Chapter 504 Being targeted
  Luo Yuan moved forward quickly and soon returned to the Eastern Army's camp. He returned to his human form and put away the golden-horned beast clone. When he saw the endless buildings, tents and densely packed buildings in the Eastern Army's camp, When I joined the warriors, I actually felt a sense of stability in my heart. After all, the world of Jin was too dangerous, and those strong men would not worry about so many things. Only in the camp could they feel a sense of security. Luo Yuan came directly Arrive at the camp.

The camp of the Eastern Army can be said to be a very advanced and sci-fi station, but there are many wormholes on the edge of the camp. These wormholes lead to various places in the world of Jin, which are convenient for soldiers to carry out missions, so I passed by Luoyuan. At that time, I saw the soldiers flying out of the wormhole. Some were going on missions, and some were returning after completing their missions. These warriors had different expressions, some were happy that they had completed their missions, and some were grateful to have escaped death.

There are also many newcomers who are very frightened when they go to perform tasks. The expressions of these warriors are all in Luo Yuan's eyes. The world of Jin is extremely vast, and the strongest force in it is the God King Legion, which is divided into four branches: southeast, northwest and northwest. At this time, Luo Yuan had the time and thought to observe the Eastern Emperor's camp and found that the camp was extremely vast. However, in addition to Luo Yuan, among the new warriors who joined the Eastern Army, there were also strong men from other forces in the Universe Sea. At this time, there was a The gray-armored warrior observed.

This warrior wearing gray armor is the Lord of Laws from the Purple Moon Holy Land universe. As a pioneer explorer, he came with the order of the Purple Moon Ancestor and was observing and waiting for Luo Yuan's figure. Even the missions assigned by the legion, He did not execute it immediately, but observed at the entrance and exit of the legion camp. He wanted to find Luo Yuan's figure, but the gray-armored warrior did not know why the ancestor of Ziyue cared about Luo Yuan's whereabouts. It seemed to him that although Luo Yuan was very talented and showed great potential, as an eternal existence, how could Ziyue Holy Land worry about Luo Yuan's rising strength.

The current state of Luo Yuan is still the Lord of the Universe. Although he has true god-level combat power, he is not a threat to the ancestors of the two holy lands. Even if Luo Yuan can transcend reincarnation and own the holy land universe, he can only compete with these two. The strength of the ancestors is equal. There is no need to worry about Luo Yuan in the two holy places. However, the pioneers of the two holy places received orders from the ancestors before they came to the world of Jin, which is to find Luo Yuan's whereabouts, especially among the God King's legion. Even more so.

However, these powerful men who pioneered the exploration will naturally not disobey the order of the ancestor. As soon as they don't understand the intention of the ancestor, they are still executing it, looking for traces of Luo Yuan.

At this time, in the universe sea, apart from the original universe, the two most powerful ones are the two holy places. In the highest temple of the Ziyue Holy Land universe, Ziyue Ancestor has been sitting on the throne, waiting for those who enter the world of Jin. The news from the pioneer explorers, especially the whereabouts of Luo Yuan, seemed to them to be the most threatening existence. However, after waiting for so long and there was no news about Luo Yuan, Ziyue Ancestor suddenly said angrily: "What about Luo Yuan's whereabouts? Tell me."

At this time, two people were kneeling under the temple. These were the two Lords of the Universe from the Ziyue Holy Land who had entered the world of Jin. They were the only two who had successfully sneaked into the God King's legion. They heard that Ziyue The ancestor's roar suddenly seemed very nervous and panicked. A true god replied: "Master ancestor, we have been looking for traces of the human Luo Yuan since we entered the world of Jin. According to our speculation, Na Luo Yuan It is very likely that he will enter the God King's Army.

And according to the direction where Luo Yuan went at that time, it was under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Army, so Luo Yuan must have joined the Eastern Army. Then after some hard work, I successfully sneaked into the Eastern Army through soldier selection, and then I We have been observing at the entrance and exit, and did not even carry out the mission issued by the legion immediately, just to explore the whereabouts of Na Luo Yuan, but we have not seen Na Luo Yuan after waiting for so long, so I guess Na Luo Yuan may Haven’t come to Legion yet. "

The ancestor of Ziyue shook his head when he heard this and said: "I think that human Luo Yuan must be in the Eastern Army. That Luo Yuan is extremely talented, and his combat power is comparable to that of a true god. He also has a powerful inheritance of Donghe River. With such a powerful With his background, he cannot just wander aimlessly in the world of Jin. If he wants to obtain information and training resources, he will definitely join the God King's legion. With his strength, it is not a problem to obtain a lot of military merit in the legion. Please pay attention.

