Chapter 515 God King Valley

Facing the scolding of the True God of the Void, Luo Yuan quickly got out of the tomb boat, and then said respectfully to him: "Don't do anything yet, I am a soldier of the Manghe Legion of the Eastern Army, my name is Hunyuan, this I came to this God King Realm for the first time to perform a title-level mission, you can check it, I am not breaking in here without permission."

The True God of the Void looked at Luo Yuan after hearing this, and then he didn't know how to confirm Luo Yuan's identity. Not long after, the power of the void that originally enveloped Luo Yuan and the tomb boat dispersed, and Luo Yuan also felt When he was able to move, the expression of the True God of the Void returned to normal. Said to Luo Yuan: "Okay, you come with me." So Luo Yuan immediately put away the tomb boat, and then followed the Void True God honestly. Luo Yuan now has the Golden Claw God. After becoming a high-level mechanical streamer, although his combat power can reach the level of the junior True God of the Void, he still has to be careful in front of the real True God of the Void.

Luo Yuan knew very well that in this world of Jin everything was based on strength. It would be completely unwise to offend a True God of the Void. When Luo Yuan was flying with this strange True God of the Void, he was also secretly looking at him. This True God of the Void Their appearance is also humanoid, so it can be seen that they are also warriors of the tribe. After all, the tribal warriors in the world of Jin are all humanoid, but they are only similar to humanoids. They are still very different from the people on earth because there are too many ethnic groups.

Therefore, Luo Yuan did not arouse their suspicion. The skin of the Void True God was dark golden and textured, and he had six ears. He looked like an ape, but his eyes were red. He wore a golden armor and looked a bit majestic. Luo Yuan couldn't help but think of the six-eared macaque in myth and legend.

The True God of the Void also noticed Luo Yuan's scrutiny and was not angry. After all, he was very impressed by a strong man who dared to apply for a sealing task when he was the Lord of Laws. After all, the Lord of Laws level sealing tasks were very important. Danger, narrow escape from death, no one has succeeded so far, but I don’t know how many have fallen, so the True God of the Void used his divine power to transmit his voice and said: "Little guy, my name is Beicang, and I am responsible for guarding this God King Realm. of.

Of course, there is more than one guard like me. Since you have applied for this sealing-level mission, then come with me. The Valley of the God King is the residence of His Majesty the God King. It is dangerous everywhere. If I don’t lead it personally, If you go there, that person will most likely be annihilated by the large formations surrounding it. "Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. He could also see that everything in the God King Realm formed a mysterious regular array, especially the God King Valley. It would be very dangerous if you are not careful.

So the guard named Beicang led Luo Yuan all the way to the God King Valley. Luo Yuan also looked at the God King Realm below. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the layout was ingenious and beautiful. The natural scenery is beautiful, but every place contains wonderful combinations, so Luo Yuan asked the Beicang guard: "Master Beicang, I feel that the God King Realm is very extraordinary, every place is unique. It contains complex patterns of laws, and does it all contain dangers?"

When Beicang heard Luo Yuan's question, he couldn't help but turn around and look at Luo Yuan carefully. A smile appeared on his originally indifferent face. He said: "I didn't expect you to study the secret pattern like this. Generally, the Lord of Laws is looking at If you don't come out, even the true god-level warriors have not understood the secret pattern to this extent. It seems that I am looking forward to whether you can complete this mission. This God King Realm is very dangerous. Basically, there are traps everywhere. Node, after all, the area is too large.

Even with guards like us, it is impossible to guard every place, and without the secret pattern formation to restrict the lords of these laws and true gods from coming without authorization, our work will be unsustainable. After all, we also need to practice Yes, but with these dangerous law patterns, these warriors do not dare to break in without permission. Even if they fall, it is only a punishment for their behavior. Therefore, except for the guards, no other warriors dare to break in without permission. "

When Luo Yuan heard this, he understood the general situation of the God King Realm. It was indeed very reasonable. However, what made Luo Yuan interesting was that every scenery in the God King Realm was not formed naturally and had artificial traces. Moreover, these scenery finally formed a mysterious and complex secret pattern, which was still connected as a whole.

Beicang seemed to have not seen such a big-bodied little guy for many years, so he continued: "As you can see, the mountains and lakes in the God King Realm, and even every plant and tree, form an entire secret pattern. There are hidden patterns of laws everywhere. In fact, this God-King Realm did not exist originally, because it is a mechanical-style treasure that was personally refined by His Majesty the God-King. However, it is of a very high level. It can be regarded as the ultimate work among the mechanical-flow treasures. , even the Wuqi Tower among them is inferior."

Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this, but he was not scared because he had made such a guess when he saw the God King Realm. It was just that he underestimated the level of the God King Realm, and the God King Realm was also a level one. A piece of mechanical treasure, which is somewhat beyond Luo Yuan's expectation, because this God King Realm does not look like a mechanical creation. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a natural celestial body, but the secret pattern formed by it makes Luo Yuan feel strange. That’s all, this is still a treasure that even the True God of the Void admires.

You must know that even the Wu Qi Shen in the exchange list of the Mang River Legion's equipment station is only a true god-level ultimate treasure. It is a mechanical treasure that may be admired by the True God of the Void. How high its level must be is really surprising. Luo Yuan could not imagine it, and he was certain that his level was at least above the True God of the Void.

A true god-level ultimate mechanical treasure can give a law lord a strength comparable to the eternal true god. If the divine power is sufficient, what if there is an ultimate mechanical treasure that is higher than the void true god? Luo Yuan found it unimaginable to what extent that could increase his strength. At least it would be the Ultimate Eternal True God, or even the strength of the Lord of Chaos. It was a pity that the God King Realm was only a auxiliary one, which was equivalent to a palace treasure.

However, the God King Realm covers a large area. Luo Yuan can be sure that its diameter is at least more than a billion light-years in size, and the direct size of the cosmic ship in the Cosmic Sea, known as one of the three Jedi, is less than It is only 100 million light years away. This shows how big the God King Realm is. As a mechanical treasure, the God King Realm uses so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in its refining. It is unimaginable for Luo Yuan. Moreover, it is still so perfect and mysterious. How could Luo Yuan not be surprised by the continent.

Beicang felt a little proud when he saw Luo Yuan's surprised expression. He smiled and said: "Little guy, you didn't expect that I had the same expression as you when I first knew this information. This is the great power of His Majesty the God King, and we His Majesty the God King is still a strong man in refining treasures, even the most difficult mechanical treasures, and the God King Realm you see now is actually just a random work left behind by His Majesty the God King when he was refining it. , I heard that His Majesty the God King actually later refined it into a finished product. I heard that the God King Realm is still a God King Artifact. It is His Majesty the God King’s personal equipment. It has endless power and is invincible in all the worlds."

Luo Yuan was a little shocked when he heard this. He knew that the True God of the Void named Beicang was the Mountain Guest, but Luo Yuan did not expect that the Mountain Guest was so powerful as the God King that he could refine it on his own. The god-making king weapon is a super equipment, and it is also the most powerful mechanical treasure among all the equipment. However, such a powerful mountain guest was finally destroyed by the god kings of the origin continent. This shows that the origin continent's Danger needs to be kept in mind.

Luo Yuan and the True God of the Void named Beicang were talking while flying towards the God King Valley, but basically it was the True God of the Void who was talking and Luo Yuan was listening, but Luo Yuan would deliberately lead the topic to find out what he was interested in. Things happened, and soon the two of them came to the God King Valley. This was a valley like a fairyland. It was lush and green, full of vitality and vitality. Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel better after seeing it. Beicang also looked at this valley. Feeling happy. So Beicang said to Luo Yuan: "This is the Valley of the God King where you will perform the sealing task next. His Majesty the God King once lived here, and then refined some treasures here, but we have no chance to obtain them. , you can rest assured, I have sent your information to the guards stationed here, and they also know that you are a soldier who is here to perform a sealing mission. Take care of yourself. I am very optimistic about you, but I still hope that you can Survive."

Luo Yuan nodded to express his thanks, and then Beicang looked at the most conspicuous nine-story tower in the God King Valley. He said slowly: "Look at that nine-story tower, it is the Wuqi Tower you are going to. Every era opens once. I don’t know how many Lords of Laws and True Gods have been guided here. But so far, no one has been able to successfully wait for the ninth floor. On the contrary, more than 90% of the geniuses have You have fallen, I hope you can live, just live."

Beicang sighed a little as he spoke, and then left here. Luo Yuan looked at Beicang's leaving figure and sighed a little. He also knew that the difficulty of the sealing-level task was even more difficult than the reincarnation-level task. The disaster-level task he had performed before In front of the level-adding task, nothing means anything. Not to mention completing the level-adding task, it would be good to survive in the end. Luo Yuan looked at Wu Qilou with firm eyes. He was not just trying to survive, he also had to complete it. Add level tasks.

