Chapter 485 The mission begins

As the pioneers sent by various forces in the Universe Sea to explore the world of Jin continued to fall, they all began to panic. But even if they wanted to send new exploration pioneers, they had to wait for an era, but Luo Yuan was not affected by these , he integrated well into the world of Jin and received the basic inheritance in the Eastern Army camp of the God King Legion. In fact, because Luo Yuan had a higher Dongdong River inheritance as his foundation, it only took him less than a day to fully master it. these inheritances.

But Luo Yuan couldn't show it, otherwise his identity would be discovered, so he just pretended to comprehend in the place of basic inheritance. Suddenly one day, the strange beast named Wu He came quickly, and he looked towards Luo Yuan said anxiously: "Time flies so fast. Tomorrow we will start a disaster-level dangerous mission. I only have a rough understanding of those basic inheritances. How about you, how are you understanding? If you don't gain much, , but it’s dangerous, the time is short.”

Luo Yuan looked at Wu He's anxious expression but showed very calmness. Luo Yuan smiled and said: "My comprehension is not bad. I have almost mastered the basic inheritance here, especially the ability to increase strength by burning divine power, and It’s a good secret technique that doesn’t cause any harm to you, I’ve also figured it out and mastered it.”

Wu He was very shocked when he heard this. He thought Luo Yuan was joking, but when he saw Luo Yuan's confident and silent look, he knew that Luo Yuan was not lying. Knowing Luo Yuan's ability and composure, he would not shoot without aim, but it was precisely because of this that Wu He felt incredible. As the young master of Beizhenhai, it can be said that he is the top one in terms of talent and understanding. Level, but it's just swallowing the jujube.

Wu He said helplessly: "Your excellence is beyond my imagination. It has only been less than half a month, and you have almost mastered the basic inheritance here, and I haven't even mastered one inheritance yet." I haven't mastered it yet. It took me an unknown amount of time to practice the secret technique of burning divine power to improve my strength. However, with your strength, you are still very strong even without these basic inheritances. Especially your sword skills and speed, I have no idea. It’s hard to resist, it’s so strong.”

Luo Yuan just smiled when he heard this. In Wu He's heart, Luo Yuan could have completely defeated him without accepting the basic inheritance here, let alone now that he has mastered the basic inheritance here. It can be said that Wu He now feels that he has already He is no longer a match for Luo Yuan. In fact, what he doesn't know is that Luo Yuan didn't use much power at all during the selection. Otherwise, he would have fallen immediately in this fierce and direct battle, but Luo Yuan naturally wouldn't go. Explain something.

Wu He is actually happy about Luo Yuan's strength. After all, Luo Yuan and he are still in a joint relationship on the surface. Luo Yuan is strong, so Wu He can have a powerful person when performing dangerous tasks. Partner can improve one's own survivability, so Wu He also smiled and said: "Since your strength is so strong, then I don't have anything to worry about. You have been practicing for the past half month, so you should adjust well now." , the mission will begin tomorrow.”

After Luo Yuan and Wu He chatted for a while, they returned to their independent islands. Luo Yuan was sitting cross-legged on the highest attic of the ancient courtyard on the island, looking at the hundreds of islands and endless lake scenery around them. , began to think about some things. Although Luo Yuan didn't know how powerful the disaster-level mission starting tomorrow was, he also understood that it was definitely not that easy to complete, because even veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles would understand this disaster-level mission. Worried and fearful.

Of course, danger and opportunity coexist. Although this disaster-level mission is dangerous, if it can be completed, the military merits obtained will definitely be massive. However, if you want to obtain any precious cultivation resources and inheritance in the God King Army, including the promotion of your position, you will need a lot of In terms of military merit, the rules of this God King Legion are very cruel. They will not give you the chance to eat and wait for death. You will either grow into the super strong person the legion needs, or you will perish. There is no other route to take and you cannot retreat.

Of course, those veterans with military merit will definitely use their military merit to purchase some resources as trump cards before carrying out disaster-level missions, such as various treasures that can immediately restore the damaged divine body and enhance their own strength within a period of time. Secret skills, but as a newcomer, Luo Yuan naturally does not have any military merit to exchange for it. There is no need for him to think about these things. However, Luo Yuan will not lack these things, not to mention the free armor and inheritance provided by the Mang River Legion. .

