I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 488 The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman’s profit

Chapter 488 The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman’s profit
  After receiving the reply from the Rampant Demon God, the figure shrouded in golden light directly put away the Blood Sea Demonic Armor, and then said: "Now that you have made your choice, this is the form for redeeming treasures. Do you want to redeem them?" It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't exceed your military merit points." Immediately, the Rampant Demon God saw something similar to a game panel appearing in front of him, which was full of treasure redemption forms, as well as a detailed introduction to the corresponding required military merit points.

I don’t know how long it took, but the Demon God walked out of the equipment station hall with satisfaction, with pride on his face. When the newcomers who joined the legion like him were still performing dangerous tasks for military glory, the Demon God He already has more than 300,000 military merits, and he can exchange them for whatever he wants. Although he does not have the Blood Sea Demonic Armor this time, the Rampant Demon God exchanges for himself a complete set of the most powerful and treasure-level equipment, whether it is the most powerful palace treasure, The most powerful armors and weapons for defense and combat are all available, but they are much more valuable than a piece of blood sea magic armor. After all, one supreme treasure has become four supreme treasures. , which directly improved the combat effectiveness of the Rampant Demon God a lot. If he returns to the Cosmic Sea, he will not need to fear the strong men of any force.

The Demon God of Rampage originally wanted to redeem a piece of the most powerful mechanical treasure, but he was only a warrior of an ordinary legion and did not have the authority to redeem it. Unless he could become a warrior of a special legion, then both the redemption authority and the benefits would be the highest. This is also Hengxing Demon God was envious, especially because the soldiers of the special legion were given discounts when redeeming, but Hengxing Demon God also knew that it was difficult to join the special legion with his own strength and potential, and the special legion always performed dangerous missions.

Although the Hengxing Demon God was shocked by the strength of these powerful people in the Jin World, he also knew that the powerful people in this world could not leave the Jin World, so no matter how powerful the powerful people here were, there was no universe sea for him. Important, and the World of Jin is just a treasure land for him to obtain cultivation resources. He cannot always wander in the World of Jin. After all, once more than three reincarnation eras have passed, the Rampant Demon God will fall. Reincarnation is what matters.

But this God King Army is really a good place. As long as you have a lot of military merit here, you can exchange it for anything you want, whether it is the most powerful treasure or the powerful inheritance that transcends reincarnation. Many forces fought hard to compete for the Dongdong River inheritance in Luo Yuan's hands. Isn't it just to obtain the inheritance and opportunity to transcend reincarnation? But now it is not a problem in this God King's army. Just improve your strength and obtain military merit.

This time, the Rampant Demon God exchanged a piece of Blood Sea Demonic Armor, which was of little use to him, for four pieces of the most powerful treasures, equipping himself with all-round equipment. This made his strength instantly comparable to that of the most powerful ones. The top True God level powerhouse. In the absence of the True God of the Void, all you have to do is be careful and not be besieged by those True Gods. Then the Rampant Demon God will not worry about accidents at all. The most powerful treasures exchanged for these special items must each contain their own. With powerful secrets.

After the Demon God of Hengxing thoroughly understood the secrets of these most powerful treasures, he gained some confidence in reincarnation. However, in order to improve his strength and increase the chance of entering reincarnation, Demon God of Hengxing decided to earn a lot of military merit, and Since you can exchange for a large amount of supreme treasures here, you must make good use of them. After all, it is not easy to obtain a supreme treasure in the cosmic sea. Especially in the universe sea, there is no concept of level difference between the supreme treasures.

That is to say, in the universe sea, even the most powerful treasures of the Void True God level and the Eternal True God level are similar to the ordinary True God level most powerful treasures in the eyes of those powerful people, so this allows the Hengxing Demon God to see business opportunities. After all, a Void True God level The most powerful treasure can be exchanged for more than a dozen true god level most powerful treasures. If you can exchange those void true god level most powerful treasures in the universe sea, and then bring them here in exchange for a large amount of military merit, wouldn't it be a huge profit?

In this way, it is cost-effective and safe to perform dangerous missions to earn military merits. Hengxing Demon God does not know whether other pioneer explorers of the universe sea are aware of the huge benefits, but Hengxing Demon God decided to keep this secret secret from everyone. Knowing that, he had to quickly take advantage of the situation in exchange. While thinking about good things, the Hengxing Demon God went to his team's garrison with the soldiers of his team. At this time, Jiuyanze was full of crises.

