Chapter 493 Discovered
  At this time, the dozen or so team members following the strong captain became nervous when they heard the captain's words. They also understood that the captain refused to help them complete this disaster-level mission, but if they only relied on them, it would not be possible. It is possible to complete the basic task of 10,000 military merits. After all, it is impossible for them to grab a true god-level strongman's will during the melee between the two forces. The strong captain also knew that he could not continue. .

After all, these team members have been following the strong captain. If they are all separated from the captain, then the captains will have no subordinates, and it will not be easy to do anything in the future. So the strong captain said: "Don't show such an expression, I won't I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you at all. If I didn’t want to help you, I wouldn’t continue to take you with me. Now we have to wait patiently for those true god-level experts to fall, and you have to cooperate with me to snatch the inheritance of those true gods.”

The team members present also nodded when they heard this, expressing their loyalty. Although they did not dare to show dissatisfaction on the surface, they knew in their hearts that there were more than a dozen of them. If they all wanted to complete this disaster-level mission, they needed to grab it. There are more than a dozen testaments from the true god-level powerful men in Jiuyanze, but how is this possible? Their captain has already obtained a true god-level testament, which means he has completed a disaster-level mission, so there is no need to continue taking risks. Now That may not be true.

However, when these team members saw that their captain had snatched a promise from a true god-level powerhouse, it was not that dangerous. Although they suddenly took action and caught those Jiuyanze powerhouses off guard, it did not mean that there was no chance. Therefore, these team members are not without hope for the mission. They all look to the strong captain. Now they can only rely on this captain. Otherwise, they cannot complete the mission, which means they will eventually perish. They plan to act according to the captain.

Captain Qiang also saw the little thoughts of these team members. He reminded with some dissatisfaction: "Don't put all your hopes on me. I was able to grab a testament from a true god-level strongman from Jiuyanze before. Because no other strong people did this before, those strong people were not vigilant, but it is different now. With my previous behavior, those strong people in Jiuyanze must be vigilant, so you can't blindly take action. , you have to listen to me."

All the team members present nodded when they heard this, and expressed that they did not dare to act blindly. After all, they still have to rely on the strong captain. If the captain is dissatisfied and the captain leaves here directly, then they will not be able to complete the mission, and they will have to perish in the end. , so they had to wait patiently, there was no other way.

At this time, in addition to the strong captain and his dozen or so team members waiting, Luo Yuan was also hiding in a corner of the true god-level battle venue and waiting. However, he did not understand the behavior of the captain and other team members. I'm not interested in these things. After all, he's not the only one who wants to obtain the will of a true god-level powerhouse.

At this time, the entire Jiuyanze has been imprisoned by the Void True God using secret methods, so no strong person within its coverage can leave, and even the power of those treasures has been restricted, and even domain treasures are completely It was useless. Luo Yuan knew that even if he used the Wu-Killing Wings, it would be ineffective, so these Void True Gods completely controlled this space. Luo Yuan had to be careful in his actions, but with the identity of the God King Legion, there was no need to worry about anything happening.

As the True God of the Void, he can rely on the power of the void to detect everything that happens in it, but the true god-level powerhouses and Lords of Laws can only rely on their own divine power to detect, so Luo Yuan does the same, relying on his own eyes to observe what is happening. What, the battle between the two forces in the sky above Jiuyanze at this time can be described as devastating. Even the true god-level powerhouses are fighting together. Even if they know that someone is hiding below, they don't have so much time and thought to understand and explore.

At this time, the soldiers of the God King Legion are hiding below and waiting for the opportunity. As long as those true god-level experts from Jiuyanze fall, their fallen will will immediately attract their attention, and then they will compete with each other. True God-level powerhouses were once warriors of the God King's Legion, but most of them have just left the legion. Therefore, many True God-level powerhouses have obtained True God-level armor and secret techniques from the legion, and they are all very powerful. .

However, not all true god-level powerhouses have true god-level armor, so these true gods without armor have become the target of public criticism. After all, true gods without armor are the weakest, and they naturally become the target of attack by other true gods. , so those who are most likely to fall are those true gods who do not have true god-level armor.

