Chapter 492 True God Melee
  At this time, the two forces of Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain were fighting together in the sky, and there were sounds of fighting everywhere. Except for the Void True God of the two parties who sat in the center and did not move, both the true god-level powerhouses and the Lords of Law were fighting. Together, there was no fear at all, but in just the first battle, many Lords of Laws fell. After all, the weakest among the two forces were the warriors of the Lords of Laws, and their divine blood suddenly fell. All kinds of equipment fell down one after another.

In particular, those powerful true gods can make a large number of law lords fall like dumplings with just a simple group attack secret method. What is interesting is that many of those law lords have true god-level armors, although they are only the most common true gods. It is only super equipment, but it can also make Luo Yuan and Wu He look happy. After all, the equipment of these Lords of Laws represents military merit. You only need to take these equipment away to exchange for military merit. After all, there are many of these Lords of Laws. .

Wu He's eyes shone at this time. He looked at the countless falling Lords of Law and their armors, and said happily: "Although each of these Lords of Law can only exchange for a little military merit, the number of these fallen Lords of Law... There are too many, and it will add up to a lot of military merit. Hunyuan, this is a good opportunity for us. Let’s quickly pick up these equipments. We only need to pick up 10,000 pieces of equipment from the Lord of Laws. We can complete this mission."

According to the requirements of the God King Legion, the standard for exchanging military merit is the equipment of the Lord of Laws and the testament of a true god-level powerhouse. However, a piece of equipment of the Lord of Laws can be exchanged for a little military merit, and a true god-level testament can be exchanged for it. With ten thousand military merits, forget about the True God of the Void. It is impossible for them to go into battle and perish.

Wu He, who had long been shocked by the strength of the two forces, now just wanted to pick up 10,000 pieces of the Lord of Law's equipment to obtain 10,000 military merits, and then use this to complete the requirements of this disaster-level mission, and then leave quickly. Here, after all, it is too dangerous now. Although there are great opportunities, there are also many dangers. If you fall, there will be nothing. However, the mission requirements of the God King Legion will not be completed so easily. What they want is Fight each other.

Because only the strong men in Jin World can continue to fight to cultivate super strong men. After all, the number of strong men in Jin World is endless, so those high-level officials will not care about how many people have fallen. They only need the strongest. Or, just train the strongest warriors for His Majesty the God King, so those tasks are very simple, that is, the strong fight each other, the strong survive, the weak will perish, and only the strong can survive and become more powerful. Strong.

Luo Yuan frowned when he heard Wu He's words. He had been here to explore for so long, so he might just pick up the equipment of the Lord of Laws in exchange for 10,000 military merits. This was too useless, so Luo Yuan was cold. Said: "Wu He, you are also one of the young masters of Beizhenhai after all. Is this all you have? We have explored so many times and risked our lives to come here just for the lowest ten thousand military merits. And this Jiu Yanze Although there are many Lords of Laws, they are still tens of millions.

It is not an easy task for us to pick up 10,000 Lord of Laws-level equipment in such a chaotic situation, and it is also a waste of time. In this case, why don't we take some risks and pick up those fallen pieces? The testament of a true god-level strongman, just one testament of a true god-level strongman is worth 10,000 military merits. If we pick up more testaments of true god-level warriors, the military merits we can exchange will also be more. This This is the truly cost-effective approach, right? "

Wu He couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, but he quickly reacted and said with an angry look on his face: "Hunyuan, can't you see clearly the current situation? This is a decisive battle between two powerful forces, and there is also Void The True God is personally in charge. How dare you try to seize the testaments of those true god-level powerful people? Don’t you know that the testaments of true god-level warriors are very precious? Jiuyanze will also specialize in collecting the testaments of those fallen true gods. A strong man, how can you take action?

Once you make a move, you will be immediately targeted by the True Gods of the Void and the True Gods of Ultimate who are sitting here. By then, let alone collecting the testaments of those powerful True God-level men, you will not even be able to escape, and now the two parties There are tens of thousands of true gods fighting against each other. How dare you get involved? You are risking your life. "

Luo Yuan heard the words and did not explain, but still insisted on his own ideas, because Luo Yuan was very confident in his own strength. If he wanted to leave here, there was still a way. This time Jiu Yanze and another force had a decisive battle, which was for him How could he give up an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to gain a lot of military merit? If he wanted to gain benefits from the God King's legion, improving his own strength would naturally require a lot of military merit. Wealth and honor were obtained through danger, and this was naturally the case if he wanted to improve his strength.