If there is a newcomer who has gained a lot of military merit or great fame, it is likely to be Na Luoyuan, so you should also collect some information when exploring the entrances and exits of the Eastern Army camp. If a powerful newcomer appears, you should pay special attention. "As the ancestor of Ziyue finished speaking, the two masters of the universe below both nodded respectfully and responded, indicating that they knew, but one of the masters of the universe said: "When we join the legion, we have to perform a mission. What about the mission? . "

Ziyue Ancestor couldn't help but said speechlessly: "Do you still need me to teach you this? If you want to continue to search for Luo Yuan's whereabouts in the Eastern Army Legion, the mission of the Legion cannot be ignored. You happen to be two, and Instead of the Eastern Army entering at the same time, the two of you can change your time to explore Na Luo Yuan's whereabouts, one to carry out the mission, and the other to keep an eye on it. Anyway, they will only be your clones when they enter the world of Jin, even if they really fall in the end. It's okay, the loss is mine.

However, if you want to send people into the world of Jin again, you need to wait for an era. As the pioneers, you will be busy. Waiting for the next era, I will send more strong people to help you, so what you have to do now is to collect information, especially Yes, Luo Yuan's whereabouts, and also the formation of his own power. "

The two Masters of the Universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this and nodded respectfully. They were still considered strong in the Universe Sea, but when they entered the World of Jin, they realized that they were not even connected to the God King Legion. He is not as good as an ordinary warrior. He also knows how powerful and dangerous the world of Jin is, so he naturally feels uneasy. In this case, there are also collecting information and exploring traces of Luo Yuan. It can be said that the pressure is not ordinary. There will be other Just ask the tribesmen to help.

As the two masters of the universe retreated, the ancestor of Ziyue looked cold and stern. He murmured to himself: "Human Luo Yuan, you have grown too fast and are a big threat to our Ziyue Holy Land. Since you have threatened us before, If the human race takes action, it will be unable to do good. If it were in the Universe Sea, I wouldn't be able to destroy you now, but it's different in the world of Jin. There will be no restrictions on strength there. I have a lot of background in the Purple Moon Holy Land, so I don't believe it. I won’t be able to destroy you using any means, just wait.”

At this time, in the virtual universe of the human race, a trace of Luo Yuan's consciousness came to the temple of the Lord of Chaos City. The two had not seen each other for a long time. They naturally chatted for a while and then sat down. Luo Yuan said: "Teacher, I just joined Jinzhi Among the legions of God Kings in the world, I encountered disaster-level missions. However, I was lucky and obtained a lot of true God's wills, which can be exchanged for a large amount of military merits. These military functions allowed me to redeem a lot of practice resources, so I will be a long time There will be no more dangerous missions for a while, and during this time I can not only improve my strength, but also find out the specific information about the world of Jin, especially the secrets of so many powerful people."

The Lord of Chaos City nodded when he heard this, and he smiled and said: "The human race can rest assured having you. This time the human race's pioneer explorer is only you, so you have to ensure your own safety. After all, you have to wait for an era before entering next time. It has been too long. If your avatar dies, you will lose the opportunity. Your burden is not small, and it is not only the human race that is staring at the world of Jin now, but all the forces in the universe sea, especially the two holy places. The most threatening thing in the universe.”

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. He also knew that this was inevitable. After all, although the world of Jin is dangerous, it is also a world of treasures. Even the powerful inheritance and the most powerful treasure that the strong men of the universe sea long for are in Jin. The world is just an ordinary thing. Even the True God of Void exists in the world of Jin. There are only the ancestors of the two holy places in the Universe Sea. So naturally, the world of Jin must have the inheritance and method of transcending reincarnation. Like the most powerful treasures in the God King's legion, almost all true gods have them, and they are just standard equipment. The mechanical treasures that are very rare in the universe sea are not so rare in the legions. The forces in the universe sea have joined forces to deal with Luo Isn’t it that Yuan and the human race want to transcend reincarnation and inherit the most powerful treasure? But in the world of Jin, these are not problems. All the forces in the natural cosmic sea are eyeing the world of Jin. This is the most powerful holy land for cultivation. .

As the pioneer explorers from various forces returned information about the World of Jin, they were full of yearning for the World of Jin. Even though they knew that the World of Jin was dangerous, they could not stop their desire. Even the other three countries in the Universe Sea The Jedi were just like that in their eyes, and they were all waiting, because they could only enter the world of Jin again after waiting for an era. However, Luo Yuan would not care about this, because in Luo Yuan's heart, the strong men of these forces are not a problem. .

