I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 487 Departure, Military Glory

Chapter 487 Departure, Military Glory

Yuluo just sneered when he heard Captain Qiang's words: "You don't need to worry about what will happen to us. Compared to you, we believe in ourselves more. Although there are only nine of us, we have been going through life and death, fighting together, and formed a big team. We have a tacit understanding, and we have already placed our life and death on each other. If we join forces with a villain like you, I am worried that you will be used as a shield again. Instead of doing this, we should fight alone, my good captain, I don’t believe you."

The soldiers who were in the same small circle as Yu Luo also said that they would not join forces with the captain. Like Yu Luo, they also did not believe in the captain. Seeing this, Luo Yuan and Wu He also knew why the sixth detachment was The reason why it fell apart is because it has such a past. It seems that it is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Yuluo didn't know what kind of mentality he was in. He looked at where Luo Yuan and Wu He were and said indifferently: "According to the past, newcomers like you who can join the special corps are all talents. The future will be more brilliant than ours." There are many, we should also try our best to win over you. Unfortunately, you are unlucky. You have to carry out a disaster-level mission as soon as you arrive. Listen to my advice and follow Kufa. He is more reliable. If it is this captain You will definitely be sent to death."

After Yuluo finished speaking, he looked at the strong captain who had been watching coldly, and then sneered: "Okay, my captain, let's leave first, so that we won't hold you back, and you won't use us as a pawn." It's a chance for a shield." Yuluo's words were not polite at all, but full of sarcasm. As soon as he finished speaking, the eight soldiers who had been following him also started to fly towards a wormhole, which was to leave the camp. , the channel to perform the task.

Soon Yuluo and his eight men left the mission hall, and the strong captain and his men were very angry. They did not expect that Yuluo would have such an attitude and completely disrespect their captain, but even if In this way, they had nothing to do with Yuluo and other strong men. After all, everything in this legion was based on strength, and the captain was about the same strength as Yuluo, so they could only swallow their anger, but the strong captain looked at him again. Keep it mild Kufa.

"Kufa, what's your decision? That Yuluo doesn't know the heights of the world and thinks that they can complete the mission with just nine stragglers. I hope you can make the right decision and join us to carry out the mission." The strong captain said this The words were persuasive, but the tone was very strong, and Kufa, who always maintained a gentle smile, was not swayed by the captain's words at this time. After all, a captain who likes to use his subordinates as a shield is really hard for everyone to believe and follow.

Kufa is a woman who looks very similar to the people on earth. Judging from the attitude of these soldiers towards her, this woman's character is quite good. Luo Yuan also has a good impression of her, but that's it. He smiled at the captain and said, "We don't need to join forces this time. Our team still has some trump cards."

After finishing speaking, Kufa looked at Luo Yuan and Wu He, and then said with a smile: "You two are newcomers, but I can't protect you. After all, we can't guarantee that we can survive this disaster-level mission, so we can only It's up to you, but it's a short distance from the camp to Jiuyanze, and this journey is also very dangerous. I can let you take my battleship, and after I bring you to Jiuyanze, you'll have to rely on me. You are yourselves, and if you can survive, I will accept you."

Luo Yuan and Wu He also nodded when they heard this. They also knew that they could only rely on themselves for this disaster-level mission, but it was good that Kufa was willing to take them on board. After all, Kufa had been fighting in the legion for so many years and had a lot of experience. The battleship is probably also a true god-level battleship, which is what Universe Sea calls the most powerful and treasure-level battleship.

After Kufa finished speaking, he took his ten warriors, Luo Yuan and Wu He together through the wormhole and left the camp. Only the strong captain and the warriors under him, some of whom faced The captain said: "Captain, there is no need to be angry. Kufa and Na Yuluo are ignorant. Do they think we can't complete this disaster-level mission without their help? You must know that our strength is much stronger than them." , they are the most threatening."

The strong captain looked coldly at the disappearing figure in the wormhole. He sneered: "I'm not surprised that Yuluo would reject my invitation, but I didn't expect that even Kufa would reject it. They came to the legion long ago. We are older, we don’t have as much strength or treasures as we do, so what if we have some trump cards? If it were the disaster-level missions in the past, it would be okay, but this time the disaster-level mission is located in Jiuyanze, it is a true god level A dangerous place where strange beasts gather.

