I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 494 One person fights three true gods

Chapter 494 One person fights three true gods

The strong captain continued with a smile: "Besieged by three true gods, even I couldn't escape unscathed, and because I had previously snatched a fallen true god-level strongman from Jiuyanze, so I let this Both forces are on guard. If anyone wants to imitate me, they will be attacked by both forces. Therefore, what I said to you before is absolutely reasonable. If you did not listen to me, then you will be attacked by those forces now. It is you whom the true God is besieging.

At first, there were only three true gods, but if they could not be entrusted immediately, then the number of true god-level experts who would surround them would only increase and they would perish. "

The soldiers of the Sixth Division present listened to the strong captain's words and all nodded in agreement, with expressions of fear and joy on their faces.

The strong captain saw that his soldiers no longer had such excited expressions, and he also smiled, so that he would not be allowed to take risks by himself, so he felt better and said: "I don't know who was killed by the three Who in our sixth detachment is being besieged by the True Gods? They are too far away to see clearly, but I have to say that that person is quite courageous. Even I don’t dare to rush up and snatch those True Gods. The testament of a super powerful person."

When the soldiers present heard this, one of the more clever soldiers replied: "The only ones who can be here now are the soldiers of our sixth detachment, but only the two leaders of the two detachments can have this strength and courage, either. Yuluo, or Kufa, but I think it’s probably Yuluo because he has no brains.”

As soon as this warrior spoke, everyone present laughed. If it weren't for the fact that they were in a true god-level battle, then they would laugh even more freely.

While they were teasing, Luo Yuan was fighting with the three true gods. In order to gain the upper hand, Luo Yuan no longer hid his strength. His divine body continued to become huge, and soon reached a size of tens of millions of kilometers. This also made the third The warriors of the six-point pair knew the reason. The person they had laughed at before turned out to be Luo Yuan. They were all shocked, because in their eyes, Luo Yuan was just a newcomer. The strength of the Lord of Laws was now surpassed by three The true God is under siege.

The most interesting thing is that Luo Yuan still has room to resist, and Luo Yuan is just a newcomer. He dares to snatch the testaments of the fallen true god-level warriors like the captain like the captain. He is really overestimating his capabilities. , the strong captain sneered: "Although this newcomer is good in strength, he is too conceited. Even I dare not confront those true god-level experts. How dare this newcomer? Just watch, you guys, this newcomer is finished." , absolutely fallen."

This strong captain knows how dangerous it is to be surrounded by three true gods at the same time, especially in an environment where tens of thousands of true gods are fighting, so the danger Luo Yuan is facing now can be imagined, even if this strong captain wants to To survive with so many true god-level men, he had to use all his trump cards. For example, the mechanical treasure that he exchanged for his military exploits that he had spent countless epochs to accumulate could ensure that he could barely escape. .

The soldiers present who were attached to the strong captain were also not optimistic about Luo Yuan. They all stared coldly at Luo Yuan who was fighting the three true gods. In their eyes, Luo Yuan would definitely fall this time. After all, as a newcomer, Luo Yuan and They didn't have any bonds, and naturally they didn't have any feelings. It was just Luo Yuan's behavior that made them feel that Luo Yuan really didn't know how high the sky was. As a newcomer, if he couldn't hide well, he could at most just grab the equipment of the Lord of Laws.

But Luo Yuan dared to go to the area where the true god-level powerhouses were fighting like them and try to snatch the testaments of those true god-level powerhouses. This was simply unbelievable. They just looked at it, wanting to see how this newcomer would do to themselves. It was gone. As they stared at Luo Yuan's situation with the mentality of watching a show, Luo Yuan took out a true god-level sword from behind after his divine body became huge. At this time, the three of them came to surround him. The true gods launched an aurora attack one after another.

Luo Yuan quickly raised the sword to block the three aurora, and then relied on the power of the third-level aurora to turn into a stream of light and go towards the true god-level strongman who had fallen from Jiuyanze. This made the original siege Luo Yuan's three true gods were stunned when they saw this, and then they became extremely angry, and they immediately chased after him.

