Chapter 491 True God of Void
  Luo Yuan knew from the information inherited by Duan Donghe that it was very difficult to break through from the True God level to the Void True God level. This was an essential improvement. It could be said that a Void True God would face thousands of True Gods. They are all fearless. This shows the gap between the True God of the Void and the True God. Even in the God King’s Legion, if you want to destroy a True God of the Void, you have to use those extremely powerful treasures and equipment, and it also requires millions of True Gods at the same time. Just work together to encourage them.

A true god-level powerhouse in the cosmic sea, if he has not transcended reincarnation after three reincarnation eras, he will perish if he becomes a true god of the void. But if he becomes a true god of the void, he will be immortal, and after breaking through to the level of the true god of the void, he can control all the things in the universe. There is an essential understanding of the laws and operating rules. It can block and condense the void in a single thought, and can control everything in the void, including the laws. Even the original universe cannot interfere.

It can be said that the True God of the Void is the beginning of the road to becoming a super powerful person in the universe. Yes, it is just the beginning, because there is a stronger realm above the True God of the Void, but all those who have not reached the True God of the Void are actually To the universe, they are just ants, even true god-level experts are like this.
  The power that the True God of the Void can exert is beyond imagination, so even in the world of Jin, the True God of the Void is prohibited from taking action unless it is under special circumstances.

In the original universe due to rules, even if those true god-level powerhouses are given the authority to speak out, they will be restricted if they want to deal with powerhouses below the Lord of the Universe, but the True God of the Void will not be restricted, because The True God of Void can completely control a void by relying on his own strength, and he can have no scruples.

Naturally, everything enveloped by the void of the True God of Void cannot escape its control. It can be said that as long as the True God of Void can make everything in the void under his control disappear in a single thought, even the True God and the Lord of the Universe are like this, so anyone A Void True God is an invincible existence in its void realm. Of course, it is different in the universe sea. For example, the ancestors of the two holy places are Void True God-level existences, but they cannot leave their holy land universe and there are restrictions.

In the world of Jin, although these Void True Gods cannot leave this small world because of the rules, they can still display 100% of their strength in this small world. At this time, Jiu Yanze is obviously the Void of Dazzling Mountain. The True God used the power of the void to control it, and no strong person among them could leave unless the True God of the Void revoked the power of the void. When the True God of the Void in Xuanhuan Mountain took action, the True God of the Void in Jiuyanze was also angry, and a powerful force The power emanates.

"Damn it, Xuan Huan Shan, do you want to disobey the orders of the God King's Legion? The True God of the Void cannot take action unless you, Xuan Huan Shan, want to be judged and directly wiped out." From the core of Jiuyanze An angry and majestic voice appeared, and then the power of the void also appeared to attack the True God of the Void in Xuanhuan Mountain. Moreover, the two forces of the void suddenly collided together, competing for the power of the void in Jiuyanze. Take control and give no one to anyone.

Immediately, the entire Jiuyanze began to shake. Countless alien beasts appeared from the core, each one roaring and roaring. The leaders were three Void True God-level alien beasts, followed by thousands of True God-level beasts. The alien beasts, the endless stream of alien beasts at the Lord of Laws level, are like a tide of beasts passing through. They are so loud and powerful that all the experienced warriors of the God King Legion present feel their scalps numb. This is Jiu Yan. Ze's strong men also took action.

At this time, Jiuyan, the strongest person in Jiuyanze and its leader, came out. This is a powerful beast with nine heads. It has always controlled this area of ​​​​Jiuyanze. How many years have passed, but there has never been such a powerful beast. The forces dare to offend, but today almost all the strong men from Xuan Huan Mountain are here. This is going to be a big decisive battle with Jiuyanze. These strange beasts are also flying in the air, confronting the strong men from Xuan Huan Mountain in the void. It's like two gods opposing each other, which is exciting.

At this time, Luo Yuan and Wu He were still hiding in the grass to observe everything, especially the scene of the confrontation between the two powerful warriors in the void. The terrifying power made the void shake. This shows that these strong men How strong is the strength, but it is not surprising, after all, there are six powerful Void True Gods.

