I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 489 Planning, Targeting the True God

Chapter 489 Planning, Targeting the True God

Luo Yuan and Wu He were hiding in the grass and watching the warriors of the two forces fighting. Luo Yuan did not speak, but quietly observed. Wu He on the side said happily: "Hunyuan, this is a good opportunity. Ah, how long have the Jiuyanze warriors been fighting with the warriors of another force? They originally thought it was over, but they are still fighting. These warriors do not have any powerful armor, but they have no scruples at all when fighting, resulting in Divine power is also consumed rapidly.

Let's just watch like this. When they are almost beaten and without the support of divine power, we will take action to deal with them. In this way, we can not only obtain military merits very easily, but also get all their treasures. Where can there be something better than this? It's an easy thing, these Lords of Laws only need to use their weapons. "

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. Although these masters of laws are nothing to Luo Yuan and Wu He, if they take action, they will easily attract the attention of the true gods in Jiuyanze. If they are besieged by those true gods, they will It’s over, so it’s so easy to wait for Jiuyanze’s Law Lord and the hostile forces to consume each other, and then there will be a snipe and clam fight for the fisherman’s profit. After all, the God King’s army only relies on the Law Lord’s weapons to judge whether it has been obtained. Military merit.

However, Luo Yuan also had rich combat experience after all, so he was very patient and did not get surprised like Wu He. Luo Yuan glanced at Wu He who was a little impatient and shouted coldly: "You said you would listen to my command. Yes, you must cooperate with me in fighting. If you can't do it, part ways with me, so wait patiently."

When Wu He heard this, he said anxiously: "Why have you been exploring the edge of Jiuyanze for many months? Not to mention those true god-level experts, even the Lord of Laws has not killed any of them. So far, the military achievements It’s still zero. If this continues, will the mission required by the legion be completed before the end?”

Luo Yuan listened and Wu He just said calmly: "We are all just newcomers. We have never carried out a mission, let alone a disaster-level mission for the first time. Even those veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles are not sure that we can survive." , so it’s absolutely right for us to be careful. If we blindly take action without even knowing the specific situation of Jiuyanze, we probably won’t even know how it fell in the end, and we’ve only encountered this in the past few months. It's just a few battles.

Think about how vast Jiuyanze is. We are only in the edge area and it is so dangerous. How can we do it if we are not careful? You don’t want to fall here. "

Wu He couldn't help being stunned after hearing Luo Yuan's words. He also realized that the matter was unusual. Although Jiuyanze was a very dangerous place, there would not be such an intensive fighting situation. If combined with the past few months, Judging from the information collected, there are almost tens of thousands of battles in the edge area of ​​Jiuyanze, and how fierce the internal battle will be. In other words, Jiuyanze is now in the midst of all battles, and those true gods The super strong ones must have all come out too.

Luo Yuan looked at Wu He's frightened expression and knew that he understood what he meant, so Luo Yuan continued: "Have you noticed that these strange beasts in Jiuyanze are fighting with a tribal force named Xuanhuan Mountain? The battle happens to be when we are carrying out a disaster-level mission, which means that we have actually been involved in the struggle between these two forces, so it will be more dangerous, but if we take advantage of it, it will also be an opportunity. , and you find nothing so far.

The battles we found between these two forces were in an independent and dispersed situation. Even if the strong men of these two forces knew that a battle was taking place in the distance, they did not come to support them. This shows that they have more important combat tasks. To complete it, there is no time to waste. Please tell me the specific situation of Xuanhuan Mountain. "

When Wu He heard this, he also felt that Luo Yuan's analysis was very reasonable. As a native creature of the world of Jin and the young master of Beizhenhai, he naturally knew about the situation of many forces, and the same was true for the force of Xuanhu Mountain, so Wu He introduced: "The positions of Xuanhuan Mountain and Jiuyanze are very close. As for their strength, they are almost the same as Jiuyanze. Otherwise, they would not be able to win or lose after fighting for so long. The only difference between them is that Jiuyanze Ze is a place where alien beast forces gather, and there are three alien beasts and void gods sitting there, while Xuanhuan Mountain belongs to the tribal forces, and there are four void gods sitting there. These two forces rarely fight.

Because both Xuanhuan Mountain and Jiuyanze are not small forces, with a lot of territory and training resources, but if they fight, they will fight to the death. "

Luo Yuan listened to Wu He's story and had a certain understanding of the basic situation of the two forces, but Luo Yuan still asked doubtfully: "Since the strength of the two forces is almost the same, and there is no deep grudge, then Why are there still such large-scale battles? It’s not because they are bored.”

