Chapter 478 Cruel Selection
  There is a more outstanding special legion in the Eastern Army of the God King's Legion. Most people don't know this information, and Bei Feng also obtained the information from the True God Beiyan. Bei Feng felt that Luo Yuan was very powerful, and it was almost impossible to successfully pass the warrior selection. 100%, it is even possible to become a member of the special legion, so Beifeng does not mind sharing this information with Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan does not feel surprised to get this information. After all, no matter where there are levels, resources are also allocated in this way. .

Luo Yuan and Beifeng were talking as they walked towards the stone gate of the Eastern Army camp. As the three thousand strong men who participated in the selection came in, it seemed as if some magic circle had been triggered. The surrounding environment became distorted and soon stabilized. Now, when Luo Yuan looked at the surrounding environment, he found that he was no longer in the previous environment. At this time, they were all in a very old desert land, with no end visible at a glance, and only part of it was lit. , mostly dark sky.

This time the desert was very desolate. Except for Luo Yuan and other three thousand strong men, no other things were seen. It was obvious that they were transferred here through the time and space array. The environment here is also real, not those Luo Yuan couldn't help but be surprised by the simulated environment. He didn't expect that the descendants of this ancient civilization could master such a powerful power. The whole process was perfect, and the time and space transformation was completed instantly. At this time, Luo Yuan was also a powerful member of the Heganye tribe. together.

At this time, three thousand law lords were suddenly transported to this selection space. They didn't know what this so-called selection was like, so they all looked around in confusion. Suddenly, a very powerful divine power appeared. The entire space was enveloped, and the three thousand strong men present also felt the danger.

So everyone looked towards the sky where Shenwei appeared, and then they saw a man wearing black armor appeared in the sky at some point. This man had a single horn and looked like he should belong to the human race, but his eyes were pointed towards snakes. His eyes were as bright as gold. At this moment, this powerful man stood in the void and looked down at the three thousand selectors with a cold face, as if he was looking at three thousand ants. Before everyone could figure it out, When the situation arises, an accident occurs.

I saw two golden divine lights suddenly appearing in the snake-like golden pupils of this one-horned man, attacking the three thousand selectors below. The speed of this golden divine light was extremely fast, and before everyone could react, At that moment, these two golden divine lights arrived, and these two golden divine lights were like ropes. They enveloped the fifteen hundred selectors respectively, and just divided the three thousand selectors into two groups. Different power fluctuations, powerful pressure comes.

Faced with this sudden situation, the three thousand selectors present had no ability to resist at all, and were restrained by the one-horned man in the sky. These were the three thousand masters of the universe, but in front of this one-horned man It was still like a toy, with no resistance at all, but the uncontrollable pressure of the one-horned man came, and the three thousand selectors below suppressed it. Some of the selectors who were not strong simply fell down, alone. The horned man snorted disdainfully when he saw this.

Luo Yuan also looked at the one-horned man in the air. Luo Yuan could guess from the pressure he exuded that his strength was definitely above that of the True God of the Void, and the pressure he just emitted was actually somewhat reserved. Even so, It directly gave a warning to all the selectors present. It made the originally excited and excited selectors feel as if a basin of ice water had been poured on them. It made them realize their weakness very intuitively. Luo Yuan could also see that this was a unique move. The horned man deliberately stopped and was directly shocked.

The one-horned man did not introduce himself, but everyone guessed that this was probably the examiner in charge of the assessment. The one-horned man said: "Time is tight, so I won't talk so much nonsense. Now I have divided you." There are two groups. What you have to do is to fight each other. No matter what means you use, as long as you can destroy the other side, it will be fine. I will keep watching. Without my order, you can't stop. If you behave Okay, we're about to recruit a special army.

The special legion is an elite team in the God King's legion, and the resources it can allocate will naturally be more abundant, so you can fight to your heart's content and start now. "

After the one-horned man finished speaking, his figure disappeared, but the powerful pressure was still there, which meant that he was now hiding in the void and watching all of this quietly. The three thousand Lords of Law who were still confused at first It suddenly dawned on me that the selection had already begun. Whoever survives the best will win, and those who perform well will be directly recruited into the special legion. Although this rule is simple and cruel, it is in line with the rules of the world of Jin. Suddenly The two groups of strong men had murderous intent in each other's eyes.

