Chapter 481 Recruits and Veterans
  As a strange beast, the most distinctive feature of Wu He is that he has a pair of small wings on his thick and short neck. Once his head shakes, the pair of small wings will flap. When he heard Luo Yuan's question, he was very straightforward. He replied: "The temple we are in now is actually a reserve station. We are recruits assigned to the Manghe Army, and this is also the territory of the Manghe Army. We can exchange equipment here. So many soldiers here come here." To change equipment.”

Luo Yuan became interested after listening to Wu He's words. This is actually the equipment station of the Manghe Legion, and they must issue the most basic equipment to new recruits. However, the God King Legion is so powerful, Luo Yuan also wants to know about the special legion. What level will the warrior equipment be? Although it is standard equipment, it is definitely not simple. Of course, Luo Yuan does not lack the most powerful treasure, and he is not sure that the level of the treasure in the God King's legion is more powerful than what he owns. However, It’s still good to give to humans.

If Luo Yuan's strength and position are high, he can find a way to get a large number of standard equipment here. Not only can he equip his own Kingdom of God's army, but also improve the strength of the human race. Wu He also feels Luo Yuan's Interested, he knew that it was difficult to own a supreme treasure-level armor in the world of Jin.

Wu He continued: "Any warrior who joins the God King's Legion has been fighting, and only constant fighting can quickly improve their strength. Those powerful warriors have grown up in constant fighting, but these battles are very dangerous. Many warriors will die, which is why the legion must continue to recruit warriors. Only an endless stream of new warriors can ensure that there will be no strong ones. Fighting will require equipment, and it will also cause equipment to be damaged and need to be replaced.

However, it is not free to obtain equipment at this equipment station. It must be exchanged for military merit. The dangers faced by ordinary soldiers are not difficult for us elites of the special army, but the battles we have to face will only become more difficult. The more dangerous you are, the more military merit you will naturally gain, and the level you can exchange for will be higher.

After you have a lot of military merit, you can exchange for anything you want in the legion. Similarly, if you perform better and get the attention of those high-level officials, the benefits you will get will be higher, and you can even have A group of guard subordinates formed by the true god will fight for you, but the price is also very high. "

Luo Yuan just smiled after listening to Wu He's words. Having a subordinate composed entirely of true gods sounds very attractive, but it is completely meaningless to outsiders like Luo Yuan, because this world of Jin No matter how powerful the natives are, they cannot leave this world, otherwise they will directly turn into fly ash and cannot be taken out to become their own fighting force. Moreover, these true gods have no advantage in this world of Jin, so the result is completely meaningless. matter.

Luo Yuan was more interested in the God King Legion at this time and wanted to know more detailed information, so Luo Yuan continued to ask Wu He: "Does the equipment station here have mechanical treasures? I am very interested in these." I'm very interested. After all, the treasures of the mechanical stream are very rare." Wu He said very excitedly when he heard this: "Of course there are some here. We belong to the special army. As the equipment station of the special army, the resources here are naturally more. Rich and powerful, this is the advantage.

Although those mechanical-style treasures are powerful, it is an astronomical figure to obtain the required military merits, and the more powerful the mechanical-style treasures with special abilities are, the more military merits they need. Even my father, as the Lord of Hokushinami, At the beginning, he was just an ordinary warrior in the God King's legion. He just continued to accumulate military achievements and improve his strength in the legion, and then used these military achievements in exchange for a mechanical treasure, so that he could master Beizhenhai and become the actual master.

Of course, there are only a handful of warriors who can reach the heights of my father. After all, if you want to obtain military merits in exchange for mechanical treasures, even a true god-level expert does not know how long it will take to accumulate these military merits, and we still have It's just that it is extremely difficult for the Lord of Laws to accumulate military merit in exchange for mechanical treasures. "

Luo Yuan also listened carefully to Wu He's explanation. After all, the creatures in the world of Jin are eternal, so there is no detailed concept of time in the eyes of these native creatures. In terms of time in the universe sea I just don’t know how many eras of reincarnation have gone through. After such a long time, I don’t know how many true gods and true gods of the void have been born. The world of Jin that can withstand so many super powerful people makes Luo Yuan feel the strength of the God King. of strength.

As for Luo Yuan, he now needs time to improve his strength, and in the God King Army of Jin World, he will improve his strength much faster. When Luo Yuan was sighing and thinking, Wu He on the side He raised his head and looked into the distance and said, "The strong man we have been waiting for has finally arrived." Luo Yuan was also diverted by Wu He's words, and then saw the long-tailed true god who had left before come back, and only saw his hands After waving, a radiant armor appeared in front of them.

