Chapter 490
  At this time, the members of the sixth detachment all looked at Captain Qiang, and one member said: "Captain, now all those soldiers in Xuanhuan Mountain suddenly evacuated for some reason. We didn't even find a single soldier. What should we do now?" Do you want to do it? Should you still pretend to be a warrior from Xuanhuan Mountain to kill the Lords of Laws in Jiuyanze like before? Although a Lord of Laws is only worth a little military merit, you can at least get some military merits. The captain will make the decision. "

After hearing this, the strong captain thought for a while and then shook his head and said: "You can't do this. It's obvious that there has been a change in the top management of Xuanhuan Mountain. The true god-level strong men in Jiuyanze know about this, otherwise they would stop it. , even though we knew that all the warriors from Xuanhuan Mountain had evacuated, we still pretended to be warriors from Xuanhuan Mountain to kill the alien beast warriors from Jiuyanze, which would probably immediately attract the attention of those true god-level experts. If they join forces, It’s dangerous to come and surround us.”

The warriors belonging to the strong captain also nodded in agreement when they heard this. They pretended to be the warriors of Xuanhuan Mountain when everyone knew that all the warriors had retreated. Wasn't this telling the true god-level warriors in Jiuyanze that they had a problem? Well, as long as the top management of Jiuyanze has a brain, they can immediately discover the problem.

So the soldiers all looked at the strong captain and said, "In that case, let the captain make up his mind. We all listen to you. We will do whatever you say."

Captain Qiang thought for a moment and said: "The battle between Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain was so fierce before. It can be said to be a large-scale battle. How could it suddenly cease? We should not act rashly without knowing the specific situation. Let's wait first." Let’s wait and see what Jiu Yanze will do next so that we can take action.”

At this time, the distant sky in Jiuyanze was filled with suspended warships and strong men with their feet in the void. There were nearly ten thousand people at a glance, and the powerful aura exuded by these strong men were all at the true god level. Powerful people, and behind them there are countless Lords of Laws who are constantly flying in from far away to gather. The number has exceeded millions. If Luo Yuan saw this scene here, he would be very shocked. This is Xuan Huan. The strong man of the mountain, Xuan Huanshan is just an ordinary force.

The number and strength of the powerful people in Jin Zhi World are very strong. Luo Yuan was shocked the more he understood. Not to mention the strength of the entire Jin Zhi World, even one of the ordinary forces was enough to sweep across the entire universe sea. If they could start from Jin Zhi If he goes out to this world, it can be seen that a god-king level powerhouse has a strong background.

At this time, three majestic figures stood in the sky in front of the entire Xuan Huan Mountain. The momentum each one exuded was earth-shattering, because these three were the Void True Gods of Xuan Huan Mountain. The forces of Xuan Huan Mountain were actually a combination of four tribal forces. The alliance formed, so they have four True Gods of the Void, because only the True God of the Void is qualified to become the leader of a clan. For example, the leader of the Ganye tribe that Luo Yuan met when he first came to the world of Jin is a True God of the Void, without exception.

Tribal forces or alien beast forces without the True God of the Void will eventually be devoured and occupied immediately. At this time, three of the four True Gods of the Void from Xuanhuan Mountain have arrived, including their most powerful leader. One of the True Gods of the Void is facing the people in front of them. The alliance leader said respectfully: "Alliance leader, because of your order, all the law lords and true god-level warriors who were sent to Jiuyanze for training have been summoned. There are no exceptions. What should we do next?"

At this time, the power emitted by the three Void Gods in Xuanhuan Mountain was enough to freeze the surrounding time and space, as if they were independent of this world. Only three of their voices could be heard. The alliance leader standing at the front used The divine power spread his voice to the ears of all the warriors in Xuanhuan Mountain, and said in an indifferent voice: "Our Xuanhuan Mountain and Jiuyanze are close to each other, and we have the same strength. Originally, we just wanted to recuperate and improve our strength, but Jiuyanze is not in this way.

For countless years, Jiuyanze has been provoking us in Xuanhuan Mountain. Although we don’t want to engage in unnecessary battles, we are not afraid of them. Previously, Jiuyanze actually took the initiative to launch an attack on Xuanhuan Mountain. This is They don’t take me Xuan Huanshan seriously, so we can’t remain so silent. We want them to pay the price for their actions and let them know how unwise it is to provoke me Xuan Huanshan. We have to use their lives To wash away the shame. "

The voice of the leader of Xuanhuan Mountain was full of anger and contagion, making all the soldiers of Xuanhuan Mountain excited. They roared that Jiuyanze must pay the price. For a moment, they were full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit. They knew that the evacuation just now was not for The actual evacuation is due to the summons of the alliance leader for a more thorough battle. This battle between Xuanhuan Mountain and Jiuyanze is inevitable, and it will be more intense than before. Even the true god-level powerhouses will participate. With the big wave of the leader of Xuanhuan Mountain, all the warriors of Xuanhuan Mountain immediately rushed towards Jiuyanze. Even the True God of the Void came to sit down. Although they could not take action, they could command.