Wu He couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this and said: "What are you thinking? Although everyone is an eternal creature, their first task is to improve their strength. Whoever has nothing to do will have such a large-scale battle? Not only do these two forces not fight in normal times, they will also set restrictions, otherwise they will conflict."

Luo Yuan was also surprised when he heard this and said: "Then what we have discovered in the past few months is a life and death battle between these two forces. It is not like a friendly discussion. Their current state is obviously a battle between two forces. The situation, even though I just see the Lord of Laws fighting now, it’s not like I can’t draw chestnuts from the fire.”

When Wu He listened to Luo Yuan's words, he couldn't help but become interested and said: "Looking at you, do you have any good ideas that will make it easier for us to obtain military merits."

Luo Yuan heard the words and said with a smile: "It would be impossible if we just relied on us to destroy those true god-level warriors to gain military merit, but now the battle between Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us. Good opportunity, the key to breaking the situation is here. I said that the legion will not issue tasks that cannot be completed. After all, all tasks are to cultivate excellent warriors and super strong people. If everyone falls, then this task It doesn't make any sense anymore.

If you think about it, the legion's requirements did not say that we must personally kill the strong men in Jiuyanze in exchange for military merit. Those Lords of Laws only need to get their equipment, but a Lord of Laws can Being worth a little military merit is completely meaningless unless there are a large number of Lords of Law, so our military merit has to fall on those true god-level powerhouses, and the legion only requires the inheritance of true god-level powerhouses. Since That's easy to do.

Now that Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain are fighting, why don't we add fuel to the fire? We can't just let the law masters of these two forces fight. We also want the true god-level powerful men of these two forces to fight, and then When they are both injured in the fight, and then come out and reap the benefits, and get the testaments of those true god-level experts at the last moment, wouldn't it be easy and safe to get a lot of military merit, and what we want is to provoke those true god-level experts to fight. Get up and fight to the death. "

Wu He was stunned after hearing Luo Yuan's words, and then shook his head and said: "Hunyuan, although your idea is very beautiful, you also underestimate the wisdom of those true god-level experts. How can they be so easy?" Just being provoked into a life-and-death fight is impossible, absolutely impossible."

Luo Yuan was not angry when he heard this, but continued: "Since I said so, I naturally have my specific implementation plan, and I didn't say that all the true god-level powerful men from the two forces would come out to have a large-scale attack. Fighting, that's not realistic, we just need to let those true god-level strong men fight in twos." Wu He couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this. During the time he spent with Luo Yuan, he also knew that Luo Yuan was not the kind to talk. Strong man, since I said so, there must be a way to make the true god-level strong men of the two forces fight, so Wu He followed Luo Yuan and started moving forward honestly. With the careful exploration of Luo Yuan and Wu He, it was also confirmed that Luo Yuan's analysis found that the two forces were just the Lords of Law fighting each other, and the true god-level powerhouses had not yet started fighting.

In Luo Yuan's view, this is just a preview before a large-scale battle. After all, in the world of Jin, if living beings want to become stronger, they need to fight. Otherwise, they cannot improve their strength so quickly just by relying on cultivation resources. This is also the case for those who want to become stronger. The reason why different forces will fight from time to time, and now Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain are of equal strength and neighboring forces have naturally started fighting on a regular basis, but it is still the early stage of the battle, so they are all based on the law. The main player comes out and sharpens.

In the world of Jin, the Lord of Laws belongs to the grassroots combat power. As long as a living being can persist in fighting, it is not difficult to become the Lord of Laws. Therefore, the number of Lords of Laws is also the largest after endless accumulation of time. However, the power of The main force in the battle is still the true god-level powerhouse. When the strength reaches the true god of the void, he will not take action easily. At this time, the law masters of the two forces of Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain are fighting together without any scruples. Keep moving forward.

In the eyes of all the creatures in the world of Jin, they live for His Majesty the God King, to cultivate the best warriors, and then wait for His Majesty the God King's call to fight for His Majesty the God King until the last moment. In addition, in this small world All creatures in the world believe that even if they die, they will be reincarnated and start a new life. Although most warriors are not afraid of life and death, not all creatures are like this, such as those high-level people who know the truth.

