Chapter 486 Dangerous Jiuyanze
  As soon as the captain of the sixth detachment finished speaking, the three small circles of soldiers present looked at Luo Yuan and Wu He with different expressions. The captain did not continue to say anything, but took the lead and flew up. They were going to receive this The specific matters of the disaster-level mission were immediately followed by three small circles of soldiers. Seeing this, Luo Yuan and Wu He had to use teleportation to keep up. In fact, Wu He was the most worried, because he was a real recruit, and Luo Yuan is extremely powerful both in terms of strength and combat experience.

Soon, all the soldiers of the sixth detachment came to a black temple. The shape of this temple was very unique. It was full of scenes of famous strong men fighting. It felt more like a credit to Luo Yuan. Like a wall, although Luo Yuan did not know any of these strong men, it did not prevent him from learning these things from the discussions of other soldiers. With the arrival of the soldiers of the sixth detachment, they did not need to say anything. Above the temple A beam of light reaching the sky enveloped them.

Immediately, a mechanical voice came from Luo Yuan's mind. It was obviously some kind of intelligence releasing information, and it was talking about the specific information of this disaster-level mission. Luo Yuan also knew what the specific mission was. This time The battle location is in the legendary dangerous area of ​​Jiuyanze, which seems to be a place where powerful alien beasts gather. Their mission is not that complicated, it is to kill the enemy, whether it is the Lord of Law or the True God, but The military merits of the two are different.

Among them, the Lord of the Universe, who is also the Lord of Laws in this world, can only get a military merit if he kills one of them. This makes Luo Yuan feel that in this Jin world, the Lord of the Universe seems to be free of money. It's a free gift, but if you can kill a true god-level strongman, you can get 10,000 military merit points. Although there are a lot of military merit points, the people in the detachment are basically the Lords of Law. If you want to use the strength of the Lord of Laws to kill someone who can It is very difficult to fully exert the full power of the True God.

I am afraid that the Lord of Laws will be directly annihilated into nothingness before he can get close to those powerful true gods. True Gods who can fully exert their strength are not something that ordinary Lords of Laws can contend with, and they want to prove that they have really done it. The Lord said that all that is needed is the weapon, but a true god-level powerhouse needs to prove it with a will. You must know that the testament of a true god-level powerhouse is very huge, let alone those alien beasts and true gods. The equipment level of the object must be higher.

And even if you use all your strength to kill those true god-level warriors, you won't have much fighting power by then. If other warriors snatch the loot, you won't be able to do it for a second. You must know that there is no peace between the warriors of the God King's Legion. , they all have a fierce competitive relationship, and there is no morality at all for military merit and training resources, so Luo Yuan must be careful not only of the strong men in Jiuyanze, but also of the warriors in the legion. It can be said that He was attacked from both sides.

As for hiding to complete this disaster-level mission, that is impossible, because all missions have strong men monitoring the entire situation. If there are soldiers who fail to complete the mission, they will be severely punished and may be killed directly. , This is the cruelty of the God King's Legion. In the eyes of those high-level officials, nothing is as important as cultivating superpowers for His Majesty the God King. Luo Yuan was quite calm when he heard this task. Although he did not know the specific strength of Jiu Yanze, Luo Yuan is confident to face it.

But Wu He, who had received the detailed mission, looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. He said in a panic: "What should I do? Why is it such a dangerous mission? For us newcomers, this is a mission that is bound to fail. , Jiuyanze, is a very dangerous place. Although the high-end combat power is not as powerful as ours, Beizhenhai, there are many true god-level experts inside. As for the number of Lords of Law, it is simply astronomical. If we really go, Don't talk about whether you can complete the mission, it's good if you survive in the end." As the young master of Beizhenhai, Wu He, who possesses many treasures and powerful secret techniques, is also frightened at this time.

Wu He originally thought that it would not be difficult for him to get through this disaster-level mission with the trump cards he had, but now he was not confident in himself and even collapsed. Luo Yuan on the side couldn't help but frowned when he saw Wu He's appearance. This Wu He's strength cannot be compared with Luo Yuan, but the combination of various trump cards should still be able to save his life even under the hands of the true god. But now Wu He's fearful look makes Luo Yuan start to take it seriously. Is Jiu Yanze really So dangerous?