At this time, at the edge of Jiuyanze, Luo Yuan and Wu He were still hiding in the grass and observing as usual. At this time, they shrunk their divine bodies to the size of ants, and also used the secret method of concealing their bodies. Under the circumstances of what happened in Yanze, I will not act rashly. After all, this world of Jin is not the original universe and the cosmic sea. The true gods of this world of Jin can display 100% of their strength, even if there is Even the most powerful and powerful treasures cannot stop it.

Originally, Luo Yuan wanted to provoke the true god-level experts in Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain to fight so that they could have a snipe and clam fight, but before the plan could be implemented, he discovered that all the powerful people in Xuanhuan Mountain were The soldier left suddenly, which left Luo Yuan speechless. All the plans he had thought about before could not be implemented. This made Luo Yuan can't help but wonder whether he should lurk in Jiuyanze to carry out his own plan. After all, Luo Yuan But it has a powerful secret method that can change all things.

In particular, Luo Yuan picked up almost all of the innate secrets from the golden-horned giant beast. It would not be difficult for Luo Yuan to pretend to be the golden-horned giant beast, and this Jiuyanze is the power of the alien beast, so the golden-horned giant beast is the It is easy for a foreign beast to integrate into Jiuyanze. As for his identity, he is a powerless foreign beast who travels around the world. Just like Luo Yuan's reasonable integration into the Qianye tribe, as long as his true identity is not revealed, there is no need to worry. will get their attention.

Because Jiuyanze is a force of alien beasts, and Luo Yuan is no different from those tribal warriors in human form, so if Luo Yuan joins Jiuyanze in human form, he is seeking death, but if he joins in the form of a golden-horned giant beast Jiu Yanze can do it. If Luo Yuan wants to destroy the true god-level experts in Jiu Yanze, he needs to join them. As the Lord of Law, he will not attract their attention, so that he can do what he wants. After all, those true gods are behind.

Based on his observations during this period, Luo Yuan found that the true gods of Jiu Yanze would not take action easily. They usually led and commanded the Lords of Law from behind. Therefore, Luo Yuan wanted to sneak into Jiu Yanze's team, and then Jiu Yanze's Each team will be led by a true god-level strongman, so it's easy to take action against them.

Luo Yuan is not very interested in the Lords of Laws in Jiuyanze. After all, killing a Lord of Laws can only get a little military merit. Even if you want to complete the minimum standard of this disaster-level mission, you have to get 10,000 military merits. If Just to destroy those Law Lords, you have to kill 10,000 Law Lords. This will not only waste a lot of time and divine power, but also attract the attention of those true god-level powerhouses. But if you can kill one true god, it will be fine. So the focus is still on the true God. This disaster-level mission can be easily completed by destroying a true god. What surpasses it is his own higher achievement, but Luo Yuan also understands that it is not that easy to execute the plan of infiltrating Jiuyanze. And there are still many hidden dangers. After all, there are non-soldiers in Jiuyanze who have joined the God King's legion, so their strength and inheritance are much stronger than those ordinary warriors, and it is very troublesome to deal with them.

In addition, Luo Yuan cannot guarantee that the true god-level experts in Jiuyanze will really disperse and lead their own teams to perform tasks. After all, the number of true gods in Jiuyanze is too much, compared with the Ganye tribe. The number of true gods is much larger, so Luo Yuan cannot use the pattern of the Qianye tribe to judge the layout of Jiu Yanze's team. Therefore, Luo Yuan is not only thinking about how to complete this disaster-level mission, as the first mission is It has to be done.

Otherwise, Luo Yuan's previous efforts will all be in vain, so Luo Yuan does not want to fail, but now what method should be adopted to let those true god-level experts stand alone, and then defeat them one by one in exchange for a large amount of military merit? Yes Guide them out by provoking them, or sneak into the Nine Smokes by yourself to find the location of those true god-level powerhouses, and then look for opportunities to take action against them. Of course, the lowest-end approach is to kill 10,000 Lords of Law.

After all, the completion time of this disaster-level mission is one era, which is ten thousand years. It is not difficult to destroy the ten thousand Lords of Law in Jiuyanze within these ten thousand years. You just have to be careful not to be defeated by those true god-level powerhouses. They found out and then joined forces to besiege. However, in Luo Yuan's opinion, any method was very laborious and time-consuming. He still felt that the best way was to fight with the snipe and the clam to make a profit. He did not need to personally deal with Jiu Yanze's Those true god-level experts took action.

