Chapter 480 The Python River Legion
  "You have passed the selection, hurry up and leave. We have to continue the next selection." As the one-horned man shouted to stop, a very tall stone door appeared silently in this very deserted specific space, and then The stone door opened, and three ultimate true gods walked out of the door. As soon as they saw the surviving selectors present, they shouted loudly. Those selectors who were still excited and excited immediately calmed down, and then obediently prepared to enter the stone door.

One of the three ultimate true gods, the one with a tail, looked at Luo Yuan and the young master of Beizhenhai with his red eyes, and then said: "It's you two, this batch of outstanding ones." Miaozi, follow me, this military camp is very big, be careful not to get lost, I will take you to join the Manghe Army next."

Luo Yuan and the young master of Beizhenhai also nodded respectfully when they heard the words. After speaking, the two of them followed the true god to the stone gate step by step. When the remaining selectors saw this scene, they also Everyone was envious. After all, Luo Yuan and the young master of Beizhenhai joined a special legion, that is, elite soldiers. Both the training resources and the future prospects were beyond their imagination. From now on, they would not be the same. There are levels.

Bei Feng said to Luo Yuan: "Hunyuan, take care. Although we are in the same camp, the chance of seeing each other in the end is very small, so I feel reluctant to part with you."

Luo Yuan also nodded and said take care when he heard this. Although the two have established a good relationship with each other during this period, no one knows what will happen in the future. Luo Yuan knows that Beifeng is the master of the laws of the Ganye tribe. The strength in the beast is considered to be top-notch, similar to the young master alien beast from Beizhenhai. However, the alien beast has a big background, so it has a lot of treasures and secrets, all of which are top-notch. Even the one-horned man doesn't want to Let him fall, this is because his origin is still important.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but in this God King Legion, no matter what method you use, as long as your strength meets the requirements, you can enter the special legion. Powerful treasures and secret techniques are also determined by your strength. Partly, of course, Beifeng's strength is much lower than that of Luo Yuan. In Luo Yuan's view, even the strong alien beast is the same. However, judging from the information Luo Yuan has learned, as long as they show excellent strength in the future, There is still a chance.

But even if Bei Feng can become a member of the special legion in the future, it is difficult to say whether he can join the Manghe Army. After all, there is more than one special legion in this Eastern Army camp.

Luo Yuan and the North True Sea Young Master Alien followed the long-tailed true god across the stone gate and arrived at the camp. The three of them flew all the way. After all, the camp was too big. They increased their speed to the speed of light before they could barely keep up. , Luo Yuan tried to use teleportation, but found that it didn't work at all. The Long-tailed True God told them that the entire camp was enveloped by a large formation, which had the ability to block space, so no member could teleport in the camp. This It made Luo Yuan feel very interesting.

Luo Yuan has accelerated his inheritance space by 10,000 times through Duan Donghe. He has improved his strength a lot, especially his understanding of the laws of space and time is the most profound. Even if it is the formation arranged by the True God of the Void, Luo Yuan is confident that he can influence one or two. , but now there is no reaction at all, which means that there is an existence beyond the True God of the Void in the Eastern Army camp. This makes Luo Yuan feel that the world of Jin is really an extremely powerful world. This is the strength of the God King. and background.

Just as Luo Yuan was thinking about sorting out the information he had obtained while flying, a divine power transmission suddenly sounded: "Your strength is not bad, and you are qualified to join the special legion with me. My name is Wu He. You should have heard about it. I am the young master of Beizhenhai, and my father is the famous Lord of Beizhenhai."

When Luo Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but snorted coldly in his heart. This was obviously a strong second generation who had never experienced hardship. He moved his powerful father out at every turn. Luo Yuan had beaten this alien beast terribly before in the desert world. , if the one-horned true god hadn't stopped it in time, this strange beast would have been annihilated into nothingness by Luo Yuan, but Luo Yuan also knew not to offend these powerful second generations here, otherwise his adventure might be hindered, and he Why bother with this strange beast?

So Luo Yuan nodded and smiled: "Hello, my name is Hunyuan. I no longer have a tribe. I have been traveling around the world and visiting various places."

The strange beast named Wu He had no doubts when he heard this. How could he have thought that Luo Yuan was actually an outsider, and only a traveler who had been traveling around the world could have such strong combat experience and strength. After all, this Jin The world is not peaceful. Although there is suppression by the God King's army, there are still many wars between tribes. In order to compete for training resources and trump cards, there are too many battles between each other. The God King's army is mainly to cultivate super for His Majesty the God King. Strong.