Moreover, Jiuyanze had just fought a battle with another alien force. It was a period of anger and vigilance. If an external force came to attack, it would be impossible to hold back. Originally, they wanted to work together to get some chances to save their lives. , but they actually refused directly. In this case, it depends on how many of them can survive. "

When the soldiers belonging to the strong captain present heard this, they also mocked Nakufa and Yuluo for not knowing how to praise them. After all, their captain had experienced even more difficult reincarnation-level tasks and successfully survived, so he had such strength. , and Kufa and Yuluo were not captained when they came to the legion, so they felt that Captain Qiangzhuang had a better life-saving ability, so they naturally trusted the captain more, and they did not care whether they would really be captained.

Use it as a shield. After all, their captain has a lot of life-saving treasures, including very precious true god-level mechanical treasures. If they follow the captain, even if they fall a little, it is better than following Kufa and Yuluo in the end. Subversion is more reliable, and they all have a sense of luck.

The strong captain actually felt a little pity besides being angry at this time. After all, both Kufa and Yuluo were good shields. It was a pity that they did not listen to the captain. No matter what good things he said, after all, the morals of these captains were gone. Okay, after the captain finished speaking, he didn’t think about anything else, so he took his soldiers to the space wormhole leaving the camp, and then filed in one by one, leaving the mission hall. It was really empty here. one person.

After Luo Yuan and Wu He crossed the space wormhole, they left the Eastern Army's camp. This was an extremely wide mountain range with no end in sight. At this time, Kufa and his soldiers were standing in the void like this, Then Kufa took out a black battleship from his storage space. It looked very simple, but Luo Yuan felt the true god level fluctuations from this black battleship, which was similar to his supreme palace treasure, but This is just the most common kind.

As Kufa and others entered the black warship, Luo Yuan and Wu He also entered. Then under Kufa's control, the black warship quickly flew beyond the speed of light, and her voice came over: "Everyone Sit tight, it will take more than ten days to fly from here to Jiuyanze, so everyone can prepare well during this time, adjust their mentality, and think about the next response." Luo Yuan and Wu He Hearing this, he also nodded, and Luo Yuan was in a very calm mood at this time.

He won't worry about what will happen in Kufa's battleship. After all, he already has some understanding of some structures of the world of Jin through the two-faced ancestor god. The strong men in this world of Jin and those strong men in the Cosmic Sea It's still different. For example, the powerful people in Jin World also have their own divine kingdoms and small universes, but they can't contact their own divine kingdoms and small universes because their divine kingdoms and small universes are at the core of Jin World. Space, the origin of where.

Because the origin space of Jin World has absolute control over the divine kingdoms and small universes of these local strong men, these local strong men cannot resist. This also means that the local strong men of Jin World cannot directly pass through their divine kingdoms and small universes. Small universe to destroy the enemy, naturally Luo Yuan does not need to worry about any accidents in his most powerful palace treasure, and Luo Yuan also discovered that all the local strong men in this world of Jin cannot have clones due to rules restrictions, only the deity body. . This means that the local strong men in the world of Jin, no matter what realm they are, will really disappear once they fall, but the strong men in the Cosmic Sea have no such restrictions. They are also the pioneer explorers of various forces in the Cosmic Sea. One of the reasons why Dou sent clones to the world of Jin was that it was not only safe but also unlikely to arouse suspicion.

With those super strong people monitoring the overall situation, representatives like the strong captain and Kufa do not dare to do anything directly to their soldiers, because once they find out that they violate the rules, they will be destroyed directly. After all, these soldiers are all It is the property of the legion, not the private property of a certain captain, and they have no right to dispose of it.

When Luo Yuan and Wu He followed Kufa and other soldiers of the Sixth Division to Jiuyanze to perform a disaster-level mission, a huge alien beast with a golden shell came to the equipment battle in the Eastern Army camp. , this is the rampaging demon god who was unlucky to come directly to Jiuyanze and was bullied miserably by those true god-level beasts. However, he also successfully joined the God King's legion, and he was also somewhat lucky. After all, the third Most of the pioneers have died.

