Chapter 505 Eternal God
  Luo Yuan looked at the densely packed warriors in the equipment battle to exchange for the treasures they wanted. It felt a bit like a market. He suddenly couldn't help but think of the rules of the God King's Legion, including specific matters regarding the exchange of military merits and treasures. , for example, you are not allowed to come back to redeem treasures during the mission, but you can come back to redeem the treasures before the mission is released, and when you successfully complete the mission you received. At this time, Luo Yuan can just redeem the treasures.

Luo Yuan had no military exploits before, so even when he saw the list of treasures, he could only be greedy, but it was different now, so Luo Yuan walked into the temple in a good mood. As he stepped into the light door, he suddenly felt familiar again. Through the transmission of time and space, it is obvious that the light gate of this temple is actually a wormhole, which can lead to an independent world. Luo Yuan has also seen that it is not a secret method. It may connect reality and the illusory world, and then let the entity descend. Incredible.

Luo Yuan would not know what mysterious principles this independent world used. At this time, Luo Yuan could see many soldiers of the Mang River Legion exchanging treasures in this world, and all the soldiers had virtual figures to guide them. In fact, Luo Yuan also It's unclear whether these golden figures are real or virtual. It feels different from the human virtual universe. However, Luo Yuan can still feel that this independent world is very strange. Luo Yuan is still in the mood to observe at this time.

Before Luo Yuan had waited long, golden light particles condensed, and soon a figure formed in front of Luo Yuan. This figure felt like a small light person, without appearance or expression, with golden light and shadow. He said in a calm tone: "Identity verification passed. Soldier of Mang River Legion. After information comparison, you are still performing the mission. According to the rules of the legion, you cannot redeem it now, so please go back and wait for the mission to be completed." Exchange for treasures.”

Luo Yuan was also observing and found that the golden light and shadow was similar to artificial intelligence and had no emotions, so he did not continue to explore, but said: "I will set up the task now. Mine has completed this disaster-level task, please take a look. "After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he took out a testament of Jiuyanze's true god-level alien beast from the storage space. This testament was huge, nearly 10 million kilometers in size. As this testament appeared, The surrounding soldiers also saw it and were immediately shocked.

Because the warriors in this exchange space at this time are only at the Lord of Laws level, many of them are veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, but they have never seen the Lord of Laws obtain a True God-level redemption, so Luo Yuan This move surprised them, and it was the true god of alien beasts who was famous for its defense and combat power. But this divine body made them stunned. When the golden light and shadow saw the true god's confession, they directly explored it, and then compared the information. .

The golden light and shadow didn't wait long and said: "Hunyuan, the new warrior of Manghe Legion, after investigation and comparison of information, this true god's testament has been confirmed, and the information has also been confirmed with Jiuyanze, so congratulations on completing this time ahead of schedule. A disaster-level mission can be exchanged for 10,000 points of military merit." Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this. He could confirm the details of this true god's testament just by looking at the golden light and shadow. You must know that the world of Jin is extremely vast. Endless creatures.

Luo Yuan also understood the power of the God King Legion at this time. No wonder it became the most powerful force in the world of Jin, and no force dared to resist the God King Legion. It can also be seen that the power of the God King Legion naturally controls the world of Jin. It is also extremely powerful. The golden figure does not care about what Luo Yuan is thinking. He just said calmly: "Okay, Manghe Warrior, you now have 10,000 military merits. You can read all the information in this exchange list, and then exchange.

Of course, if you still have the True God's will, or other unused treasures, you can also exchange them for military merit, and then exchange them for the military merit you want. "As soon as the golden light and shadow finished speaking, Luo Yuan immediately saw a light screen similar to a projection. There were countless exchange list information on it, which could be moved with Luo Yuan's thoughts. Then Luo Yuan looked at it quietly. In fact, for Luo Yuan now, In terms of source, those treasures are secondary, and the useful high-level information is the most valuable.