Just as the members of the sixth team were waiting patiently, a majestic figure suddenly fell from high in the sky. At this glance, they knew that a true god of alien beasts from Jiuyanze had fallen. This was his legacy and could be redeemed. With the existence of Ten Thousand Military Merits, this figure immediately attracted the attention of all the members of the Sixth Division. They suddenly became excited and greedy. In response to this, the strong captain used his divine power to scold: "You have forgotten what I said again. , to be stable.

If you don't want to perish, just listen to me and don't take risks blindly. "The strong captain was speechless looking at these excited team members. These team members really don't know how high the sky is. Even he did not dare to snatch the inheritance of those fallen true god-level powerhouses in the melee of tens of thousands of true god-level powerhouses. Before To be able to snatch one was just luck. Even he himself didn't have that much confidence, let alone them. Wouldn't it be a dream if they still wanted to take action now?

The area where the true god-level powerhouses are located is also very wide. After all, how can the area where tens of thousands of true god-level warriors fight in a melee be small? Therefore, there is still a constant distance between Luo Yuan’s location and the positions of the warriors of the sixth detachment, so where are the other warriors? Luo Yuan didn't know what happened. He just hid in the corner and waited. He didn't know how long he waited. Suddenly, a huge alien beast fell nearby, and it was a true god level.

Luo Yuan immediately became energetic when he saw this, and the opportunity finally came. Although this Jiu Yanze's alien beast, a true god-level beast, looked very huge, with a size of a million kilometers, Luo Yuan's reserves The physical space can also be easily accommodated, but Luo Yuan did not take action immediately because he knew that he was now in a battle place with tens of thousands of true god-level powerhouses. If he was not careful, he would very likely fall. That was in the world of Jin before. Nothing you do makes any sense.

Not to mention that the entire Jiuyanze space is now shrouded by those Void True Gods using the power of the void, which means that he cannot leave, and even what he does will be detected by them, so it is better to be careful and not do anything. It was too much, so Luo Yuan carefully inquired about the status of other true gods at the scene, and then went to observe all the movements near the true god-level strongman's promise. Now those true gods are fighting, even if they can discover their own behavior.

It is impossible to jointly attack Luo Yuan immediately. Even if they are discovered, those true gods can only gather less than five true gods to deal with them if they want to stop them. With Luo Yuan's current strength, even if there are five true gods, Even if they join forces to attack him, they won't be able to pose a big threat. Although this is just one of Luo Yuan's strongest clones, there is no need to worry about the powerful secrets and strength that Luo Yuan has, especially now that he is alone and there is no need to worry too much. . In just a moment, Luo Yuan planned out several routes in his mind to snatch the Nine Yan Ze beasts, and then after comparing the advantages and disadvantages of several routes, Luo Yuan began to take action. , he used secret techniques to continuously get closer to the powerful True God-level Nine Yanze beast, and then kept avoiding the True Gods who were fighting in the process of traveling, trying not to attract their attention, and everything was focused on safety. , Luo Yuan is very patient.

As Anxiety approached, Luo Yuan finally came to the side of the nine-smoke beast, the true god-level strongman, but it also meant that the next step would be very dangerous, so Luo Yuan turned his divine body into the size of a mote of dust, and then Those who come down are likely to be discovered by those true gods. It is very difficult to grab the nine-smoke beast true god-level powerhouse completely silently first, but it is better to do it as late as possible, so that Luo Yuan can also Have enough time to leave.

The true god-level battle field at this time was very dangerous. Those true gods would not worry so much when fighting, so just the aftermath of the battle was enough to annihilate the Lord of Laws into nothingness. Luo Yuan made the god's body smaller and could move faster. Not too slow, although if those true gods use divine scanning to still discover his existence, it would not be easy for those true gods to find him if they don't pay special attention. At this time, the true god-level powerful man of Nine Smokes Zee Alien Beast is lying down. .

The testament was huge, part of it was covered by the swamp, and part was outside. When Luo Yuan came here, he found that there were three true god-level strong men fighting near the nine-smoke beast, the true god-level warrior. It's just a beast true god in Jiuyanze who is struggling to support it, because there are two humanoid true god-level tribal strongmen teaming up to besiege it. When Luo Yuan came here, his figure was immediately surrounded by these three The true god was discovered, and the Qi machine was immediately locked.