The Long Tail True God looked at Luo Yuan and Wu He and said: "Although your strength has at least met the basic requirements of the legion, because you are members of our Manghe special legion, you were directly given a set of Manghe armor, which is still a true god level. Of course, it's just this piece of equipment. If you want other equipment, you have to rely on your own military merit. Ordinary soldiers don't have such treatment. This set of Python River armor can increase your chance of survival in the next battle. , especially now.

You are still just new recruits, and you are not as strong as those veterans in terms of combat experience or the dangers you face. I hope you can succeed. Okay, come with me. "

After Luo Yuan listened to the words of True God Long Tail, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, because Luo Yuan knew from the aura and divine power fluctuations on the Manghe armor in front of him that this was the most powerful and treasure-level armor of the universe sea, and he The Chaos God Armor is of the same level. It seems that in this world of Jin, the True God Grade Armor is the Supreme Treasure Grade Armor, and this is only the standard armor of the God King Legion. Ordinary warriors are not eligible to obtain it unless It is possible to achieve great military success.

As a soldier of the special legion, even new recruits can own a set of true god-level armor, which is indeed very powerful. Moreover, Luo Yuan also learned from his conversation with Wu He that the equipment level of this world of Jin is based on realm. It is divided into true god level and void true god level armor. The above ones are still more powerful, but they are cherished more. No wonder Zuo Shanke was so dismissive of the most powerful treasures in the original universe, including the previous Duan Donghe Same attitude.

Moreover, Luo Yuan also knows that there are level differences in the most powerful treasures, but it is not so obvious in the cosmic sea. After all, even a true god cannot fully activate the true god level treasures. Unless he is an extreme true god, what are the possibilities? Luo Yuan also knows The Manghe War Armor in his hand is the most common true god-level treasure. It is also of the same level as the Black Prison Tower and Yanjun Staff exchanged with the Eastern Emperor's ancestor at that time. Of course, it is the same as the Star Tower and Silver Wings that Luo Yuan holds. Completely comparable.

God Long Tail suddenly felt that something had happened, and he immediately said: "Don't wait any longer, put on the Manghe armor quickly, and just acknowledge the master."

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard the words, and then immediately recognized his master. Because it was an ordinary-level True God Armor, it was easy to recognize its master. Luo Yuan was also familiar with it, and in order to better integrate into the God King's legion in the world of Jin, Luo Yuan did not bring any powerful supreme treasure, and what he wore was only a peak supreme treasure-level battle armor. In this world of Jin, it was just a battle armor worn by the law lords in the bad streets. Now it is directly used Naturally, I would be happy to be given a true god-level armor. But Wu He on the side looked at the Manghe Armor with some disgust. After all, this strange beast named Wu He was the young master of Beizhenhai. The armor he wore was the Ultimate True God Armor, which is also the True God Armor. Those with the highest middle level will naturally not look at this ordinary true god-level Mang River armor. But as a soldier of the Mang River Legion, you must wear this armor. After all, it is standard equipment, and it is even more so-called military uniform. A common symbol, only in this way can one still identify the legion to which he belongs.

Luo Yuan saw Wu He's expression and just smiled helplessly. If this python river armor was placed in the universe sea, I don't know how many true gods would fight over it, but in the eyes of this strange beast It's just something that you don't like. Who can let someone be born well? He has a father who is at the level of the Ultimate Void True God. The treasures he gives are beyond the reach of countless legion soldiers. However, Luo Yuan will not envy him much. After all, what he has. The Arcana is more powerful and advanced.

As Luo Yuan integrated his divine power and spiritual imprint into the Manghe armor in front of him, he recognized his master. Then Luo Yuan quickly put away the peak treasure-level armor. Under the control of his consciousness, Manghe The battle armor automatically and quickly covered the whole body, and could also automatically change its size to fully adapt to Luo Yuan's body shape. Soon, Luo Yuan had a set of dark red primitive battle armor with black lines on his body. It even had a helmet, but it was just on the top of the helmet. Decoration in the shape of a python.

This Mang River armor is not good-looking, it is just ordinary. After all, it is just the legion's standard armor. However, Luo Yuan found that the high-level True God warriors in the temple would also have more armor levels. And the shape is also more handsome. After all, he is a general, so he has the qualification to change the shape. If a soldier's armor is more handsome than the general's armor, wouldn't it be a slap in the general's face? However, Luo Yuan will not care about it. It doesn't matter to him anymore.