Jiuyanze is a dangerous gathering place for strange beasts in the world of Jin. There are three true gods of the void, hundreds of true god-level powerhouses, and countless Lords of Laws. They all gather here, and their strength It is also very scary. This place is very vast. At this time, at the edge of Jiuyanze, Luo Yuan and Wu He arrived here on Kufa's true god-class battleship. They stopped in a relatively private place, and then the sixth detachment Some soldiers got off the warship one after another.

Kufa put away the black warship. He looked at his soldiers and said seriously: "We are now on the edge of Jiuyanze, and we will carry out a disaster-level mission next. This mission is very serious. There is danger, so you must be careful. By the way, Hunyuan, and Wu He, you two can only rely on yourselves from now on. We can't provide you with shelter. I hope to see you survive in the end. You are newbies, but your main priority is to save your life."

Kufa is gentle, but she will not put the members of her team in danger for the sake of the two newcomers Luo Yuan and Wu He, so he reminded Luo Yuan and Wu He that after all, they have experienced hundreds of battles. The veterans may not survive this mission, and Kufa's soldiers also offered words of comfort, but that was all. Luo Yuan and Wu He also understood this. After all, the captain and Yu Luo were not like this. They were kind, so Luo Yuan and Wu He also nodded to express their gratitude.

Although Luo Yuan and Wu He spent a very short time with the soldiers of the Sixth Division, they also understood that among the three small circles, only Kufa's small group was the kindest, and the captain was the least reliable. It's ridiculous, after all, a captain who likes to use his hands as a shield is really hard to trust.

As newcomers, Luo Yuan and Wu He could only cooperate with each other, so Luo Yuan and Wu He didn't say anything nonsense, and directly used teleportation to leave here. The next step was to perform the task of killing more Jiuyanze strong men. In exchange for military merit, after all, military merit means an improvement in training resources and strength. Kufa and other veterans watched Luo Yuan and Wu He leave, and they also began to take action. What followed would be a cruel disaster-level mission. If they wanted to survive In the end, it all depends on your ability to complete the task.

Luo Yuan and Wu He were carefully exploring the edge of Jiuyanze at this time, and then slowly approached the core. After all, their strength was much greater than that of the true gods, and Luo Yuan's clone this time did not. It is better to keep a low profile when carrying the most powerful treasure. This Jiuyanze is a large swamp that is shrouded in clouds and fog all year round, so it looks very blurry. Only the roars of beasts can be heard. After all, this is a dangerous area where strange beasts gather. Luo Yuan didn't dare to use his spirit to explore.

Luo Yuan knew that there were many powerful people in Jiuyanze, especially the number of true gods. Once they were besieged, they would be in trouble, so he had to be careful. He didn't want his strongest clone to fall here, because the powerful people There are so many, so in order not to alert others, we cannot directly use our mental power to explore, we can only be careful.

Wu He on the side felt very depressed. He shouted unhappily: "I'm really frustrated. I'm the noble young master of Beizhenhai. I can't go anywhere in Beizhenhai without that blind alien." The beast dares to mess with me, but this Jiuyanze is a weaker force than me, Beizhenhai, so I have to be careful."

Luo Yuan felt very speechless when he heard this. He said: "We are in Jiuyanze now. This is not your Beizhenhai, so the strong people here will not spoil you. As newcomers, we will carry out disaster-level operations this time. The main purpose of the mission is to complete the mission alive, otherwise we will all perish. Your father, the Lord of Beizhen, cannot protect you now, so everything here still depends on your own strength. You can take care of yourself. What's the use of talking so much." Although Wu He was a little unhappy when he heard this, he also knew that what Luo Yuan said was the truth. He just complained a few times. After thinking about this, Wu He said: "Hunyuan, You are stronger than me. I listen to you. What should we do next? Although military achievements are good, there are too many strong men in Jiuyanze, especially those who are true god level. If they are They discovered and besieged us, and even if we were all truly god-level, we wouldn't be able to escape unscathed.

Although it would be good for us to join forces and use some trump cards to destroy an ordinary-level true god-level beast, but what if there are more true gods coming. "

Luo Yuan also frowned when he heard this. With the strength of Luo Yuan's current strongest clone, even if he does not carry a powerful supreme treasure, he can definitely destroy several true gods, but only if they are alone. True gods, once those true gods join forces, it will be troublesome. It will take more time and attract more and more true gods, but they are really going to fall here, so they have to fight quickly and not let those true gods Opportunity and time to join forces to deal with them again.