When Wu He saw Luo Yuan insisting on his own opinion, he suddenly became angry. In his opinion, Luo Yuan was lost in the large amount of military exploits and did not consider whether his own strength could achieve it. Although military exploits are very important, they must also There is a destiny, but if you die, you will lose everything. As for the reincarnation of the world of Jin, as the young master of Wuhebei Zhenhai, he knows a lot of secret information. It can be said that all the high-ups of those forces do not believe it. of.

As one of the young masters of Beizhenhai, Wuhe naturally has his own arrogance, but he also knows how strong he is, and how strong the powerful forces in the world of Jin are. When he was selecting warriors, he was actually He looked down on those strong men from weak forces, but he was defeated by Luo Yuan at that time. At that time, there were only two newcomers, him and Luo Yuan, so he needed strong men to help him, but Wu He also understood that Luo Yuan was She won't listen to him, so she shows her kindness.

Wu He also used Luo Yuan to resist those dangers, and then relied on some of his trump cards to complete the mission and survive. But now seeing Luo Yuan's behavior of not considering his own strength in order to obtain a lot of military merit, Wu He was very Angry, he felt that Luo Yuan had been lost in military glory. If he continued like this with Luo Yuan, he would probably die with Luo Yuan. Wu He knew how powerful a large number of true god-level warriors were, and it was impossible to escape even if he wanted to. .

So Wu He wanted to leave Luo Yuan. He didn't want to end up here because of Luo Yuan's ignorance, so Wu He sent a message to Luo Yuan and said: "Luo Yuan, you disappoint me so much. I originally thought that you You are a very stable strong man, but now you have been completely lost in your mind by military achievements, and you have looked down on the gap between your own strength and those true god-level strong men. If you continue like this, you will definitely fall. I don’t want to fall, so you yourself Let’s play, I’m leaving.”

After Wu He said that, he teleported away. This left Luo Yuan speechless. This strange beast actually left. In Luo Yuan's heart, this strange beast was a good younger brother. After all, Wu He was a local strongman in the world of Jin. The person who came from a big force like Beizhenhai knew a lot of information and could bring a lot of useful information to Luo Yuan, but it was impossible for Luo Yuan to miss this opportunity to gain a lot of military merit. Wu He did Just because he can't do something doesn't mean he can't do it.

But Luo Yuan saw Wu He leaving without hesitation and knew that Wu He actually didn't trust what he said. To be precise, he didn't have that much trust in Luo Yuan's strength. After all, Luo Yuan was just a legionnaire like him now. He was just a newcomer, but it didn't matter. Wu He left, it would be more convenient for Luo Yuan to move, so Luo Yuan didn't think too much. He looked at the melee between the two forces in the sky and stared at the fallen remains of the true god-level powerhouses. Pay it forward and take action.

As time passed, the two forces in the sky above Jiuyanze continued to fight. Later, the True Gods of the Void who were just sitting in the sky also started fighting. This made Luo Yuan feel incredible. It is not that there will be no disaster-level missions this time. Does the True God of the Void take action? This obviously does not meet the requirements, but no matter what Luo Yuan thinks, in fact, the True God of the Void from the two forces is fighting like this. But the good thing is that the True God of the Void has specially opened up an independent space, so It did not affect the true gods and the Lords of Laws, and later on, the true God-level powerhouses were also separated from the Lords of Laws, creating three large battle spaces. Among them, those Lords of Law occupy the largest space and are also the most numerous. They fight with each other, but Luo Yuan is not very interested in them. After all, a Lord of Law is only worth a little military merit. As for those in the void Naturally, Luo Yuan did not dare to go to the battle space of the true gods, so Luo Yuan kept staring at the space where the true god-level warriors fought. This was a good place to gain a lot of military merit, and those true gods were all gathered together.

The Lords of the Laws did not dare to approach the place where those True God-level strongmen fought. After all, the aftermath of the battle between the True God-level strongmen was enough to annihilate the Lords of the Laws into ashes. After Luo Yuan made up his mind, he quietly approached the True God-level strongmen. They approached the battle site and were very careful all the way. After using the hidden secret method, the speed also increased. However, during the advancement, some scattered Lords of the Law of Jiuyanze also discovered Luo Yuan, but because of Luo Yuan's humanoid appearance , attack.