The soldiers of the sixth detachment were all shocked when they saw this, and they could still do this, especially when Luo Yuan did not fall immediately when three true god-level powerhouses jointly attacked him, but could still resist. This shows that Luo Yuan's strength is no longer that of the ordinary Lord of Laws. This makes the way they look at Luo Yuan change. Instead of the previous contempt, there is some admiration and admiration, because they would not dare to do this otherwise, but this newcomer How dare.

Especially when faced with the joint attack of the three true gods just now, Luo Yuan could withstand it in an instant and use this power to accelerate towards the will of those powerful true gods. This kind of judgment and reaction skills need to be very rich. This is possible only with the foundation of combat experience. Even the strong captain praised: "It seems that I still underestimate this newcomer. Both his strength and potential are good. If it were normal times, I would definitely spare no effort to win him over. .

But this newcomer is unlucky. He will face a disaster-level mission as soon as he comes. He doesn't even have time to grow up. How much strength can he improve under this situation? But now this newcomer is being targeted by three true gods. With the true gods At such a speed, even if the newcomer was very fast, it would be impossible for him to escape. In the end, he might not even have a chance to get close to the true god-level strongman from Jiuyanze. It's a pity. Just watch it, but it's not Maybe I can help him, but we are not familiar with him either. "

Just as the soldiers of the sixth detachment were watching Luo Yuan fight with the three true gods, the three true gods were indeed extremely fast and arrived at Luo Yuan's side in just the blink of an eye. This made the soldiers of the sixth detachment stunned. Ye shook his head, feeling sorry for Luo Yuan, but just when they were sighing, what happened in front of them made them stunned on the spot, and they were stunned, and they couldn't even make a sound. They looked in the direction of Luo Yuan in shock, regardless of whether Is it a captain or a soldier?

Because they saw something that completely peaked their three views. They saw Luo Yuan holding a sword at this time and waving it constantly. The light of the sword flashed like a dream. Suddenly, even Luo Yuan's figure became illusory and changed. It became an erratic sword shadow. Even if the three true god-level strong men continued to attack Luo Yuan, they could not cause real harm to Luo Yuan. It was as if Luo Yuan had disappeared from this world. Those who stayed here It's just a shadow.

Then Luo Yuan flew away from the siege of the three true gods in such a majestic manner, and went to the true god-level strongman of Jiu Yanze in the swamp to redeem his will. This was Luo Yuan's long time in these tens of millions of epochs. Here, a powerful body technique "Dream Bubble" created in the Duandonghe inheritance space can turn one's body into an illusory existence, making it immune to any attack for a period of time, especially physical attacks, which are ineffective. This is also Luo Yuan's confidence and powerful secret method. The strong captain and a dozen of his soldiers were shocked and speechless when they saw Luo Yuan using his powerful secret technique. What did they see? A lord of laws, a newcomer who had just joined the legion, could actually face him. Under the siege of three true gods, he was able to leave unharmed, especially the secret method that could suddenly make the body invisible. This was too powerful, even for the strong captain. He knew More.

With the knowledge of this mandatory captain, he can know that the secret method performed by Luo Yuan is definitely a powerful secret method above the true god level, and even though there is no record in the legion's inheritance, all inheritances in the world of Jin are It is an inheritance from the legion, that is, the powerful secret method of the newcomer in front of you is probably created by himself. A master of laws can create a powerful secret method above the true god level. How powerful this talent must be is simply outrageous.

Even the strong captain who had completed the reincarnation-level mission was shocked by Luo Yuan's behavior. Even the captain who had experienced hundreds of battles and experienced countless dangerous missions did not have the confidence and strength to compete with three true god-level heroes. He left under the siege of the attackers, but the newcomer in front of him did it. This secret method of dodge was too strong. This reminded the captain of the words Luo Yuan introduced himself when he first came to the sixth detachment. At that time, Luo Yuan said that he would run away. Very fast.

At that time, the strong captain didn't have any special feelings about Luo Yuan's words, but now that he knew what Luo Yuan meant, he could no longer simply run fast and remain intact under the siege of three true god-level powerhouses. Leaving, this is not a simple ability and secret method. This also let the captain know that what Luo Yuan said at that time was still modest. He had never seen the Lord of Laws possess such a powerful secret method and strength. How could he know that Luo Yuan The bottom line of the source.

