I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 495 The Shock of the True God of the Void

Chapter 495 The Shock of the True God of the Void

After Luo Yuan used the powerful secret method of Dream Bubble, two more true gods came to besiege Luo Yuan, and now there were five. However, no matter how they joined forces, these five true gods could not take down Luo Yuan. Instead, they could only Being able to watch Luo Yuan just put away the testament of a true god-level powerhouse who fell from Jiu Yanze and disappear.

The five true gods were extremely shocked, because they had never seen the Lord of Laws escape from the siege of the five true gods, and Luo Yuan's body skills were incredible to them. Even if they were true gods, they could not catch him at all. Luo Yuan's figure, especially the three true gods who had previously joined forces to launch various attacks on Luo Yuan, were even more stunned. The three true gods' joint attacks could not do anything to a Lord of Laws. How is this possible? It goes against common sense.

At this time, these five true gods are doubting their own strength. Are they fake true gods? Or is Luo Yuan actually the master of law disguised as a true god-level strongman in the past? He came here to play with them, but This is completely impossible. The realm displayed by Luo Yuan is indeed the Lord of Laws.

One of the five true gods from Xuanhuan Mountain said: "The movement of the Lord of Laws who just escaped was too fast, and he was still intact under the siege of our five True Gods. This Lord of Laws should be the one who escaped this time. The supreme genius recruited by the God King Legion does not know which tribe he came from. With the strength and talent he has shown, this person will at least be a true god in the future, and will probably become a super strong man above the true god of the void. If matched, The ultimate treasure of the mechanical stream is stronger."

The other four true gods also nodded when they heard this. They would no longer continue to chase Luo Yuan, because Luo Yuan was too fast and they could not catch up. One true god continued: "This newcomer can actually defeat the Lord of Laws. At that time, he was fighting against the siege of our five true gods. Then if he breaks through to the true god level, coupled with the powerful inheritance of the legion, he already has some treasures, especially the mechanical flow treasures, maybe he can have the strength to fight against the true gods of the void. .”

Among all the treasures, the mechanical flow treasure is a special treasure because it can greatly enhance the strength of a strong man and give him the ability to kill enemies beyond the level. After all, there are many masters of laws in the records. After possessing the Mechanical Style Arcana, he has the strength to defeat the True God. Therefore, it is not surprising if a true god-level powerhouse possesses a powerful Mechanical Style Arcana to fight against the True God of the Void. This is not a strange thing in the world of Jin. After all, it is like this There are geniuses too.

It's just that the number of top geniuses who can fight against the Void True God at the True God level is very rare, but these five True Gods all think that Luo Yuan is such a genius.

At this time, in the sky of Jiuyanze, the Void True God from Xuanhuan Mountain and Jiuyanze did not continue to fight, but temporarily stopped fighting, and just faced each other in the void. The Void True God from Xuanhuan Mountain felt that It's incredible, because although there are three true gods in Jiuyanze, except for Jiuyan, the other two true gods of the void are not very strong, but the three true gods of the void in Xuanhuan Mountain can't defeat Jiuyan even if they join forces. Yan, the true god of void.

The leader of Xuanhuan Mountain looked at Jiuyan and sighed: "Jiuyan, it seems that we have all underestimated you. I didn't expect that your strength is so strong. Even if we join forces, we are no match for you. We don't remember how to attack together." I have attacked you several times, but you have blocked me every time. I admire you a little."

Jiu Yanze, the leader of Jiu Yanze, just smiled when he heard this and said: "I dare to fight with you Xuanhuan Mountain, naturally I have my trump card, otherwise I, Jiu Yanze, would have been annexed by you long ago, but you three A joint attack also has its merits. The ordinary True God of the Void is no match for you. If..."

Before Jiu Yan finished speaking, she suddenly sensed something and looked down, and then saw the scene of Luo Yuan and Wu's five true gods fighting, especially when Luo Yuan used the powerful secret technique of Dream Bubble. Surprised, the other five True Gods of the Void present also sensed it, and then looked over, and one of the True Gods of the Void said: "Yes, although the realm of this Lord of Laws is not high, his strength is very good, especially this movement technique. It can be called the best.