After all, Jiu Yanze's opponents this time, Xuan Huanshan, were all humanoid tribal warriors. However, Luo Yuan did not spend time dealing with these masters of laws. He killed them with a single blow and then continued to move towards the place where those true god-level warriors fought. , now only the testament of a true god-level powerhouse can arouse Luo Yuan's interest. I don't know how long it took, but Luo Yuan finally came to a place called Zitengze. This Zitengze belongs to Jiu Tengze. A very vast area in Yanze is very suitable for fighting. Those true god-level experts chose this place as a fighting venue. At this time, there were a large number of strange beasts fighting with the true gods of the tribe.

Whether it is in the sky, on the ground, or in the swamps, there are true god-level powerhouses fighting with each other endlessly. What is interesting is that these true gods do not form a battle formation, but fight with each other. This will test the individual true god-level powerhouses. With enough strength, large-scale casualties can be avoided. This made Luo Yuan understand that the true gods of Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain actually don't want to really fight to the death. They are more in the rules of the world of Jin and have to fight each other. That’s all.

It's just that it is difficult for a true god-level powerhouse to fall in a two-phase battle like this. It can only happen if there is a huge gap in strength between the two parties fighting each other. This makes Luo Yuan a little dissatisfied. He is here to collect these true god-level powerhouses. If the bequest is redeemed in exchange for a large amount of military merit, if the two forces have a collective showdown with each other, then a large number of true god-level strongmen will suddenly fall. By then, Luo Yuan will collect the remains of these true god-level strongmen. Isn’t it easy to redeem it?

But now the true gods of the two forces seem to have formed some kind of tacit understanding. They are just fighting with each other. Although they are merciless in their attacks, the chance of falling is too small, but it is not surprising when you think about it. After all, in the world of Jin For any force, true god-level powerhouses are their main force. If too many of them fall, it will be a big loss. But Luo Yuan can't do anything but wait patiently. Once those true god-level powerhouses from Jiuyanze appear, If he falls, then he will take action.

Now Luo Yuan is hiding in the place where the true god-level powerhouses are fighting, waiting for the true god to fall so that he can collect his inheritance, a bit like sitting back and waiting. It is impossible for him to take action against those true god-level powerhouses. Let's not talk about whether Luo Yuan can defeat these true gods. Once he takes action, he is worried that he will be besieged by a group of true god-level powerhouses. The person left here as promised.

There are actually quite a few soldiers in the legion who have Luo Yuan's thoughts. After all, not every soldier in the legion is as timid as Wu He. After all, wealth can be found in danger, and any legion soldier who has some ideas about military merit knows this. The inheritance of these true god-level powerful men is the main material in exchange for a large amount of military merit.

At this time, in the place where the true god-level warriors were fighting, apart from Luo Yuan hiding outside, there was also a team hiding in an inconspicuous corner. This was the team members led by the captain who was in the sixth team with Luo Yuan. They, but at this time, the captain and the true god-level strongman who had obtained a nine-year smoke made the soldiers who were attached to the captain envious and admired. They continued to praise the captain's strength and unparalleled wisdom. , actually also has thoughts.

The strength of these dozen warriors who are attached to the captain is still much lower than that of the captain. After all, the captain has experienced several disaster-level missions, and even the most dangerous reincarnation-level mission has been carried out once. Natural means and strength They are all great. Although they are only at the level of the Lord of Laws, the captain is also the best among the Lords of the Laws. With various trump cards, he can leapfrog and challenge those ordinary true gods. The captain also enjoys the praise of his teammates. .

This strong captain also knew the purpose of these captains, and wanted him to help these team members to obtain the legacy of a true god-level powerhouse. But how could this captain be willing? After all, he could obtain the legacy of a true god-level powerhouse. Dui also risked his life to do it.

How could he take risks for the sake of these subordinates who have been blocked by him, but the strong captain could not refuse directly, so he complained earnestly: "You are too pretentious about me. Although I have rich combat experience, in the final analysis I am still It's just the realm of the Lord of Laws. Look at the place where these true gods fight. No one from the two forces dared to get close to the Lord of Laws. However, I still took the risk to grab the will of a true god-level powerhouse. This is actually a matter of luck.

After all, those true god-level experts would not have expected that the Lord of Law would dare to come here and do something. I left before they could react, but now they are wary of me. If I go again, they will It’s not that simple anymore. Once I am surrounded by those true god-level powerhouses, I will be unable to fly and will eventually fall. So don’t expect me to help you snatch the inheritance from those true god-level powerhouses. "

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(End of this chapter)

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