What other Lords of Laws can't do doesn't mean that he can't do it, because although Luo Yuan is still a Lord of Laws, his combat power is now comparable to the junior True God of the Void, although he cannot use the power of the Void perfectly. , but he can also use some powerful secrets to achieve corresponding power. He is not afraid of this level-enhancing task, but is full of confidence. After all, what comes this time is just a clone, and it will be a failure. Can keep trying.

And Luo Yuan dared to say that at the level of the Lord of Laws, it was almost impossible for someone to surpass him in strength. After all, Luo Yuan's background was too strong. After thinking about this, Luo Yuan flew directly to the God King Valley below. At this time, the God King Valley The guards are much tighter than other places in the God King Realm. After all, it is the place where the God King lives, and these guards are actually strong men at the level of the True God of the Void. This makes Luo Yuan a little surprised. He has never seen such a There are so many true gods of void.

Moreover, the Void True Gods here are not ordinary ones. They are all at least medium or even high-level Void True Gods. Even if these Void True Gods are placed in the world of Jin, they are at the top of a force and have peak combat power, and the entire universe sea is only The ancestor of the two holy places is the True God of the Void, and he is also the lowest level of the True God of the Void. This means that the ancestors of the two holy places are not even qualified to guard the gates here. This shows how powerful the defense here is.

The guards of the God King Valley, whoever dispatches a True God of Void is enough to sweep across the entire cosmic sea. When Luo Yuan came to the God King Valley, he was informed that no living beings were allowed to trespass except for warriors who were performing seal-level tasks. , and cannot fly. Once he disobeys, he will be destroyed on the spot, so Luo Yuan had to walk in the God King Valley, but he walked very fast, and soon came to Wu Qilou, looked up, Soaring straight into the sky.

Luo Yuan just investigated and found out that the Wuqi Tower was said to be nine floors, but in fact its height exceeded several thousand light years. Moreover, when Luo Yuan came here, he saw six huge figures, which should be taller than Luo Yuan was the first warrior to reach the Lord of Law level, and the fact that they came here meant that, like Luo Yuan, they were here to perform the task of adding a level. One of the six Lords of Law, a powerful alien beast, also After discovering Luo Yuan's arrival, he immediately sent out an invitation.

What's interesting is that when Luo Yuan walked in, he realized that he had thought wrong. The strength of this true god of alien beasts was actually at the true god level, and the other five were the masters of laws. This made Luo Yuan a little surprised. This true god of alien beasts Said: "Soldier, no need to be surprised, I am your guide, not a soldier here to perform a mission.

According to the rules for opening the Wuqi Tower, only ten warriors can enter it at a time. Therefore, when ten warriors arrive, they are considered a batch. You are now the fifth batch. Four batches of warriors have entered before you. , but basically all of them have fallen. It’s just that you haven’t gathered ten warriors yet. Please wait patiently. "After the True God of Alien Beasts finished speaking, he didn't continue. Like a robot responsible only for guidance, Luo Yuan didn't pay attention and looked around.

At this time, there were only five warriors from the tribe or alien beasts in front of Wuqi Tower. It was obvious that they were all Lords of Law like Luo Yuan who came to carry out this sealing task. Luo Yuan was sizing them up, and they were also there. Looking at Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan could see that the auras of these five Lords of Law were powerful and they were all top experts among the Lords of Law. Then one of the five warriors looked tall and thin, like a bamboo pole. The humanoid warrior looked towards Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan noticed that the tribe warrior was looking over. This tall and thin man was also wearing a standard true god-level armor, but the pattern on it was different from Luo Yuan's. It had a dragon-shaped head. The strange beast seems to be a soldier of the special legion. The tall and thin man said to Luo Yuan: "I think your armor should be from the Manghe Legion, and it must be a soldier of the Eastern Army. "

Luo Yuan nodded, and then said politely: "I am indeed from the Manghe Legion. Looking at your standard armor, you should be a soldier of the Juelong Army. This is also a legion of the Eastern Army." The two said Suddenly there was a sense of closeness. After all, in this unfamiliar place, the relationship between the two of them was drawn by the same camp, so the tall and thin warrior said: "Hello, I I am a warrior from the Self-Dragon Legion, my name is Xu Zhong.”

Luo Yuan also said after hearing this: "Hello, I am a soldier from the Manghe Legion, named Hunyuan." The soldier named Xu Zhong said: "The soldiers who are performing the sealing-level mission this time are not only our Dong Army, and there are soldiers from the other three armies, but it is not easy to see soldiers from the Eastern Army in the same group here. I also know some of you soldiers from the Manghe Army, but I haven’t met you yet. You belong to the detachment of the Mang River Legion."

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(End of this chapter)

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