At this time, Wu He was very excited and said to Luo Yuan: "Hahaha, great, Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain are fighting. This is an opportunity for us. We only need to hide and pick up The testaments of those fallen strong men in Jiuyanze, especially the testaments of those true god-level powerful men, can be exchanged for 10,000 points of military merit. Have you seen the leading Void True God in Jiuyanze? , is the strange beast with nine heads, that is Jiuyan is extremely powerful.

This is the absolute overlord of Jiuyanze. You can tell how powerful it is from the name Jiuyanze. Even my father, who is the lord of Beizhenhai and a super strong man in the extreme void true god level, admits that Jiuyanze’s He is powerful, but this super strong man has a bad temper, and other Void Gods don't want to see him. "

After hearing this, Luo Yuan also sent a message and asked: "Aren't there three True Gods of the Void in this Jiuyanze? Logically speaking, the three of them should control this Jiuyanze together."

After Wu He heard Luo Yuan's words, he laughed and said: "You are too high-minded to the other two True Gods of the Void in Jiuyanze. Even the True Gods of the Void have a strength gap. Naturally, the three True Gods of the Void in Jiuyanze are Jiuyan is the strongest, and the other two Void Gods are only juniors. They were chased by other Void Gods before they came to Jiuyanze and became Jiuyan's subordinates, like my father, Beizhenhai. The Lord is the True God of Ultimate Void, and he is more powerful.

It is not a simple matter to deal with the three True Gods of the Void in Jiuyanze. It is just that Jiuyan has many methods and it is a bit time-consuming to deal with them. I, Beizhenhai, have nine True Gods of the Void, but the other eight He is not as powerful as my father, so naturally my father is the Lord of the North True Sea. "

Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this. After all, the True God of the Void was much stronger than the True God. Now Luo Yuan understood from Wu He that there was a big gap between the True Gods of the Void, but he couldn't think about it even if he thought about it. It's strange. After all, even in the same realm, there are junior, intermediate and high levels, not to mention those strong men who can kill enemies beyond the next level. After all, the strength gap between strong men is not only the gap in realm, but also the secret method and equipment. difference.

Although Luo Yuan is still the Lord of the Universe, the other Lords of the Universe are no match for Luo Yuan no matter what level they are. Even if they face a high-level True God, Luo Yuan is sure to destroy them, but the premise is that the number cannot exceed Three, otherwise those true god-level powerhouses would be in trouble if they join forces, especially in a special world like Jin's World where true god-level powerhouses can exert 100% of their strength. Even Luo Yuan can do this, let alone Talk about these Void True God level powerhouses.

Luo Yuan then sent a message to Wu He and asked: "Wu He, I have always been curious. Among the major tribes and alien beast forces in our world of Jin, are the strongest ones only the Void True God level? No. Logically speaking, there should be existences that exceed the level of the True God of the Void, otherwise how could we suppress so many True Gods of the Void."

In fact, Luo Yuan asked this to find out how strong the peak combat power of Jin Zhi World was. He didn't know much about Jin Zhi World. Although Luo Yuan had a certain understanding of the divisions of realms above True God, he only knew about the realms. It's just a name. He doesn't have a deep understanding and understanding of the power of these higher realms. Luo Yuan has a lot of understanding of those paths that follow the path of law from the core inheritance of Duan Donghe. After all, the current mainstream is the path of law. . The pinnacle of the law route is to be able to integrate and control the final power of the law of chaos. From the inheritance left by the strongest third-generation ancestor of Duan Donghe, we can know that there is something more than the law of chaos. The third patriarch is such a powerful person, but the True God of the Void is obviously still far away.

Although Duan Donghe's inheritance is very powerful, it cannot be compared with the God King's inheritance. The successive successors of Duan Donghe all have strength that far exceeds that of the True God of the Void. The strength of the strong men will definitely not be low, otherwise they will not be qualified to fight for the God King.

When Wu He heard this, he thought for a while and said: "As far as I know, the strongest one in terms of tribes and beasts is only the True God of the Void. However, there are still people who are stronger than the True God of the Void. Our God King The strongest person in the Eastern Army of the legion, that is, the strongest leader and general, is the True God Beyond the Void."

Luo Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This God King Army has four branches: east, west, north and south. If the highest leader of the Eastern Army, the general, is an existence that transcends the True God of the Void, could he be the Eternal True God? Doesn't it mean that the same is true for the generals of the other three legions, which are above the four legions?