So Luo Yuan immediately exchanged a copy of the detailed realm and specific strength division. Luo Yuan actually only knew the general realm, but he didn't actually know much specific information about the realm above the true god level, especially those in the higher realm. The abilities and shortcomings he possesses are not very clear, but this is the most basic knowledge. What Luo Yuan did not expect was that just this basic information actually cost him two thousand military merits. When Luo Yuan looked at the list, he also understood that military merits were too much. few. As the information on the light screen floated, a large amount of information appeared. Luo Yuan had no choice but to read it immediately, because he found that the knowledge information here could only be viewed in this independent space. Although these words were endless, It can be said that Luo Yuan's mental power is comparable to the Ultimate True God. It is not difficult to observe and analyze this information. The more specific information Luo Yuan learned, the more shocked he became. Luo Yuan knew that above the True God, there are the True God of Void and the True God of Eternity, but there are also many knew.

Let’s not talk about the creatures in other places. I just want to say that the genetic level of the native creatures born in the world of Jin is very high. Once they are born, they will be at the perfect genetic level. Regardless of whether they are practicing or not, as long as they reach adulthood, they will be the immortal level. Moreover, because of the The world is eternal, so the creatures in this world are naturally immortal. As long as they do not perish, they can survive forever. These are just ordinary local creatures, if they are the descendants of those strong, or geniuses with good talents. You can achieve immortality just by being born, and then you can become the master of the law after training. Moreover, Luo Yuan found that the realm division of this world of Jin is reasonable and more complete and accurate than that of the universe and sea. When the strength of the living being reaches When they are immortal, until they become true gods, their bodies will be transformed into energy bodies condensed by divine power. Their spiritual power is perfectly integrated with this divine energy. In fact, this spiritual power is also the so-called life energy, imprint.

Naturally, before becoming true gods, these powerful men were also consuming their own life marks when burning their divine power. Therefore, the reserve and degree of condensation of divine power also determine the strength gap of a strong man. As the divine power is depleted more, the strength will also increase. The rapid reduction will be very dangerous when it exceeds half. Therefore, the strong man before becoming a true god is limited by the divine power of the divine body, and the shortcomings are also obvious, but the true god is different, which also determines that the masters of laws cannot compete with the true god.

Because after becoming a true god, no matter how many clones you have, no matter what kind of life form you become, even if you are an illusory spiritual body, you will become your original life form when you break through to the true god, and the life mark will be the same as your original life form when you reverse. Life is completely integrated. Even if the divine power is burned, it will not affect the life mark. It will naturally become more powerful and transcend various limitations. Even if the divine power is exhausted, it will not fall. The real power of the true god comes from its body. The immortality of the body means that His life will not disappear. Even if his divine power is exhausted when he falls, he still has physical energy to burn. He has unparalleled combat power and can be called immortal.

What is interesting is that the soul of the true god is different from the Lord of Laws. The soul of the Lord of Laws is integrated with the divine body and is easily injured. But the true soul will become a whole alone and hidden in the heart of the true god. This is why the true god will not fall easily. Another reason is that all true gods have this ability, regardless of realm.

The True God of Void and the True God of Eternity above True God are actually True God level, but they are more powerful. After the so-called Heart of True God breaks through to True God, an independent space similar to a small world is born within the body of True God, but this The space is very secretive, because this space contains the most important thing of the True God, which is the soul of the True God. This is the core of a strong man. At the same time, after breaking through the True God, the Kingdom of God transforms into a real small universe.

It is through the soul in the heart of the true god that the true god contacts his own small universe and can mobilize all the resources and energy of the small universe. The source of the power of the Lord of Laws is his divine kingdom, but no matter how powerful the divine kingdom is, it cannot be independent. Compared with the small universe, naturally in the use of energy, the true god can crush the lord of laws, so it is almost impossible for the lord of laws to destroy a true god head-on. With the small universe as an energy consumption, the true god can be said to be invincible . Therefore, even if there is a battle between equal true gods, it is very difficult to make a true god fall. This is also the case in Jiuyanze, where tens of thousands of true gods fought before, but in the end, only a few dozen true gods fell. Of course, it is not impossible for the weakest true god to destroy the true god. There are three methods, but it is difficult for ordinary strong people to do it. One of them is to completely annihilate the body of a true god without leaving any trace. Of course, this true god cannot be resurrected, but this method is also the most difficult. It is difficult for strong people at the true god level and below to do it, unless they use treasures.

The second method is to directly bypass the heart of the true god and annihilate his soul. In this way, the true god will also fall. After all, the soul of a true god is its core. Without the soul, his small universe will naturally not be able to survive. If contacted, it will eventually disintegrate and fall. However, this method is as unlikely as the first method, so in the end there is a third method, which is also the most likely to do it, which is Attack the heart of the true God.