Luo Yuan said to the Lord of Chaos City: "The original will of the original universe should have the means to understand the world of Jin. The two-faced ancestor god also said these things before. It is certain that none of the strong people who have entered the world of Jin have been confused. Better than me, this is my opportunity. It just so happens that I have gained a lot of military merit this time, and there is no need to redeem it in terms of inheritance. However, the most powerful treasures in the God King's legion can be redeemed to enhance the strength of the human race. I have arrived Bring it back in time.”

The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. No matter how powerful the World of Jin is, the strong people in it cannot come out. Therefore, in the eyes of all the strong people in the Universe Sea, the World of Jin is just the most valuable holy land for cultivation. It seems that there is a powerful copy, so in the end, the universe sea is their home field. Naturally, Luo Yuan came to the world of Jin in addition to obtaining training resources to obtain more powerful treasures for the human race to enhance the strength of the human race.

For all the forces in the Cosmic Sea, the World of Jin is a treasure land more valuable than the other three Jedi. It is naturally worthy of all the forces to spend a huge price to explore. For the human race, now is not the time to relax. The human race still needs to Cultivate more and more strong men, and finally raise the human race to the level that the two holy lands and universes want to be. Only then will Luo Yuan care so much about military merit. After all, for Luo Yuan, the resources of Jin World are not that important. .

Luo Yuan said: "Okay, I am going to let the clone go to the equipment station of the God King Legion first, and then exchange it for a large amount of military merit, and then exchange it for the most powerful treasures, and as long as the military merit is enough, I can also exchange it for the information I want to know. Once that information is obtained, I will pass it on to you."

The Lord of Chaos City nodded when he heard this and said: "Okay, I'll wait. After all, the original universe is our base camp, but you must also pay attention to safety. After all, you have paid a high price to achieve this step. If you fail All previous efforts will be wasted, and in the end you will have to start over, and then you will lose the opportunity.”

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. Apart from practicing, most of his current thoughts are in the world of Jin. However, a trace of his consciousness will often go to the virtual universe to understand the movements of the forces of the cosmic sea, and then use This is used to judge how to act. However, since the appearance of the World of Jin, the Universe Sea has been very quiet and there is no conflict between each other. It is obvious that everyone is focused on the World of Jin. After all, nothing is more important than this now. .

At this time, in the camp of the Eastern Army in the World of Jin, where the Manghe Legion was stationed, after Luo Yuan came back, Wu He also came back. As soon as he came back, he contacted Luo Yuan. Anyone who knew Luo Yuan's location would He immediately rushed over and said directly: "Luo Yuan, I'm finally waiting for you. The True God Armor I mentioned before is ready. Now I just need a True God-level redemption from Jiu Yanze. Let's do it now. In exchange, my life is in your hands, and you won’t regret it.”

When Luo Yuan heard this, he looked at Wu He and said: "You are quite efficient. Since I promised you, I will not regret it. In this way, I will go to the equipment battle first to exchange for military merit and treasures, and then exchange them with you. I I just want to take a look at the prices of those treasures so I can know how to negotiate with you, after all, I don’t understand them yet.”

Wu He was a little embarrassed when he heard this. In fact, as soon as he returned to the camp, he came to see Luo Yuan. In addition to worrying that Luo Yuan would regret it, he wanted to complete it before Luo Yuan knew the exchange price of those treasures. Otherwise, he would wait until Luo Yuan found out during the equipment battle. If the value of those treasures has been exceeded, then Luo Yuan will definitely raise the price when negotiating with him, which is not a good thing for Wu He, so Wu He will naturally not be willing, but he also knows not to offend Luo Yuan, otherwise He is going to die.

Wu He didn't expect Luo Yuan to be so smart, but he still said with a fake smile: "Okay, then I'll wait for you while you go and exchange those Jiu Yanze's True God Relics for military merit. You can't exchange them all, at least one must be left. Yeah, otherwise I will be in danger. After all, I have not completed this disaster-level mission. If you go back on your word, then I will have no choice but to perish. My only hope for survival lies in you. We are all newcomers. In the future, I will also It can be helpful to you.”

At this time, Wu He had completely lost his arrogance as the young master of Beizhenhai, and instead kept his posture very low. Luo Yuan also knew that this was because Wu He's life depended on their thoughts, but this Wu He meant a lot to Luo Yuan. Yuan Yuan still has a lot of help, so Luo Yuan said: "Although we have not known each other for a long time, you can still trust my character. Since I made a promise, as long as your treasure can satisfy me, I Naturally he will keep his word.”

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he flew towards the equipment war. It was time to harvest next. Thinking of these things, Luo Yuan was in a good mood. Luo Yuan was still in the mood to enjoy the scenery along the way. He soon arrived at the main hall of the equipment war. Here It was still full of warriors as usual, very lively.

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(End of this chapter)

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