This disaster-level mission is definitely not just about killing some Law Lords. After all, a Law Lord can only exchange for one military merit. Even if Luo Yuan kills him with all his strength, it will be difficult to really get much military merit, and he may also be killed. Surrounded by countless Lords of Laws, they can only wait to die after all their divine power is consumed. And a true god is worth ten thousand military merits. In Luo Yuan's view, this military merit can only be obtained by killing ten thousand Lords of Laws. Destroying the Lord of Ten Thousand Laws is no easier than destroying the True God.

Speaking of Jiu Yanze, Luo Yuan remembered that he had seen a general appearance on the way here following the Long Tail True God. It was a place shrouded in thick smoke all year round. After all, it was blurry, but it was also He could feel a lot of powerful auras from those flashing figures, and they were all the auras of true god-level powerhouses. Luo Yuan was very shocked at that time. He had never seen so many true gods gathered in one place, but Luo Yuan also has some confidence.

Although Luo Yuan did not bring many treasures this time, it would be no problem to kill a true god without being surrounded by those true god-level powerhouses. However, if it were a group of true gods, Luo Yuan would He still has to run. He will not take risks with his strongest clone. Otherwise, all the previous efforts will be in vain, and everything will have to be started from scratch, and he will have to wait for an era, that is, ten thousand years. Luo Yuan is He would never allow it, so he decided it was better to be more cautious.

If the true gods of Jiuyanze have the most powerful treasure, it will be a bit difficult to deal with, especially the true gods with the most powerful treasure level palaces are even more difficult to deal with, and the wisdom of the strong men who can cultivate to the true god level is naturally very high. , even those alien beasts are like this. Take the big Wu He next to Luo Yuan as an example. Even though he is just an alien beast, in terms of wisdom, Luo Yuan feels that many scholar-level humans are not as smart as him, so those nine The true gods of Yanze must be like this.

Once the soldiers of the Manghe Legion go on a mission this time, the strong men from Jiuyanze will definitely join forces. They will never sit back and die. If they don't ignore the Lords of Law first, only those true god-level strong men will appear. Their sixth detachment was directly annihilated into nothingness. No wonder it was a disaster-level mission.

"Are the higher-ups who formulated the disaster-level mission this time asking us to risk our lives? We are only the strength of the Lord of Laws. The Lords of Laws in Jiuyanze are not simple strong men. It will be difficult for us to deal with them alone. , but each of those Lords of Laws is worth one military merit. This is asking us to destroy the True God, but how can this be possible? We are only Lords of Laws, and the Lords of Laws in Jiuyanze are their focus. The objects of protection are, after all, future warriors."

"That's right, let's not talk about the strength of those Lords of Law. It is very difficult for us to destroy them. If there are too many, the true god-level strongmen in Jiuyanze will definitely take action. Then they will be dispatched. Not just one true god, but definitely a large group, then we are really going to fall."

Luo Yuan listened to the discussion of the soldiers of the Mang River Legion, and felt a little worried at this time. After all, the world of Jin is not the primitive universe and the cosmic sea. There is no restriction on the strength of those true god-level powerhouses. Those true gods can If Luo Yuan uses his own strength 100% and is surrounded by a large number of true god-level powerhouses, or if there is a void true god-level powerhouse on the scene, then even if Luo Yuan has the tomb boat as a defensive treasure, there is no guarantee that he will be able to successfully escape from them. Hunt.

Back when he was in the Universe Sea, after Luo Yuan obtained the Duandonghe inheritance, he only had a dozen true gods and more than a thousand universe masters to stop him, and even though his strength was suppressed by the original universe, but here The world of Jin is not that simple. According to Luo Yuan's estimation, there are probably more than a thousand true gods in Jiuyanze. If hundreds of true gods come out at once and surround them, they are the kind who can exert their strength 100%. If you are a true god, then you really can’t escape even if you have wings. Out of caution, Luo Yuan asked Zhi for the details of the mission and learned that those Void True Gods could not take action because they were directly issued a ban. After all, the purpose of this disaster-level mission was to cultivate superpowers. If the Void True God If they take action, then these warriors don't need to perform the mission and can just wait for their demise. Luo Yuan feels better knowing this information. As long as the True God of the Void doesn't take action, he still has some chances and the True God can be destroyed.

After all, when the God King Legion releases missions, they usually use a selected tribe or a gathering of alien beasts as a mission trial ground, focusing on training and tempering. Therefore, as the strongest force, the God King Legion naturally competes with these tribes. The higher-ups of the alien beast forces will set some rules to limit the actions of high-end combat power. There are three powerful Void True Gods in Jiuyanze. They have also been issued a ban and cannot take action. True God-level powerhouses can take action. Otherwise you will be punished.