He only needs to wait for the death of those true god-level experts in Jiuyanze, and immediately snatch the testaments of these true god-level experts, and then quickly leave with the powerful defense of this tomb boat, and then repeat the process, like this Not only can it provide sufficient genetic sequence materials for his divine power route, but he can also obtain a large amount of military merit. Just when Luo Yuan was thinking about these things, he suddenly sensed some unusual aura, and then Luo Yuan looked up at the sky carefully.

Then Luo Yuan saw countless powerful figures, densely occupying the sky, covering the sky above Jiuyanze, and each figure was at least tens of thousands of kilometers in size. Judging from the number of them, there were almost tens of millions of warriors. Luo Yuan was extremely shocked. Aren't these the soldiers from Xuanhuan Mountain? They had all evacuated just now. Why did they all suddenly come? Moreover, it seemed that this posture was about to start a peerless war. Luo Yuan couldn't help but express his expression when he saw this. Show joy.

Wu He on the side was also surprised when he saw this and sent a message to Luo Yuan: "Hahaha, okay, this Xuanhuan Mountain is going to start an unprecedented battle with Jiuyanze. Such a big battle is definitely not a small fight. It's a decisive battle. Even our Beizhenhai rarely encounters battles of this scale. This is a great opportunity for us. Looking at the three figures at the front, they should be the True God of the Void, and there are tens of thousands of True Gods behind them. Oh my god, these are all military merits, we just need to pick up the inheritance."

Luo Yuan also knew that the decisive battle between Xuan Huanshan and Jiu Yanze was indeed a big opportunity for them. Of course, it was also an opportunity for other legion soldiers. It would depend on who could pick up the strong ones from Jiu Yanze. After all, the testament of these strong men is military merit. As a large number of strong men from Xuanhuan Mountain descended, extremely powerful power was released unbridled over Jiuyanze. The heaven and earth were trembling. For a time, the entire Jiuyanze was shaken. All the strong men in the smoke were shrouded.

Just when Luo Yuan and other powerful men were still marveling, the time and space of Jiuyanze changed. The scene outside Jiuyanze became blurred, and even the sky above became blurry. Luo Yuan immediately discovered the Jiuyanze. Ze's time and space were independently divided by the supreme power using divine power. The only one who could do this in a single thought was the True God of the Void. In other words, the True God of the Void in Xuanhuan Mountain took action and transformed the entire Jiuyanze into It becomes an independent void world from which no one can escape.

Luo Yuan knew that when his strength reaches the True God of the Void, he can turn a space into an independent void world with a single thought. If he is in the Universe Sea, he will transcend reincarnation and be the supreme power in control of a holy land and universe. Even in Jin The world is also a patriarch-level overlord who can occupy a territory. Luo Yuan is now only one step away from the true god level, so he is more interested in the Void True God, who is stronger than the True God, and wants to truly understand the power of the Void True God.

After all, it is impossible to feel the power of the True God of the Void in the Universe Sea. Before, we could only understand the power of the True God of the Void from the recorded information inherited by Duan Donghe, but how can words compare to real feelings? Luo Yuan also realized Luo Yuan found it very interesting, especially the way the True God of the Void controls the time and space of the Void. It is important to know that any true god-level powerhouse can transform his divine kingdom into a small universe, and can use powerful magical powers to express words and spells. force.

It's just that there are limits to the ability of true god-level powerhouses to perform verbal magic. In the original universe and the cosmic sea, those true god-level powerhouses could still perform one or two, but in this world of Jin, Luo Yuan found that those true god-level powerhouses were even more powerful. Otherwise, you would not be able to use the magical power of speaking the magic power. In other words, the rules of the world of Jin directly prohibit this kind of power. However, it is not surprising if you think about it. Rather than saying that the speaking magic power is the magical power of a true god-level powerhouse, it is It does not mean that the original will of the original universe gives permission.

When the original will of the original universe gives the authority of a void to those true gods, they can control the laws of this void, and naturally they can do what they say. However, in order to protect the Lord of the universe, the original will of the original universe must When a true god-level powerhouse faces the Lord of the Universe, he will use the power to suppress his words and actions. Therefore, this is not a magical power possessed by a true god-level powerhouse, but is just a kind of authority granted by the original universe, which can be used in other spaces. No.

Therefore, there is no force or strong person in the universe sea that can surpass the strength of the original universe, because the special abilities given by the original will of the original universe can be withdrawn at any time. This is why the strength of the three ancestor gods of the Ancestral God Sect is only the master of the universe, but in After being blessed with power by the original will of the original universe, it can temporarily possess a strength comparable to the True God of the Void. It seems that the power of the original universe is also very powerful.

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(End of this chapter)

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