Wu He also said excitedly at this time: "You are right, the strongest force in our world of Jin is the God King Army, and it is also divided into four branches, east, west, north and south. The generals of these four armies are all beyond He is a super strong man who has conquered the True God of the Void, but I don’t know how strong he is, and I didn’t even tell my father.”

Luo Yuan heard this and said with some disbelief: "As the Lord of the North True Sea and a super strong man at the extreme void true god level, your father doesn't even know the specific realm and strength of your four generals." Wu He replied after hearing this. Said: "This, I don't know if my father didn't know or deliberately didn't tell me. After all, these are still a long way from where I am now. Even if I know, it doesn't make any sense. If you are interested in this, wait It's easy to say that this mission has been completed.

As long as you have military merit in our legion, you can get anything. Naturally, you can exchange for all kinds of information you want to know, including general information about super strong people. And as my friend, I won’t hide it from you. In fact, my father has There are many children, and I am just an inconspicuous one among them. Naturally, I have not received any special attention from my father, and the information I know is limited. The identity I mentioned before as the young master of Kitazamai was actually given to myself by myself. . "

Luo Yuan was not surprised when he heard this, because he had already guessed that although Wu He's strength was stronger than those ordinary warriors, it was obviously not enough for the young master of a large force, but this was not enough for Luo Yuan. It doesn't make much sense. After all, Luo Yuan didn't have much expectations for Wu He. Luo Yuan and Wu He just hid in the grass, transmitting messages to understand all kinds of news, while exploring the relationship between the two forces in the sky. The changes are not observed.

At this time, in the sky, the soldiers of Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain were facing each other. The leaders of both sides were still negotiating. I don’t know how long they waited. In the end, they only heard cold shouts, and then the atmosphere of murder became even more intense. Strongly, although Luo Yuan didn't know what happened specifically, he could guess that the negotiation had not been completed and that a decisive battle was about to begin. Luo Yuan was very happy about this. After all, only when these two forces fought could he be able to fight against each other. The fishermen will benefit from fighting.

"Damn it, Jiuyan, do you think you can monopolize all the benefits with your strength? Don't be too greedy. You have already gained a lot of benefits. Are you not even willing to give some to us? Are you really Don’t take me, Xuan Huan Shan, seriously, we have four Void True Gods, and we are no less powerful.”

Hearing this, Jiu Yan sneered: "You still want to share the benefits with me, are you worthy? Don't think that four True Gods of the Void can go against me, Jiu Yanze. You must know that even the True God of the Void has a gap. I still need to be afraid of you because of my strength. If you are willing to be my subordinate and obey my orders, I don’t mind giving you some things that I don’t need. How about it, you can consider it, otherwise you will be embarrassed. It’s gone.”

The tribal warriors in Xuanhuan Mountain felt strong anger when they heard this. They roared one by one, and then with a wave of the hand from the Void God of Xuanhuan Mountain, they rushed towards the warriors in Jiuyanze, and then the decisive battle began. , they will find opponents with similar strength to fight with them, and they will not hold back at all.

Luo Yuan looked at the sky and felt that the forces of Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain were like two dark clouds, colliding with each other, and soon they were fighting together. Luo Yuan and Wu He became excited, and finally the decisive battle began. Next All you need to do is pick up the bequests of the strong men in Jiuyanze after they died. These are all military merits.

It is not common for two major forces to start a decisive battle even in the world of Jin. It is difficult to say which force will win in the end. It does not have much impact on the top leaders of the two forces, namely the True God of the Void. After all, it is impossible for them to fall. Yes, after all, they cannot take action easily, but for the True God and the Lord of Laws, it is a life-and-death battle that can affect lives. Although the strength of those True Gods and Lords of Laws is uneven, their numbers are enough to consume.

Even if the strength of the Lord of Laws is much weaker than that of the True God-level powerhouse, when there are enough Law Lords, thousands of Law Lords can threaten any True God if they join forces, and the True God-level powerhouses are weaker than the True God of the Void. , but thousands of True Gods can fight against the True God of the Void by joining forces with secret techniques, so we cannot underestimate these True Gods and Lords of Laws. After all, if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant, not to mention that there are some special treasures that can concentrate their power. attack.

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(End of this chapter)

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