Luo Yuan felt a little complicated when he watched the selfless battle between the warriors of these two forces. These warriors were all at least as powerful as the Lord of the Universe. They were the peak combat power and controller of a group in the Universe Sea, but in this world of Jin They are just the lowest level of warriors, and their strength can be fully displayed in this world of Jin, and it will not cause the collapse of the world of Jin. If placed in the cosmic sea and the original universe, the aftermath of their battle would be enough to collapse the universe. .

This shows how stable the space of Jin World is. It is indeed a small world where the God King is the strongest. It is powerful. After all, the combat power of Jin World is enough to sweep the entire cosmic sea countless times. If it were not Because the creatures in this world cannot leave this small world, the cosmic sea is really gone.

Luo Yuan just watched the battle between the warriors of these two forces quietly. This was much more exciting than any virtual battle, full of the beauty of power. He didn't know how long it took, but suddenly a voice resounded in all directions. : "Okay, all warriors are leaving now. This is an order from the alliance leader and must not be disobeyed."

Both Jiu Yanze and Xuan Huanshan received this order. Although they did not know what happened, it was an order from the alliance leader, and the alliance leader was the highest level of each force. There was no need to explain the reasons for the orders they issued. , it just needed to be executed, so the soldiers from both sides evacuated one after another.

This sudden change made Luo Yuan and Wu He, who were still observing, a little confused. They didn't know what happened, especially since all the soldiers from Xuan Huan Mountain withdrew at once.

Seeing this, Wu He also said anxiously: "Hunyuan, what happened? Why did these fighting warriors suddenly evacuate? Especially the warriors from Xuanhuan Mountain retreated very cleanly. Some of them didn't even have the weapons they were about to get." I don’t need any equipment. If it’s here, then what about the matter of provoking the two true gods that you mentioned?”

Luo Yuan was speechless when he heard this. He didn't know what happened suddenly, so he could only shake his head helplessly. It seemed that something happened that he didn't know about. Judging from his observations during this period, Jiu Yanze Both Xuanhuan Mountain and Xuanhuan Mountain have dispatched millions of Law Lords to fight. This is a large-scale battle. There must be many true god-level powerful men behind them to sit and command, otherwise so many Law Lords would have caused chaos long ago. , but now something special has obviously happened.

And if Luo Yuan wants to provoke a fight between Jiu Yanze and the true gods of Xuanhu Mountain, and then have a snipe and clam fight for the fisherman's profit, he needs to first find these true god-level powerhouses who are commanding behind the scenes, but don't talk about the true gods now. He was a super powerful person, and even the shadow of the Lord of Laws could not be seen, but Luo Yuan could still remain calm and analyze.

But Wu He on the side was jumping up and down anxiously. He said anxiously: "What should we do? What should we do now? We haven't even obtained any military merit so far, but the military merit required by the legion must be at least 10,000 points. , if we can’t finish it we will be punished, and that means we will fall.”

Luo Yuan, who was analyzing, heard this and growled in annoyance: "Why are you so anxious? Although I don't know what happened suddenly, it doesn't mean that there is no chance at all. And what's the use of jumping up and down here? If What to do if the strong men from Jiuyanze are lured over? It seems we have to think of another way."

At this time, in Jiuyanze, in addition to Luo Yuan and Wu He, those who were affected by this sudden situation were also strong men from other teams, including naturally the members of the sixth team. The captain of the sixth team had been leading He led his own team of warriors to dress up as warriors from Xuanhuan Mountain to fight the warriors from Jiuyanze. Although they did not encounter true god-level warriors, they also killed some Lords of Law from Jiuyanze. Although they had little military merit, But no matter how small the mosquito is, it still has some military merit, so I don’t dislike it.

In fact, Luo Yuan also pretended to be a warrior from Xuanhuan Mountain to kill some warriors from Jiuyanze. After all, the warriors from Jiuyanze were all alien beasts, and the warriors from Xuanhuan Mountain were all humanoid creatures, so it was easy to pretend, but After all, Luo Yuan is not a real Xuanhuan Mountain warrior, so he cannot destroy those Jiuyanze warriors on a large scale, otherwise it will attract the attention of the true god-level strongmen in Jiuyanze, and it will be dangerous then, but a The Lord of Laws is worth a little military merit.

It is impossible for Luo Yuan to destroy the 10,000 Lords of Law in Jiuyanze, and Luo Yuan will not be satisfied with just 10,000 points of military merit, so he sets his target on the true god-level powerhouses in Jiuyanze. As a strange beast, Wuhe couldn't pretend to be a warrior from Xuanhuan Mountain, so he didn't get any military merit.

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(End of this chapter)

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