Those tribes that were wiped out could only be said to be not strong enough, so the top leaders of the God King's Legion just turned a blind eye. After all, the tribes behind them also received a lot of benefits because of them. As long as they continue to give His Majesty the God King Cultivate super strong people, and when His Majesty the God King calls, they only need to have qualified strong people who can take them. After all, there are too many creatures in the world of Jin, so many that no one can know the specific number, even if they are So are those at the top.

And all the creatures in this world of Jin are immortal gods as long as they grow to adulthood. They are still the kind of eternal existence. As long as they are not destroyed, they can exist forever. But does this world of Jin implement the control of the number of creatures? That is to say The native creatures here can be born at will, so if there is no cruel selection by the God King Army to reduce the number of creatures, then the number of creatures in this world of Jin has long exceeded its load in countless reincarnation eras. Luo Yuan thought of this and felt helpless.

Just like the creatures on the earth, if they are in a peaceful era, their lives are basically not in danger. However, the maximum life span of an ordinary person is about one hundred years old. This is also caused by the limitations of the rules of the universe. After all, the rules of the universe and whether humans can To control the population, it is to directly enforce the reduction of the population with lifespan limits, so as to achieve the normal operation of the earth. But with the extraordinary cultivation system, everyone wants to live forever, so there are qualification restrictions, which are all rules.

From the perspective of Luo Yuan's Earthlings, this alien beast named Wu He feels that the appearance of this alien beast is very ugly, and it is far different from the cat that Luo Yuan thinks is cute. However, after listening to this alien beast boasting about itself, He said that he was still a beautiful and exotic beast in the Beizhen Sea. After all, his father was the Lord of the Beizhen Sea. He couldn't find any kind of mate. However, Luo Yuan also felt that the aesthetics of the alien beasts in this world of Jin were too different from his own. Although Luo Yuan didn't want to associate with this strange beast, he couldn't refuse.

This Wuhe said as if he was familiar with it, and truly recognized Luo Yuan's strength. After all, Luo Yuan had defeated him. The strange beast had no doubts about Luo Yuan's fabricated identity. After all, in this Jin Dynasty There will be battles between countless tribes in the world, and many tribes have been wiped out. Some are lucky enough to survive, and then start fighting in the world of Jin. However, those who survive and are still alive are strong. Because there are no more weak loners. Wu He kept talking, and Luo Yuan just smiled politely. Wu He also felt that it was meaningless to keep talking to himself, so he took the initiative to introduce things about the God King Legion. After all, he was the young master of Beizhenhai. , naturally he knew more internal information, and it was more true. Luo Yuan also listened carefully, and only heard the strange beast say: "You can also see that there are actually many special legions in the Eastern Army camp. And the Python River Army we are going to join is one of them.

Of course, there are very few of us who can directly join the special corps just after the first selection. Many of them joined after showing excellent potential and strength. However, they are also considered veterans, and this time as recruits We are still the best in the first selection, so it is very likely that there will only be two of us in the end.

If we just go to the Special Legion like this, we will probably be bullied by other veterans. After all, our appearance is a threat to them. After all, the better you perform, the more training resources you will be allocated, and you will naturally be able to improve. The higher your position, we are all recruits at the same level, why not join forces. "

Luo Yuan was not surprised by the information Wu He said. After all, when he was still the King of Chaos, he led countless human legions to charge into battles outside the territory and fought various battles with foreign races. Therefore, some of the structure and situation of the God King's legion It's not a complete model, but it's just that this strong second generation who is extremely proud and even arrogant at a glance actually wants to join forces with Luo Yuan, which makes Luo Yuan even more speechless. With Luo Yuan's strength, does he still need someone to join forces? Even the veterans in the special legion had a hard time suppressing Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan was a peak powerhouse with the inheritance of breaking the East River, and even this ugly beast was worthy of joining forces with him.

Luo Yuan only felt that this strange beast named Wu He was too conceited. Luo Yuan could beat this strange beast completely without showing its true strength, but after calming down, Luo Yuan felt that It's not impossible. After all, this strange beast named Wu He is the descendant of a local super strong man. Naturally, he knows more complete and specific information. If he can lead the way, Luo Yuan will go more smoothly. Of course, what will happen in the end? Yes, Luo Yuan still plans to take another look.