Wu He saw that Luo Yuan was silent and looked like he was still thinking. He said anxiously: "We can't just wait like this. Hunyuan should tell us what to do."

When Luo Yuan heard this, he just said calmly: "We still have time. This disaster-level mission will last for an era. We should take our time to plan it. It is impossible for us to face those true god-level powerhouses, so We can only wait for them to be alone, but the military merits of destroying the Lord of Laws are too small, so it is completely meaningless."

Wu He heard the words and said: "I know what you are saying, but the strong men in Jiuyanze are very smart, especially since they have just experienced a big battle. It is a time when they are very alert and want to meet those people." It’s very difficult to find a true god-level powerhouse alone. Even though there is an era, it’s all in vain if you don’t complete the mission.”

Luo Yuan could tell from Wu He's tone that he was indeed anxious. After all, Wu He, as the young master of Beizhenhai, had been spoiled since childhood and lacked fighting. Naturally, he panicked when facing such a crisis. Luo Yuan didn't feel that either. It's strange, after all, Wu He can't compare with a strong man like Luo Yuan who fights all year round, but Luo Yuan still needs Wu He's information and help, so Luo Yuan solemnly said: "The more times like this, the more calm you have to be. , I know you are anxious and afraid, but you can't be afraid.

You are well aware of the danger of this disaster-level mission, so if you want to complete this mission alive, you must cooperate with me in the battle. If you do not cooperate with me, then you will be a drag on me. , I will leave you without hesitation when the time comes, and then everyone can live on their own terms, what do you think? "

When Wu He heard this, he was not only not angry, but said with joy: "Hunyuan, listening to what you said, is there any way to complete this disaster-level mission? If your method is feasible, let me cooperate with you. Okay, I don’t have much confidence in completing this mission, but I won’t die in vain.”

After hearing Wu He's words, Luo Yuan said angrily: "You think I am the captain of the sixth detachment. Besides, if I ask you to die in vain, you won't be willing. You want to complete this disaster-level disaster?" The mission is not completely without chance. We still need to make a careful calculation. Now we don’t know the specific information about Jiu Yanze, so we can’t go in blindly. Let’s explore this marginal area first and figure out the situation first before making a plan. Battle plan."

Wu He also nodded when he heard this. He felt that what Luo Yuan said was very reasonable. They still had nearly an era to complete the task. There was no need to be so eager for quick success and quick success. They first understood the situation of Jiu Yanze before taking action, so Luo Yuan Yuan and Wuhe began the process of exploring the edge area of ​​Jiuyanze. At the same time, they were looking for opportunities to see if there were any true god-level strong men left alone. Of course, it would be good to encounter those few Lords of Law. , information can be collected.

Time flies, and a few months have passed quickly. Luo Yuan and Wu He have been searching carefully. In order not to attract the attention of the strong men in Jiuyanze, Luo Yuan and Wu He both reduced their divine bodies to the size of ants. At the same time, Using hidden secrets, suddenly one day, when Luo Yuan and Wu He were approaching the core of Jiuyanze, they heard the sound of fighting, and then saw two pairs of alien beasts from different forces. Fighting, Luo Yuan listened for a while.

It was understood that it was the alien beasts from Jiuyanze who were fighting with the strong men from Xuanhuan Mountain. They did not pay attention to the existence of Luo Yuan and Wuhe at all when they fought with each other. The alien beasts from Jiuyanze were fighting against the strong men from Xuanhuan Mountain. These two places are close to each other, but they have been fighting endlessly for territory and training resources. This is obviously a battle between alien beast forces and tribal forces. The two sides fight very cruelly, and they are completely different from each other. No intention of holding back.

The aftermath of the battle between the two sides caused the surrounding time and space to tremble, which shows the intensity of the battle. Although the number of tribal warriors in Xuanhuan Mountain is larger, the bodies of those alien beasts are very huge, so who will fight between the two sides? He didn't get any favors. Luo Yuan also understood that this was a fight between the strong men from Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain. This was an opportunity. After all, Luo Yuan often did things like snipe and clam fighting over the fishermen's profit. .

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(End of this chapter)

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