Of course, Luo Yuan also knows that no warrior who joins the legion can escape the mission issued by the legion, and they can only succeed but not fail, because failure means that they will either fall in the mission or be directly destroyed by the legion. , after all, the legion does not need losers. It is so cruel and can only move forward. Only by successfully becoming a super strong person and becoming a qualified warrior for His Majesty the God King, otherwise it can only turn into a piece of dust. If you want to run away, it is impossible. .

Even if you can run away from the legion, you will immediately be hunted down by the God King's legion, which will issue orders to all tribes and alien beast forces. You will fall before you can leave the world of Jin, but this legion is not completely heartless, or There is a chance of survival for those soldiers who failed to perform the mission, that is, they can only use one hundred thousand military merits. Even if you do not perform the mission, soldiers who may have obtained one hundred thousand military merits will worry about the difficulty of the mission. This requires Destroy ten true gods.

Moreover, any soldier who has obtained military merits will use military merits in exchange for training resources to improve their strength. They will not just keep these military merits. Therefore, it is impossible to accumulate 100,000 military merits in exchange for a chance not to perform a mission. The thing, so called a chance to survive, is actually empty.

At this time, the soldiers of the sixth detachment also obtained the specific information of this disaster-level mission from the temple intelligence. For a moment, everyone fell into silence and looked ugly, even the captain of the sixth detachment. The veteran who had experienced many battles felt endless pressure at this time. The strong captain looked at the other team members with sharp eyes. He said in a low voice: "Everyone has got the specific information of this disaster-level mission, right? This mission is dangerous.

Our mission this time is in Jiuyanze, and we also need to kill the Lords of Law and the true god-level powerhouses. There will be superpowers from the Legion and Jiuyanze watching the battle, so we have no chance to escape. When we will When they are the object of training, they are not treating us as the object of training, so no one can relax their guard, because once they relax their guard, it means falling. This time, they can only succeed but not fail. Failure means really nothing. .

We were divided into three small circles, but when faced with such a dangerous disaster-level mission, we should first put aside our grudges and join forces to fight against the enemy. If the strong men of our sixth detachment all united to kill a true god-level strong man, It can be done. With this, not only do you have to kill those lone true god-level powerhouses, but you can also gain a lot of military merit. However, this time it is a place where true god-level powerhouses like Jiu Yanze gather together and want to do this. It's very difficult to do that. Those true gods are very smart.

Naturally, we will not be left alone to give us the opportunity to defeat each other. Once we take action, those true god-level experts will directly unite to besiege us. On the other hand, we will only be annihilated. There is no other possibility. But even so, We still have to join forces to fight against the enemy this time, otherwise we won't even have a chance of victory. "

As the strong captain finished speaking, Kufa and Yuluo, the representatives of the other two small circles, had different expressions. Kufa still looked gentle, but Yuluo, who looked unhappy, smiled coldly: " Hahaha, dear captain, what you said is really funny. Do you think I will still believe you? When I first joined the sixth team, I was just a newcomer who had just been promoted to the Lord of Laws. In order to complete This is your first mission, but it will give you a lot of benefits.

And it was just an extremely simple ordinary mission at the time. I thought that as the captain, you would take care of me. After all, you accepted my benefits, but what did you do best? You didn't hesitate to kill me in the face of danger. Use it as a shield. If I didn't have some special life-saving means, I would have died directly. You said, how could I dare to believe what you said, join forces with you, and then be used by you again? This is a disaster-level mission. Once it occurs The problem is definitely gone. "

Yuluo yelled out at the end. From his expression and tone, he could see his hatred for the strong captain. It was full of sarcasm, which made the surrounding soldiers who heard this look at each other with worry in their eyes. They were also afraid that the strong captain would treat them like this. Seeing this, the strong captain knew that he could not continue, otherwise it would affect his status, so the strong captain also yelled: "The situation was critical at that time, I didn't do that, More will fall.

When you were a new recruit, you wanted to succeed in your first mission, but you never thought that other new recruits thought the same way. I am the captain. If I relax the requirements for you, how can I lead the team? Do you think you gave me the task in the first place? Are my benefits very valuable? This mission is a disaster-level mission with a narrow escape from death. Do you think that without joining forces with us, just a few of you can successfully complete the mission and survive? It is estimated that the entire army will be killed in the first impact. Overturned. "

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(End of this chapter)

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