I don’t know which tribe they belong to. This time the God King Legion has recruited a good seedling, but it’s a pity that they are not from our tribe. If there is a chance, we can get in touch with them. "

Even the powerful Jiuyan sighed: "This is turning myself into a part of the sword. When using secret techniques, it can achieve both offense and defense. It can also cleverly use the enemy's attack to move and escape. Whether it is fighting Both experience and talent are good, and he has great ideas. This technique has inspired me."

The other True Gods of the Void also nodded when they heard this. Most warriors fight with the sword in their hands. Whether it is attack or defense, they use the sword, but Luo Yuan integrated himself with the sword. Therefore, when the sword moves and turns into countless sword shadows, Luo Yuan's figure will also move with the sword shadow. It looks like a dream bubble, making it impossible for the opponent to capture the real figure, so he dodges very quickly. This is not a rule. The Lord can control it.

After all, if you want to reach Luo Yuan's level, you must not only have powerful secret techniques to support you, but also have rich combat experience, and you must also master the power of time and space. After all, Luo Yuan is facing five As a true god, it is impossible to escape from their joint efforts if you just use simple dodge skills, unless the laws of time and space are involved, and it must be at a very advanced level, even when these six true gods of the void are still just the masters of the laws. Neither can be done.

In other words, Luo Yuan's talent manifested at this time is more powerful than the six True Gods of the Void present. If Luo Yuan does not die, he will definitely be a powerful True God of the Void. Therefore, in the eyes of these six True Gods of the Void, Luo Yuan He must be the top talent in the Eastern Army, the best talent even in the special corps. It is very likely that he has been listed as a key target of attention and has been paid attention to and cultivated by those high-level officials, so they will not treat him casually for a while. Luo Yuan took action.

As the absolute controller of Jiuyanze, even if Jiuyan knew that Luo Yuan was robbing the fallen true god-level warriors from Jiuyanze in exchange for military merit, she would not take action directly. After all, this was a member of the God King's legion. The best seedling will be the super strong man in the future, so Jiuyan sighed: "I haven't seen such an outstanding newcomer in many years. Even if he is placed in the entire world of Jin, he is the top genius. If he can grow up, He is definitely a title-level powerhouse."

When the other True Gods of the Void heard this, they showed even more shocked expressions. They did not expect that Jiuyan would be so optimistic about a newcomer. After all, title-level powerhouses are rare in the world of Jin. Everyone is the top super powerhouse, even if But none of the six of them have this qualification. In each world, only the top super strong people are allowed to add the title of their world or country after their names. These strong people are called title level. Strong. For example, several of the previous Duandongheqi have been given the title of Wu, because Wu is the country of the ancient civilization where the previous Duandonghe is located. This is a supreme honor and an affirmation of their strength, and In the world of Jin, countless powerful people want to be sealed and add the word Jin after their names. Whether they are the True Gods, the True God of the Void, or even those powerful people above the True God of the Void all have this idea. .

However, it is very difficult to become a titled powerhouse, and the lower the strength of the warrior, the more stringent the requirements. However, the generals of the four legions of the God King's Army have all been awarded the title of Jin, and they still have their gods. His Majesty the King personally sealed it, which is a supreme honor for the powerful men in the world of Jin.

However, even if Luo Yuan knew about this title-level powerhouse, he would not be very moved because he is not a local powerhouse in the world of Jin, so he has no sense of the supreme glory. This thing is just an identity. That's all, there is no real benefit. In Luo Yuan's opinion, it is not as important as his own strength improvement. At this time, Luo Yuan was still carefully hiding in the grass, and his divine body became the size of a dust particle. Hidden secrets were cast.

Luo Yuan is in a good mood now, because he has already snatched a promise from a true god-level expert from Jiuyanze, which means that it doesn't matter even if he does nothing next, because he has completed this disaster-level mission. The request of a true god-level powerhouse can be exchanged for 10,000 points of military merit, and the most basic requirement for this disaster-level mission is 10,000 points of legion, and for Luo Yuan, in fact, this true god-level powerhouse The testament is not the most important thing.

Luo Yuan is currently taking the divine power route, which is also the most powerful and difficult path. Even the Duan Donghe inheritance cannot help him much. After all, the mainstream route in the universe is the law route. After all, this route is safe. There are also countless strong people's experience as reference, so Luo Yuan has to rely on himself to supplement. If he wants to take the path of divine power, then improving his genetic level is the most important thing. The higher the genetic level, the stronger his divine power will be. .