However, Beifeng, who was standing next to Luo Yuan at this time, roared angrily, his eyes full of pain, because many of the Bei clan aliens from the Ganye tribe were assigned to hostile camps. This was to make the Ganye tribe The tribesmen fight with each other, and in the end they either live or die. This is naturally cruel to the strong men of the Ganye tribe, and Luo Yuan also knows why Beifeng has been following him closely. It seems that He still knows a little about the selection rules.

After all, with the strength Luo Yuan showed in the Ganye tribe, if Beifeng and Luo Yuan were in hostile camps, it would be a nightmare for the Ganye tribe, so Beifeng asked the strong men of the Ganye tribe to gather in Luoyuan Looking around, even so, the eight hundred warriors of the Ganye tribe were separated by the one-horned man. After the one-horned man disappeared, the warriors from the two camps also began to fight with each other. They had no grievances, but In order to compete for the identity of becoming a warrior of the God King's Legion.

They can only fight desperately, and the strong men of the Ganye tribe will naturally not fight with their own people, so they choose to fight with warriors from other forces. There are also many huge alien beasts among them. Every strong man has There is no holding back. After all, this selection is to see who is strong and powerful, and then obtain status, training resources, and a bright future. Those who fail will perish directly, and Luo Yuan is only more interested in that special legion now. Interested, fighting spirit in eyes.

Luo Yuan came to the World of Jin this time as a pioneer explorer. In addition to collecting various information about the World of Jin, he also wanted to look for training resources that could help him quickly improve his strength, especially the various resources in the World of Jin. The divine body genes of living beings can improve the level of their own divine body genes. After all, the genes of those beings in the original universe are still too weak, and the creatures in this world of Jin are obviously much stronger, so their divine body genes must be even better. .

Luo Yuan chose to take the divine power route and the law route, so if he wanted to become the strongest foundation, he would naturally focus on the divine power route. And the goal Luo Yuan set for himself was to reach the strongest genetic level of 100,000 times. Only in this way can he achieve Luo Yuan gained some advantages in the subsequent battle for the Origin Continent. In addition to these, he also wanted to know what happened in the Cosmic Sea. He always felt that the Cosmic Sea was very mysterious. In the end, he wanted to obtain more powerful and powerful treasures of the mechanical flow. , which is good stuff.

When Luo Yuan interpreted the Duandonghe inheritance, there were a lot of information records about ancient civilizations. He also knew that there were many very powerful mechanical creations in the ancient civilizations. As long as the conditions are met, even the True God of the Void can destroy them. Even with similar strength, Luo Yuan Under such circumstances, the natural comparison is whose equipment is stronger. Powerful equipment can also help the user to cross levels and kill enemies. Among them, the mechanical flow treasure is particularly useful, and only those who have reached the God King level will not be affected. .

But before being promoted to the God King level, the Mechanical Style Arcana is undoubtedly an excellent piece of equipment to increase one's strength. Even an ordinary-level true god can display extremely strong strength if he obtains the powerful Mechanical Style Arcana. It can also fight against the True God of the Void. The standard mechanical equipment in the Eastern Army camp that Luo Yuan saw before, if the number of true gods activated is enough, can directly annihilate the True God of the Void into nothingness. This is a super super weapon that transcends reincarnation. The strong one. Luo Yuan had mentally compared some of the most powerful treasures he owned before, and found that none of them could deal with the True God of the Void. Although the defensive power of the tomb boat was very powerful, it also had no offensive power. Even the Wu-Slaying Wings currently lack a pair of wings to be effective.

Of course, Luo Yuan also knows very well that many of the most powerful treasures in the God King's legion are very powerful, but most of them are used for army conquests. They often require a large number of true gods to control them at the same time, and for Luo Yuan, it is still a single person. The mechanical style ultimate treasure used is the best, and Luo Yuan doesn’t want too many, just four or five pieces will be enough. If there is a more powerful mechanical style supreme treasure, then Luo Yuan is confident that he can use the power of the human race The promotion is faster and the status is higher.

Of course, Luo Yuanzhi knew that if he wanted to obtain the high-level inheritance and mechanical treasures of the God King's Legion, he would need higher status and authority. If he just became an ordinary soldier of the God King's Legion, it would be impossible. Now think about the original universe The original will of the Jin Dynasty obviously knows many things about the world of Jin, and it also specially asked the three ancestor gods to come to deliver the message. It seems that it also knows that the treasures of the World of Jin are difficult to obtain. Luo Yuan observed carefully all the way. Secrets discovered.