Just as Luo Yuan and Wu He were waiting for tomorrow to carry out their first mission, which was still a very dangerous disaster-level mission, the equipment battle of the Manghe Legion was very lively. Here gathered members of the Manghe Legion Many veterans are using their military merit to purchase the equipment needed to deal with the next disaster-level mission. In addition to Luo Yuan and Wu He, the members of the sixth team of the first brigade to which Luo Yuan and Wu He were assigned Hewai, everyone is gathered here.

A team member looked at his strong captain and said: "Hey, captain, we are unlucky this time. We have encountered another disaster-level mission once in ten thousand epochs. It is still a dangerous mission carried out by a special corps like ours. We have to We need to prepare equipment. We all have less than 300,000 generals, so what do you want to replace them with?"

"Yes, this is a disaster-level mission that basically no one has experienced. I heard that the previous team was wiped out in the disaster-level mission. Let's focus on saving our lives. I don't want to get too many military honors. , it’s good to be able to survive, it’s better to be more stable and exchange for some life-saving things.”

Just as the members of this team were discussing what to exchange for, another team passed by. They also heard the conversation of the strong captains. A member of the other team sarcastically said: "What a bunch of people." You cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death, but you are still soldiers of our Manghe Legion."

As soon as this statement came out, all the members of the sixth team immediately drew cold eyebrows. They also recognized that the team that had spoken rudely to them was the team that had always been in conflict with them, and their captain was named Yuluo. The lucky team was lucky enough to get a lot of military honors in previous missions, so they dared to mock them like this. With more military honors, they would naturally get more good things, but their proud expressions still made the third team laugh. Team Six was unhappy.

The members of the sixth team were all ups and downs, and one member said angrily: "Why are you proud? I was lucky in the previous mission and won a lot of military honors, but it doesn't mean that I will have such good luck this time. This is a disaster-level mission. It’s hard to say whether we can survive or not. They also called us cowards. Who was the first person who was so frightened that they couldn’t walk when we saw them? I felt unhappy just by looking at them. They had plotted against us before. Captain, we encountered this in this mission. Why don't you let them have a look?"

The strong captain of the sixth team didn't say anything when he heard this. He just had a cold face and an indifferent expression. He didn't know what he was thinking. In fact, competition is everywhere in the God King Legion, and the conflicts between the teams are even more serious. , but the senior officials did not care about this. They only needed to care about whether to train super strong men for His Majesty the God King. When His Majesty the God King called, there would be powerful warriors who could charge into battle for His Majesty the God King. Everything else did not matter. , just be loyal.

Time passed very quickly, and it was time to set off in a blink of an eye. Then Luo Yuan received the summoning order from the captain of the sixth detachment on the direct island. Luo Yuan just smiled, with some excitement and excitement on his face. I also want to see how dangerous the disaster-level mission of the God King Legion is, and also use this to judge the strength of the God King Legion and some information about the world of Jin. It is not much to worry about. After all, it is just a clone. Falling is very troublesome. After all, it took Luo Yuan some time and price to come to the World of Jin, then integrate into it and then join the special legion of the God King's Legion. If this clone dies, it means that all the previous efforts have been in vain, and he will have to fight again. Starting over, especially having to wait for an era, is unacceptable to Luo Yuan. After all, his strength improves step by step. What Luo Yuan needs now is time and resources. It is obvious that Jinzhi World is a good place. The place of improvement.

Luo Yuan did not waste time after receiving the summoning order. He had already packed up and waited. He directly teleported to the central island in the lake. This island is the largest in area. It is not only the core place of business of the Mang River Legion, but also The basic inheritance place is also a gathering place. When Luo Yuan came here, Wu He flew over. It seemed that this strange beast had come here a long time ago. It was even more excited and active than Luo Yuan, and Luo Yuan discovered Many soldiers have already gathered here.

Wu He is not only knowledgeable, but also very good at asking for information. When he saw Luo Yuan, he said directly: "In order to ask for information, I came here a long time ago and asked these veterans for some useful information. Our sixth team Although there are only less than forty warriors, they are not monolithic. Except for the two newcomers like us, the other veterans have been divided into three small forces. Among them, the captain's small force is the most powerful, followed by a man named Kufa. The strong one.