Wu He was not discouraged when he heard that Luo Yuan did not make a clear statement. He felt that Luo Yuan had not felt the oppression of the veterans in the God King's legion, so he did not know how high the sky was and how high it was. As the young master of Beizhenhai, there were more veterans. The young master still pays attention to some sense of propriety, but Wuhe asked Luo Yuan to join forces with him because he looked at Luo Yuan's strength and wanted to recruit a capable subordinate. It would be good if he could become his subordinate in the future. After all, his trusted subordinates must be trained as soon as possible. That's better.

Wu He continued: "Hunyuan, I know you are very strong, but you also know that once you join the God King's legion, as a warrior, you can only be in battle forever, and then continue to improve your strength and wait for the God. No strong person can stop His Majesty's call. This is our obligation and the rules that the senior leaders abide by. And those veterans who can later join the special corps have grown up through constant fighting. It can be called the strongest soldier.

These strongest soldiers are very good in terms of combat experience, strength and potential. In addition, they have been fighting in the camp for a long time, so many of them have already received some inheritance and practice resources given by the legion. , after practicing for a long time, the natural strength will be much stronger, very powerful. "

Luo Yuan did not refute when he heard the words. He just needs to listen carefully now. But in his heart, he is not afraid of those veterans. In Luo Yuan's heart, in the world of Jin, only the inheritance of the God King can make Luo Yuan's heart beat. And No other inheritance can surpass the Duandonghe inheritance, so in terms of inheritance, Luo Yuan is definitely ahead of these local strong men of the God King Legion, unless any of those veterans have a full version of Wu-Killing Wings. And it can be controlled perfectly.

After all, the Wu-Killing Wings can kill enemies by leapfrogging after being fully controlled, but Luo Yuan doesn't think these veterans can possess it. The level of Luo Yuan's Wu-Killing Wings is at least the Eternal True God level. Even those who are super strong will find it difficult. To obtain, let alone their descendants, wouldn't it be the same as fighting those veterans?

The three of them were flying all the way, and Luo Yuan could still concentrate on observing the Eastern Army camp. Although most places were isolated by powerful formations and could not see clearly, Luo Yuan could also feel the vastness of the Eastern Army camp, and that The strange beast named Wu He was still talking to himself. After all, Luo Yuan was only listening and kept smiling, which made the strange beast feel that the information he said could impress Luo Yuan and let Luo Yuan join forces with him. , but Luo Yuan has never expressed his position, just saying that he will wait and see later.

In this way, under the leadership of the long-tailed true god in front, Luo Yuan and the strange beast named Wu He kept flying, and passed through wormholes. It took almost a day to arrive at a very vast and vast place. The majestic temple was full of humanoid creatures and strange beasts waiting for them. This also made Luo Yuan feel very interesting, because Luo Yuan also discovered that most of the tribes in the world of Jin were humanoid creatures, and the earth There are many creatures that resemble humans.

In particular, the people of the Ganye tribe whom Luo Yuan knew have basically not changed much from the people on earth. They are just stronger. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but Luo Yuan also knows that this world of Jin is originally a mountain guest as the god king. The small world opened up at that time was just a small fragment of the ancient world, and the people of the Earth lineage happened to be created by a mountain guest, so it is not surprising that the Earth people are very similar to the tribal creatures of this Jin world. , after all, the same creator.

After the Long Tail True God brought Luo Yuan and the strange beast named Wu He to this temple, he said directly: "You guys wait patiently here, and someone will take you away later." Luo Yuan wanted to ask this question. Where is it, but the long-tailed true god didn't want to explain at all, and then walked directly to the inside of the temple. Luo Yuan also knew that even joining the special legion was nothing. After all, there were many strong people in the special legion. , and can only be cherished compared to those ordinary warriors.

At this time, Wu He, who was the young master of Beizhenhai, was a good channel to obtain information. So while Luo Yuanhe and Wu He were waiting, Luo Yuan asked directly: "Wu He, do you know where this is? Let's go next." How will it be arranged?" Wu He was also very happy about Luo Yuan's inquiry. After all, as Luo Yuan's defeated general, he also wanted to defeat Luo Yuan in other aspects. Now that Luo Yuan took the initiative to ask about the information here, he only Feel proud because he does know a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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