When the Rampant Demon God was wandering around in the hall of the equipment station, a true god-level strongman saw him and scolded him directly: "You new warrior, haven't you already obtained the true god-level armor equipment? Don't go. Why do you come here to practice well? This is the equipment station of the Eastern Army, not your home, so don’t run around."

The Rampant Demon God is also lucky. Although he was directly besieged by a group of true gods as soon as he came to the world of Jin, his outer shell has strong defense, and he is still a high-level true god, so his strength is not bad. After passing through the dangerous period, He also quickly learned how powerful the strong men in the world of Jin were, so he put away his pride. With his strength, he was a strong man who could dominate the universe sea, but in this world of Jin The world can only be regarded as ordinary.

Therefore, the Rampant Demon God kept a low profile. He also soon learned that the real control of the world of Jin was the God King Legion. If he wanted to obtain information and training resources, or even a powerful inheritance, he had to join the God King Legion. Therefore, the Rampant Demon God chose to join the God King Legion. Because his strength is that of a high-level true god, his chances of passing the selection are much higher than those of the Lords of Laws. He sneaked in easily and was assigned to the standard true god. Level armor.

Faced with the inquiry from a true god-level expert, the Hengxing Demon God just smiled and said, "I'm here to see what good stuff this equipment station has. Even if I don't have military merit, I can still find something."

The true god-level strong man in the hall didn't say anything after hearing this. After all, the realm of Rampant Demon God was higher than him, and everything in the God King Legion was based on strength. As Rampant Demon God walked in swaggeringly In the hall of the equipment station, he looked at a type of light door and walked in. As the scene changed, the Rampant Demon God felt that he had come to a magical place and the virtual universe of the human race that he felt in the original universe. The scenes are somewhat similar.

However, what shocks the Hengxing Demon God is that the human race's virtual universe can only allow the consciousness of living beings to enter, but the space here can really enter both the consciousness and the body. This is very magical. In this space In addition to the Hengxing Demon God, there are also many warriors. Judging from the looks of them, they should be exchanging their military achievements for something. Just as the Hengxing Demon God was curiously looking at everything around him, a figure shrouded in golden light came to the front of the Hengxing Demon God. .

The golden figure said to the Hengxing Demon God: "Hello, true god-level warrior, do you have anything to exchange for when you come here? You don't seem to have military merit yet."

The Rampant Demon God was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he quickly took out a piece of the most powerful treasure-level armor he used in the universe from his storage space, called the Blood Sea Demon Armor, which can defend against the eighth level. A powerful armor that attacks all at once, and can also produce powerful illusion attacks. It is much stronger than the legion's standard armor he is wearing, but it is impossible for him to sell the standard armor he just got, and this armor He couldn't sell it, but he now lacked military merit.

In order to obtain military merits in exchange for more powerful inheritance and treasures, the Demon God Hengxing also risked his life. In the universe sea time, it was because there was no exchange channel. Now there is one in this legion. When the strength increases, he wants to exchange it for a more powerful one. It's also very easy to build the armor. Now the most important thing is to improve your strength.

The Demon God Hengxing held up his Blood Sea Demonic Armor and said, "I want to use this armor to exchange for the military merits I need, and then use the military merits to exchange for the treasures I need."

When the figure shrouded in golden light heard this, he scanned the Blood Sea Demonic Armor in all directions, and then said: "True God-level warrior, this armor of yours is a Void True God-level armor. Although it is only a primary level armor, You can also exchange it for more than 300,000 points of military merit. Do you really want to exchange it? If you exchange it, you will not be able to regret it."

Hengxing Demon God was also a little surprised when he heard what the golden figure said. After all, the most powerful and treasure-level equipment in the Universe Sea did not have a specific classification. After all, they were all used by true god-level powerhouses. Although he felt that his The armor would be stronger than the legion-standard armor he was wearing, but he didn't expect that it was actually a Void True God-level armor that could be exchanged for more than 300,000 points of military merit. But he knew that on the legion's exchange table, The true God is not worth the price either.

I don't think about other things. The most important thing now is to improve my strength. As my strength improves, it will become easier to obtain military merits. Isn't it afraid that I won't be able to exchange for more powerful armor and treasures? So The Demon God Hengxing said directly: "Exchange it for me, exchange it for military merit now."

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(End of this chapter)

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