The leader of the small force, and the representative of the last small force is a strong man named Yuluo. These three forces have been competing with each other without dealing with them. "

Luo Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard Wu He's words. He didn't expect that Wu He, as a strange beast, might seem big, but his mind was extremely delicate, and he could figure out the situation in the Sixth Team very clearly in a short period of time. , it is no wonder that he is a young master from Beizhenhai, with very high EQ and IQ, but Luo Yuan has been accumulating and improving his strength, and does not care much about this information. After all, in the face of absolute strength, any strategy It's just the moon in the mirror.

What Luo Yuan didn't expect was that the competition in the God King's legion could be so fierce. There were only three small forces in one small team. When facing a powerful enemy, it would be unwise to fight against the enemy like this. No wonder. So many strong men would fall. Luo Yuan and Wu He generally shared information while flying towards the gathering place. They soon arrived at the gathering place of the sixth detachment. Then Luo Yuan found that the soldiers of the sixth detachment had already arrived. Well, they were really divided into three small circles.

The one with the strongest strength and the largest number of warriors is naturally the small circle headed by the captain, with nearly twenty members, followed by the representative named Kufa. This man's expression is quite gentle, but the last one is named Yuluo. The representative seems to be very cold, as if someone owes him a lot of money, and he is not easy to get along with.

When Luo Yuan and Wu He arrived at the gathering place, the soldiers in these three small circles all showed indifference. It was obvious that they did not want Luo Yuan and Wu He to get close to them. After all, the next disaster-level mission was very dangerous, but as newcomers In their view, Luo Yuan and Wu He are nothing more than pitiful weaklings and a drag. They don't have the time or mood to protect Luo Yuan and Wu He. After all, in their view, Luo Yuan and Wu He will be in trouble in the next disaster-level mission. The chances of surviving were slim.

Luo Yuan and Wu He did not find it strange about the performance of these veterans of the sixth detachment. After all, everyone joined the legion to improve their strength. If they fell, it would be useless. Although they said so For His Majesty the God King, in fact, everyone is still doing it for themselves, and Wu He continued to talk about the information he collected: "The captain of our sixth detachment handles things relatively fairly, and will not deliberately embarrass you, that Kufa temper mild.

However, the one named Yu Luo cannot do it. He handles things as he pleases and does not care about the consequences. If it were not for his strong strength, there would be no use for the one who dares to follow him. However, the strong alien beasts in our team are willing to join his small circle. After all, the alien beasts are Most of the beasts are used to freedom and don't like to abide by so many rules. With our potential to join the special legion as just newcomers, under normal circumstances, we are all high-quality players they compete for, but it is different now.

We are about to embark on a disaster-level mission. We are newcomers. Although we have great potential, our strength has not improved. It is of no help to them. If we have to distract them to protect them, it is a drag. Naturally, they will not allow us. Join, especially since their small circle has been together for such a long time, and they have performed tasks together. Their cooperation will definitely not allow outside forces to influence them, so they will not accept the two of us and can only help themselves. . "

Regarding Wu He's analysis, Luo Yuan also nodded in agreement. Luo Yuan would have made the same decision as these three small circles. After all, the next disaster-level mission was too dangerous. Together, the three small circles of them Having cooperated for so long, they must have formed their own fighting system. As newcomers, Luo Yuan and Wu He didn't know their background and moral character, let alone their strength. How could they accept Luo Yuan and Wu He so easily? To reduce one's own combat power.

After all, this disaster-level mission is related to everyone's life safety. No matter how gentle he is, he will not make such a low-level mistake. The captain of the sixth team looked at Luo Yuan and Wu He indifferently and said, "I believe you can also analyze it. For the reason why we don't accept you, it would be fine if it was just a normal mission, but this disaster-level mission cannot tolerate any carelessness and accidents, so you can only find a way to save yourself this time. I can only say that you are out of luck, okay? It’s easy to bring in new people.”

Luo Yuan and Wu He did not show any concealment when they heard this, but just nodded. After all, this cannot be blamed on the captain, it can only be bad luck. Luo Yuan and Wu He, the captains of the sixth detachment, are so sensible and are satisfied. He nodded. In his opinion, in just half a month, it would be good for Luo Yuan and Wu He, as newcomers, to read through those basic inheritances, let alone master them. Moreover, as newcomers Luo Yuan and Wu He, He even had no military merit, and he couldn't exchange it for life-saving items.

It can be said that in the eyes of the members of the Sixth Team, the possibility of Luo Yuan and Wu He surviving this catastrophic mission was very slim, unless they were lucky.

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(End of this chapter)

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