Although Luo Yuan is still the master of laws and is already the master of the universe, Luo Yuan has the Duandonghe inheritance. Both his strength and the various inherited secrets he masters are at the true god level, and they are not the ordinary true god level. At this time, all the soldiers in the sixth detachment were extremely shocked as they watched Luo Yuan show off his power. Then they saw Luo Yuan easily leaving under the siege of the three true gods, and then took out the true god-level Jiuyanze. The strong man's promise was snatched away.

Then Luo Yuan left along the escape route he had planned long ago. Even if the three true gods joined forces and continued to attack Luo Yuan, they could not have an effect on Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan left easily, and then Luo Yuan acted so grandly. Hiding in the grass, the divine body changed into the size of a dust particle, and even the breath disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. This method is unheard of and unseen. Is this the Lord of the Law? This strength is even stronger than the true god level. .

The soldiers of the sixth detachment who had been observing the situation here felt incredible, and were even directly frightened by Luo Yuan's operation. Is this something that the Lord of Laws can do? A soldier said: "You said , that newcomer can't be a true god-level strongman pretending to be, otherwise this is totally unexplainable, this strength and means are too powerful, especially the newcomer's movement skills with Hunyuan are simply outrageous, he can make himself weak Transformation, immune to true god attacks.

This is really powerful. I dare to say that even if the true god-level experts and law lords here fall in the melee, they will not hurt him. "

Even the strong and well-informed captain who has experienced hundreds of battles is extremely shocked. His strength can be said to be at the limit of the Lord of Laws. He only needs an opportunity to break through and become a true god-level powerhouse. existence, otherwise he would have survived after experiencing so many dangerous missions. It can be said that even in the Eastern Army camp, among the countless law masters, there are only a few law masters who can compare with this strong captain.

In particular, this strong captain is also the captain of a detachment belonging to the special corps. This in itself shows his strength and methods. But something happened that shocked the captain today. He saw the performance of a newcomer who had just joined the corps. It's really incredible that his strength is much stronger than his own. This makes the captain understand that if he fights Luo Yuan, he will definitely not be his opponent. Even using the mechanical flow treasure will not have any effect.

The more the captain thought about it, the more he felt lucky that he did not have a bad impression of Luo Yuan because of his pride. If the captain still didn't know much about Luo Yuan's strength, he thought that the strength Luo Yuan showed at this time was He had all his strength, but he didn't know that this was just a little bit of Luo Yuan's strength.

Therefore, the captain felt that if he used all the trump cards accumulated over the years, it would be possible to destroy Luo Yuan. After all, the power of a strong man was not only represented by his realm, but also various treasures and powerful secrets. Especially the mechanical flow treasures that can directly improve the strength. You must know that the Lord of Law can only reach the peak of the sixth level by relying on his own strength. But with the mechanical flow treasures, it is possible to reach the tenth level standard, which is the ultimate true god level. strength.

"The strength of this newcomer named Hunyuan is extraordinary, and I don't know which force he comes from. I heard that he is just a lone traveler, but his methods are not that simple. With his strength, he wants to win this time. It is also very easy to obtain military merit in disaster-level missions, and you can even obtain a large amount of military merit, which even I can't compare to. In other words, this disaster-level mission can be completed easily for Hunyuan. It seems that after the mission is over, , I need to win over.

Although this Hunyuan is just a newcomer, he is now stronger than me, and it will take time and resources for me to break through to the true god. The next reincarnation-level mission is very dangerous, and this Hunyuan is very likely to be able to do it before. After breaking through to the True God, if I want to safely survive the next reincarnation-level mission, my hope depends on this newcomer. I still have to win over him, even if I have to pay some price, it doesn't matter, this is a super strong man in the future. "

At this time, the strong captain was constantly thinking about how to get into a relationship with Luo Yuan. He knew very well that Luo Yuan's strength and potential would definitely grow faster than his own. He wanted to win over Luo Yuan before he became strong. If After Luo Yuan breaks through to the True God, it will be no longer possible to win over him. Even if he cannot win over him, he still needs to have a good relationship with Luo Yuan. It would be good to become friends.

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(End of this chapter)

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