But Luo Yuan, because the human race's highest genetic level, like most creatures, can only reach 10081 times, which is what is called the perfect gene multiplication in the universe, but for Luo Yuan who wants to take the divine power route It is not enough at all, so he has to collect the components of other creatures to analyze the gene sequence that improves his own genetic level, and then changes and reorganizes his own genetic sequence according to the excellent genetic sequence to achieve genetic level improvement.

The World of Jin is a good world for Luo Yuan to collect materials. After all, the World of Jin is a small universe where Shanke was the God King. The genes of the creatures in it are also very powerful, otherwise so many would not be born. A strong man, so when Luo Yuan was exploring the true god-level powerhouses during the battle, he also collected a lot of components left behind by the true gods during the battle, such as divine blood or hair, which is also important to the current Luo Yuan. Only true gods and above are useful.

Luo Yuan believes that the components of the true god level and above collected in this world of Jin for ten thousand years will be very rich, and the boundary wall of this world of Jin will become weaker every ten thousand years. It was just in time to go out and let his Youhai clone analyze the genetic sequences of these powerful components. Naturally, Luo Yuan's true self would not care about this arduous task. After all, his true self still had to understand the laws and regulations. As for the secret pattern, accepting inheritance and creating his own secret method, he doesn't have time to do these things. This is also one of the reasons why Luo Yuan spent time to create the four strongest clones. Luo Yuan is also full of confidence in his future.

At this time, Luo Yuan's mentality became more relaxed. After completing the minimum requirements of this disaster-level mission, Luo Yuan was no longer under so much pressure, but he would not give up just like that. After all, he knew how to do this Nine Smokes Ze may stay for an era, which is ten thousand years, so in this short period of time, in addition to collecting the components of those strong men, he will also wait for the opportunity to snatch the inheritance of those true god-level strong men who fell in Jiuyanze , so that the benefits are maximized.

However, at this time, Jiu Yanze and the True God of Xuanhuan Mountain who were at the true god level battle site were very angry because Luo Yuan and the captain of the sixth detachment had successfully snatched the legacy of a fallen true god level powerhouse. It was a provocation to the true gods of both sides. When the two forces were fighting, the warriors from the God King Legion did this to reap the benefits. This made the true gods of both sides very unhappy. They were also members of the legion. Soldiers naturally know the behavior of Luo Yuan and others.

And for the warriors on both sides of the battle, especially the true god-level strongmen's inheritance is also very important. They will bring them back to their respective forces to worship as heroes, instead of just being used by the legion's warriors. As a prop used to redeem military merit, no matter which force it belongs to, this will not be allowed.

However, these true gods were also very shocked by Luo Yuan's strength and talent. After all, even their Void True God was the same. To say that the captain of the sixth detachment was able to steal the will of a true god-level powerhouse because of him. He was the first one to take action, catching the true god-level powerhouses off guard, but Luo Yuan was on guard against these true god-level powerhouses, and also dispatched five true god-level powerhouses to jointly attack him. Anyone who was caught by Luo Yuan was intact. Got it.

Although these true gods were very surprised by Luo Yuan's performance, it could not change their anger towards Luo Yuan and the captain of the sixth team, because their actions were provocative to them, true god-level powerhouses, so the two Even if the true gods of the Fang forces put down the fight, they still want to catch Luo Yuan and the captain of the sixth detachment, and use their lives to warn other soldiers from the legion not to take action again, so these true gods have Be alert.

When the two forces are fighting, they will also radiate their spiritual thoughts, and they will not leave too far from each other, let alone go to remote areas. If they discover Luo Yuan and the captain of the sixth detachment, figure, they will immediately put down the fight, and then join forces to deal with Luo Yuan and the captain of the sixth detachment. In addition to Luo Yuan and the captain of the sixth detachment, other legions will also be on their guard during wartime. This made the other soldiers groan secretly.

Luo Yuan and the captain of the sixth detachment all saw the performance of these true god-level experts. They were both very smart, and at this time, Luo Yuan and the captain of the sixth detachment had already grabbed a true god. The bequest of the super strong man has completed this disaster-level mission, so they will not be in a hurry, and have plenty of time to wait patiently for the opportunity. After all, the bequest of the true god level strongman from Jiu Yanze will be earned. Arrived.

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(End of this chapter)

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