The famous alien beast next to Luo Yuan reluctantly put away his high-level armor and put on the Manghe armor. The color and pattern were exactly the same as Luo Yuan's. It seemed that this Manghe armor was It is really impossible to change the shape. It can only automatically adapt to the user's body shape. This Python River armor is too iconic. Regardless of the shape color or the python shape on the helmet, other warriors will know it at a glance. The specific division of the legion where the source is located.

The Long Tail True God watched Luo Yuan and Wu He put on the Mang River armor and nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Okay, from now on you will officially become soldiers of my Mang River Legion, but you are just a recruit. It’s hard to say if you won’t survive. You are specifically divided into the sixth detachment of the first brigade of the Mang River Legion. Okay, my guidance work has been completed. As the only two recruits of the Mang River Legion this time, Try to survive.”

After the Long Tail True God finished speaking, he flew away. Immediately after him, dozens of powerful figures teleported towards him. This surprised Luo Yuan. After asking Wu He, he realized that this was not the case in the camp. You can't teleport anywhere. For example, you can teleport in this temple. After all, this temple is quite vast. If you can't teleport and fly, then it won't be a waste of time to exchange for equipment. But this sudden The dozens of figures that came were menacing, and they came with bad intentions.

Just in the blink of an eye, these dozens of figures came to Luo Yuan and Wu He. They surrounded Luo Yuan and Wu He and looked at them indifferently. Luo Yuan could see these figures clearly, and Luo Yuan Yuan was wearing the same Mang River armor, and he had a very strong aura. He could tell at one glance that he was a veteran who had experienced hundreds of battles. Among these voices and shadows were humanoid tribal creatures, as well as strange-looking beasts. Luo Yuan could still maintain his integrity. Calm, but Wu He beside him became a little nervous.

Wu He forced himself to calm down. As the young master of Beizhenhai, he had been complimented by other creatures since he was a child. He had never seen such a battle. As a strong second generation, he quickly used his commonly used coping skills and said: " What are you going to do? My father is the lord of Beizhenhai, and I am the young master of Beizhenhai, so don’t do whatever you want."

The veterans who surrounded Luo Yuan and Wu He couldn't help laughing when they heard this. One of them, a very strong humanoid man, said: "Hey, I didn't expect that he is still a strong second generation. He is not small, but he looks so long. You must be a little embarrassed, little guy. We don’t talk about birth here. Even if your father comes, he can’t fight for you and give you any help. Well, as the best among the selectors, you still have some merits. , please introduce yourself."

Wu He heard the words and said directly: "My name is Wu He, and I am the young master of Beizhenhai. My advantage is that my divine body can change to millions of kilometers, and I also possess some high-level treasures and powerful secret techniques. These are all My father gave it to me, you can’t steal it, otherwise you have to be careful about yourself and the tribe behind you.”

Hearing this, the burly man sneered and said: "You are really a strong second generation with a simple mind. He is just a bigger god. We don't care about the treasures on your body. Whatever treasures we want, we will only rely on fighting to gain military merit." Come and exchange, okay, you, the boy who has been silent all this time, is quite calm."

The burly man looked at Luo Yuan and asked. Judging from his appearance, he should be the captain of the sixth team of the first team that Luo Yuan was going to join. Luo Yuan did not dare to trust him. After all, he would have to work under him. So Luo Yuan said: "Hello, my name is Hunyuan. I used to be a traveler. I am stronger than Wu He and have rich combat experience. I have some advantages in close combat especially. And my I am very fast and if there is danger, I will run very fast.”

The strong man was stunned when he heard this. He glanced at Luo Yuan with deep eyes and said, "You are quite down-to-earth. You have rich combat experience and you can run fast enough. Hahaha, not bad, very good. After all, being able to dodge and escape is also a skill, but the missions performed by our special army are very dangerous. I am afraid that you will not be able to escape even if you want to. Your abilities have reached the general standards of our Manghe Legion, but no matter what It will be dangerous in more than ten days.

It can be said that you are not very lucky. We are going to carry out a disaster-level mission in more than ten days. In order to increase your chance of survival, follow me now to introduce the standardized inheritance of our Mang River Legion. As for how to improve How much strength you have depends on you. If you don't want to lose your life as soon as you come, just grab the ban and realize it. "

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(End of this chapter)

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