The True God's Heart is an independent space where the True God's soul is placed. In fact, it can also be considered as the armor of its soul. If you continuously attack the True God's Heart when fighting the True God, and accumulate multiple attacks, the True God's Heart will be broken. The soul within it will also disintegrate, and eventually the true god will naturally fall. After all, the soul of the true god is also very fragile, and the way to attack the heart of the true god, in addition to spiritual attacks, is to directly carry out physical attacks.

After all, the True God's True God's Heart is still within the Divine Body. When the True God's body is attacked by various attacks, the True God's Heart will also be harmed. However, if the True God's body is powerful and protected by armor, then if you want It becomes very difficult to destroy the true god through the third method. For a true god, the soul becomes its most important existence, but the body and soul of the true god are one, so if the body of the true god encounters a powerful s attack.

So no matter how strong the true god is, he will fall. However, the biggest difference between the true god and the Lord of Laws is the consumption of divine power. The strength of the Lord of Laws is limited by divine power. The more divine power is consumed, the weaker the strength, and in terms of divine power, Life energy will also be lost when consumed. If the divine power is consumed too much, it will fall. But for the true god, no matter how much energy is consumed, the soul and body will not be damaged in the end. He only needs to replenish the energy, and the strength will not reduce.

And when the Kingdom of God of the Lord of Laws transformed into a small universe, if he wanted to break through to the void, the True God would have to control the power of the void, because the creation of the small universe was just the transformation of energy, and the True God did not know the operating principles of the universe, which naturally included the creation of the universe. The law of the void, so to master the power of the void, you must understand the principles and laws of the creation of the universe. Only in this way can you master the power of the void. When you break through to the True God of Void, you can instantly imprison the void in a space.

After the True God of the Void can freeze a certain range of void in a single thought, everything in the void will be controlled by it. In fact, it is equivalent to the power of a high-level domain, but it is more advanced and powerful than the domain. The True God of the Void is under his control. The Void can annihilate everything in a single thought, including the True God. It is difficult for the Lord of Laws and the True God to destroy a True God, but for the True God of the Void, it is only a matter of thoughts. This shows how powerful the True God of the Void is. .

When the True God can understand the composition and operating rules of the universe, he becomes the True God of the Void. However, the True God of the Void has not fully understood the operating rules of the universe at this time. When the True God of the Void understands the operating rules of the universe to a limit, he will become the True God of the Void. Creating a universe in a single thought, although it is only a small universe, is much stronger than the True God. When you have this power, you can become the Eternal True God, but the universe created by the Eternal True God can instantly cover tens of thousands of light years.

The small universe created by the Eternal True God is much more powerful than the Void Confinement of the True God of Void. Both the coverage range and the power are incomparable. The Eternal True God is powerful enough to cover a universe and then control it. And the True God of Void The power of the void has no effect on the Eternal True God at all, so it is very easy for the Eternal True God to destroy the True God of the Void. It can be done in just one thought. This is the strength and difference of the three realms of the True God.

In fact, from the true god to the eternal true god, it is actually the process of understanding the rules of the universe, transforming from the kingdom of God into a small universe, to controlling the power of the void, and finally being able to create a truly powerful micro-universe with just one thought. , this is the process of mastering the power of the universe, which makes Luo Yuan feel excited. Although he knows the Eternal True God, he did not expect that the Eternal True God is so powerful. They are the pinnacle experts of the world, but these four true gods of the void have to sit in the God King Army and manage the world of Jin, so naturally they cannot leave.

Because according to the rules set by the God King of the World of Jin, except for the four divided generals who cannot leave on their own, when the other strong men break through to the True God of the Void, they can leave Jin according to their own wishes even without the order of His Majesty the God King. The world left to help His Majesty the God King fight, but so far no eternal true gods have appeared in the universe sea. Luo Yuan guessed that these eternal true gods from the world of Jin have all fallen, because the god king body of Zuo Shanke has fallen. Therefore, under the restrictions of the rules, all creatures in the world of Jin cannot leave. No matter how strong they are, as long as they leave, they will be immediately annihilated into ashes.

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(End of this chapter)

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