe. Looking at how powerful the ancient civilization is, it did not turn into nothingness in the end. It can be seen that even if The True God of the Void is just an ant.

Speaking of mechanical creations, the most powerful thing Luo Yuan has seen so far is the space ark. This is a more powerful existence than the Star Tower. Although Luo Yuan does not know who created this space ark and what era it was, but among the Just some dangerous environments are enough to turn the true god, even the true god of the void, into powder.

As one of the three Jedi in the Universe Sea, the Space Boat stands in the Universe Sea for countless reincarnation eras. The treasures contained in it are countless. It has been developed and explored by various forces for countless reincarnation eras. It is far from being completed. Facing a mountain The rapid collision of the Keshen King's body only caused some damage to the outermost shell of the space boat. However, no one is able to conquer such a powerful space boat, and now it is only floating in a dangerous place.

The same is true for the body of the Mountain Guest God King. Now, as the fourth Jedi in the universe sea, you are floating quietly like this. No matter how magnificent you are, you will still turn into dust in the end, and the extremely powerful Duandong River lineage has not been able to do so until now. There is only one inheritor, Luo Yuan, who is the product of the once extremely powerful ancient civilization. Although Luo Yuan does not know how powerful the ancient civilization is, he can also understand its glorious history and clues through these relics and various materials. .

Luo Yuan and the new Law Lords of the Ganye Tribe looked at the Eastern Army Camp below with great curiosity. It was very vast, and the area was comparable to all the universe countries of the human race in the original universe. The God King Army separated The four armies naturally concentrated the strongest power in the entire world of Jin. They also divided all the power into four parts. The Eastern Army occupied one of them. In addition to the powerful tribal warriors, there were also huge The power of strange beasts, densely packed warriors.

Luo Yuan observed it and found that almost every day in the Eastern Army camp, a steady stream of Lords of Law came to participate in the selection of warriors. Moreover, these selections were very cruel, and only a few could succeed in the end. It can be seen that this God King The standards for selecting warriors for the legion are so high and dangerous, but even so, after a long period of accumulation, the power of the God King Legion has continued to increase. After all, the world of Jin has an area of ​​trillions of light-years, and there are countless creatures. number. At this time, the warriors from various tribes lined up in an endless line, waiting for the call for selection. No warrior dared to express dissatisfaction. As the warship of the Ganye tribe landed at the Eastern Army camp, At the special parking area, Luo Yuan found that the place was actually filled with palace treasures and warships from various tribes, and all of them were at the level of supreme treasures without exception. Luo Yuan was also a little surprised when he saw it. He had never seen so many. The most powerful palace treasure.

It is obvious that these powerful palace treasures are sent by each tribe to new warriors of their own tribes to participate in warrior selection. These are the rules and orders of the God King Legion of Jin World. All creatures in Jin World must abide by them. Although warrior selection It is very dangerous. If it fails to succeed, it is very likely that they will die directly in the end, but none of them dare to object, otherwise they will be directly eliminated by the God King's legion. This is an iron law, so all tribes can only abide by it honestly.

True God Beiyan walked out of the warship, and then hurriedly urged the warriors of the Ganye Tribe to come out and line up to participate in the warrior selection. Luo Yuan was also among them. Under the command of True God Beiyan, the warriors of the Ganye Tribe also moved very quickly. , and soon the eight hundred warriors of the Bei clan of the Ganye tribe lined up in a line, waiting for the selection to begin. Beifeng, the nephew of the True God Beiyan, asked anxiously: "Uncle, there are so many Strong man, how long do you have to wait?"

Luo Yuan also looked ahead and found that there was no end in sight. Before the soldiers from the Ganye tribe came, there were already many strong men filming the team, and there were still many of them. It was just where Luo Yuan was at this time. There are almost a million strong men in the team, all of whom are the new Lords of Law, that is, the Lords of the Universe of the Universe Sea. As for the races, they are countless. There are also huge behemoths among them. Naturally, there are also similar ones. A strong humanoid like Luo Yuan.

The Ganye tribe where Luo Yuan belonged was also a humanoid creature, and looked very similar to the people on earth, which made Luo Yuan couldn't help but lament his good luck.

When True God Beiyan heard Bei Feng's question, he said: "There are too many warriors waiting in line for selection. There are no less than a million creatures in our group, but the registration efficiency is still very high, almost Half a month, look at how anxious you all are, you guys really don’t know how high the sky is, this selection is very dangerous, you can just prepare in this period of time, you must know that only less than one-third will succeed in the end , if you fail, you will perish.”

Luo Yuan was surprised when he heard the warning from True God Beiyan. He didn't expect that the selection of warriors for the God King's legion would be so cruel. He couldn't help but that less than one-third of them succeeded in the end, and all the creatures who failed the selection had to perish. How could it be that It does not mean that those strong men above the Lord of Laws who can survive in the world of Jin are all former legionnaires. In other words, every super strong man is an elite strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles, because those who are not strong have fallen. Yes, it's really cruel.

True God Beiyan finally yelled at the eight hundred warriors of the Ganye tribe: "Since you are here, you will either become a warrior of the God King's legion in life, or you will perish and turn into nothingness. You should all bring out all your combat power and potential. Don't do anything." Don’t be afraid, my reputation as a Ganye tribe is earned through hard work, don’t embarrass me.”

After the True God Beiyan finished speaking, he went directly to talk to the True Gods who led the other tribes. After all, they were basically comrades in the same class, and some of them had good relationships. Naturally, they had to greet each other when they saw each other, but they would all keep their eyes on In terms of one's own ethnic group, after all, how many successful people in the ethnic group are the hope of the future.

As time went by, the warriors and beasts from various tribes who were lined up began to select. Although Luo Yuan could not see the selection process, he could hear the roars of various battles in front of him, but they were all very... The shrill screams showed how cruel the selection was. After half a month like this, it was finally time for the eight hundred warriors of the Ganye tribe and Luo Yuan to participate in the selection, and the three strong men who participated in the selection at one time were Thousands of operations are performed at the same time, so it’s no wonder the efficiency is high.

Following the roar of a small alien beast leader, Luo Yuan followed this group of 3,000 selectors to the selection site. Among them were 800 warriors from the Bei clan of the Ganye tribe. They were going to perform the most basic beheading. After the killing and screening, several true gods of the legion led Luo Yuan and other three thousand selectors to a stone gate made of stone, and then everyone walked in without hesitation. Beifeng, who was walking in the same row as Luo Yuan, was now With fighting intent in his eyes, he looked at Luo Yuan and decided to share some information.

Luo Yuan suddenly received Beifeng's divine power: "Hunyuan, I heard a lot of confidential information from Uncle Beiyan. During the selection later, you will bring out your strongest strength. Feel free to use it. If you If you show strength that attracts the attention of the examiners, you can become an elite warrior of the special legion."

When Luo Yuan heard Bei Feng's words, he could feel Bei Feng's excitement and desire. He also wondered: "What is the special army? I don't know much about these."

Bei Feng wouldn't be surprised by Luo Yuan's doubts. After all, he wouldn't know this information if True God Beiyan hadn't told him. So Bei Feng patiently explained: "You don't know, the Eastern Army camp is divided into different groups. There are few legions. Most of them are just ordinary warrior legions, but there is also a special legion. It is considered an elite team among these legions. Naturally, it will receive more resources. If you want to be selected, you must perform extremely well. OK."

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(End of this chapter)

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