Although Luo Yuan had reduced his divine body to the size of a mote of dust at this time, these three true gods all covered the vicinity with their powerful divine thoughts during the battle, so they could immediately detect his presence. Then these three true gods sensed Luo Yuan. The realm is just the Lord of Laws. They were also very surprised. This is a true god-level battle place. How could a Lord of Laws dare to come here? However, the True God of Alien Beasts from Jiuyanze immediately let out an angry roar.

Jiuyanze's True God of Alien Beasts said angrily: "Damn it, I got the news that the warriors of the Lord of Laws robbed the true god-level strongman from Jiuyanze. One of them did it before. This attracted our attention. You must know that we are in a decisive battle now. Those who can come here to do such a thing must be sent by the God King Legion to carry out the mission, but those who can come to carry out such a dangerous mission must be the elite soldiers of the special legion. I, Jiu Yanze, The testament of a true god-level expert cannot be thrown away.

As soon as Jiuyanze's Alien God God finished speaking, the two humanoid Gods from Xuanhuan Mountain also looked at Luo Yuan angrily. The three of them actually put down the equipment in their hands. It was obvious to Luo Yuan's current behavior. It offended both of these forces. As neighboring forces, Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain have always had conflicts and fights. However, this is also because of the matters between the two forces. Even if it is for some benefits, it is also for the sake of tempering. The strength of those warriors. Although the two forces fight without any scruples, they will not completely eliminate each other. In each battle, only the weaker warriors will perish. After all, this is the process of cultivating strong ones, even if they join the God King's legion to perform tasks. There will not be a large number of deaths, but if other forces come to snatch their strong men's testaments in exchange for practice resources and military merits, both forces will not tolerate it. This is true for all forces in the world of Jin.

Although these two forces know what the military merit redemption system of the God King Legion is, it does not mean that they are willing to let the testaments of their own people be taken as trophies, let alone the testaments of true god-level powerful men. , even if it is the Lord of Law's will, it will not work. This challenges the bottom line of all the forces. This is also the difficulty of the disaster-level mission. Once discovered, he will immediately become the target of all forces' hostility, so Luo Yuan immediately becomes The target of public criticism.

So both the True Gods of Jiuyanze and Xuanhuan Mountain gave up fighting. The three True Gods actually joined forces to deal with Luo Yuan. They were extremely fast and besieged Luo Yuan, even though Luo Yuan was only a Lord of Laws. , they will not be merciful, let alone underestimate Luo Yuan. After all, being able to approach here silently shows that Luo Yuan's strength is far beyond those ordinary Lords of Law, especially since Luo Yuan is likely to be a special legion. elite warriors.

Luo Yuan looked at the three true gods who were approaching him quickly. He was also shocked at this time. Luo Yuan did not expect that he would be discovered so soon. However, if it were just these three true god-level powerhouses, even if they jointly attack him, they would still be able to attack him. It was not enough to make Luo Yuan feel afraid, and since his existence had been discovered by these three true gods, Luo Yuan no longer needed to hide his figure, so Luo Yuan, who was originally only the size of a mote of dust, immediately transformed into a million Kilometer size.

At this time, Luo Yuan's divine body was no smaller than these true god-level powerhouses, and was even larger. This shocked the three true gods. They also understood that the strength of the Lord of Law in front of them was not simple. After all, the divine body was The size also reflects the power reserve and strength of a strong man.

Just when Luo Yuan and the three true god-level powerhouses took action, their actions also attracted the attention of other true god-level powerhouses. Even the members of the originally hidden sixth team discovered the anomaly here, and they all Exploring the divine power, they immediately knew that there were soldiers from the legion who wanted to fish in troubled waters to snatch the inheritance of the fallen true god-level beasts in Jiuyanze when these true gods were fighting. This was especially interesting to the strong captain. .

The strong captain smiled and said: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that there are other soldiers in the legion who want to fish in troubled waters like us. However, this one is unlucky. He was immediately targeted by three true god-level powerhouses just after he made a move. Come and be besieged together, that kid will definitely fall this time. You see, this is the result of blindly attacking, so you still have to learn from me and be more steady. Not everyone has my strength and luck. "

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(End of this chapter)

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