Judging from the situation observed, although there are many true god-level powerhouses in the Eastern Army camp, there are also very few true god-level powerhouses who may have the most powerful and precious mechanical flow treasure. It is obvious that even if they have strength, they have no status. If you can't get the corresponding mechanical treasures, it will be even more impossible for ordinary warriors.

Therefore, if you want to obtain more precious treasures and resources, you can only hope to join a special legion. This is actually the same as the genius war held by the human race in the original universe. If the geniuses are separated, the top geniuses can have more practice. Resources and status, only in this way can elites be created.

At this time in this desert world, three thousand universe masters began to fight with each other constantly, showing their strongest strength so that they could be appreciated by the one-horned man, join the special legion and become the most elite existence, so a There is only killing intent in his eyes. No matter who is in front of him, he just needs to destroy him. For Luo Yuan, these powerful men who have just been promoted to the Lord of the Universe are nothing more than ants, so Luo Yuan can fight with ease and can also Distracted thinking.

At this time, Luo Yuan was holding his Blood Shadow Sword in his hand and did not use all his strength. After all, these masters of laws were not worthy of Luo Yuan. Any warrior or beast that rushed towards him would not be directly killed by Luo Yuan in the end. Yuan slashed his sword in seconds, without exception. The movement was very smooth, as if it were an art. Under the bright sword light, there was no opponent. Moreover, Luo Yuan also found that although the desert space here was desolate, it was very stable. Even if he deliberately activated the powerful The power did not produce any distortion.

However, Luo Yuan did not exert all his power. After all, he is not a local strong man in the world of Jin. It would be bad if he showed too much outstanding performance. Now it is just right. He can not only show his strength, but also not This aroused the suspicion of the one-horned man. This world of Jin was indeed created by a god-king-level powerhouse. He just merged a small fragment of ancient civilization into his own small world. Both the resources and stability are better than those of the original universe. Even more powerful.

Moreover, there are countless powerful people in this world of Jin, including many True Gods of the Void. True God-level powerful people are only ordinary ones. They have existed since the ancient civilization. There are so many powerful True Gods fighting in it, but there is no opponent. What kind of destruction has occurred in the world of Jin? You must know that with the strength shown by these strong men, even the original universe cannot withstand the destruction of their power. As for these Lords of Law who came to participate in the selection of the God King Legion, they are just soldiers.

In the Universe Sea, the Lord of the Universe is the peak combat power of a group. No matter which force they are, they will be treated politely. However, in this world of Jin, it is only the most basic standard for the selection of God Kings. This shows that higher-level Origin Continents should Luo Yuan could tell at a glance how powerful the Masters of the Universe who participated in the selection were. Although many of them had reached the fifth level, they lacked a complete inheritance, let alone the most powerful treasures, so they relied solely on their pure strength to fight. Strength.

Beifeng, who has a good relationship with Luo Yuan, can reach the sixth level of strength when fully exerted. This is the pinnacle that the Lord of the Universe can reach. This is because he is the nephew of True God Beiyan and was given a supreme treasure level. The armor protects the body, otherwise it will be dangerous. At this time, the three thousand Lords of Law are fighting together. The shouts of killing come and go. The melee looks primitive and cruel. Luo Yuan can be regarded as seeing the God King's legion. How to cultivate super strong people.

The strength of the three thousand law lords present are actually about the same, but Bei Feng and a strange beast have the strongest treasure level armor, so they are very strong, and Luo Yuan has been paddling, because Luo Yuan knows, Now it is not easy for these law lords to destroy each other. It takes several attacks to achieve this effect. After all, no one knows when the one-horned man of the void true god level will appear and call stop. , so they all persisted.

The weaker the Lord of the Laws, the more powerful he was. He used speed secrets to dodge, trying to buy time. At this time, in addition to Luo Yuan, Bei Feng and the alien beast, who had the most powerful treasure-level armor, began to fight. They were the three thousand Laws. Among the lords, except for Luo Yuan, the alien beast was the strongest, and the alien beast killed many warriors of the Ganye tribe. This made Bei Feng very angry, so he directly fought with the alien beast. The two The speed is very fast, and he doesn't care about what happens when he fights. He even uses powerful secret techniques to burn divine power to temporarily enhance his strength.

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(End of this chapter)

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